// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "QtCore/qxmlstream.h" #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstream) #include "qxmlutils_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qxmlstream_p.h" #include "qxmlstreamparser_p.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace QtPrivate; using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; using namespace QtMiscUtils; enum { StreamEOF = ~0U }; namespace { template auto reversed(Range &r) { struct R { Range *r; auto begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(std::end(*r)); } auto end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(std::begin(*r)); } }; return R{&r}; } template void reversed(const Range &&) = delete; // implementation of missing QUtf8StringView methods for ASCII-only needles: auto transform(QLatin1StringView haystack, char needle) { struct R { QLatin1StringView haystack; char16_t needle; }; return R{haystack, uchar(needle)}; } auto transform(QStringView haystack, char needle) { struct R { QStringView haystack; char16_t needle; }; return R{haystack, uchar(needle)}; } auto transform(QUtf8StringView haystack, char needle) { struct R { QByteArrayView haystack; char needle; }; return R{haystack, needle}; } auto transform(QLatin1StringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle) { struct R { QLatin1StringView haystack; QLatin1StringView needle; }; return R{haystack, needle}; } auto transform(QStringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle) { struct R { QStringView haystack; QLatin1StringView needle; }; return R{haystack, needle}; } auto transform(QUtf8StringView haystack, QLatin1StringView needle) { struct R { QLatin1StringView haystack; QLatin1StringView needle; }; return R{QLatin1StringView{QByteArrayView{haystack}}, needle}; } #define WRAP(method, Needle) \ auto method (QAnyStringView s, Needle needle) noexcept \ { \ return s.visit([needle](auto s) { \ auto r = transform(s, needle); \ return r.haystack. method (r.needle); \ }); \ } \ /*end*/ WRAP(count, char) WRAP(contains, char) WRAP(contains, QLatin1StringView) WRAP(endsWith, char) WRAP(indexOf, QLatin1StringView) } // unnamed namespace /*! \enum QXmlStreamReader::TokenType This enum specifies the type of token the reader just read. \value NoToken The reader has not yet read anything. \value Invalid An error has occurred, reported in error() and errorString(). \value StartDocument The reader reports the XML version number in documentVersion(), and the encoding as specified in the XML document in documentEncoding(). If the document is declared standalone, isStandaloneDocument() returns \c true; otherwise it returns \c false. \value EndDocument The reader reports the end of the document. \value StartElement The reader reports the start of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). Empty elements are also reported as StartElement, followed directly by EndElement. The convenience function readElementText() can be called to concatenate all content until the corresponding EndElement. Attributes are reported in attributes(), namespace declarations in namespaceDeclarations(). \value EndElement The reader reports the end of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). \value Characters The reader reports characters in text(). If the characters are all white-space, isWhitespace() returns \c true. If the characters stem from a CDATA section, isCDATA() returns \c true. \value Comment The reader reports a comment in text(). \value DTD The reader reports a DTD in text(), notation declarations in notationDeclarations(), and entity declarations in entityDeclarations(). Details of the DTD declaration are reported in dtdName(), dtdPublicId(), and dtdSystemId(). \value EntityReference The reader reports an entity reference that could not be resolved. The name of the reference is reported in name(), the replacement text in text(). \value ProcessingInstruction The reader reports a processing instruction in processingInstructionTarget() and processingInstructionData(). */ /*! \enum QXmlStreamReader::ReadElementTextBehaviour This enum specifies the different behaviours of readElementText(). \value ErrorOnUnexpectedElement Raise an UnexpectedElementError and return what was read so far when a child element is encountered. \value IncludeChildElements Recursively include the text from child elements. \value SkipChildElements Skip child elements. \since 4.6 */ /*! \enum QXmlStreamReader::Error This enum specifies different error cases \value NoError No error has occurred. \value CustomError A custom error has been raised with raiseError() \value NotWellFormedError The parser internally raised an error due to the read XML not being well-formed. \value PrematureEndOfDocumentError The input stream ended before a well-formed XML document was parsed. Recovery from this error is possible if more XML arrives in the stream, either by calling addData() or by waiting for it to arrive on the device(). \value UnexpectedElementError The parser encountered an element or token that was different to those it expected. */ /*! \class QXmlStreamEntityResolver \inmodule QtCore \reentrant \since 4.4 \brief The QXmlStreamEntityResolver class provides an entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader. \ingroup xml-tools */ /*! Destroys the entity resolver. */ QXmlStreamEntityResolver::~QXmlStreamEntityResolver() { } /*! \internal This function is a stub for later functionality. */ QString QXmlStreamEntityResolver::resolveEntity(const QString& /*publicId*/, const QString& /*systemId*/) { return QString(); } /*! Resolves the undeclared entity \a name and returns its replacement text. If the entity is also unknown to the entity resolver, it returns an empty string. The default implementation always returns an empty string. */ QString QXmlStreamEntityResolver::resolveUndeclaredEntity(const QString &/*name*/) { return QString(); } #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstreamreader) QString QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveUndeclaredEntity(const QString &name) { if (entityResolver) return entityResolver->resolveUndeclaredEntity(name); return QString(); } /*! \since 4.4 Makes \a resolver the new entityResolver(). The stream reader does \e not take ownership of the resolver. It's the callers responsibility to ensure that the resolver is valid during the entire life-time of the stream reader object, or until another resolver or \nullptr is set. \sa entityResolver() */ void QXmlStreamReader::setEntityResolver(QXmlStreamEntityResolver *resolver) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->entityResolver = resolver; } /*! \since 4.4 Returns the entity resolver, or \nullptr if there is no entity resolver. \sa setEntityResolver() */ QXmlStreamEntityResolver *QXmlStreamReader::entityResolver() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->entityResolver; } /*! \class QXmlStreamReader \inmodule QtCore \reentrant \since 4.3 \brief The QXmlStreamReader class provides a fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API. \ingroup xml-tools \ingroup qtserialization QXmlStreamReader provides a simple streaming API to parse well-formed XML. It is an alternative to first loading the complete XML into a DOM tree (see \l QDomDocument). QXmlStreamReader reads data either from a QIODevice (see setDevice()), or from a raw QByteArray (see addData()). Qt provides QXmlStreamWriter for writing XML. The basic concept of a stream reader is to report an XML document as a stream of tokens, similar to SAX. The main difference between QXmlStreamReader and SAX is \e how these XML tokens are reported. With SAX, the application must provide handlers (callback functions) that receive so-called XML \e events from the parser at the parser's convenience. With QXmlStreamReader, the application code itself drives the loop and pulls \e tokens from the reader, one after another, as it needs them. This is done by calling readNext(), where the reader reads from the input stream until it completes the next token, at which point it returns the tokenType(). A set of convenient functions including isStartElement() and text() can then be used to examine the token to obtain information about what has been read. The big advantage of this \e pulling approach is the possibility to build recursive descent parsers with it, meaning you can split your XML parsing code easily into different methods or classes. This makes it easy to keep track of the application's own state when parsing XML. A typical loop with QXmlStreamReader looks like this: \snippet code/src_corelib_xml_qxmlstream.cpp 0 QXmlStreamReader is a well-formed XML 1.0 parser that does \e not include external parsed entities. As long as no error occurs, the application code can thus be assured, that \list \li the data provided by the stream reader satisfies the W3C's criteria for well-formed XML, \li tokens are provided in a valid order. \endlist Unless QXmlStreamReader raises an error, it guarantees the following: \list \li All tags are nested and closed properly. \li References to internal entities have been replaced with the correct replacement text. \li Attributes have been normalized or added according to the internal subset of the \l DTD. \li Tokens of type \l StartDocument happen before all others, aside from comments and processing instructions. \li At most one DOCTYPE element (a token of type \l DTD) is present. \li If present, the DOCTYPE appears before all other elements, aside from StartDocument, comments and processing instructions. \endlist In particular, once any token of type \l StartElement, \l EndElement, \l Characters, \l EntityReference or \l EndDocument is seen, no tokens of type StartDocument or DTD will be seen. If one is present in the input stream, out of order, an error is raised. \note The token types \l Comment and \l ProcessingInstruction may appear anywhere in the stream. If an error occurs while parsing, atEnd() and hasError() return true, and error() returns the error that occurred. The functions errorString(), lineNumber(), columnNumber(), and characterOffset() are for constructing an appropriate error or warning message. To simplify application code, QXmlStreamReader contains a raiseError() mechanism that lets you raise custom errors that trigger the same error handling described. The \l{QXmlStream Bookmarks Example} illustrates how to use the recursive descent technique to read an XML bookmark file (XBEL) with a stream reader. \section1 Namespaces QXmlStream understands and resolves XML namespaces. E.g. in case of a StartElement, namespaceUri() returns the namespace the element is in, and name() returns the element's \e local name. The combination of namespaceUri and name uniquely identifies an element. If a namespace prefix was not declared in the XML entities parsed by the reader, the namespaceUri is empty. If you parse XML data that does not utilize namespaces according to the XML specification or doesn't use namespaces at all, you can use the element's qualifiedName() instead. A qualified name is the element's prefix() followed by colon followed by the element's local name() - exactly like the element appears in the raw XML data. Since the mapping namespaceUri to prefix is neither unique nor universal, qualifiedName() should be avoided for namespace-compliant XML data. In order to parse standalone documents that do use undeclared namespace prefixes, you can turn off namespace processing completely with the \l namespaceProcessing property. \section1 Incremental Parsing QXmlStreamReader is an incremental parser. It can handle the case where the document can't be parsed all at once because it arrives in chunks (e.g. from multiple files, or over a network connection). When the reader runs out of data before the complete document has been parsed, it reports a PrematureEndOfDocumentError. When more data arrives, either because of a call to addData() or because more data is available through the network device(), the reader recovers from the PrematureEndOfDocumentError error and continues parsing the new data with the next call to readNext(). For example, if your application reads data from the network using a \l{QNetworkAccessManager} {network access manager}, you would issue a \l{QNetworkRequest} {network request} to the manager and receive a \l{QNetworkReply} {network reply} in return. Since a QNetworkReply is a QIODevice, you connect its \l{QIODevice::readyRead()} {readyRead()} signal to a custom slot, e.g. \c{slotReadyRead()} in the code snippet shown in the discussion for QNetworkAccessManager. In this slot, you read all available data with \l{QIODevice::readAll()} {readAll()} and pass it to the XML stream reader using addData(). Then you call your custom parsing function that reads the XML events from the reader. \section1 Performance and Memory Consumption QXmlStreamReader is memory-conservative by design, since it doesn't store the entire XML document tree in memory, but only the current token at the time it is reported. In addition, QXmlStreamReader avoids the many small string allocations that it normally takes to map an XML document to a convenient and Qt-ish API. It does this by reporting all string data as QStringView rather than real QString objects. Calling \l{QStringView::toString()}{toString()} on any of those objects returns an equivalent real QString object. */ /*! Constructs a stream reader. \sa setDevice(), addData() */ QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader() : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamReaderPrivate(this)) { } /*! Creates a new stream reader that reads from \a device. \sa setDevice(), clear() */ QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(QIODevice *device) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamReaderPrivate(this)) { setDevice(device); } /*! \overload \fn QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(const QByteArray &data) Creates a new stream reader that reads from \a data. \sa addData(), clear(), setDevice() */ /*! Creates a new stream reader that reads from \a data. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this constructor was overloaded for QString and \c {const char*}. \sa addData(), clear(), setDevice() */ QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(QAnyStringView data) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamReaderPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); data.visit([d](auto data) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { d->dataBuffer = data.toUtf8(); d->decoder = QStringDecoder(QStringDecoder::Utf8); d->lockEncoding = true; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // Conversion to a QString is required, to avoid breaking // pre-existing (before porting to QAnyStringView) behavior. d->dataBuffer = QString::fromLatin1(data).toUtf8(); d->decoder = QStringDecoder(QStringDecoder::Utf8); d->lockEncoding = true; } else { d->dataBuffer = QByteArray(data.data(), data.size()); } }); } /*! \internal Creates a new stream reader that reads from \a data. Used by the weak constructor taking a QByteArray. */ QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(const QByteArray &data, PrivateConstructorTag) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamReaderPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->dataBuffer = data; } /*! Destructs the reader. */ QXmlStreamReader::~QXmlStreamReader() { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); if (d->deleteDevice) delete d->device; } /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::hasError() const Returns \c true if an error has occurred, otherwise \c false. \sa errorString(), error() */ /*! Sets the current device to \a device. Setting the device resets the stream to its initial state. \sa device(), clear() */ void QXmlStreamReader::setDevice(QIODevice *device) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); if (d->deleteDevice) { delete d->device; d->deleteDevice = false; } d->device = device; d->init(); } /*! Returns the current device associated with the QXmlStreamReader, or \nullptr if no device has been assigned. \sa setDevice() */ QIODevice *QXmlStreamReader::device() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->device; } /*! \overload \fn void QXmlStreamReader::addData(const QByteArray &data) Adds more \a data for the reader to read. This function does nothing if the reader has a device(). \sa readNext(), clear() */ /*! Adds more \a data for the reader to read. This function does nothing if the reader has a device(). \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function was overloaded for QString and \c {const char*}. \sa readNext(), clear() */ void QXmlStreamReader::addData(QAnyStringView data) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); data.visit([this, d](auto data) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { d->lockEncoding = true; if (!d->decoder.isValid()) d->decoder = QStringDecoder(QStringDecoder::Utf8); addDataImpl(data.toUtf8()); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // Conversion to a QString is required, to avoid breaking // pre-existing (before porting to QAnyStringView) behavior. if (!d->decoder.isValid()) d->decoder = QStringDecoder(QStringDecoder::Utf8); addDataImpl(QString::fromLatin1(data).toUtf8()); } else { addDataImpl(QByteArray(data.data(), data.size())); } }); } /*! \internal Adds more \a data for the reader to read. This function does nothing if the reader has a device(). */ void QXmlStreamReader::addDataImpl(const QByteArray &data) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); if (d->device) { qWarning("QXmlStreamReader: addData() with device()"); return; } d->dataBuffer += data; } /*! Removes any device() or data from the reader and resets its internal state to the initial state. \sa addData() */ void QXmlStreamReader::clear() { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->init(); if (d->device) { if (d->deleteDevice) delete d->device; d->device = nullptr; } } /*! Returns \c true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred and reading has been aborted. Otherwise, it returns \c false. When atEnd() and hasError() return true and error() returns PrematureEndOfDocumentError, it means the XML has been well-formed so far, but a complete XML document has not been parsed. The next chunk of XML can be added with addData(), if the XML is being read from a QByteArray, or by waiting for more data to arrive if the XML is being read from a QIODevice. Either way, atEnd() will return false once more data is available. \sa hasError(), error(), device(), QIODevice::atEnd() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::atEnd() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->atEnd && ((d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid && d->error == PrematureEndOfDocumentError) || (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument))) { if (d->device) return d->device->atEnd(); else return !d->dataBuffer.size(); } return (d->atEnd || d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid); } /*! Reads the next token and returns its type. With one exception, once an error() is reported by readNext(), further reading of the XML stream is not possible. Then atEnd() returns \c true, hasError() returns \c true, and this function returns QXmlStreamReader::Invalid. The exception is when error() returns PrematureEndOfDocumentError. This error is reported when the end of an otherwise well-formed chunk of XML is reached, but the chunk doesn't represent a complete XML document. In that case, parsing \e can be resumed by calling addData() to add the next chunk of XML, when the stream is being read from a QByteArray, or by waiting for more data to arrive when the stream is being read from a device(). \sa tokenType(), tokenString() */ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType QXmlStreamReader::readNext() { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type != Invalid) { if (!d->hasCheckedStartDocument) if (!d->checkStartDocument()) return d->type; // synthetic StartDocument or error d->parse(); if (d->atEnd && d->type != EndDocument && d->type != Invalid) d->raiseError(PrematureEndOfDocumentError); else if (!d->atEnd && d->type == EndDocument) d->raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Extra content at end of document.")); } else if (d->error == PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { // resume error d->type = NoToken; d->atEnd = false; d->token = -1; return readNext(); } d->checkToken(); return d->type; } /*! Returns the type of the current token. The current token can also be queried with the convenience functions isStartDocument(), isEndDocument(), isStartElement(), isEndElement(), isCharacters(), isComment(), isDTD(), isEntityReference(), and isProcessingInstruction(). \sa tokenString() */ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType QXmlStreamReader::tokenType() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->type; } /*! Reads until the next start element within the current element. Returns \c true when a start element was reached. When the end element was reached, or when an error occurred, false is returned. The current element is the element matching the most recently parsed start element of which a matching end element has not yet been reached. When the parser has reached the end element, the current element becomes the parent element. This is a convenience function for when you're only concerned with parsing XML elements. The \l{QXmlStream Bookmarks Example} makes extensive use of this function. \since 4.6 \sa readNext() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::readNextStartElement() { while (readNext() != Invalid) { if (isEndElement() || isEndDocument()) return false; else if (isStartElement()) return true; } return false; } /*! Reads until the end of the current element, skipping any child nodes. This function is useful for skipping unknown elements. The current element is the element matching the most recently parsed start element of which a matching end element has not yet been reached. When the parser has reached the end element, the current element becomes the parent element. \since 4.6 */ void QXmlStreamReader::skipCurrentElement() { int depth = 1; while (depth && readNext() != Invalid) { if (isEndElement()) --depth; else if (isStartElement()) ++depth; } } static constexpr auto QXmlStreamReader_tokenTypeString = qOffsetStringArray( "NoToken", "Invalid", "StartDocument", "EndDocument", "StartElement", "EndElement", "Characters", "Comment", "DTD", "EntityReference", "ProcessingInstruction" ); static constexpr auto QXmlStreamReader_XmlContextString = qOffsetStringArray( "Prolog", "Body" ); /*! \property QXmlStreamReader::namespaceProcessing \brief the namespace-processing flag of the stream reader. This property controls whether or not the stream reader processes namespaces. If enabled, the reader processes namespaces, otherwise it does not. By default, namespace-processing is enabled. */ void QXmlStreamReader::setNamespaceProcessing(bool enable) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->namespaceProcessing = enable; } bool QXmlStreamReader::namespaceProcessing() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->namespaceProcessing; } /*! Returns the reader's current token as string. \sa tokenType() */ QString QXmlStreamReader::tokenString() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return QLatin1StringView(QXmlStreamReader_tokenTypeString.at(d->type)); } /*! \internal \return \param ctxt (Prolog/Body) as a string. */ static constexpr QLatin1StringView contextString(QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::XmlContext ctxt) { return QLatin1StringView(QXmlStreamReader_XmlContextString.at(static_cast(ctxt))); } #endif // feature xmlstreamreader QXmlStreamPrivateTagStack::QXmlStreamPrivateTagStack() { tagStack.reserve(16); tagStackStringStorage.reserve(32); tagStackStringStorageSize = 0; NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.push(); namespaceDeclaration.prefix = addToStringStorage(u"xml"); namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = addToStringStorage(u"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"); initialTagStackStringStorageSize = tagStackStringStorageSize; tagsDone = false; } #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstreamreader) QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::QXmlStreamReaderPrivate(QXmlStreamReader *q) :q_ptr(q) { device = nullptr; deleteDevice = false; stack_size = 64; sym_stack = nullptr; state_stack = nullptr; reallocateStack(); entityResolver = nullptr; init(); #define ADD_PREDEFINED(n, v) \ do { \ Entity e = Entity::createLiteral(n##_L1, v##_L1); \ entityHash.insert(qToStringViewIgnoringNull(e.name), std::move(e)); \ } while (false) ADD_PREDEFINED("lt", "<"); ADD_PREDEFINED("gt", ">"); ADD_PREDEFINED("amp", "&"); ADD_PREDEFINED("apos", "'"); ADD_PREDEFINED("quot", "\""); #undef ADD_PREDEFINED } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::init() { scanDtd = false; lastAttributeIsCData = false; token = -1; token_char = 0; isEmptyElement = false; isWhitespace = true; isCDATA = false; standalone = false; hasStandalone = false; tos = 0; resumeReduction = 0; state_stack[tos++] = 0; state_stack[tos] = 0; putStack.clear(); putStack.reserve(32); textBuffer.clear(); textBuffer.reserve(256); tagStack.clear(); tagsDone = false; attributes.clear(); attributes.reserve(16); lineNumber = lastLineStart = characterOffset = 0; readBufferPos = 0; nbytesread = 0; decoder = QStringDecoder(); attributeStack.clear(); attributeStack.reserve(16); entityParser.reset(); hasCheckedStartDocument = false; normalizeLiterals = false; hasSeenTag = false; atEnd = false; inParseEntity = false; referenceToUnparsedEntityDetected = false; referenceToParameterEntityDetected = false; hasExternalDtdSubset = false; lockEncoding = false; namespaceProcessing = true; rawReadBuffer.clear(); dataBuffer.clear(); readBuffer.clear(); tagStackStringStorageSize = initialTagStackStringStorageSize; type = QXmlStreamReader::NoToken; error = QXmlStreamReader::NoError; currentContext = XmlContext::Prolog; foundDTD = false; } /* Well-formed requires that we verify entity values. We do this with a standard parser. */ void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::parseEntity(const QString &value) { Q_Q(QXmlStreamReader); if (value.isEmpty()) return; if (!entityParser) entityParser = std::make_unique(q); else entityParser->init(); entityParser->inParseEntity = true; entityParser->readBuffer = value; entityParser->injectToken(PARSE_ENTITY); while (!entityParser->atEnd && entityParser->type != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) entityParser->parse(); if (entityParser->type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid || entityParser->tagStack.size()) raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Invalid entity value.")); } inline void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::reallocateStack() { stack_size <<= 1; sym_stack = reinterpret_cast (realloc(sym_stack, stack_size * sizeof(Value))); Q_CHECK_PTR(sym_stack); state_stack = reinterpret_cast (realloc(state_stack, stack_size * sizeof(int))); Q_CHECK_PTR(state_stack); } QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::~QXmlStreamReaderPrivate() { free(sym_stack); free(state_stack); } inline uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::filterCarriageReturn() { uint peekc = peekChar(); if (peekc == '\n') { if (putStack.size()) putStack.pop(); else ++readBufferPos; return peekc; } if (peekc == StreamEOF) { putChar('\r'); return 0; } return '\n'; } /*! \internal If the end of the file is encountered, ~0 is returned. */ inline uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::getChar() { uint c; if (putStack.size()) { c = atEnd ? StreamEOF : putStack.pop(); } else { if (readBufferPos < readBuffer.size()) c = readBuffer.at(readBufferPos++).unicode(); else c = getChar_helper(); } return c; } inline uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::peekChar() { uint c; if (putStack.size()) { c = putStack.top(); } else if (readBufferPos < readBuffer.size()) { c = readBuffer.at(readBufferPos).unicode(); } else { if ((c = getChar_helper()) != StreamEOF) --readBufferPos; } return c; } /*! \internal Scans characters until \a str is encountered, and validates the characters as according to the Char[2] production and do the line-ending normalization. If any character is invalid, false is returned, otherwise true upon success. If \a tokenToInject is not less than zero, injectToken() is called with \a tokenToInject when \a str is found. If any error occurred, false is returned, otherwise true. */ bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanUntil(const char *str, short tokenToInject) { const qsizetype pos = textBuffer.size(); const auto oldLineNumber = lineNumber; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { /* First, we do the validation & normalization. */ switch (c) { case '\r': if ((c = filterCarriageReturn()) == 0) break; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case '\n': ++lineNumber; lastLineStart = characterOffset + readBufferPos; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case '\t': textBuffer += QChar(c); continue; default: if (c < 0x20 || (c > 0xFFFD && c < 0x10000) || c > QChar::LastValidCodePoint ) { raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Invalid XML character.")); lineNumber = oldLineNumber; return false; } textBuffer += QChar(c); } /* Second, attempt to lookup str. */ if (c == uint(*str)) { if (!*(str + 1)) { if (tokenToInject >= 0) injectToken(tokenToInject); return true; } else { if (scanString(str + 1, tokenToInject, false)) return true; } } } putString(textBuffer, pos); textBuffer.resize(pos); lineNumber = oldLineNumber; return false; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanString(const char *str, short tokenToInject, bool requireSpace) { qsizetype n = 0; while (str[n]) { uint c = getChar(); if (c != ushort(str[n])) { if (c != StreamEOF) putChar(c); while (n--) { putChar(ushort(str[n])); } return false; } ++n; } textBuffer += QLatin1StringView(str, n); if (requireSpace) { const qsizetype s = fastScanSpace(); if (!s || atEnd) { qsizetype pos = textBuffer.size() - n - s; putString(textBuffer, pos); textBuffer.resize(pos); return false; } } if (tokenToInject >= 0) injectToken(tokenToInject); return true; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanAfterLangleBang() { switch (peekChar()) { case '[': return scanString(spell[CDATA_START], CDATA_START, false); case 'D': return scanString(spell[DOCTYPE], DOCTYPE); case 'A': return scanString(spell[ATTLIST], ATTLIST); case 'N': return scanString(spell[NOTATION], NOTATION); case 'E': if (scanString(spell[ELEMENT], ELEMENT)) return true; return scanString(spell[ENTITY], ENTITY); default: ; }; return false; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanPublicOrSystem() { switch (peekChar()) { case 'S': return scanString(spell[SYSTEM], SYSTEM); case 'P': return scanString(spell[PUBLIC], PUBLIC); default: ; } return false; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanNData() { if (fastScanSpace()) { if (scanString(spell[NDATA], NDATA)) return true; putChar(' '); } return false; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanAfterDefaultDecl() { switch (peekChar()) { case 'R': return scanString(spell[REQUIRED], REQUIRED, false); case 'I': return scanString(spell[IMPLIED], IMPLIED, false); case 'F': return scanString(spell[FIXED], FIXED, false); default: ; } return false; } bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::scanAttType() { switch (peekChar()) { case 'C': return scanString(spell[CDATA], CDATA); case 'I': if (scanString(spell[ID], ID)) return true; if (scanString(spell[IDREF], IDREF)) return true; return scanString(spell[IDREFS], IDREFS); case 'E': if (scanString(spell[ENTITY], ENTITY)) return true; return scanString(spell[ENTITIES], ENTITIES); case 'N': if (scanString(spell[NOTATION], NOTATION)) return true; if (scanString(spell[NMTOKEN], NMTOKEN)) return true; return scanString(spell[NMTOKENS], NMTOKENS); default: ; } return false; } /*! \internal Scan strings with quotes or apostrophes surround them. For instance, attributes, the version and encoding field in the XML prolog and entity declarations. If normalizeLiterals is set to true, the function also normalizes whitespace. It is set to true when the first start tag is encountered. */ inline qsizetype QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanLiteralContent() { qsizetype n = 0; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { switch (ushort(c)) { case 0xfffe: case 0xffff: case 0: /* The putChar() call is necessary so the parser re-gets * the character from the input source, when raising an error. */ putChar(c); return n; case '\r': if (filterCarriageReturn() == 0) return n; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case '\n': ++lineNumber; lastLineStart = characterOffset + readBufferPos; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case ' ': case '\t': if (normalizeLiterals) textBuffer += u' '; else textBuffer += QChar(c); ++n; break; case '&': case '<': case '\"': case '\'': if (!(c & 0xff0000)) { putChar(c); return n; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); default: if (c < 0x20) { putChar(c); return n; } textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; } } return n; } inline qsizetype QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanSpace() { qsizetype n = 0; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { switch (c) { case '\r': if ((c = filterCarriageReturn()) == 0) return n; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case '\n': ++lineNumber; lastLineStart = characterOffset + readBufferPos; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case ' ': case '\t': textBuffer += QChar(c); ++n; break; default: putChar(c); return n; } } return n; } /*! \internal Used for text nodes essentially. That is, characters appearing inside elements. */ inline qsizetype QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanContentCharList() { qsizetype n = 0; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { switch (ushort(c)) { case 0xfffe: case 0xffff: case 0: putChar(c); return n; case ']': { isWhitespace = false; const qsizetype pos = textBuffer.size(); textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; while ((c = getChar()) == ']') { textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; } if (c == 0) { putString(textBuffer, pos); textBuffer.resize(pos); } else if (c == '>' && textBuffer.at(textBuffer.size() - 2) == u']') { raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.")); } else { putChar(c); break; } return n; } break; case '\r': if ((c = filterCarriageReturn()) == 0) return n; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case '\n': ++lineNumber; lastLineStart = characterOffset + readBufferPos; Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case ' ': case '\t': textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; break; case '&': case '<': if (!(c & 0xff0000)) { putChar(c); return n; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); default: if (c < 0x20) { putChar(c); return n; } isWhitespace = false; textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; } } return n; } // Fast scan an XML attribute name (e.g. "xml:lang"). inline std::optional QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanName(Value *val) { qsizetype n = 0; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { if (n >= 4096) { // This is too long to be a sensible name, and // can exhaust memory, or the range of decltype(*prefix) raiseNamePrefixTooLongError(); return std::nullopt; } switch (c) { case '\n': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '&': case '#': case '\'': case '\"': case '<': case '>': case '[': case ']': case '=': case '%': case '/': case ';': case '?': case '!': case '^': case '|': case ',': case '(': case ')': case '+': case '*': putChar(c); if (val && val->prefix == n + 1) { val->prefix = 0; putChar(':'); --n; } return n; case ':': if (val) { if (val->prefix == 0) { val->prefix = qint16(n + 2); } else { // only one colon allowed according to the namespace spec. putChar(c); return n; } } else { putChar(c); return n; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); default: textBuffer += QChar(ushort(c)); ++n; } } if (val) val->prefix = 0; qsizetype pos = textBuffer.size() - n; putString(textBuffer, pos); textBuffer.resize(pos); return 0; } enum NameChar { NameBeginning, NameNotBeginning, NotName }; static const char Begi = static_cast(NameBeginning); static const char NtBg = static_cast(NameNotBeginning); static const char NotN = static_cast(NotName); static const char nameCharTable[128] = { // 0x00 NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, // 0x10 NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, // 0x20 (0x2D is '-', 0x2E is '.') NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NtBg, NtBg, NotN, // 0x30 (0x30..0x39 are '0'..'9', 0x3A is ':') NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, NtBg, Begi, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, // 0x40 (0x41..0x5A are 'A'..'Z') NotN, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, // 0x50 (0x5F is '_') Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, Begi, // 0x60 (0x61..0x7A are 'a'..'z') NotN, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, // 0x70 Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, Begi, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN, NotN }; static inline NameChar fastDetermineNameChar(QChar ch) { ushort uc = ch.unicode(); if (!(uc & ~0x7f)) // uc < 128 return static_cast(nameCharTable[uc]); QChar::Category cat = ch.category(); // ### some these categories might be slightly wrong if ((cat >= QChar::Letter_Uppercase && cat <= QChar::Letter_Other) || cat == QChar::Number_Letter) return NameBeginning; if ((cat >= QChar::Number_DecimalDigit && cat <= QChar::Number_Other) || (cat >= QChar::Mark_NonSpacing && cat <= QChar::Mark_Enclosing)) return NameNotBeginning; return NotName; } inline qsizetype QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::fastScanNMTOKEN() { qsizetype n = 0; uint c; while ((c = getChar()) != StreamEOF) { if (fastDetermineNameChar(QChar(c)) == NotName) { putChar(c); return n; } else { ++n; textBuffer += QChar(c); } } qsizetype pos = textBuffer.size() - n; putString(textBuffer, pos); textBuffer.resize(pos); return n; } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::putString(QStringView s, qsizetype from) { if (from != 0) { putString(s.mid(from)); return; } putStack.reserve(s.size()); for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it) putStack.rawPush() = it->unicode(); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::putStringLiteral(QStringView s) { putStack.reserve(s.size()); for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it) putStack.rawPush() = ((LETTER << 16) | it->unicode()); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::putReplacement(QStringView s) { putStack.reserve(s.size()); for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it) { char16_t c = it->unicode(); if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') putStack.rawPush() = ((LETTER << 16) | c); else putStack.rawPush() = c; } } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::putReplacementInAttributeValue(QStringView s) { putStack.reserve(s.size()); for (auto it = s.rbegin(), end = s.rend(); it != end; ++it) { char16_t c = it->unicode(); if (c == '&' || c == ';') putStack.rawPush() = c; else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') putStack.rawPush() = ' '; else putStack.rawPush() = ((LETTER << 16) | c); } } uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::getChar_helper() { constexpr qsizetype BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; characterOffset += readBufferPos; readBufferPos = 0; if (readBuffer.size()) readBuffer.resize(0); if (decoder.isValid()) nbytesread = 0; if (device) { rawReadBuffer.resize(BUFFER_SIZE); qint64 nbytesreadOrMinus1 = device->read(rawReadBuffer.data() + nbytesread, BUFFER_SIZE - nbytesread); nbytesread += qMax(nbytesreadOrMinus1, qint64{0}); } else { if (nbytesread) rawReadBuffer += dataBuffer; else rawReadBuffer = dataBuffer; nbytesread = rawReadBuffer.size(); dataBuffer.clear(); } if (!nbytesread) { atEnd = true; return StreamEOF; } if (!decoder.isValid()) { if (nbytesread < 4) { // the 4 is to cover 0xef 0xbb 0xbf plus // one extra for the utf8 codec atEnd = true; return StreamEOF; } auto encoding = QStringDecoder::encodingForData(rawReadBuffer, char16_t('<')); if (!encoding) // assume utf-8 encoding = QStringDecoder::Utf8; decoder = QStringDecoder(*encoding); } readBuffer = decoder(QByteArrayView(rawReadBuffer).first(nbytesread)); if (lockEncoding && decoder.hasError()) { raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Encountered incorrectly encoded content.")); readBuffer.clear(); return StreamEOF; } readBuffer.reserve(1); // keep capacity when calling resize() next time if (readBufferPos < readBuffer.size()) { ushort c = readBuffer.at(readBufferPos++).unicode(); return c; } atEnd = true; return StreamEOF; } XmlStringRef QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::namespaceForPrefix(QStringView prefix) { for (const NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration : reversed(namespaceDeclarations)) { if (namespaceDeclaration.prefix == prefix) { return namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri; } } #if 1 if (namespaceProcessing && !prefix.isEmpty()) raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Namespace prefix '%1' not declared").arg(prefix)); #endif return XmlStringRef(); } /* uses namespaceForPrefix and builds the attribute vector */ void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveTag() { const auto attributeStackCleaner = qScopeGuard([this](){ attributeStack.clear(); }); const qsizetype n = attributeStack.size(); if (namespaceProcessing) { for (DtdAttribute &dtdAttribute : dtdAttributes) { if (!dtdAttribute.isNamespaceAttribute || dtdAttribute.defaultValue.isNull() || dtdAttribute.tagName != qualifiedName || dtdAttribute.attributeQualifiedName.isNull()) continue; qsizetype i = 0; while (i < n && symName(attributeStack[i].key) != dtdAttribute.attributeQualifiedName) ++i; if (i != n) continue; if (dtdAttribute.attributePrefix.isEmpty() && dtdAttribute.attributeName == "xmlns"_L1) { NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.push(); namespaceDeclaration.prefix.clear(); const XmlStringRef ns(dtdAttribute.defaultValue); if (ns == "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"_L1 || ns == "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"_L1) raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Illegal namespace declaration.")); else namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = ns; } else if (dtdAttribute.attributePrefix == "xmlns"_L1) { NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.push(); XmlStringRef namespacePrefix = dtdAttribute.attributeName; XmlStringRef namespaceUri = dtdAttribute.defaultValue; if (((namespacePrefix == "xml"_L1) ^ (namespaceUri == "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"_L1)) || namespaceUri == "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"_L1 || namespaceUri.isEmpty() || namespacePrefix == "xmlns"_L1) raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Illegal namespace declaration.")); namespaceDeclaration.prefix = namespacePrefix; namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = namespaceUri; } } } tagStack.top().namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = namespaceUri = namespaceForPrefix(prefix); attributes.resize(n); for (qsizetype i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute = attributes[i]; Attribute &attrib = attributeStack[i]; XmlStringRef prefix(symPrefix(attrib.key)); XmlStringRef name(symString(attrib.key)); XmlStringRef qualifiedName(symName(attrib.key)); XmlStringRef value(symString(attrib.value)); attribute.m_name = name; attribute.m_qualifiedName = qualifiedName; attribute.m_value = value; if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { XmlStringRef attributeNamespaceUri = namespaceForPrefix(prefix); attribute.m_namespaceUri = XmlStringRef(attributeNamespaceUri); } for (qsizetype j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (attributes[j].name() == attribute.name() && attributes[j].namespaceUri() == attribute.namespaceUri() && (namespaceProcessing || attributes[j].qualifiedName() == attribute.qualifiedName())) { raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Attribute '%1' redefined.").arg(attribute.qualifiedName())); return; } } } for (DtdAttribute &dtdAttribute : dtdAttributes) { if (dtdAttribute.isNamespaceAttribute || dtdAttribute.defaultValue.isNull() || dtdAttribute.tagName != qualifiedName || dtdAttribute.attributeQualifiedName.isNull()) continue; qsizetype i = 0; while (i < n && symName(attributeStack[i].key) != dtdAttribute.attributeQualifiedName) ++i; if (i != n) continue; QXmlStreamAttribute attribute; attribute.m_name = dtdAttribute.attributeName; attribute.m_qualifiedName = dtdAttribute.attributeQualifiedName; attribute.m_value = dtdAttribute.defaultValue; if (!dtdAttribute.attributePrefix.isEmpty()) { XmlStringRef attributeNamespaceUri = namespaceForPrefix(dtdAttribute.attributePrefix); attribute.m_namespaceUri = XmlStringRef(attributeNamespaceUri); } attribute.m_isDefault = true; attributes.append(std::move(attribute)); } } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolvePublicNamespaces() { const Tag &tag = tagStack.top(); qsizetype n = namespaceDeclarations.size() - tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize; publicNamespaceDeclarations.resize(n); for (qsizetype i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.at(tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize + i); QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration &publicNamespaceDeclaration = publicNamespaceDeclarations[i]; publicNamespaceDeclaration.m_prefix = namespaceDeclaration.prefix; publicNamespaceDeclaration.m_namespaceUri = namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri; } } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveDtd() { publicNotationDeclarations.resize(notationDeclarations.size()); for (qsizetype i = 0; i < notationDeclarations.size(); ++i) { const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::NotationDeclaration ¬ationDeclaration = notationDeclarations.at(i); QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration &publicNotationDeclaration = publicNotationDeclarations[i]; publicNotationDeclaration.m_name = notationDeclaration.name; publicNotationDeclaration.m_systemId = notationDeclaration.systemId; publicNotationDeclaration.m_publicId = notationDeclaration.publicId; } notationDeclarations.clear(); publicEntityDeclarations.resize(entityDeclarations.size()); for (qsizetype i = 0; i < entityDeclarations.size(); ++i) { const QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::EntityDeclaration &entityDeclaration = entityDeclarations.at(i); QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration &publicEntityDeclaration = publicEntityDeclarations[i]; publicEntityDeclaration.m_name = entityDeclaration.name; publicEntityDeclaration.m_notationName = entityDeclaration.notationName; publicEntityDeclaration.m_systemId = entityDeclaration.systemId; publicEntityDeclaration.m_publicId = entityDeclaration.publicId; publicEntityDeclaration.m_value = entityDeclaration.value; } entityDeclarations.clear(); parameterEntityHash.clear(); } uint QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resolveCharRef(int symbolIndex) { bool ok = true; uint s; // ### add toXShort to XmlString? if (sym(symbolIndex).c == 'x') s = symString(symbolIndex, 1).view().toUInt(&ok, 16); else s = symString(symbolIndex).view().toUInt(&ok, 10); ok &= (s == 0x9 || s == 0xa || s == 0xd || (s >= 0x20 && s <= 0xd7ff) || (s >= 0xe000 && s <= 0xfffd) || (s >= 0x10000 && s <= QChar::LastValidCodePoint)); return ok ? s : 0; } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::checkPublicLiteral(QStringView publicId) { //#x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9] | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%] const char16_t *data = publicId.utf16(); uchar c = 0; qsizetype i; for (i = publicId.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (data[i] < 256) switch ((c = data[i])) { case ' ': case '\n': case '\r': case '-': case '(': case ')': case '+': case ',': case '.': case '/': case ':': case '=': case '?': case ';': case '!': case '*': case '#': case '@': case '$': case '_': case '%': case '\'': case '\"': continue; default: if (isAsciiLetterOrNumber(c)) continue; } break; } if (i >= 0) raiseWellFormedError(QXmlStream::tr("Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.").arg(QChar(QLatin1Char(c)))); } /* Checks whether the document starts with an xml declaration. If it does, this function returns \c true; otherwise it sets up everything for a synthetic start document event and returns \c false. */ bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::checkStartDocument() { hasCheckedStartDocument = true; if (scanString(spell[XML], XML)) return true; type = QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument; if (atEnd) { hasCheckedStartDocument = false; raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError); } return false; } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::startDocument() { QString err; if (documentVersion != "1.0"_L1) { if (documentVersion.view().contains(u' ')) err = QXmlStream::tr("Invalid XML version string."); else err = QXmlStream::tr("Unsupported XML version."); } qsizetype n = attributeStack.size(); /* We use this bool to ensure that the pesudo attributes are in the * proper order: * * [23] XMLDecl ::= '' */ for (qsizetype i = 0; err.isNull() && i < n; ++i) { Attribute &attrib = attributeStack[i]; XmlStringRef prefix(symPrefix(attrib.key)); XmlStringRef key(symString(attrib.key)); XmlStringRef value(symString(attrib.value)); if (prefix.isEmpty() && key == "encoding"_L1) { documentEncoding = value; if (hasStandalone) err = QXmlStream::tr("The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding."); if (!QXmlUtils::isEncName(value)) err = QXmlStream::tr("%1 is an invalid encoding name.").arg(value); else { QByteArray enc = value.toString().toUtf8(); if (!lockEncoding) { decoder = QStringDecoder(enc.constData()); if (!decoder.isValid()) { err = QXmlStream::tr("Encoding %1 is unsupported").arg(value); } else { readBuffer = decoder(QByteArrayView(rawReadBuffer).first(nbytesread)); } } } } else if (prefix.isEmpty() && key == "standalone"_L1) { hasStandalone = true; if (value == "yes"_L1) standalone = true; else if (value == "no"_L1) standalone = false; else err = QXmlStream::tr("Standalone accepts only yes or no."); } else { err = QXmlStream::tr("Invalid attribute in XML declaration: %1 = %2").arg(key).arg(value); } } if (!err.isNull()) raiseWellFormedError(err); attributeStack.clear(); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::Error error, const QString& message) { this->error = error; errorString = message; if (errorString.isNull()) { if (error == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) errorString = QXmlStream::tr("Premature end of document."); else if (error == QXmlStreamReader::CustomError) errorString = QXmlStream::tr("Invalid document."); } type = QXmlStreamReader::Invalid; } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::raiseWellFormedError(const QString &message) { raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::NotWellFormedError, message); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::raiseNamePrefixTooLongError() { // TODO: add a ImplementationLimitsExceededError and use it instead raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::NotWellFormedError, QXmlStream::tr("Length of XML attribute name exceeds implementation limits (4KiB " "characters).")); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::parseError() { if (token == EOF_SYMBOL) { raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError); return; } const int nmax = 4; QString error_message; int ers = state_stack[tos]; int nexpected = 0; int expected[nmax]; if (token != XML_ERROR) for (int tk = 0; tk < TERMINAL_COUNT; ++tk) { int k = t_action(ers, tk); if (k <= 0) continue; if (spell[tk]) { if (nexpected < nmax) expected[nexpected++] = tk; } } if (nexpected && nexpected < nmax) { //: '' QString exp_str = QXmlStream::tr("'%1'", "expected") .arg(QLatin1StringView(spell[expected[0]])); if (nexpected == 2) { //: , '' exp_str = QXmlStream::tr("%1 or '%2'", "expected") .arg(exp_str, QLatin1StringView(spell[expected[1]])); } else if (nexpected > 2) { int s = 1; for (; s < nexpected - 1; ++s) { //: , '' exp_str = QXmlStream::tr("%1, '%2'", "expected") .arg(exp_str, QLatin1StringView(spell[expected[s]])); } //: , or '' exp_str = QXmlStream::tr("%1, or '%2'", "expected") .arg(exp_str, QLatin1StringView(spell[expected[s]])); } error_message = QXmlStream::tr("Expected %1, but got '%2'.") .arg(exp_str, QLatin1StringView(spell[token])); } else { error_message = QXmlStream::tr("Unexpected '%1'.").arg(QLatin1StringView(spell[token])); } raiseWellFormedError(error_message); } void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::resume(int rule) { resumeReduction = rule; if (error == QXmlStreamReader::NoError) raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError); } /*! Returns the current line number, starting with 1. \sa columnNumber(), characterOffset() */ qint64 QXmlStreamReader::lineNumber() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->lineNumber + 1; // in public we start with 1 } /*! Returns the current column number, starting with 0. \sa lineNumber(), characterOffset() */ qint64 QXmlStreamReader::columnNumber() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->characterOffset - d->lastLineStart + d->readBufferPos; } /*! Returns the current character offset, starting with 0. \sa lineNumber(), columnNumber() */ qint64 QXmlStreamReader::characterOffset() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->characterOffset + d->readBufferPos; } /*! Returns the text of \l Characters, \l Comment, \l DTD, or EntityReference. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::text() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->text; } /*! If the tokenType() is \l DTD, this function returns the DTD's notation declarations. Otherwise an empty vector is returned. The QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations class is defined to be a QList of QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration. */ QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations QXmlStreamReader::notationDeclarations() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->notationDeclarations.size()) const_cast(d)->resolveDtd(); return d->publicNotationDeclarations; } /*! If the tokenType() is \l DTD, this function returns the DTD's unparsed (external) entity declarations. Otherwise an empty vector is returned. The QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations class is defined to be a QList of QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration. */ QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations QXmlStreamReader::entityDeclarations() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->entityDeclarations.size()) const_cast(d)->resolveDtd(); return d->publicEntityDeclarations; } /*! \since 4.4 If the tokenType() is \l DTD, this function returns the DTD's name. Otherwise an empty string is returned. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::dtdName() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::DTD) return d->dtdName; return QStringView(); } /*! \since 4.4 If the tokenType() is \l DTD, this function returns the DTD's public identifier. Otherwise an empty string is returned. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::dtdPublicId() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::DTD) return d->dtdPublicId; return QStringView(); } /*! \since 4.4 If the tokenType() is \l DTD, this function returns the DTD's system identifier. Otherwise an empty string is returned. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::dtdSystemId() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::DTD) return d->dtdSystemId; return QStringView(); } /*! \since 5.15 Returns the maximum amount of characters a single entity is allowed to expand into. If a single entity expands past the given limit, the document is not considered well formed. \sa setEntityExpansionLimit */ int QXmlStreamReader::entityExpansionLimit() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->entityExpansionLimit; } /*! \since 5.15 Sets the maximum amount of characters a single entity is allowed to expand into to \a limit. If a single entity expands past the given limit, the document is not considered well formed. The limit is there to prevent DoS attacks when loading unknown XML documents where recursive entity expansion could otherwise exhaust all available memory. The default value for this property is 4096 characters. \sa entityExpansionLimit */ void QXmlStreamReader::setEntityExpansionLimit(int limit) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->entityExpansionLimit = limit; } /*! If the tokenType() is \l StartElement, this function returns the element's namespace declarations. Otherwise an empty vector is returned. The QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations class is defined to be a QList of QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration. \sa addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(), addExtraNamespaceDeclarations() */ QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations QXmlStreamReader::namespaceDeclarations() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->publicNamespaceDeclarations.isEmpty() && d->type == StartElement) const_cast(d)->resolvePublicNamespaces(); return d->publicNamespaceDeclarations; } /*! \since 4.4 Adds an \a extraNamespaceDeclaration. The declaration will be valid for children of the current element, or - should the function be called before any elements are read - for the entire XML document. \sa namespaceDeclarations(), addExtraNamespaceDeclarations(), setNamespaceProcessing() */ void QXmlStreamReader::addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration &extraNamespaceDeclaration) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = d->namespaceDeclarations.push(); namespaceDeclaration.prefix = d->addToStringStorage(extraNamespaceDeclaration.prefix()); namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = d->addToStringStorage(extraNamespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri()); } /*! \since 4.4 Adds a vector of declarations specified by \a extraNamespaceDeclarations. \sa namespaceDeclarations(), addExtraNamespaceDeclaration() */ void QXmlStreamReader::addExtraNamespaceDeclarations(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations &extraNamespaceDeclarations) { for (const auto &extraNamespaceDeclaration : extraNamespaceDeclarations) addExtraNamespaceDeclaration(extraNamespaceDeclaration); } /*! Convenience function to be called in case a StartElement was read. Reads until the corresponding EndElement and returns all text in-between. In case of no error, the current token (see tokenType()) after having called this function is EndElement. The function concatenates text() when it reads either \l Characters or EntityReference tokens, but skips ProcessingInstruction and \l Comment. If the current token is not StartElement, an empty string is returned. The \a behaviour defines what happens in case anything else is read before reaching EndElement. The function can include the text from child elements (useful for example for HTML), ignore child elements, or raise an UnexpectedElementError and return what was read so far (default). \since 4.6 */ QString QXmlStreamReader::readElementText(ReadElementTextBehaviour behaviour) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); if (isStartElement()) { QString result; forever { switch (readNext()) { case Characters: case EntityReference: result.insert(result.size(), d->text); break; case EndElement: return result; case ProcessingInstruction: case Comment: break; case StartElement: if (behaviour == SkipChildElements) { skipCurrentElement(); break; } else if (behaviour == IncludeChildElements) { result += readElementText(behaviour); break; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); default: if (d->error || behaviour == ErrorOnUnexpectedElement) { if (!d->error) d->raiseError(UnexpectedElementError, QXmlStream::tr("Expected character data.")); return result; } } } } return QString(); } /*! Raises a custom error with an optional error \a message. \sa error(), errorString() */ void QXmlStreamReader::raiseError(const QString& message) { Q_D(QXmlStreamReader); d->raiseError(CustomError, message); } /*! Returns the error message that was set with raiseError(). \sa error(), lineNumber(), columnNumber(), characterOffset() */ QString QXmlStreamReader::errorString() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) return d->errorString; return QString(); } /*! Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred. \sa errorString(), raiseError() */ QXmlStreamReader::Error QXmlStreamReader::error() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) return d->error; return NoError; } /*! Returns the target of a ProcessingInstruction. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::processingInstructionTarget() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->processingInstructionTarget; } /*! Returns the data of a ProcessingInstruction. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::processingInstructionData() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->processingInstructionData; } /*! Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference. \sa namespaceUri(), qualifiedName() */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::name() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->name; } /*! Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement. \sa name(), qualifiedName() */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::namespaceUri() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->namespaceUri; } /*! Returns the qualified name of a StartElement or EndElement; A qualified name is the raw name of an element in the XML data. It consists of the namespace prefix, followed by colon, followed by the element's local name. Since the namespace prefix is not unique (the same prefix can point to different namespaces and different prefixes can point to the same namespace), you shouldn't use qualifiedName(), but the resolved namespaceUri() and the attribute's local name(). \sa name(), prefix(), namespaceUri() */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::qualifiedName() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->qualifiedName; } /*! \since 4.4 Returns the prefix of a StartElement or EndElement. \sa name(), qualifiedName() */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::prefix() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->prefix; } /*! Returns the attributes of a StartElement. */ QXmlStreamAttributes QXmlStreamReader::attributes() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->attributes; } #endif // feature xmlstreamreader /*! \class QXmlStreamAttribute \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamAttribute class represents a single XML attribute. \ingroup xml-tools An attribute consists of an optionally empty namespaceUri(), a name(), a value(), and an isDefault() attribute. The raw XML attribute name is returned as qualifiedName(). */ /*! Creates an empty attribute. */ QXmlStreamAttribute::QXmlStreamAttribute() { m_isDefault = false; } /*! Constructs an attribute in the namespace described with \a namespaceUri with \a name and value \a value. */ QXmlStreamAttribute::QXmlStreamAttribute(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &value) { m_namespaceUri = namespaceUri; m_name = m_qualifiedName = name; m_value = value; m_namespaceUri = namespaceUri; } /*! Constructs an attribute with qualified name \a qualifiedName and value \a value. */ QXmlStreamAttribute::QXmlStreamAttribute(const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &value) { qsizetype colon = qualifiedName.indexOf(u':'); m_name = qualifiedName.mid(colon + 1); m_qualifiedName = qualifiedName; m_value = value; } /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamAttribute::namespaceUri() const Returns the attribute's resolved namespaceUri, or an empty string reference if the attribute does not have a defined namespace. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamAttribute::name() const Returns the attribute's local name. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamAttribute::qualifiedName() const Returns the attribute's qualified name. A qualified name is the raw name of an attribute in the XML data. It consists of the namespace prefix(), followed by colon, followed by the attribute's local name(). Since the namespace prefix is not unique (the same prefix can point to different namespaces and different prefixes can point to the same namespace), you shouldn't use qualifiedName(), but the resolved namespaceUri() and the attribute's local name(). */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamAttribute::prefix() const \since 4.4 Returns the attribute's namespace prefix. \sa name(), qualifiedName() */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamAttribute::value() const Returns the attribute's value. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamAttribute::isDefault() const Returns \c true if the parser added this attribute with a default value following an ATTLIST declaration in the DTD; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamAttribute::operator==(const QXmlStreamAttribute &other) const Compares this attribute with \a other and returns \c true if they are equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamAttribute::operator!=(const QXmlStreamAttribute &other) const Compares this attribute with \a other and returns \c true if they are not equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \class QXmlStreamAttributes \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of QXmlStreamAttribute. Attributes are returned by a QXmlStreamReader in \l{QXmlStreamReader::attributes()} {attributes()} when the reader reports a \l {QXmlStreamReader::StartElement}{start element}. The class can also be used with a QXmlStreamWriter as an argument to \l {QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttributes()}{writeAttributes()}. The convenience function value() loops over the vector and returns an attribute value for a given namespaceUri and an attribute's name. New attributes can be added with append(). \ingroup xml-tools */ /*! \fn QXmlStreamAttributes::QXmlStreamAttributes() A constructor for QXmlStreamAttributes. */ /*! \typedef QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations \relates QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Synonym for QList. */ /*! \class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration class represents a DTD notation declaration. \ingroup xml-tools An notation declaration consists of a name(), a systemId(), and a publicId(). */ /*! Creates an empty notation declaration. */ QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration() { } /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::name() const Returns the notation name. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::systemId() const Returns the system identifier. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::publicId() const Returns the public identifier. */ /*! \fn inline bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::operator==(const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration &other) const Compares this notation declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn inline bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::operator!=(const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration &other) const Compares this notation declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are not equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \typedef QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations \relates QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration Synonym for QList. */ /*! \class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration class represents a namespace declaration. \ingroup xml-tools An namespace declaration consists of a prefix() and a namespaceUri(). */ /*! \fn inline bool QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::operator==(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration &other) const Compares this namespace declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn inline bool QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::operator!=(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration &other) const Compares this namespace declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are not equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! Creates an empty namespace declaration. */ QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration() { } /*! \since 4.4 Creates a namespace declaration with \a prefix and \a namespaceUri. */ QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration(const QString &prefix, const QString &namespaceUri) { m_prefix = prefix; m_namespaceUri = namespaceUri; } /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::prefix() const Returns the prefix. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration::namespaceUri() const Returns the namespaceUri. */ /*! \typedef QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations \relates QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration Synonym for QList. */ /*! \class QXmlString \inmodule QtCore \since 6.0 \internal */ /*! \class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration class represents a DTD entity declaration. \ingroup xml-tools An entity declaration consists of a name(), a notationName(), a systemId(), a publicId(), and a value(). */ /*! Creates an empty entity declaration. */ QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration() { } /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::name() const Returns the entity name. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::notationName() const Returns the notation name. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::systemId() const Returns the system identifier. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::publicId() const Returns the public identifier. */ /*! \fn QStringView QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::value() const Returns the entity's value. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::operator==(const QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration &other) const Compares this entity declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration::operator!=(const QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration &other) const Compares this entity declaration with \a other and returns \c true if they are not equal; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! Returns the value of the attribute \a name in the namespace described with \a namespaceUri, or an empty string reference if the attribute is not defined. The \a namespaceUri can be empty. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.6, this function was implemented as an overload set accepting combinations of QString and QLatin1StringView only. */ QStringView QXmlStreamAttributes::value(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name) const noexcept { for (const QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute : *this) { if (attribute.name() == name && attribute.namespaceUri() == namespaceUri) return attribute.value(); } return QStringView(); } /*!\overload Returns the value of the attribute with qualified name \a qualifiedName , or an empty string reference if the attribute is not defined. A qualified name is the raw name of an attribute in the XML data. It consists of the namespace prefix, followed by colon, followed by the attribute's local name. Since the namespace prefix is not unique (the same prefix can point to different namespaces and different prefixes can point to the same namespace), you shouldn't use qualified names, but a resolved namespaceUri and the attribute's local name. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.6, this function was implemented as an overload set accepting QString and QLatin1StringView only. */ QStringView QXmlStreamAttributes::value(QAnyStringView qualifiedName) const noexcept { for (const QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute : *this) { if (attribute.qualifiedName() == qualifiedName) return attribute.value(); } return QStringView(); } /*!Appends a new attribute with \a name in the namespace described with \a namespaceUri, and value \a value. The \a namespaceUri can be empty. */ void QXmlStreamAttributes::append(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &value) { append(QXmlStreamAttribute(namespaceUri, name, value)); } /*!\overload Appends a new attribute with qualified name \a qualifiedName and value \a value. */ void QXmlStreamAttributes::append(const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &value) { append(QXmlStreamAttribute(qualifiedName, value)); } #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstreamreader) /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isStartDocument() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l StartDocument; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isEndDocument() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l EndDocument; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isStartElement() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l StartElement; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isEndElement() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l EndElement; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isCharacters() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l Characters; otherwise returns \c false. \sa isWhitespace(), isCDATA() */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isComment() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l Comment; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isDTD() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l DTD; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isEntityReference() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l EntityReference; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamReader::isProcessingInstruction() const Returns \c true if tokenType() equals \l ProcessingInstruction; otherwise returns \c false. */ /*! Returns \c true if the reader reports characters that only consist of white-space; otherwise returns \c false. \sa isCharacters(), text() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::isWhitespace() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Characters && d->isWhitespace; } /*! Returns \c true if the reader reports characters that stem from a CDATA section; otherwise returns \c false. \sa isCharacters(), text() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::isCDATA() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->type == QXmlStreamReader::Characters && d->isCDATA; } /*! Returns \c true if this document has been declared standalone in the XML declaration; otherwise returns \c false. If no XML declaration has been parsed, this function returns \c false. \sa hasStandaloneDeclaration() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::isStandaloneDocument() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->standalone; } /*! \since 6.6 Returns \c true if this document has an explicit standalone declaration (can be 'yes' or 'no'); otherwise returns \c false; If no XML declaration has been parsed, this function returns \c false. \sa isStandaloneDocument() */ bool QXmlStreamReader::hasStandaloneDeclaration() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); return d->hasStandalone; } /*! \since 4.4 If the tokenType() is \l StartDocument, this function returns the version string as specified in the XML declaration. Otherwise an empty string is returned. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::documentVersion() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument) return d->documentVersion; return QStringView(); } /*! \since 4.4 If the tokenType() is \l StartDocument, this function returns the encoding string as specified in the XML declaration. Otherwise an empty string is returned. */ QStringView QXmlStreamReader::documentEncoding() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamReader); if (d->type == QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument) return d->documentEncoding; return QStringView(); } #endif // feature xmlstreamreader /*! \class QXmlStreamWriter \inmodule QtCore \since 4.3 \reentrant \brief The QXmlStreamWriter class provides an XML writer with a simple streaming API. \ingroup xml-tools \ingroup qtserialization QXmlStreamWriter is the counterpart to QXmlStreamReader for writing XML. Like its related class, it operates on a QIODevice specified with setDevice(). The API is simple and straightforward: for every XML token or event you want to write, the writer provides a specialized function. You start a document with writeStartDocument() and end it with writeEndDocument(). This will implicitly close all remaining open tags. Element tags are opened with writeStartElement() followed by writeAttribute() or writeAttributes(), element content, and then writeEndElement(). A shorter form writeEmptyElement() can be used to write empty elements, followed by writeAttributes(). Element content consists of either characters, entity references or nested elements. It is written with writeCharacters(), which also takes care of escaping all forbidden characters and character sequences, writeEntityReference(), or subsequent calls to writeStartElement(). A convenience method writeTextElement() can be used for writing terminal elements that contain nothing but text. The following abridged code snippet shows the basic use of the class to write formatted XML with indentation: \snippet qxmlstreamwriter/main.cpp start stream \dots \snippet qxmlstreamwriter/main.cpp write element \dots \snippet qxmlstreamwriter/main.cpp finish stream QXmlStreamWriter takes care of prefixing namespaces, all you have to do is specify the \c namespaceUri when writing elements or attributes. If you must conform to certain prefixes, you can force the writer to use them by declaring the namespaces manually with either writeNamespace() or writeDefaultNamespace(). Alternatively, you can bypass the stream writer's namespace support and use overloaded methods that take a qualified name instead. The namespace \e http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace is implicit and mapped to the prefix \e xml. The stream writer can automatically format the generated XML data by adding line-breaks and indentation to empty sections between elements, making the XML data more readable for humans and easier to work with for most source code management systems. The feature can be turned on with the \l autoFormatting property, and customized with the \l autoFormattingIndent property. Other functions are writeCDATA(), writeComment(), writeProcessingInstruction(), and writeDTD(). Chaining of XML streams is supported with writeCurrentToken(). QXmlStreamWriter always encodes XML in UTF-8. If an error occurs while writing to the underlying device, hasError() starts returning true and subsequent writes are ignored. The \l{QXmlStream Bookmarks Example} illustrates how to use a stream writer to write an XML bookmark file (XBEL) that was previously read in by a QXmlStreamReader. */ #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstreamwriter) class QXmlStreamWriterPrivate : public QXmlStreamPrivateTagStack { QXmlStreamWriter *q_ptr; Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QXmlStreamWriter) public: enum class StartElementOption { KeepEverything = 0, // write out every attribute, namespace, &c. OmitNamespaceDeclarations = 1, }; QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(QXmlStreamWriter *q); ~QXmlStreamWriterPrivate() { if (deleteDevice) delete device; } void write(QAnyStringView s); void writeEscaped(QAnyStringView, bool escapeWhitespace = false); bool finishStartElement(bool contents = true); void writeStartElement(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name, StartElementOption option = StartElementOption::KeepEverything); QIODevice *device; QString *stringDevice; uint deleteDevice :1; uint inStartElement :1; uint inEmptyElement :1; uint lastWasStartElement :1; uint wroteSomething :1; uint hasIoError :1; uint hasEncodingError :1; uint autoFormatting :1; std::string autoFormattingIndent; NamespaceDeclaration emptyNamespace; qsizetype lastNamespaceDeclaration; NamespaceDeclaration &addExtraNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView prefix); NamespaceDeclaration &findNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, bool writeDeclaration = false, bool noDefault = false); void writeNamespaceDeclaration(const NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration); int namespacePrefixCount; void indent(int level); private: void doWriteToDevice(QStringView s); void doWriteToDevice(QUtf8StringView s); void doWriteToDevice(QLatin1StringView s); }; QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(QXmlStreamWriter *q) : autoFormattingIndent(4, ' ') { q_ptr = q; device = nullptr; stringDevice = nullptr; deleteDevice = false; inStartElement = inEmptyElement = false; wroteSomething = false; hasIoError = false; hasEncodingError = false; lastWasStartElement = false; lastNamespaceDeclaration = 1; autoFormatting = false; namespacePrefixCount = 0; } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::write(QAnyStringView s) { if (device) { if (hasIoError) return; s.visit([&] (auto s) { doWriteToDevice(s); }); } else if (stringDevice) { s.visit([&] (auto s) { stringDevice->append(s); }); } else { qWarning("QXmlStreamWriter: No device"); } } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::writeEscaped(QAnyStringView s, bool escapeWhitespace) { QString escaped; escaped.reserve(s.size()); s.visit([&] (auto s) { using View = decltype(s); auto it = s.begin(); const auto end = s.end(); while (it != end) { QLatin1StringView replacement; auto mark = it; while (it != end) { if (*it == u'<') { replacement = "<"_L1; break; } else if (*it == u'>') { replacement = ">"_L1; break; } else if (*it == u'&') { replacement = "&"_L1; break; } else if (*it == u'\"') { replacement = """_L1; break; } else if (*it == u'\t') { if (escapeWhitespace) { replacement = " "_L1; break; } } else if (*it == u'\n') { if (escapeWhitespace) { replacement = " "_L1; break; } } else if (*it == u'\v' || *it == u'\f') { hasEncodingError = true; break; } else if (*it == u'\r') { if (escapeWhitespace) { replacement = " "_L1; break; } } else if (*it <= u'\x1F' || *it >= u'\uFFFE') { hasEncodingError = true; break; } ++it; } escaped.append(View{mark, it}); escaped.append(replacement); if (it != end) ++it; } } ); write(escaped); } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::writeNamespaceDeclaration(const NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration) { if (namespaceDeclaration.prefix.isEmpty()) { write(" xmlns=\""); write(namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri); write("\""); } else { write(" xmlns:"); write(namespaceDeclaration.prefix); write("=\""); write(namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri); write("\""); } } bool QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::finishStartElement(bool contents) { bool hadSomethingWritten = wroteSomething; wroteSomething = contents; if (!inStartElement) return hadSomethingWritten; if (inEmptyElement) { write("/>"); QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::Tag tag = tagStack_pop(); lastNamespaceDeclaration = tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize; lastWasStartElement = false; } else { write(">"); } inStartElement = inEmptyElement = false; lastNamespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.size(); return hadSomethingWritten; } QXmlStreamPrivateTagStack::NamespaceDeclaration & QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::addExtraNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView prefix) { const bool prefixIsXml = prefix == "xml"_L1; const bool namespaceUriIsXml = namespaceUri == "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"_L1; if (prefixIsXml && !namespaceUriIsXml) { qWarning("Reserved prefix 'xml' must not be bound to a different namespace name " "than 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'"); } else if (!prefixIsXml && namespaceUriIsXml) { const QString prefixString = prefix.toString(); qWarning("The prefix '%ls' must not be bound to namespace name " "'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' which 'xml' is already bound to", qUtf16Printable(prefixString)); } if (namespaceUri == "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"_L1) { const QString prefixString = prefix.toString(); qWarning("The prefix '%ls' must not be bound to namespace name " "'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'", qUtf16Printable(prefixString)); } auto &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.push(); namespaceDeclaration.prefix = addToStringStorage(prefix); namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = addToStringStorage(namespaceUri); return namespaceDeclaration; } QXmlStreamPrivateTagStack::NamespaceDeclaration &QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::findNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, bool writeDeclaration, bool noDefault) { for (NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration : reversed(namespaceDeclarations)) { if (namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri == namespaceUri) { if (!noDefault || !namespaceDeclaration.prefix.isEmpty()) return namespaceDeclaration; } } if (namespaceUri.isEmpty()) return emptyNamespace; NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = namespaceDeclarations.push(); if (namespaceUri.isEmpty()) { namespaceDeclaration.prefix.clear(); } else { QString s; int n = ++namespacePrefixCount; forever { s = u'n' + QString::number(n++); qsizetype j = namespaceDeclarations.size() - 2; while (j >= 0 && namespaceDeclarations.at(j).prefix != s) --j; if (j < 0) break; } namespaceDeclaration.prefix = addToStringStorage(s); } namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = addToStringStorage(namespaceUri); if (writeDeclaration) writeNamespaceDeclaration(namespaceDeclaration); return namespaceDeclaration; } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::indent(int level) { write("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) write(autoFormattingIndent); } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::doWriteToDevice(QStringView s) { constexpr qsizetype MaxChunkSize = 512; char buffer [3 * MaxChunkSize]; QStringEncoder::State state; while (!s.isEmpty()) { const qsizetype chunkSize = std::min(s.size(), MaxChunkSize); char *end = QUtf8::convertFromUnicode(buffer, s.first(chunkSize), &state); doWriteToDevice(QUtf8StringView{buffer, end}); s = s.sliced(chunkSize); } if (state.remainingChars > 0) hasEncodingError = true; } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::doWriteToDevice(QUtf8StringView s) { QByteArrayView bytes = s; if (device->write(bytes.data(), bytes.size()) != bytes.size()) hasIoError = true; } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::doWriteToDevice(QLatin1StringView s) { constexpr qsizetype MaxChunkSize = 512; char buffer [2 * MaxChunkSize]; while (!s.isEmpty()) { const qsizetype chunkSize = std::min(s.size(), MaxChunkSize); char *end = QUtf8::convertFromLatin1(buffer, s.first(chunkSize)); doWriteToDevice(QUtf8StringView{buffer, end}); s = s.sliced(chunkSize); } } /*! Constructs a stream writer. \sa setDevice() */ QXmlStreamWriter::QXmlStreamWriter() : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(this)) { } /*! Constructs a stream writer that writes into \a device; */ QXmlStreamWriter::QXmlStreamWriter(QIODevice *device) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->device = device; } /*! Constructs a stream writer that writes into \a array. This is the same as creating an xml writer that operates on a QBuffer device which in turn operates on \a array. */ QXmlStreamWriter::QXmlStreamWriter(QByteArray *array) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->device = new QBuffer(array); d->device->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); d->deleteDevice = true; } /*! Constructs a stream writer that writes into \a string. * */ QXmlStreamWriter::QXmlStreamWriter(QString *string) : d_ptr(new QXmlStreamWriterPrivate(this)) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->stringDevice = string; } /*! Destructor. */ QXmlStreamWriter::~QXmlStreamWriter() { } /*! Sets the current device to \a device. If you want the stream to write into a QByteArray, you can create a QBuffer device. \sa device() */ void QXmlStreamWriter::setDevice(QIODevice *device) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); if (device == d->device) return; d->stringDevice = nullptr; if (d->deleteDevice) { delete d->device; d->deleteDevice = false; } d->device = device; } /*! Returns the current device associated with the QXmlStreamWriter, or \nullptr if no device has been assigned. \sa setDevice() */ QIODevice *QXmlStreamWriter::device() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamWriter); return d->device; } /*! \property QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormatting \since 4.4 \brief the auto-formatting flag of the stream writer. This property controls whether or not the stream writer automatically formats the generated XML data. If enabled, the writer automatically adds line-breaks and indentation to empty sections between elements (ignorable whitespace). The main purpose of auto-formatting is to split the data into several lines, and to increase readability for a human reader. The indentation depth can be controlled through the \l autoFormattingIndent property. By default, auto-formatting is disabled. */ /*! \since 4.4 Enables auto formatting if \a enable is \c true, otherwise disables it. The default value is \c false. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormatting(bool enable) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->autoFormatting = enable; } /*! \since 4.4 Returns \c true if auto formatting is enabled, otherwise \c false. */ bool QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormatting() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamWriter); return d->autoFormatting; } /*! \property QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormattingIndent \since 4.4 \brief the number of spaces or tabs used for indentation when auto-formatting is enabled. Positive numbers indicate spaces, negative numbers tabs. The default indentation is 4. \sa autoFormatting */ void QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormattingIndent(int spacesOrTabs) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->autoFormattingIndent.assign(size_t(qAbs(spacesOrTabs)), spacesOrTabs >= 0 ? ' ' : '\t'); } int QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormattingIndent() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamWriter); const QLatin1StringView indent(d->autoFormattingIndent); return indent.count(u' ') - indent.count(u'\t'); } /*! Returns \c true if writing failed. This can happen if the stream failed to write to the underlying device or if the data to be written contained invalid characters. The error status is never reset. Writes happening after the error occurred may be ignored, even if the error condition is cleared. */ bool QXmlStreamWriter::hasError() const { Q_D(const QXmlStreamWriter); return d->hasIoError || d->hasEncodingError; } /*! \overload Writes an attribute with \a qualifiedName and \a value. This function can only be called after writeStartElement() before any content is written, or after writeEmptyElement(). \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(QAnyStringView qualifiedName, QAnyStringView value) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(d->inStartElement); Q_ASSERT(count(qualifiedName, ':') <= 1); d->write(" "); d->write(qualifiedName); d->write("=\""); d->writeEscaped(value, true); d->write("\""); } /*! Writes an attribute with \a name and \a value, prefixed for the specified \a namespaceUri. If the namespace has not been declared yet, QXmlStreamWriter will generate a namespace declaration for it. This function can only be called after writeStartElement() before any content is written, or after writeEmptyElement(). \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(d->inStartElement); Q_ASSERT(!contains(name, ':')); QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = d->findNamespace(namespaceUri, true, true); d->write(" "); if (!namespaceDeclaration.prefix.isEmpty()) { d->write(namespaceDeclaration.prefix); d->write(":"); } d->write(name); d->write("=\""); d->writeEscaped(value, true); d->write("\""); } /*! \overload Writes the \a attribute. This function can only be called after writeStartElement() before any content is written, or after writeEmptyElement(). */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(const QXmlStreamAttribute& attribute) { if (attribute.namespaceUri().isEmpty()) writeAttribute(attribute.qualifiedName(), attribute.value()); else writeAttribute(attribute.namespaceUri(), attribute.name(), attribute.value()); } /*! Writes the attribute vector \a attributes. If a namespace referenced in an attribute not been declared yet, QXmlStreamWriter will generate a namespace declaration for it. This function can only be called after writeStartElement() before any content is written, or after writeEmptyElement(). \sa writeAttribute(), writeNamespace() */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes& attributes) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(d->inStartElement); Q_UNUSED(d); for (const auto &attr : attributes) writeAttribute(attr); } /*! Writes \a text as CDATA section. If \a text contains the forbidden character sequence "]]>", it is split into different CDATA sections. This function mainly exists for completeness. Normally you should not need use it, because writeCharacters() automatically escapes all non-content characters. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeCDATA(QAnyStringView text) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(); d->write(""_L1); if (idx < 0) break; // no forbidden sequence found d->write(text.first(idx)); d->write("]]" // text[idx, idx + 2) "]]> ">"); // text[idx + 2, idx + 3) text = text.sliced(idx + 3); // skip over "]]>" } d->write(text); // write remainder d->write("]]>"); } /*! Writes \a text. The characters "<", "&", and "\"" are escaped as entity references "<", "&, and """. To avoid the forbidden sequence "]]>", ">" is also escaped as ">". \sa writeEntityReference() \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeCharacters(QAnyStringView text) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(); d->writeEscaped(text); } /*! Writes \a text as XML comment, where \a text must not contain the forbidden sequence \c{--} or end with \c{-}. Note that XML does not provide any way to escape \c{-} in a comment. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeComment(QAnyStringView text) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(!contains(text, "--"_L1) && !endsWith(text, '-')); if (!d->finishStartElement(false) && d->autoFormatting) d->indent(d->tagStack.size()); d->write(""); d->inStartElement = d->lastWasStartElement = false; } /*! Writes a DTD section. The \a dtd represents the entire doctypedecl production from the XML 1.0 specification. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeDTD(QAnyStringView dtd) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(); if (d->autoFormatting) d->write("\n"); d->write(dtd); if (d->autoFormatting) d->write("\n"); } /*! \overload Writes an empty element with qualified name \a qualifiedName. Subsequent calls to writeAttribute() will add attributes to this element. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEmptyElement(QAnyStringView qualifiedName) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(count(qualifiedName, ':') <= 1); d->writeStartElement({}, qualifiedName); d->inEmptyElement = true; } /*! Writes an empty element with \a name, prefixed for the specified \a namespaceUri. If the namespace has not been declared, QXmlStreamWriter will generate a namespace declaration for it. Subsequent calls to writeAttribute() will add attributes to this element. \sa writeNamespace() \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEmptyElement(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(!contains(name, ':')); d->writeStartElement(namespaceUri, name); d->inEmptyElement = true; } /*!\overload Writes a text element with \a qualifiedName and \a text. This is a convenience function equivalent to: \snippet code/src_corelib_xml_qxmlstream.cpp 1 \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeTextElement(QAnyStringView qualifiedName, QAnyStringView text) { writeStartElement(qualifiedName); writeCharacters(text); writeEndElement(); } /*! Writes a text element with \a name, prefixed for the specified \a namespaceUri, and \a text. If the namespace has not been declared, QXmlStreamWriter will generate a namespace declaration for it. This is a convenience function equivalent to: \snippet code/src_corelib_xml_qxmlstream.cpp 2 \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeTextElement(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView text) { writeStartElement(namespaceUri, name); writeCharacters(text); writeEndElement(); } /*! Closes all remaining open start elements and writes a newline. \sa writeStartDocument() */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndDocument() { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); while (d->tagStack.size()) writeEndElement(); d->write("\n"); } /*! Closes the previous start element. \sa writeStartElement() */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndElement() { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); if (d->tagStack.isEmpty()) return; // shortcut: if nothing was written, close as empty tag if (d->inStartElement && !d->inEmptyElement) { d->write("/>"); d->lastWasStartElement = d->inStartElement = false; QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::Tag tag = d->tagStack_pop(); d->lastNamespaceDeclaration = tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize; return; } if (!d->finishStartElement(false) && !d->lastWasStartElement && d->autoFormatting) d->indent(d->tagStack.size()-1); if (d->tagStack.isEmpty()) return; d->lastWasStartElement = false; QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::Tag tag = d->tagStack_pop(); d->lastNamespaceDeclaration = tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize; d->write("write(tag.namespaceDeclaration.prefix); d->write(":"); } d->write(tag.name); d->write(">"); } /*! Writes the entity reference \a name to the stream, as "&\a{name};". \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEntityReference(QAnyStringView name) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(); d->write("&"); d->write(name); d->write(";"); } /*! Writes a namespace declaration for \a namespaceUri with \a prefix. If \a prefix is empty, QXmlStreamWriter assigns a unique prefix consisting of the letter 'n' followed by a number. If writeStartElement() or writeEmptyElement() was called, the declaration applies to the current element; otherwise it applies to the next child element. Note that the prefix \e xml is both predefined and reserved for \e http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace, which in turn cannot be bound to any other prefix. The prefix \e xmlns and its URI \e http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ are used for the namespace mechanism itself and thus completely forbidden in declarations. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView prefix) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(prefix != "xmlns"_L1); if (prefix.isEmpty()) { d->findNamespace(namespaceUri, d->inStartElement); } else { auto &namespaceDeclaration = d->addExtraNamespace(namespaceUri, prefix); if (d->inStartElement) d->writeNamespaceDeclaration(namespaceDeclaration); } } /*! Writes a default namespace declaration for \a namespaceUri. If writeStartElement() or writeEmptyElement() was called, the declaration applies to the current element; otherwise it applies to the next child element. Note that the namespaces \e http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace (bound to \e xmlns) and \e http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ (bound to \e xml) by definition cannot be declared as default. \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeDefaultNamespace(QAnyStringView namespaceUri) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(namespaceUri != "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"_L1); Q_ASSERT(namespaceUri != "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"_L1); QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::NamespaceDeclaration &namespaceDeclaration = d->namespaceDeclarations.push(); namespaceDeclaration.prefix.clear(); namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri = d->addToStringStorage(namespaceUri); if (d->inStartElement) d->writeNamespaceDeclaration(namespaceDeclaration); } /*! Writes an XML processing instruction with \a target and \a data, where \a data must not contain the sequence "?>". \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeProcessingInstruction(QAnyStringView target, QAnyStringView data) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(!contains(data, "?>"_L1)); if (!d->finishStartElement(false) && d->autoFormatting) d->indent(d->tagStack.size()); d->write("write(target); if (!data.isNull()) { d->write(" "); d->write(data); } d->write("?>"); } /*!\overload Writes a document start with XML version number "1.0". \sa writeEndDocument() \since 4.5 */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument() { writeStartDocument("1.0"_L1); } /*! Writes a document start with the XML version number \a version. \sa writeEndDocument() \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument(QAnyStringView version) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(false); d->write("write(version); if (d->device) // stringDevice does not get any encoding d->write("\" encoding=\"UTF-8"); d->write("\"?>"); } /*! Writes a document start with the XML version number \a version and a standalone attribute \a standalone. \sa writeEndDocument() \since 4.5 \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument(QAnyStringView version, bool standalone) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); d->finishStartElement(false); d->write("write(version); if (d->device) // stringDevice does not get any encoding d->write("\" encoding=\"UTF-8"); if (standalone) d->write("\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"); else d->write("\" standalone=\"no\"?>"); } /*!\overload Writes a start element with \a qualifiedName. Subsequent calls to writeAttribute() will add attributes to this element. \sa writeEndElement(), writeEmptyElement() \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartElement(QAnyStringView qualifiedName) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(count(qualifiedName, ':') <= 1); d->writeStartElement({}, qualifiedName); } /*! Writes a start element with \a name, prefixed for the specified \a namespaceUri. If the namespace has not been declared yet, QXmlStreamWriter will generate a namespace declaration for it. Subsequent calls to writeAttribute() will add attributes to this element. \sa writeNamespace(), writeEndElement(), writeEmptyElement() \note In Qt versions prior to 6.5, this function took QString, not QAnyStringView. */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartElement(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); Q_ASSERT(!contains(name, ':')); d->writeStartElement(namespaceUri, name); } void QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::writeStartElement(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name, StartElementOption option) { if (!finishStartElement(false) && autoFormatting) indent(tagStack.size()); Tag &tag = tagStack_push(); tag.name = addToStringStorage(name); tag.namespaceDeclaration = findNamespace(namespaceUri); write("<"); if (!tag.namespaceDeclaration.prefix.isEmpty()) { write(tag.namespaceDeclaration.prefix); write(":"); } write(tag.name); inStartElement = lastWasStartElement = true; if (option != StartElementOption::OmitNamespaceDeclarations) { for (qsizetype i = lastNamespaceDeclaration; i < namespaceDeclarations.size(); ++i) writeNamespaceDeclaration(namespaceDeclarations[i]); } tag.namespaceDeclarationsSize = lastNamespaceDeclaration; } #if QT_CONFIG(xmlstreamreader) /*! Writes the current state of the \a reader. All possible valid states are supported. The purpose of this function is to support chained processing of XML data. \sa QXmlStreamReader::tokenType() */ void QXmlStreamWriter::writeCurrentToken(const QXmlStreamReader &reader) { Q_D(QXmlStreamWriter); switch (reader.tokenType()) { case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken: break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument: writeStartDocument(); break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: writeEndDocument(); break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { // Namespaces must be added before writeStartElement is called so new prefixes are found QList extraNamespaces; for (const auto &namespaceDeclaration : reader.namespaceDeclarations()) { auto &extraNamespace = d->addExtraNamespace(namespaceDeclaration.namespaceUri(), namespaceDeclaration.prefix()); extraNamespaces.append(extraNamespace); } d->writeStartElement( reader.namespaceUri(), reader.name(), QXmlStreamWriterPrivate::StartElementOption::OmitNamespaceDeclarations); // Namespace declarations are written afterwards for (const auto &extraNamespace : std::as_const(extraNamespaces)) d->writeNamespaceDeclaration(extraNamespace); writeAttributes(reader.attributes()); } break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: writeEndElement(); break; case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: if (reader.isCDATA()) writeCDATA(reader.text()); else writeCharacters(reader.text()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::Comment: writeComment(reader.text()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::DTD: writeDTD(reader.text()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference: writeEntityReference(reader.name()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction: writeProcessingInstruction(reader.processingInstructionTarget(), reader.processingInstructionData()); break; default: Q_ASSERT(reader.tokenType() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid); qWarning("QXmlStreamWriter: writeCurrentToken() with invalid state."); break; } } static constexpr bool isTokenAllowedInContext(QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type, QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::XmlContext ctxt) { switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument: case QXmlStreamReader::DTD: return ctxt == QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::XmlContext::Prolog; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference: case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: return ctxt == QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::XmlContext::Body; case QXmlStreamReader::Comment: case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction: return true; case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken: case QXmlStreamReader::Invalid: return false; } // GCC 8.x does not treat __builtin_unreachable() as constexpr #if !defined(Q_CC_GNU_ONLY) || (Q_CC_GNU >= 900) Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(false); #else return false; #endif } /*! \internal \brief QXmlStreamReader::isValidToken \return \c true if \param type is a valid token type. \return \c false if \param type is an unexpected token, which indicates a non-well-formed or invalid XML stream. */ bool QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::isValidToken(QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type) { // Don't change currentContext, if Invalid or NoToken occur in the prolog if (type == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid || type == QXmlStreamReader::NoToken) return false; // If a token type gets rejected in the body, there is no recovery const bool result = isTokenAllowedInContext(type, currentContext); if (result || currentContext == XmlContext::Body) return result; // First non-Prolog token observed => switch context to body and check again. currentContext = XmlContext::Body; return isTokenAllowedInContext(type, currentContext); } /*! \internal Checks token type and raises an error, if it is invalid in the current context (prolog/body). */ void QXmlStreamReaderPrivate::checkToken() { Q_Q(QXmlStreamReader); // The token type must be consumed, to keep track if the body has been reached. const XmlContext context = currentContext; const bool ok = isValidToken(type); // Do nothing if an error has been raised already (going along with an unexpected token) if (error != QXmlStreamReader::Error::NoError) return; if (!ok) { raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::UnexpectedElementError, QXmlStream::tr("Unexpected token type %1 in %2.") .arg(q->tokenString(), contextString(context))); return; } if (type != QXmlStreamReader::DTD) return; // Raise error on multiple DTD tokens if (foundDTD) { raiseError(QXmlStreamReader::UnexpectedElementError, QXmlStream::tr("Found second DTD token in %1.").arg(contextString(context))); } else { foundDTD = true; } } /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute(QAnyStringView qualifiedName) const Returns \c true if this QXmlStreamAttributes has an attribute whose qualified name is \a qualifiedName; otherwise returns \c false. Note that this is not namespace aware. For instance, if this QXmlStreamAttributes contains an attribute whose lexical name is "xlink:href" this doesn't tell that an attribute named \c href in the XLink namespace is present, since the \c xlink prefix can be bound to any namespace. Use the overload that takes a namespace URI and a local name as parameter, for namespace aware code. */ /*! \fn bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute(QAnyStringView namespaceUri, QAnyStringView name) const \overload Returns \c true if this QXmlStreamAttributes has an attribute whose namespace URI and name correspond to \a namespaceUri and \a name; otherwise returns \c false. */ #endif // feature xmlstreamreader #endif // feature xmlstreamwriter QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // feature xmlstream