// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qtcore-index.html \title Qt Core \brief The Qt Core module is part of Qt's essential modules. The Qt Core module adds these features to C++: \list \li a very powerful mechanism for seamless object communication called signals and slots \li queryable and designable object properties \li hierarchical and queryable object trees that organize object ownership in a natural way with guarded pointers (QPointer) \li a dynamic cast that works across library boundaries \endlist The following pages provide more information about Qt's core features: \list \li \l{The Meta-Object System} \li \l{The Property System} \li \l{Object Model} \li \l{Object Trees & Ownership} \li \l{Signals & Slots} \endlist \section1 Using the Module \include {module-use.qdocinc} {using the c++ api} \section2 Building with CMake \include {module-use.qdocinc} {building with cmake} {Core} \section2 Building with qmake If you use \l qmake to build your projects, Qt Core is linked by default. \section1 Threading and Concurrent Programming Qt provides thread support in the form of platform-independent \l{Threading Classes}{threading classes}, a thread-safe way of posting events, and signal-slot connections across threads. Multithreaded programming is also a useful paradigm for performing time-consuming operations without freezing the user interface of an application. The \l{Thread Support in Qt} page contains information on implementing threads in applications. Additional concurrent classes are provided by the \l{Qt Concurrent} module. \section1 Input/Output, Resources, and Containers Qt provides a resource system for organizing application files and assets, a set of containers, and classes for receiving input and printing output. \list \li \l{Container Classes} \li \l{Serializing Qt Data Types} \li \l{Implicit Sharing} \endlist In addition, Qt Core provides a platform-independent mechanism for storing binary files in the application's executable. \list \li \l{The Qt Resource System} \endlist \section1 Additional Frameworks Qt Core also provides some of Qt's key frameworks. \list \li \l{The Animation Framework} \li \l{JSON Support in Qt} \li \l{CBOR Support in Qt} \li \l{How to Create Qt Plugins} \li \l{The Event System} \endlist \section1 Reference \list \li \l{Qt Core C++ Classes}{C++ Classes} \list \li \l{Animation Framework}{Animation Classes} \li \l{Threading Classes} \li \l{Container Classes} \li \l{Plugin Classes} \li \l{Implicitly Shared Classes} \li \l{Input/Output and Networking}{Input/Output Classes} \li \l{Event Classes} \endlist \li CMake API \list \li \l{CMake Commands in Qt6 Core}{CMake Commands} \li \l{CMake Variables in Qt6 Core}{CMake Variables} \li \l{CMake Target Properties in Qt6 Core}{CMake Target Properties} \endlist \endlist \section1 Module Evolution \l{Changes to Qt Core} lists important changes in the module API and functionality that were made for the Qt 6 series of Qt. \section1 Licenses and Attributions Qt Core is available under commercial licenses from \l{The Qt Company}. In addition, it is available under free software licenses: The \l{GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}, or the \l{GNU General Public License, version 2}. See \l{Qt Licensing} for further details. Executables on Windows potentially link against \l{The QtEntryPoint Library}. This library is available under commercial licenses and also under the \l{BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License}. Furthermore, Qt Core in Qt \QtVersion may contain third party modules under the following permissive licenses: \generatelist{groupsbymodule attributions-qtcore} */