// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED #include #endif #include #include "qjsonparser_p.h" #include "qjson_p.h" #include "private/qstringconverter_p.h" #include "private/qcborvalue_p.h" #include "private/qnumeric_p.h" #include //#define PARSER_DEBUG #ifdef PARSER_DEBUG # error currently broken after `current` was moved to StashedContainer Q_CONSTINIT static int indent = 0; # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN \ qDebug() << QByteArray(4 * indent++, ' ').constData() << "pos=" << current # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_END --indent # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG qDebug() << QByteArray(4 * indent, ' ').constData() #else # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN QT_NO_QDEBUG_MACRO() # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_END \ do { \ } while (0) # define QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG QT_NO_QDEBUG_MACRO() #endif static const int nestingLimit = 1024; QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace QtMiscUtils; // error strings for the JSON parser #define JSONERR_OK QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "no error occurred") #define JSONERR_UNTERM_OBJ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "unterminated object") #define JSONERR_MISS_NSEP QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "missing name separator") #define JSONERR_UNTERM_AR QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "unterminated array") #define JSONERR_MISS_VSEP QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "missing value separator") #define JSONERR_ILLEGAL_VAL QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "illegal value") #define JSONERR_END_OF_NUM QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "invalid termination by number") #define JSONERR_ILLEGAL_NUM QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "illegal number") #define JSONERR_STR_ESC_SEQ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "invalid escape sequence") #define JSONERR_STR_UTF8 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "invalid UTF8 string") #define JSONERR_UTERM_STR QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "unterminated string") #define JSONERR_MISS_OBJ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "object is missing after a comma") #define JSONERR_DEEP_NEST QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "too deeply nested document") #define JSONERR_DOC_LARGE QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "too large document") #define JSONERR_GARBAGEEND QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QJsonParseError", "garbage at the end of the document") /*! \class QJsonParseError \inmodule QtCore \ingroup json \ingroup shared \ingroup qtserialization \reentrant \since 5.0 \brief The QJsonParseError class is used to report errors during JSON parsing. \sa {JSON Support in Qt}, {Saving and Loading a Game} */ /*! \enum QJsonParseError::ParseError This enum describes the type of error that occurred during the parsing of a JSON document. \value NoError No error occurred \value UnterminatedObject An object is not correctly terminated with a closing curly bracket \value MissingNameSeparator A comma separating different items is missing \value UnterminatedArray The array is not correctly terminated with a closing square bracket \value MissingValueSeparator A colon separating keys from values inside objects is missing \value IllegalValue The value is illegal \value TerminationByNumber The input stream ended while parsing a number \value IllegalNumber The number is not well formed \value IllegalEscapeSequence An illegal escape sequence occurred in the input \value IllegalUTF8String An illegal UTF8 sequence occurred in the input \value UnterminatedString A string wasn't terminated with a quote \value MissingObject An object was expected but couldn't be found \value DeepNesting The JSON document is too deeply nested for the parser to parse it \value DocumentTooLarge The JSON document is too large for the parser to parse it \value GarbageAtEnd The parsed document contains additional garbage characters at the end */ /*! \variable QJsonParseError::error Contains the type of the parse error. Is equal to QJsonParseError::NoError if the document was parsed correctly. \sa ParseError, errorString() */ /*! \variable QJsonParseError::offset Contains the offset in the input string where the parse error occurred. \sa error, errorString() */ /*! Returns the human-readable message appropriate to the reported JSON parsing error. \sa error */ QString QJsonParseError::errorString() const { const char *sz = ""; switch (error) { case NoError: sz = JSONERR_OK; break; case UnterminatedObject: sz = JSONERR_UNTERM_OBJ; break; case MissingNameSeparator: sz = JSONERR_MISS_NSEP; break; case UnterminatedArray: sz = JSONERR_UNTERM_AR; break; case MissingValueSeparator: sz = JSONERR_MISS_VSEP; break; case IllegalValue: sz = JSONERR_ILLEGAL_VAL; break; case TerminationByNumber: sz = JSONERR_END_OF_NUM; break; case IllegalNumber: sz = JSONERR_ILLEGAL_NUM; break; case IllegalEscapeSequence: sz = JSONERR_STR_ESC_SEQ; break; case IllegalUTF8String: sz = JSONERR_STR_UTF8; break; case UnterminatedString: sz = JSONERR_UTERM_STR; break; case MissingObject: sz = JSONERR_MISS_OBJ; break; case DeepNesting: sz = JSONERR_DEEP_NEST; break; case DocumentTooLarge: sz = JSONERR_DOC_LARGE; break; case GarbageAtEnd: sz = JSONERR_GARBAGEEND; break; } #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED return QCoreApplication::translate("QJsonParseError", sz); #else return QLatin1StringView(sz); #endif } using namespace QJsonPrivate; class StashedContainer { Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(StashedContainer) public: StashedContainer(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer *container, QCborValue::Type type) : type(type), stashed(std::move(*container)), current(container) { } ~StashedContainer() { stashed->append(QCborContainerPrivate::makeValue(type, -1, current->take(), QCborContainerPrivate::MoveContainer)); *current = std::move(stashed); } private: QCborValue::Type type; QExplicitlySharedDataPointer stashed; QExplicitlySharedDataPointer *current; }; Parser::Parser(const char *json, int length) : head(json), json(json) , nestingLevel(0) , lastError(QJsonParseError::NoError) { end = json + length; } /* begin-array = ws %x5B ws ; [ left square bracket begin-object = ws %x7B ws ; { left curly bracket end-array = ws %x5D ws ; ] right square bracket end-object = ws %x7D ws ; } right curly bracket name-separator = ws %x3A ws ; : colon value-separator = ws %x2C ws ; , comma Insignificant whitespace is allowed before or after any of the six structural characters. ws = *( %x20 / ; Space %x09 / ; Horizontal tab %x0A / ; Line feed or New line %x0D ; Carriage return ) */ enum { Space = 0x20, Tab = 0x09, LineFeed = 0x0a, Return = 0x0d, BeginArray = 0x5b, BeginObject = 0x7b, EndArray = 0x5d, EndObject = 0x7d, NameSeparator = 0x3a, ValueSeparator = 0x2c, Quote = 0x22 }; void Parser::eatBOM() { // eat UTF-8 byte order mark uchar utf8bom[3] = { 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf }; if (end - json > 3 && (uchar)json[0] == utf8bom[0] && (uchar)json[1] == utf8bom[1] && (uchar)json[2] == utf8bom[2]) json += 3; } bool Parser::eatSpace() { while (json < end) { if (*json > Space) break; if (*json != Space && *json != Tab && *json != LineFeed && *json != Return) break; ++json; } return (json < end); } char Parser::nextToken() { if (!eatSpace()) return 0; char token = *json++; switch (token) { case BeginArray: case BeginObject: case NameSeparator: case ValueSeparator: case EndArray: case EndObject: case Quote: break; default: token = 0; break; } return token; } /* JSON-text = object / array */ QCborValue Parser::parse(QJsonParseError *error) { #ifdef PARSER_DEBUG indent = 0; qDebug(">>>>> parser begin"); #endif eatBOM(); char token = nextToken(); QCborValue data; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << Qt::hex << (uint)token; if (token == BeginArray) { container = new QCborContainerPrivate; if (!parseArray()) goto error; data = QCborContainerPrivate::makeValue(QCborValue::Array, -1, container.take(), QCborContainerPrivate::MoveContainer); } else if (token == BeginObject) { container = new QCborContainerPrivate; if (!parseObject()) goto error; data = QCborContainerPrivate::makeValue(QCborValue::Map, -1, container.take(), QCborContainerPrivate::MoveContainer); } else { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; goto error; } eatSpace(); if (json < end) { lastError = QJsonParseError::GarbageAtEnd; goto error; } QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; { if (error) { error->offset = 0; error->error = QJsonParseError::NoError; } return data; } error: #ifdef PARSER_DEBUG qDebug(">>>>> parser error"); #endif container.reset(); if (error) { error->offset = json - head; error->error = lastError; } return QCborValue(); } // We need to retain the _last_ value for any duplicate keys and we need to deref containers. // Therefore the manual implementation of std::unique(). template static Iterator customAssigningUniqueLast(Iterator first, Iterator last, Compare compare, Assign assign) { first = std::adjacent_find(first, last, compare); if (first == last) return last; // After adjacent_find, we know that *first and *(first+1) compare equal, // and that first+1 != last. Iterator result = first++; Q_ASSERT(compare(*result, *first)); assign(*result, *first); Q_ASSERT(first != last); while (++first != last) { if (!compare(*result, *first)) ++result; // Due to adjacent_find above, we know that we've at least eliminated one element. // Therefore we have to move each further element across the gap. Q_ASSERT(result != first); // We have to overwrite each element we want to eliminate, to deref() the container. // Therefore we don't try to optimize the number of assignments here. assign(*result, *first); } return ++result; } static void sortContainer(QCborContainerPrivate *container) { using Forward = QJsonPrivate::KeyIterator; using Value = Forward::value_type; auto compare = [container](const Value &a, const Value &b) { const auto &aKey = a.key(); const auto &bKey = b.key(); Q_ASSERT(aKey.flags & QtCbor::Element::HasByteData); Q_ASSERT(bKey.flags & QtCbor::Element::HasByteData); const QtCbor::ByteData *aData = container->byteData(aKey); const QtCbor::ByteData *bData = container->byteData(bKey); if (!aData) return bData ? -1 : 0; if (!bData) return 1; // US-ASCII (StringIsAscii flag) is just a special case of UTF-8 // string, so we can safely ignore the flag. if (aKey.flags & QtCbor::Element::StringIsUtf16) { if (bKey.flags & QtCbor::Element::StringIsUtf16) return QtPrivate::compareStrings(aData->asStringView(), bData->asStringView()); return -QCborContainerPrivate::compareUtf8(bData, aData->asStringView()); } else { if (bKey.flags & QtCbor::Element::StringIsUtf16) return QCborContainerPrivate::compareUtf8(aData, bData->asStringView()); return QtPrivate::compareStrings(aData->asUtf8StringView(), bData->asUtf8StringView()); } }; // The elements' containers are owned by the outer container, not by the elements themselves. auto move = [](Forward::reference target, Forward::reference source) { QtCbor::Element &targetValue = target.value(); // If the target has a container, deref it before overwriting, so that we don't leak. if (targetValue.flags & QtCbor::Element::IsContainer) targetValue.container->deref(); // Do not move, so that we can clear the value afterwards. target = source; // Clear the source value, so that we don't store the same container twice. source.value() = QtCbor::Element(); }; std::stable_sort( Forward(container->elements.begin()), Forward(container->elements.end()), [&compare](const Value &a, const Value &b) { return compare(a, b) < 0; }); Forward result = customAssigningUniqueLast( Forward(container->elements.begin()), Forward(container->elements.end()), [&compare](const Value &a, const Value &b) { return compare(a, b) == 0; }, move); container->elements.erase(result.elementsIterator(), container->elements.end()); } /* object = begin-object [ member *( value-separator member ) ] end-object */ bool Parser::parseObject() { if (++nestingLevel > nestingLimit) { lastError = QJsonParseError::DeepNesting; return false; } QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parseObject" << json; char token = nextToken(); while (token == Quote) { if (!container) container = new QCborContainerPrivate; if (!parseMember()) return false; token = nextToken(); if (token != ValueSeparator) break; token = nextToken(); if (token == EndObject) { lastError = QJsonParseError::MissingObject; return false; } } QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "end token=" << token; if (token != EndObject) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedObject; return false; } QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; --nestingLevel; if (container) sortContainer(container.data()); return true; } /* member = string name-separator value */ bool Parser::parseMember() { QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parseMember"; if (!parseString()) return false; char token = nextToken(); if (token != NameSeparator) { lastError = QJsonParseError::MissingNameSeparator; return false; } if (!eatSpace()) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedObject; return false; } if (!parseValue()) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } /* array = begin-array [ value *( value-separator value ) ] end-array */ bool Parser::parseArray() { QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parseArray"; if (++nestingLevel > nestingLimit) { lastError = QJsonParseError::DeepNesting; return false; } if (!eatSpace()) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedArray; return false; } if (*json == EndArray) { nextToken(); } else { while (1) { if (!eatSpace()) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedArray; return false; } if (!container) container = new QCborContainerPrivate; if (!parseValue()) return false; char token = nextToken(); if (token == EndArray) break; else if (token != ValueSeparator) { if (!eatSpace()) lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedArray; else lastError = QJsonParseError::MissingValueSeparator; return false; } } } QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "size =" << (container ? container->elements.size() : 0); QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; --nestingLevel; return true; } /* value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string */ bool Parser::parseValue() { QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parse Value" << json; switch (*json++) { case 'n': if (end - json < 4) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; } if (*json++ == 'u' && *json++ == 'l' && *json++ == 'l') { container->append(QCborValue(QCborValue::Null)); QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: null"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; case 't': if (end - json < 4) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; } if (*json++ == 'r' && *json++ == 'u' && *json++ == 'e') { container->append(QCborValue(true)); QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: true"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; case 'f': if (end - json < 5) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; } if (*json++ == 'a' && *json++ == 'l' && *json++ == 's' && *json++ == 'e') { container->append(QCborValue(false)); QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: false"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; case Quote: { if (!parseString()) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: string"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } case BeginArray: { StashedContainer stashedContainer(&container, QCborValue::Array); if (!parseArray()) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: array"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } case BeginObject: { StashedContainer stashedContainer(&container, QCborValue::Map); if (!parseObject()) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: object"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } case ValueSeparator: // Essentially missing value, but after a colon, not after a comma // like the other MissingObject errors. lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalValue; return false; case EndObject: case EndArray: lastError = QJsonParseError::MissingObject; return false; default: --json; if (!parseNumber()) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "value: number"; QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; } return true; } /* number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ] decimal-point = %x2E ; . digit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9 e = %x65 / %x45 ; e E exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT ) minus = %x2D ; - plus = %x2B ; + zero = %x30 ; 0 */ bool Parser::parseNumber() { QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parseNumber" << json; const char *start = json; bool isInt = true; // minus if (json < end && *json == '-') ++json; // int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT ) if (json < end && *json == '0') { ++json; } else { while (json < end && isAsciiDigit(*json)) ++json; } // frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT if (json < end && *json == '.') { ++json; while (json < end && isAsciiDigit(*json)) { isInt = isInt && *json == '0'; ++json; } } // exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT if (json < end && (*json == 'e' || *json == 'E')) { isInt = false; ++json; if (json < end && (*json == '-' || *json == '+')) ++json; while (json < end && isAsciiDigit(*json)) ++json; } if (json >= end) { lastError = QJsonParseError::TerminationByNumber; return false; } const QByteArray number = QByteArray::fromRawData(start, json - start); QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "numberstring" << number; if (isInt) { bool ok; qlonglong n = number.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { container->append(QCborValue(n)); QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } } bool ok; double d = number.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalNumber; return false; } qint64 n; if (convertDoubleTo(d, &n)) container->append(QCborValue(n)); else container->append(QCborValue(d)); QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } /* string = quotation-mark *char quotation-mark char = unescaped / escape ( %x22 / ; " quotation mark U+0022 %x5C / ; \ reverse solidus U+005C %x2F / ; / solidus U+002F %x62 / ; b backspace U+0008 %x66 / ; f form feed U+000C %x6E / ; n line feed U+000A %x72 / ; r carriage return U+000D %x74 / ; t tab U+0009 %x75 4HEXDIG ) ; uXXXX U+XXXX escape = %x5C ; \ quotation-mark = %x22 ; " unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF */ static inline bool addHexDigit(char digit, char32_t *result) { *result <<= 4; const int h = fromHex(digit); if (h != -1) { *result |= h; return true; } return false; } static inline bool scanEscapeSequence(const char *&json, const char *end, char32_t *ch) { ++json; if (json >= end) return false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "scan escape" << (char)*json; uchar escaped = *json++; switch (escaped) { case '"': *ch = '"'; break; case '\\': *ch = '\\'; break; case '/': *ch = '/'; break; case 'b': *ch = 0x8; break; case 'f': *ch = 0xc; break; case 'n': *ch = 0xa; break; case 'r': *ch = 0xd; break; case 't': *ch = 0x9; break; case 'u': { *ch = 0; if (json > end - 4) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (!addHexDigit(*json, ch)) return false; ++json; } return true; } default: // this is not as strict as one could be, but allows for more Json files // to be parsed correctly. *ch = escaped; return true; } return true; } static inline bool scanUtf8Char(const char *&json, const char *end, char32_t *result) { const auto *usrc = reinterpret_cast(json); const auto *uend = reinterpret_cast(end); const uchar b = *usrc++; qsizetype res = QUtf8Functions::fromUtf8(b, result, usrc, uend); if (res < 0) return false; json = reinterpret_cast(usrc); return true; } bool Parser::parseString() { const char *start = json; // try to parse a utf-8 string without escape sequences, and note whether it's 7bit ASCII. QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN << "parse string" << json; bool isUtf8 = true; bool isAscii = true; while (json < end) { char32_t ch = 0; if (*json == '"') break; if (*json == '\\') { isAscii = false; // If we find escape sequences, we store UTF-16 as there are some // escape sequences which are hard to represent in UTF-8. // (plain "\\ud800" for example) isUtf8 = false; break; } if (!scanUtf8Char(json, end, &ch)) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalUTF8String; return false; } if (ch > 0x7f) isAscii = false; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << " " << ch << char(ch); } ++json; QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "end of string"; if (json >= end) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedString; return false; } // no escape sequences, we are done if (isUtf8) { if (isAscii) container->appendAsciiString(start, json - start - 1); else container->appendUtf8String(start, json - start - 1); QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG << "has escape sequences"; json = start; QString ucs4; while (json < end) { char32_t ch = 0; if (*json == '"') break; else if (*json == '\\') { if (!scanEscapeSequence(json, end, &ch)) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalEscapeSequence; return false; } } else { if (!scanUtf8Char(json, end, &ch)) { lastError = QJsonParseError::IllegalUTF8String; return false; } } ucs4.append(QChar::fromUcs4(ch)); } ++json; if (json >= end) { lastError = QJsonParseError::UnterminatedString; return false; } container->appendByteData(reinterpret_cast(ucs4.constData()), ucs4.size() * 2, QCborValue::String, QtCbor::Element::StringIsUtf16); QT_PARSER_TRACING_END; return true; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #undef QT_PARSER_TRACING_BEGIN #undef QT_PARSER_TRACING_END #undef QT_PARSER_TRACING_DEBUG