// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qelapsedtimer.h" #include "qdeadlinetimer.h" #include "qdeadlinetimer_p.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // Result of QueryPerformanceFrequency static quint64 counterFrequency = 0; static void resolveCounterFrequency() { static bool done = false; if (done) return; // Retrieve the number of high-resolution performance counter ticks per second LARGE_INTEGER frequency; if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency) || frequency.QuadPart == 0) qFatal("QueryPerformanceFrequency failed, even though Microsoft documentation promises it wouldn't."); counterFrequency = frequency.QuadPart; done = true; } static inline qint64 ticksToNanoseconds(qint64 ticks) { // QueryPerformanceCounter uses an arbitrary frequency qint64 seconds = ticks / counterFrequency; qint64 nanoSeconds = (ticks - seconds * counterFrequency) * 1000000000 / counterFrequency; return seconds * 1000000000 + nanoSeconds; } static quint64 getTickCount() { resolveCounterFrequency(); LARGE_INTEGER counter; bool ok = QueryPerformanceCounter(&counter); Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "QElapsedTimer::start()", "QueryPerformanceCounter failed, although QueryPerformanceFrequency succeeded."); Q_UNUSED(ok); return counter.QuadPart; } quint64 qt_msectime() { return ticksToNanoseconds(getTickCount()) / 1000000; } QElapsedTimer::ClockType QElapsedTimer::clockType() noexcept { resolveCounterFrequency(); return PerformanceCounter; } bool QElapsedTimer::isMonotonic() noexcept { return true; } void QElapsedTimer::start() noexcept { t1 = getTickCount(); t2 = 0; } qint64 QElapsedTimer::restart() noexcept { qint64 oldt1 = t1; t1 = getTickCount(); t2 = 0; return ticksToNanoseconds(t1 - oldt1) / 1000000; } qint64 QElapsedTimer::nsecsElapsed() const noexcept { qint64 elapsed = getTickCount() - t1; return ticksToNanoseconds(elapsed); } qint64 QElapsedTimer::elapsed() const noexcept { qint64 elapsed = getTickCount() - t1; return ticksToNanoseconds(elapsed) / 1000000; } qint64 QElapsedTimer::msecsSinceReference() const noexcept { return ticksToNanoseconds(t1) / 1000000; } qint64 QElapsedTimer::msecsTo(const QElapsedTimer &other) const noexcept { qint64 difference = other.t1 - t1; return ticksToNanoseconds(difference) / 1000000; } qint64 QElapsedTimer::secsTo(const QElapsedTimer &other) const noexcept { return msecsTo(other) / 1000; } bool operator<(const QElapsedTimer &v1, const QElapsedTimer &v2) noexcept { return (v1.t1 - v2.t1) < 0; } QDeadlineTimer QDeadlineTimer::current(Qt::TimerType timerType) noexcept { static_assert(!QDeadlineTimerNanosecondsInT2); QDeadlineTimer result; result.t1 = ticksToNanoseconds(getTickCount()); result.type = timerType; return result; } QT_END_NAMESPACE