// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qfactoryloader_p.h" #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT #include "qfactoryinterface.h" #include "private/qcoreapplication_p.h" #include "private/qduplicatetracker_p.h" #include "private/qloggingregistry_p.h" #include "private/qobject_p.h" #include "qcborarray.h" #include "qcbormap.h" #include "qcborvalue.h" #include "qcborvalue.h" #include "qdiriterator.h" #include "qfileinfo.h" #include "qjsonarray.h" #include "qjsondocument.h" #include "qjsonobject.h" #include "qmap.h" #include "qmutex.h" #include "qplugin.h" #include "qplugin_p.h" #include "qpluginloader.h" #if QT_CONFIG(library) # include "qlibrary_p.h" #endif #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; bool QPluginParsedMetaData::parse(QByteArrayView raw) { QPluginMetaData::Header header; Q_ASSERT(raw.size() >= qsizetype(sizeof(header))); memcpy(&header, raw.data(), sizeof(header)); if (Q_UNLIKELY(header.version > QPluginMetaData::CurrentMetaDataVersion)) return setError(QFactoryLoader::tr("Invalid metadata version")); // use fromRawData to keep QCborStreamReader from copying raw = raw.sliced(sizeof(header)); QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromRawData(raw.data(), raw.size()); QCborParserError err; QCborValue metadata = QCborValue::fromCbor(ba, &err); if (err.error != QCborError::NoError) return setError(QFactoryLoader::tr("Metadata parsing error: %1").arg(err.error.toString())); if (!metadata.isMap()) return setError(QFactoryLoader::tr("Unexpected metadata contents")); QCborMap map = metadata.toMap(); metadata = {}; DecodedArchRequirements archReq = header.version == 0 ? decodeVersion0ArchRequirements(header.plugin_arch_requirements) : decodeVersion1ArchRequirements(header.plugin_arch_requirements); // insert the keys not stored in the top-level CBOR map map[int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::QtVersion)] = QT_VERSION_CHECK(header.qt_major_version, header.qt_minor_version, 0); map[int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::IsDebug)] = archReq.isDebug; map[int(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::Requirements)] = archReq.level; data = std::move(map); return true; } QJsonObject QPluginParsedMetaData::toJson() const { // convert from the internal CBOR representation to an external JSON one QJsonObject o; for (auto it : data.toMap()) { QString key; if (it.first.isInteger()) { switch (it.first.toInteger()) { #define CONVERT_TO_STRING(IntKey, StringKey, Description) \ case int(IntKey): key = QStringLiteral(StringKey); break; QT_PLUGIN_FOREACH_METADATA(CONVERT_TO_STRING) } } else { key = it.first.toString(); } if (!key.isEmpty()) o.insert(key, it.second.toJsonValue()); } return o; } class QFactoryLoaderPrivate : public QObjectPrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QFactoryLoader) public: QFactoryLoaderPrivate() { } QByteArray iid; #if QT_CONFIG(library) ~QFactoryLoaderPrivate(); mutable QMutex mutex; QDuplicateTracker loadedPaths; QList libraryList; QMap keyMap; QString suffix; QString extraSearchPath; Qt::CaseSensitivity cs; void updateSinglePath(const QString &pluginDir); #endif }; #if QT_CONFIG(library) static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY_WITH_ENV_OVERRIDE(lcFactoryLoader, "QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS", "qt.core.plugin.factoryloader") namespace { struct QFactoryLoaderGlobals { // needs to be recursive because loading one plugin could cause another // factory to be initialized QRecursiveMutex mutex; QList loaders; }; } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QFactoryLoaderGlobals, qt_factoryloader_global) QFactoryLoaderPrivate::~QFactoryLoaderPrivate() { for (QLibraryPrivate *library : qAsConst(libraryList)) library->release(); } inline void QFactoryLoaderPrivate::updateSinglePath(const QString &path) { struct LibraryReleaser { void operator()(QLibraryPrivate *library) { if (library) library->release(); } }; // If we've already loaded, skip it... if (loadedPaths.hasSeen(path)) return; qCDebug(lcFactoryLoader) << "checking directory path" << path << "..."; QDirIterator plugins(path, #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QStringList(QStringLiteral("*.dll")), #elif defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) QStringList("libplugins_%1_*.so"_L1.arg(suffix)), #endif QDir::Files); while (plugins.hasNext()) { QString fileName = plugins.next(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC const bool isDebugPlugin = fileName.endsWith("_debug.dylib"_L1); const bool isDebugLibrary = #ifdef QT_DEBUG true; #else false; #endif // Skip mismatching plugins so that we don't end up loading both debug and release // versions of the same Qt libraries (due to the plugin's dependencies). if (isDebugPlugin != isDebugLibrary) continue; #elif defined(Q_PROCESSOR_X86) if (fileName.endsWith(".avx2"_L1) || fileName.endsWith(".avx512"_L1)) { // ignore AVX2-optimized file, we'll do a bait-and-switch to it later continue; } #endif qCDebug(lcFactoryLoader) << "looking at" << fileName; Q_TRACE(QFactoryLoader_update, fileName); std::unique_ptr library; library.reset(QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(QFileInfo(fileName).canonicalFilePath())); if (!library->isPlugin()) { qCDebug(lcFactoryLoader) << library->errorString << Qt::endl << " not a plugin"; continue; } QStringList keys; bool metaDataOk = false; QString iid = library->metaData.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::IID).toString(); if (iid == QLatin1StringView(this->iid.constData(), this->iid.size())) { QCborMap object = library->metaData.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::MetaData).toMap(); metaDataOk = true; const QCborArray k = object.value("Keys"_L1).toArray(); for (QCborValueConstRef v : k) keys += cs ? v.toString() : v.toString().toLower(); } qCDebug(lcFactoryLoader) << "Got keys from plugin meta data" << keys; if (!metaDataOk) continue; int keyUsageCount = 0; for (const QString &key : std::as_const(keys)) { // first come first serve, unless the first // library was built with a future Qt version, // whereas the new one has a Qt version that fits // better constexpr int QtVersionNoPatch = QT_VERSION_CHECK(QT_VERSION_MAJOR, QT_VERSION_MINOR, 0); QLibraryPrivate *previous = keyMap.value(key); int prev_qt_version = 0; if (previous) prev_qt_version = int(previous->metaData.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::QtVersion).toInteger()); int qt_version = int(library->metaData.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::QtVersion).toInteger()); if (!previous || (prev_qt_version > QtVersionNoPatch && qt_version <= QtVersionNoPatch)) { keyMap[key] = library.get(); // we WILL .release() ++keyUsageCount; } } if (keyUsageCount || keys.isEmpty()) { library->setLoadHints(QLibrary::PreventUnloadHint); // once loaded, don't unload QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); libraryList += library.release(); } }; } void QFactoryLoader::update() { #ifdef QT_SHARED Q_D(QFactoryLoader); const QStringList paths = QCoreApplication::libraryPaths(); for (const QString &pluginDir : paths) { #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID QString path = pluginDir; #else QString path = pluginDir + d->suffix; #endif d->updateSinglePath(path); } if (!d->extraSearchPath.isEmpty()) d->updateSinglePath(d->extraSearchPath); #else Q_D(QFactoryLoader); qCDebug(lcFactoryLoader) << "ignoring" << d->iid << "since plugins are disabled in static builds"; #endif } QFactoryLoader::~QFactoryLoader() { if (!qt_factoryloader_global.isDestroyed()) { QMutexLocker locker(&qt_factoryloader_global->mutex); qt_factoryloader_global->loaders.removeOne(this); } } #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined (Q_OS_MAC) QLibraryPrivate *QFactoryLoader::library(const QString &key) const { Q_D(const QFactoryLoader); return d->keyMap.value(d->cs ? key : key.toLower()); } #endif void QFactoryLoader::refreshAll() { if (qt_factoryloader_global.exists()) { QMutexLocker locker(&qt_factoryloader_global->mutex); for (QFactoryLoader *loader : std::as_const(qt_factoryloader_global->loaders)) loader->update(); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(library) QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader(const char *iid, const QString &suffix, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) : QObject(*new QFactoryLoaderPrivate) { Q_ASSERT_X(suffix.startsWith(u'/'), "QFactoryLoader", "For historical reasons, the suffix must start with '/' (and it can't be empty)"); moveToThread(QCoreApplicationPrivate::mainThread()); Q_D(QFactoryLoader); d->iid = iid; #if QT_CONFIG(library) d->cs = cs; d->suffix = suffix; # ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID if (!d->suffix.isEmpty() && d->suffix.at(0) == u'/') d->suffix.remove(0, 1); # endif QMutexLocker locker(&qt_factoryloader_global->mutex); update(); qt_factoryloader_global->loaders.append(this); #else Q_UNUSED(suffix); Q_UNUSED(cs); #endif } void QFactoryLoader::setExtraSearchPath(const QString &path) { #if QT_CONFIG(library) Q_D(QFactoryLoader); if (d->extraSearchPath == path) return; // nothing to do QMutexLocker locker(&qt_factoryloader_global->mutex); QString oldPath = qExchange(d->extraSearchPath, path); if (oldPath.isEmpty()) { // easy case, just update this directory d->updateSinglePath(d->extraSearchPath); } else { // must re-scan everything d->loadedPaths.clear(); d->libraryList.clear(); d->keyMap.clear(); update(); } #else Q_UNUSED(path); #endif } QFactoryLoader::MetaDataList QFactoryLoader::metaData() const { Q_D(const QFactoryLoader); QList metaData; #if QT_CONFIG(library) QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex); for (QLibraryPrivate *library : std::as_const(d->libraryList)) metaData.append(library->metaData); #endif QLatin1StringView iid(d->iid.constData(), d->iid.size()); const auto staticPlugins = QPluginLoader::staticPlugins(); for (const QStaticPlugin &plugin : staticPlugins) { QByteArrayView pluginData(static_cast(plugin.rawMetaData), plugin.rawMetaDataSize); QPluginParsedMetaData parsed(pluginData); if (parsed.isError() || parsed.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::IID) != iid) continue; metaData.append(std::move(parsed)); } return metaData; } QObject *QFactoryLoader::instance(int index) const { Q_D(const QFactoryLoader); if (index < 0) return nullptr; #if QT_CONFIG(library) QMutexLocker lock(&d->mutex); if (index < d->libraryList.size()) { QLibraryPrivate *library = d->libraryList.at(index); if (QObject *obj = library->pluginInstance()) { if (!obj->parent()) obj->moveToThread(QCoreApplicationPrivate::mainThread()); return obj; } return nullptr; } index -= d->libraryList.size(); lock.unlock(); #endif QLatin1StringView iid(d->iid.constData(), d->iid.size()); const QList staticPlugins = QPluginLoader::staticPlugins(); for (QStaticPlugin plugin : staticPlugins) { QByteArrayView pluginData(static_cast(plugin.rawMetaData), plugin.rawMetaDataSize); QPluginParsedMetaData parsed(pluginData); if (parsed.isError() || parsed.value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::IID) != iid) continue; if (index == 0) return plugin.instance(); --index; } return nullptr; } QMultiMap QFactoryLoader::keyMap() const { QMultiMap result; const QList metaDataList = metaData(); for (int i = 0; i < metaDataList.size(); ++i) { const QCborMap metaData = metaDataList.at(i).value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::MetaData).toMap(); const QCborArray keys = metaData.value("Keys"_L1).toArray(); for (QCborValueConstRef key : keys) result.insert(i, key.toString()); } return result; } int QFactoryLoader::indexOf(const QString &needle) const { const QList metaDataList = metaData(); for (int i = 0; i < metaDataList.size(); ++i) { const QCborMap metaData = metaDataList.at(i).value(QtPluginMetaDataKeys::MetaData).toMap(); const QCborArray keys = metaData.value("Keys"_L1).toArray(); for (QCborValueConstRef key : keys) { if (key.toString().compare(needle, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return i; } } return -1; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qfactoryloader_p.cpp" #endif // QT_NO_QOBJECT