// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qglobal.h" #if (defined(QT_STATIC) || defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED)) && defined(Q_CC_GNU_ONLY) && Q_CC_GNU && __GNUC__ == 10 QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wfree-nonheap-object") // false positive tracking #endif #if defined(Q_OS_MACOS) # include "private/qcore_mac_p.h" # include #endif #include "qplatformdefs.h" #include "qdatastream.h" #include "qdebug.h" #include "qhashfunctions.h" #include "qstring.h" #include "qlocale.h" #include "qlocale_p.h" #include "qlocale_tools_p.h" #if QT_CONFIG(datetimeparser) #include "private/qdatetimeparser_p.h" #endif #include "qnamespace.h" #include "qdatetime.h" #include "qstringlist.h" #include "qvariant.h" #include "qvarlengtharray.h" #include "qstringbuilder.h" #if QT_CONFIG(timezone) # include "qtimezone.h" #endif #include "private/qnumeric_p.h" #include "private/qtools_p.h" #include #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE # include "qmutex.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # include # include #endif #include "private/qcalendarbackend_p.h" #include "private/qgregoriancalendar_p.h" #include "qcalendar.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QT_IMPL_METATYPE_EXTERN_TAGGED(QList, QList_Qt__DayOfWeek) #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE QT_IMPL_METATYPE_EXTERN_TAGGED(QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument, QSystemLocale__CurrencyToStringArgument) #endif using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE Q_CONSTINIT static QSystemLocale *_systemLocale = nullptr; Q_CONSTINIT static QLocaleData systemLocaleData = {}; #endif static_assert(ascii_isspace(' ')); static_assert(ascii_isspace('\t')); static_assert(ascii_isspace('\n')); static_assert(ascii_isspace('\v')); static_assert(ascii_isspace('\f')); static_assert(ascii_isspace('\r')); static_assert(!ascii_isspace('\0')); static_assert(!ascii_isspace('\a')); static_assert(!ascii_isspace('a')); static_assert(!ascii_isspace('\177')); static_assert(!ascii_isspace(uchar('\200'))); static_assert(!ascii_isspace(uchar('\xA0'))); static_assert(!ascii_isspace(uchar('\377'))); /****************************************************************************** ** Helpers for accessing Qt locale database */ QT_BEGIN_INCLUDE_NAMESPACE #include "qlocale_data_p.h" QT_END_INCLUDE_NAMESPACE QLocale::Language QLocalePrivate::codeToLanguage(QStringView code, QLocale::LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes) noexcept { const auto len = code.size(); if (len != 2 && len != 3) return QLocale::AnyLanguage; const char16_t uc1 = code[0].toLower().unicode(); const char16_t uc2 = code[1].toLower().unicode(); const char16_t uc3 = len > 2 ? code[2].toLower().unicode() : 0; // All language codes are ASCII. if (uc1 > 0x7F || uc2 > 0x7F || uc3 > 0x7F) return QLocale::AnyLanguage; const AlphaCode codeBuf = { { char(uc1), char(uc2), char(uc3) } }; auto searchCode = [codeBuf](auto f) { return std::find_if(languageCodeList.begin(), languageCodeList.end(), [=](const LanguageCodeEntry &i) { return f(i) == codeBuf; }); }; if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part1) && uc3 == 0) { auto i = searchCode([](const LanguageCodeEntry &i) { return i.part1; }); if (i != languageCodeList.end()) return QLocale::Language(std::distance(languageCodeList.begin(), i)); } if (uc3 != 0) { if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part2B)) { auto i = searchCode([](const LanguageCodeEntry &i) { return i.part2B; }); if (i != languageCodeList.end()) return QLocale::Language(std::distance(languageCodeList.begin(), i)); } // Optimization: Part 2T code if present is always the same as Part 3 code. // This is asserted in iso639_3.LanguageCodeData. if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part2T) && !codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part3)) { auto i = searchCode([](const LanguageCodeEntry &i) { return i.part2T; }); if (i != languageCodeList.end()) return QLocale::Language(std::distance(languageCodeList.begin(), i)); } if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part3)) { auto i = searchCode([](const LanguageCodeEntry &i) { return i.part3; }); if (i != languageCodeList.end()) return QLocale::Language(std::distance(languageCodeList.begin(), i)); } } if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::LegacyLanguageCode) && uc3 == 0) { // legacy codes if (uc1 == 'n' && uc2 == 'o') // no -> nb return QLocale::NorwegianBokmal; if (uc1 == 't' && uc2 == 'l') // tl -> fil return QLocale::Filipino; if (uc1 == 's' && uc2 == 'h') // sh -> sr[_Latn] return QLocale::Serbian; if (uc1 == 'm' && uc2 == 'o') // mo -> ro return QLocale::Romanian; // Android uses the following deprecated codes if (uc1 == 'i' && uc2 == 'w') // iw -> he return QLocale::Hebrew; if (uc1 == 'i' && uc2 == 'n') // in -> id return QLocale::Indonesian; if (uc1 == 'j' && uc2 == 'i') // ji -> yi return QLocale::Yiddish; } return QLocale::AnyLanguage; } QLocale::Script QLocalePrivate::codeToScript(QStringView code) noexcept { const auto len = code.size(); if (len != 4) return QLocale::AnyScript; // script is titlecased in our data unsigned char c0 = code[0].toUpper().toLatin1(); unsigned char c1 = code[1].toLower().toLatin1(); unsigned char c2 = code[2].toLower().toLatin1(); unsigned char c3 = code[3].toLower().toLatin1(); const unsigned char *c = script_code_list; for (qsizetype i = 0; i < QLocale::LastScript; ++i, c += 4) { if (c0 == c[0] && c1 == c[1] && c2 == c[2] && c3 == c[3]) return QLocale::Script(i); } return QLocale::AnyScript; } QLocale::Territory QLocalePrivate::codeToTerritory(QStringView code) noexcept { const auto len = code.size(); if (len != 2 && len != 3) return QLocale::AnyTerritory; char16_t uc1 = code[0].toUpper().unicode(); char16_t uc2 = code[1].toUpper().unicode(); char16_t uc3 = len > 2 ? code[2].toUpper().unicode() : 0; const unsigned char *c = territory_code_list; for (; *c != 0; c += 3) { if (uc1 == c[0] && uc2 == c[1] && uc3 == c[2]) return QLocale::Territory((c - territory_code_list)/3); } return QLocale::AnyTerritory; } QLatin1StringView QLocalePrivate::languageToCode(QLocale::Language language, QLocale::LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes) { if (language == QLocale::AnyLanguage || language > QLocale::LastLanguage) return {}; if (language == QLocale::C) return "C"_L1; const LanguageCodeEntry &i = languageCodeList[language]; if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part1) && i.part1.isValid()) return {i.part1.code, 2}; if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part2B) && i.part2B.isValid()) return {i.part2B.code, 3}; if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part2T) && i.part2T.isValid()) return {i.part2T.code, 3}; if (codeTypes.testFlag(QLocale::ISO639Part3)) return {i.part3.code, 3}; return {}; } QLatin1StringView QLocalePrivate::scriptToCode(QLocale::Script script) { if (script == QLocale::AnyScript || script > QLocale::LastScript) return {}; const unsigned char *c = script_code_list + 4 * script; return {reinterpret_cast(c), 4}; } QLatin1StringView QLocalePrivate::territoryToCode(QLocale::Territory territory) { if (territory == QLocale::AnyTerritory || territory > QLocale::LastTerritory) return {}; const unsigned char *c = territory_code_list + 3 * territory; return {reinterpret_cast(c), c[2] == 0 ? 2 : 3}; } namespace { struct LikelyPair { QLocaleId key; // Search key. QLocaleId value = QLocaleId { 0, 0, 0 }; }; bool operator<(const LikelyPair &lhs, const LikelyPair &rhs) { // Must match the comparison LocaleDataWriter.likelySubtags() uses when // sorting, see qtbase/util/locale_database.qlocalexml2cpp.py const auto compare = [](int lhs, int rhs) { // 0 sorts after all other values; lhs and rhs are passed ushort values. const int huge = 0x10000; return (lhs ? lhs : huge) - (rhs ? rhs : huge); }; const auto &left = lhs.key; const auto &right = rhs.key; // Comparison order: language, region, script: if (int cmp = compare(left.language_id, right.language_id)) return cmp < 0; if (int cmp = compare(left.territory_id, right.territory_id)) return cmp < 0; return compare(left.script_id, right.script_id) < 0; } } // anonymous namespace /*! Fill in blank fields of a locale ID. An ID in which some fields are zero stands for any locale that agrees with it in its non-zero fields. CLDR's likely-subtag data is meant to help us chose which candidate to prefer. (Note, however, that CLDR does have some cases where it maps an ID to a "best match" for which CLDR does not provide data, even though there are locales for which CLDR does provide data that do match the given ID. It's telling us, unhelpfully but truthfully, what locale would (most likely) be meant by (someone using) the combination requested, even when that locale isn't yet supported.) It may also map an obsolete or generic tag to a modern or more specific replacement, possibly filling in some of the other fields in the process (presently only for countries). Note that some fields of the result may remain blank, but there is no more specific recommendation available. For the formal specification, see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags \note We also search und_script_region and und_region; they're not mentioned in the spec, but the examples clearly presume them and CLDR does provide such likely matches. */ QLocaleId QLocaleId::withLikelySubtagsAdded() const { /* Each pattern that appears in a comments below, language_script_region and similar, indicates which of this's fields (even if blank) are being attended to in a given search; for fields left out of the pattern, the search uses 0 regardless of whether this has specified the field. If a key matches what we're searching for (possibly with a wildcard in the key matching a non-wildcard in our search), the tags from this that are specified in the key are replaced by the match (even if different); but the other tags of this replace what's in the match (even when the match does specify a value). */ static_assert(std::size(likely_subtags) % 2 == 0); auto *pairs = reinterpret_cast(likely_subtags); auto *const afterPairs = pairs + std::size(likely_subtags) / 2; LikelyPair sought { *this }; // Our array is sorted in the order that puts all candidate matches in the // order we would want them; ones we should prefer appear before the others. if (language_id) { // language_script_region, language_region, language_script, language: pairs = std::lower_bound(pairs, afterPairs, sought); // Single language's block isn't long enough to warrant more binary // chopping within it - just traverse it all: for (; pairs < afterPairs && pairs->key.language_id == language_id; ++pairs) { const QLocaleId &key = pairs->key; if (key.territory_id && key.territory_id != territory_id) continue; if (key.script_id && key.script_id != script_id) continue; QLocaleId value = pairs->value; if (territory_id && !key.territory_id) value.territory_id = territory_id; if (script_id && !key.script_id) value.script_id = script_id; return value; } } // und_script_region or und_region (in that order): if (territory_id) { sought.key = QLocaleId { 0, script_id, territory_id }; pairs = std::lower_bound(pairs, afterPairs, sought); // Again, individual und_?_region block isn't long enough to make binary // chop a win: for (; pairs < afterPairs && pairs->key.territory_id == territory_id; ++pairs) { const QLocaleId &key = pairs->key; Q_ASSERT(!key.language_id); if (key.script_id && key.script_id != script_id) continue; QLocaleId value = pairs->value; if (language_id) value.language_id = language_id; if (script_id && !key.script_id) value.script_id = script_id; return value; } } // und_script: if (script_id) { sought.key = QLocaleId { 0, script_id, 0 }; pairs = std::lower_bound(pairs, afterPairs, sought); if (pairs < afterPairs && pairs->key.script_id == script_id) { Q_ASSERT(!pairs->key.language_id && !pairs->key.territory_id); QLocaleId value = pairs->value; if (language_id) value.language_id = language_id; if (territory_id) value.territory_id = territory_id; return value; } } if (matchesAll()) { // Skipped all of the above. // CLDR has no match-all at v37, but might get one some day ... pairs = std::lower_bound(pairs, afterPairs, sought); if (pairs < afterPairs) { // All other keys are < match-all. Q_ASSERT(pairs + 1 == afterPairs); Q_ASSERT(pairs->key.matchesAll()); return pairs->value; } } return *this; } QLocaleId QLocaleId::withLikelySubtagsRemoved() const { QLocaleId max = withLikelySubtagsAdded(); // language { QLocaleId id { language_id, 0, 0 }; if (id.withLikelySubtagsAdded() == max) return id; } // language_region if (territory_id) { QLocaleId id { language_id, 0, territory_id }; if (id.withLikelySubtagsAdded() == max) return id; } // language_script if (script_id) { QLocaleId id { language_id, script_id, 0 }; if (id.withLikelySubtagsAdded() == max) return id; } return max; } QByteArray QLocaleId::name(char separator) const { if (language_id == QLocale::AnyLanguage) return QByteArray(); if (language_id == QLocale::C) return QByteArrayLiteral("C"); const LanguageCodeEntry &language = languageCodeList[language_id]; const char *lang; qsizetype langLen; if (language.part1.isValid()) { lang = language.part1.code; langLen = 2; } else { lang = language.part2B.isValid() ? language.part2B.code : language.part3.code; langLen = 3; } const unsigned char *script = (script_id != QLocale::AnyScript ? script_code_list + 4 * script_id : nullptr); const unsigned char *country = (territory_id != QLocale::AnyTerritory ? territory_code_list + 3 * territory_id : nullptr); qsizetype len = langLen + (script ? 4 + 1 : 0) + (country ? (country[2] != 0 ? 3 : 2) + 1 : 0); QByteArray name(len, Qt::Uninitialized); char *uc = name.data(); *uc++ = lang[0]; *uc++ = lang[1]; if (langLen > 2) *uc++ = lang[2]; if (script) { *uc++ = separator; *uc++ = script[0]; *uc++ = script[1]; *uc++ = script[2]; *uc++ = script[3]; } if (country) { *uc++ = separator; *uc++ = country[0]; *uc++ = country[1]; if (country[2] != 0) *uc++ = country[2]; } return name; } QByteArray QLocalePrivate::bcp47Name(char separator) const { if (m_data->m_language_id == QLocale::AnyLanguage) return QByteArray(); if (m_data->m_language_id == QLocale::C) return QByteArrayLiteral("en"); return m_data->id().withLikelySubtagsRemoved().name(separator); } static qsizetype findLocaleIndexById(const QLocaleId &localeId) { qsizetype idx = locale_index[localeId.language_id]; // If there are no locales for specified language (so we we've got the // default language, which has no associated script or country), give up: if (localeId.language_id && idx == 0) return idx; Q_ASSERT(localeId.acceptLanguage(locale_data[idx].m_language_id)); do { if (localeId.acceptScriptTerritory(locale_data[idx].id())) return idx; ++idx; } while (localeId.acceptLanguage(locale_data[idx].m_language_id)); return -1; } qsizetype QLocaleData::findLocaleIndex(QLocaleId lid) { QLocaleId localeId = lid; QLocaleId likelyId = localeId.withLikelySubtagsAdded(); const ushort fallback = likelyId.language_id; // Try a straight match with the likely data: qsizetype index = findLocaleIndexById(likelyId); if (index >= 0) return index; QVarLengthArray tried; tried.push_back(likelyId); #define CheckCandidate(id) do { \ if (!tried.contains(id)) { \ index = findLocaleIndexById(id); \ if (index >= 0) \ return index; \ tried.push_back(id); \ } \ } while (false) // end CheckCandidate // No match; try again with raw data: CheckCandidate(localeId); // No match; try again with likely country for language_script if (lid.territory_id && (lid.language_id || lid.script_id)) { localeId.territory_id = 0; likelyId = localeId.withLikelySubtagsAdded(); CheckCandidate(likelyId); // No match; try again with any country CheckCandidate(localeId); } // No match; try again with likely script for language_region if (lid.script_id && (lid.language_id || lid.territory_id)) { localeId = QLocaleId { lid.language_id, 0, lid.territory_id }; likelyId = localeId.withLikelySubtagsAdded(); CheckCandidate(likelyId); // No match; try again with any script CheckCandidate(localeId); } #undef CheckCandidate // No match; return base index for initial likely language: return locale_index[fallback]; } static QStringView findTag(QStringView name) noexcept { const std::u16string_view v(name.utf16(), size_t(name.size())); const auto i = v.find_first_of(u"_-.@"); if (i == std::string_view::npos) return name; return name.first(qsizetype(i)); } static bool validTag(QStringView tag) { // Is tag is a non-empty sequence of ASCII letters and/or digits ? for (QChar uc : tag) { const char16_t ch = uc.unicode(); if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) return false; } return tag.size() > 0; } static bool isScript(QStringView tag) { // Every script name is 4 characters, a capital followed by three lower-case; // so a search for tag in allScripts *can* only match if it's aligned. static const QString allScripts = QString::fromLatin1(reinterpret_cast(script_code_list), sizeof(script_code_list) - 1); return tag.size() == 4 && allScripts.indexOf(tag) % 4 == 0; } bool qt_splitLocaleName(QStringView name, QStringView *lang, QStringView *script, QStringView *land) { // Assume each of lang, script and land is nullptr or points to an empty QStringView. enum ParserState { NoState, LangState, ScriptState, CountryState }; ParserState state = LangState; while (name.size() && state != NoState) { const QStringView tag = findTag(name); if (!validTag(tag)) break; name = name.sliced(tag.size()); const bool sep = name.size() > 0; if (sep) // tag wasn't all that remained; there was a separator name = name.sliced(1); switch (state) { case LangState: if (tag.size() != 2 && tag.size() != 3) return false; if (lang) *lang = tag; state = sep ? ScriptState : NoState; break; case ScriptState: if (isScript(tag)) { if (script) *script = tag; state = sep ? CountryState : NoState; break; } // It wasn't a script, assume it's a country. Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case CountryState: if (land) *land = tag; state = NoState; break; case NoState: // Precluded by loop condition ! Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } } return state != LangState; } QLocaleId QLocaleId::fromName(QStringView name) { QStringView lang; QStringView script; QStringView land; if (!qt_splitLocaleName(name, &lang, &script, &land)) return { QLocale::C, 0, 0 }; QLocale::Language langId = QLocalePrivate::codeToLanguage(lang); if (langId == QLocale::AnyLanguage) return { QLocale::C, 0, 0 }; return { langId, QLocalePrivate::codeToScript(script), QLocalePrivate::codeToTerritory(land) }; } QString qt_readEscapedFormatString(QStringView format, qsizetype *idx) { qsizetype &i = *idx; Q_ASSERT(format.at(i) == u'\''); ++i; if (i == format.size()) return QString(); if (format.at(i).unicode() == '\'') { // "''" outside of a quoted string ++i; return "'"_L1; } QString result; while (i < format.size()) { if (format.at(i).unicode() == '\'') { if (format.mid(i + 1).startsWith(u'\'')) { // "''" inside a quoted string result.append(u'\''); i += 2; } else { break; } } else { result.append(format.at(i++)); } } if (i < format.size()) ++i; return result; } /*! \internal Counts the number of identical leading characters in \a s. If \a s is empty, returns 0. Otherwise, returns the number of consecutive \c{s.front()} characters at the start of \a s. \code qt_repeatCount(u"a"); // == 1 qt_repeatCount(u"ab"); // == 1 qt_repeatCount(u"aab"); // == 2 \endcode */ qsizetype qt_repeatCount(QStringView s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return 0; const QChar c = s.front(); qsizetype j = 1; while (j < s.size() && s.at(j) == c) ++j; return j; } Q_CONSTINIT static const QLocaleData *default_data = nullptr; static QLocalePrivate *c_private() { static QLocalePrivate c_locale(locale_data, 0, QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator, 1); return &c_locale; } #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE /****************************************************************************** ** Default system locale behavior */ /*! \internal Constructs a QSystemLocale object. The constructor will automatically install this object as the system locale. It and the destructor maintain a stack of system locales, with the most-recently-created instance (that hasn't yet been deleted) used as the system locale. This is only intended as a way to let a platform plugin install its own system locale, overriding what might otherwise be provided for its class of platform (as Android does, differing from Linux), and to let tests transiently over-ride the system or plugin-supplied one. As such, there should not be diverse threads creating and destroying QSystemLocale instances concurrently, so no attempt is made at thread-safety in managing the stack. This constructor also resets the flag that'll prompt QLocale::system() to re-initialize its data, so that instantiating a QSystemLocale (even transiently) triggers a refresh of the system locale's data. This is exploited by some test code. */ QSystemLocale::QSystemLocale() : next(_systemLocale) { _systemLocale = this; systemLocaleData.m_language_id = 0; } /*! \internal Deletes the object. */ QSystemLocale::~QSystemLocale() { if (_systemLocale == this) { _systemLocale = next; // Change to system locale => force refresh. systemLocaleData.m_language_id = 0; } else { for (QSystemLocale *p = _systemLocale; p; p = p->next) { if (p->next == this) p->next = next; } } } static const QSystemLocale *systemLocale() { if (_systemLocale) return _systemLocale; // As this is only ever instantiated with _systemLocale null, it is // necessarily the ->next-most in any chain that may subsequently develop; // and it won't be destructed until exit()-time. static QSystemLocale globalInstance; return &globalInstance; } static void updateSystemPrivate() { // This function is NOT thread-safe! // It *should not* be called by anything but systemData() // It *is* called before {system,default}LocalePrivate exist. const QSystemLocale *sys_locale = systemLocale(); // tell the object that the system locale has changed. sys_locale->query(QSystemLocale::LocaleChanged); // Populate system locale with fallback as basis systemLocaleData = locale_data[sys_locale->fallbackLocaleIndex()]; QVariant res = sys_locale->query(QSystemLocale::LanguageId); if (!res.isNull()) { systemLocaleData.m_language_id = res.toInt(); systemLocaleData.m_script_id = QLocale::AnyScript; // default for compatibility } res = sys_locale->query(QSystemLocale::TerritoryId); if (!res.isNull()) { systemLocaleData.m_territory_id = res.toInt(); systemLocaleData.m_script_id = QLocale::AnyScript; // default for compatibility } res = sys_locale->query(QSystemLocale::ScriptId); if (!res.isNull()) systemLocaleData.m_script_id = res.toInt(); // Should we replace Any values based on likely sub-tags ? } #endif // !QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE static const QLocaleData *systemData() { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE /* Copy over the information from the fallback locale and modify. This modifies (cross-thread) global state, so take care to only call it in one thread. */ { Q_CONSTINIT static QBasicMutex systemDataMutex; systemDataMutex.lock(); if (systemLocaleData.m_language_id == 0) updateSystemPrivate(); systemDataMutex.unlock(); } return &systemLocaleData; #else return locale_data; #endif } static const QLocaleData *defaultData() { if (!default_data) default_data = systemData(); return default_data; } static qsizetype defaultIndex() { const QLocaleData *const data = defaultData(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (data == &systemLocaleData) { // Work out a suitable index matching the system data, for use when // accessing calendar data, when not fetched from system. return QLocaleData::findLocaleIndex(data->id()); } #endif using QtPrivate::q_points_into_range; Q_ASSERT(q_points_into_range(data, locale_data, std::end(locale_data))); return data - locale_data; } const QLocaleData *QLocaleData::c() { Q_ASSERT(locale_index[QLocale::C] == 0); return locale_data; } #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &ds, const QLocale &l) { ds << l.name(); return ds; } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, QLocale &l) { QString s; ds >> s; l = QLocale(s); return ds; } #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM static constexpr qsizetype locale_data_size = q20::ssize(locale_data) - 1; // trailing guard Q_CONSTINIT QBasicAtomicInt QLocalePrivate::s_generation = Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0); Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QSharedDataPointer, defaultLocalePrivate, new QLocalePrivate(defaultData(), defaultIndex())) static QLocalePrivate *localePrivateByName(QStringView name) { if (name == u"C") return c_private(); const qsizetype index = QLocaleData::findLocaleIndex(QLocaleId::fromName(name)); Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < locale_data_size); return new QLocalePrivate(locale_data + index, index, locale_data[index].m_language_id == QLocale::C ? QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator : QLocale::DefaultNumberOptions); } static QLocalePrivate *findLocalePrivate(QLocale::Language language, QLocale::Script script, QLocale::Territory territory) { if (language == QLocale::C) return c_private(); qsizetype index = QLocaleData::findLocaleIndex(QLocaleId { language, script, territory }); Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < locale_data_size); const QLocaleData *data = locale_data + index; QLocale::NumberOptions numberOptions = QLocale::DefaultNumberOptions; // If not found, should use default locale: if (data->m_language_id == QLocale::C) { if (defaultLocalePrivate.exists()) numberOptions = defaultLocalePrivate->data()->m_numberOptions; data = defaultData(); index = defaultIndex(); } return new QLocalePrivate(data, index, numberOptions); } static std::optional systemLocaleString(const QLocaleData *that, QSystemLocale::QueryType type) { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (that != &systemLocaleData) return std::nullopt; QVariant v = systemLocale()->query(type); if (v.metaType() != QMetaType::fromType()) return std::nullopt; return v.toString(); #else Q_UNUSED(that) Q_UNUSED(type) return std::nullopt; #endif } static QString localeString(const QLocaleData *that, QSystemLocale::QueryType type, QLocaleData::DataRange range) { if (auto opt = systemLocaleString(that, type)) return *opt; return range.getData(single_character_data); } QString QLocaleData::decimalPoint() const { return localeString(this, QSystemLocale::DecimalPoint, decimalSeparator()); } QString QLocaleData::groupSeparator() const { return localeString(this, QSystemLocale::GroupSeparator, groupDelim()); } QString QLocaleData::percentSign() const { return percent().getData(single_character_data); } QString QLocaleData::listSeparator() const { return listDelimit().getData(single_character_data); } QString QLocaleData::zeroDigit() const { return localeString(this, QSystemLocale::ZeroDigit, zero()); } char32_t QLocaleData::zeroUcs() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (this == &systemLocaleData) { const auto text = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::ZeroDigit).toString(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { if (text.size() == 1 && !text.at(0).isSurrogate()) return text.at(0).unicode(); if (text.size() == 2 && text.at(0).isHighSurrogate()) return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(text.at(0), text.at(1)); } } #endif return zero().ucsFirst(single_character_data); } QString QLocaleData::negativeSign() const { return localeString(this, QSystemLocale::NegativeSign, minus()); } QString QLocaleData::positiveSign() const { return localeString(this, QSystemLocale::PositiveSign, plus()); } QString QLocaleData::exponentSeparator() const { return exponential().getData(single_character_data); } /*! \internal */ QLocale::QLocale(QLocalePrivate &dd) : d(&dd) {} /*! \since 6.3 Constructs a QLocale object with the specified \a name. The name has the format "language[_script][_territory][.codeset][@modifier]" or "C", where: \list \li language is a lowercase, two-letter, ISO 639 language code (some three-letter codes are also recognized), \li script is a capitalized, four-letter, ISO 15924 script code, \li territory is an uppercase, two-letter, ISO 3166 territory code (some numeric codes are also recognized), and \li codeset and modifier are ignored. \endlist The separator can be either underscore \c{'_'} (U+005F, "low line") or a dash \c{'-'} (U+002D, "hyphen-minus"). If QLocale has no data for the specified combination of language, script, and territory, then it uses the most suitable match it can find instead. If the string violates the locale format, or no suitable data can be found for the specified keys, the "C" locale is used instead. This constructor is much slower than QLocale(Language, Script, Territory) or QLocale(Language, Territory). \sa bcp47Name(), {Matching combinations of language, script and territory} */ QLocale::QLocale(QStringView name) : d(localePrivateByName(name)) { } /*! \fn QLocale::QLocale(const QString &name) \overload */ /*! Constructs a QLocale object initialized with the default locale. If no default locale was set using setDefault(), this locale will be the same as the one returned by system(). \sa setDefault(), system() */ QLocale::QLocale() : d(*defaultLocalePrivate) { // Make sure system data is up to date: systemData(); } /*! Constructs a QLocale object for the specified \a language and \a territory. If there is more than one script in use for this combination, a likely script will be selected. If QLocale has no data for the specified \a language, the default locale is used. If QLocale has no data for the specified combination of \a language and \a territory, an alternative territory may be used instead. \sa setDefault(), {Matching combinations of language, script and territory} */ QLocale::QLocale(Language language, Territory territory) : d(findLocalePrivate(language, QLocale::AnyScript, territory)) { } /*! \since 4.8 Constructs a QLocale object for the specified \a language, \a script and \a territory. If QLocale does not have data for the given combination, it will find data for as good a match as it can. It falls back on the default locale if \list \li \a language is \c AnyLanguage and no language can be inferred from \a script and \a territory \li QLocale has no data for the language, either given as \a language or inferred as above. \endlist \sa setDefault(), {Matching combinations of language, script and territory} */ QLocale::QLocale(Language language, Script script, Territory territory) : d(findLocalePrivate(language, script, territory)) { } /*! Constructs a QLocale object as a copy of \a other. */ QLocale::QLocale(const QLocale &other) noexcept = default; /*! Destructor */ QLocale::~QLocale() { } /*! Assigns \a other to this QLocale object and returns a reference to this QLocale object. */ QLocale &QLocale::operator=(const QLocale &other) noexcept = default; /*! \internal Equality comparison. */ bool QLocale::equals(const QLocale &other) const { return d->m_data == other.d->m_data && d->m_numberOptions == other.d->m_numberOptions; } /*! \fn void QLocale::swap(QLocale &other) \since 5.6 Swaps locale \a other with this locale. This operation is very fast and never fails. */ /*! \since 5.6 \relates QLocale Returns the hash value for \a key, using \a seed to seed the calculation. */ size_t qHash(const QLocale &key, size_t seed) noexcept { return qHashMulti(seed, key.d->m_data, key.d->m_numberOptions); } /*! \since 4.2 Sets the \a options related to number conversions for this QLocale instance. \sa numberOptions(), FloatingPointPrecisionOption */ void QLocale::setNumberOptions(NumberOptions options) { d->m_numberOptions = options; } /*! \since 4.2 Returns the options related to number conversions for this QLocale instance. By default, no options are set for the standard locales, except for the "C" locale, which has OmitGroupSeparator set by default. \sa setNumberOptions(), toString(), groupSeparator(), FloatingPointPrecisionOption */ QLocale::NumberOptions QLocale::numberOptions() const { return static_cast(d->m_numberOptions); } /*! \fn QString QLocale::quoteString(const QString &str, QuotationStyle style) const \since 4.8 Returns \a str quoted according to the current locale using the given quotation \a style. */ /*! \since 6.0 \overload */ QString QLocale::quoteString(QStringView str, QuotationStyle style) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res; if (style == QLocale::AlternateQuotation) res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::StringToAlternateQuotation, QVariant::fromValue(str)); if (res.isNull() || style == QLocale::StandardQuotation) res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::StringToStandardQuotation, QVariant::fromValue(str)); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif QLocaleData::DataRange start, end; if (style == QLocale::StandardQuotation) { start = d->m_data->quoteStart(); end = d->m_data->quoteEnd(); } else { start = d->m_data->quoteStartAlternate(); end = d->m_data->quoteEndAlternate(); } return start.viewData(single_character_data) % str % end.viewData(single_character_data); } /*! \since 4.8 Returns a string that represents a join of a given \a list of strings with a separator defined by the locale. */ QString QLocale::createSeparatedList(const QStringList &list) const { // May be empty if list is empty or sole entry is empty. #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::ListToSeparatedString, QVariant::fromValue(list)); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif const qsizetype size = list.size(); if (size < 1) return QString(); if (size == 1) return list.at(0); if (size == 2) return d->m_data->pairListPattern().getData( list_pattern_part_data).arg(list.at(0), list.at(1)); QStringView formatStart = d->m_data->startListPattern().viewData(list_pattern_part_data); QStringView formatMid = d->m_data->midListPattern().viewData(list_pattern_part_data); QStringView formatEnd = d->m_data->endListPattern().viewData(list_pattern_part_data); QString result = formatStart.arg(list.at(0), list.at(1)); for (qsizetype i = 2; i < size - 1; ++i) result = formatMid.arg(result, list.at(i)); result = formatEnd.arg(result, list.at(size - 1)); return result; } /*! \nonreentrant Sets the global default locale to \a locale. These values are used when a QLocale object is constructed with no arguments. If this function is not called, the system's locale is used. \warning In a multithreaded application, the default locale should be set at application startup, before any non-GUI threads are created. \sa system(), c() */ void QLocale::setDefault(const QLocale &locale) { default_data = locale.d->m_data; if (defaultLocalePrivate.isDestroyed()) return; // avoid crash on exit if (!defaultLocalePrivate.exists()) { // Force it to exist; see QTBUG-83016 QLocale ignoreme; Q_ASSERT(defaultLocalePrivate.exists()); } // update the cached private *defaultLocalePrivate = locale.d; QLocalePrivate::s_generation.fetchAndAddRelaxed(1); } /*! Returns the language of this locale. \sa script(), territory(), languageToString(), bcp47Name() */ QLocale::Language QLocale::language() const { return Language(d->languageId()); } /*! \since 4.8 Returns the script of this locale. \sa language(), territory(), languageToString(), scriptToString(), bcp47Name() */ QLocale::Script QLocale::script() const { return Script(d->m_data->m_script_id); } /*! \since 6.2 Returns the territory of this locale. \sa language(), script(), territoryToString(), bcp47Name() */ QLocale::Territory QLocale::territory() const { return Territory(d->territoryId()); } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 6) /*! \deprecated [6.6] Use \l territory() instead. Returns the territory of this locale. \sa language(), script(), territoryToString(), bcp47Name() */ QLocale::Country QLocale::country() const { return territory(); } #endif /*! \brief The short name of this locale. Returns the language and territory of this locale as a string of the form "language_territory", where language is a lowercase, two-letter ISO 639 language code, and territory is an uppercase, two- or three-letter ISO 3166 territory code. If the locale has no specified territory, only the language name is returned. Even if the QLocale object was constructed with an explicit script, name() will not contain it for compatibility reasons. Use \l bcp47Name() instead if you need a full locale name, or construct the string you want to identify a locale by from those returned by passing its \l language() to \l languageToCode() and similar for the script and territory. \sa QLocale(), language(), script(), territory(), bcp47Name(), uiLanguages() */ QString QLocale::name() const { Language l = language(); if (l == C) return d->languageCode(); Territory c = territory(); if (c == AnyTerritory) return d->languageCode(); return d->languageCode() + u'_' + d->territoryCode(); } static qlonglong toIntegral_helper(const QLocaleData *d, QStringView str, bool *ok, QLocale::NumberOptions mode, qlonglong) { return d->stringToLongLong(str, 10, ok, mode); } static qulonglong toIntegral_helper(const QLocaleData *d, QStringView str, bool *ok, QLocale::NumberOptions mode, qulonglong) { return d->stringToUnsLongLong(str, 10, ok, mode); } template static inline T toIntegral_helper(const QLocalePrivate *d, QStringView str, bool *ok) { using Int64 = typename std::conditional::value, qulonglong, qlonglong>::type; // we select the right overload by the last, unused parameter Int64 val = toIntegral_helper(d->m_data, str, ok, d->m_numberOptions, Int64()); if (T(val) != val) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; val = 0; } return T(val); } /*! \since 4.8 \brief Returns the BCP47 field names joined with dashes. This combines as many of language, script and territory (and possibly other BCP47 fields) for this locale as are needed to uniquely specify it. Note that fields may be omitted if the Unicode consortium's \l {Matching combinations of language, script and territory}{Likely Subtag Rules} imply the omitted fields when given those retained. See \l name() for how to construct a string from individual fields, if some other format is needed. Unlike uiLanguages(), the value returned by bcp47Name() represents the locale name of the QLocale data; this need not be the language the user-interface should be in. This function tries to conform the locale name to BCP47. \sa name(), language(), territory(), script(), uiLanguages() */ QString QLocale::bcp47Name() const { return QString::fromLatin1(d->bcp47Name()); } /*! Returns the two- or three-letter language code for \a language, as defined in the ISO 639 standards. If specified, \a codeTypes selects which set of codes to consider. The first code from the set that is defined for \a language is returned. Otherwise, all ISO-639 codes are considered. The codes are considered in the following order: \c ISO639Part1, \c ISO639Part2B, \c ISO639Part2T, \c ISO639Part3. \c LegacyLanguageCode is ignored by this function. \note For \c{QLocale::C} the function returns \c{"C"}. For \c QLocale::AnyLanguage an empty string is returned. If the language has no code in any selected code set, an empty string is returned. \since 6.3 \sa codeToLanguage(), language(), name(), bcp47Name(), territoryToCode(), scriptToCode() */ QString QLocale::languageToCode(Language language, LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes) { return QLocalePrivate::languageToCode(language, codeTypes); } /*! Returns the QLocale::Language enum corresponding to the two- or three-letter \a languageCode, as defined in the ISO 639 standards. If specified, \a codeTypes selects which set of codes to consider for conversion. By default all codes known to Qt are considered. The codes are matched in the following order: \c ISO639Part1, \c ISO639Part2B, \c ISO639Part2T, \c ISO639Part3, \c LegacyLanguageCode. If the code is invalid or not known \c QLocale::AnyLanguage is returned. \since 6.3 \sa languageToCode(), codeToTerritory(), codeToScript() */ QLocale::Language QLocale::codeToLanguage(QStringView languageCode, LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes) noexcept { return QLocalePrivate::codeToLanguage(languageCode, codeTypes); } /*! \since 6.2 Returns the two-letter territory code for \a territory, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard. \note For \c{QLocale::AnyTerritory} an empty string is returned. \sa codeToTerritory(), territory(), name(), bcp47Name(), languageToCode(), scriptToCode() */ QString QLocale::territoryToCode(QLocale::Territory territory) { return QLocalePrivate::territoryToCode(territory); } /*! \since 6.2 Returns the QLocale::Territory enum corresponding to the two-letter or three-digit \a territoryCode, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard. If the code is invalid or not known QLocale::AnyTerritory is returned. \sa territoryToCode(), codeToLanguage(), codeToScript() */ QLocale::Territory QLocale::codeToTerritory(QStringView territoryCode) noexcept { return QLocalePrivate::codeToTerritory(territoryCode); } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 6) /*! \deprecated [6.6] Use \l territoryToCode() instead. Returns the two-letter territory code for \a country, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard. \note For \c{QLocale::AnyTerritory} or \c{QLocale::AnyCountry} an empty string is returned. \sa codeToTerritory(), territory(), name(), bcp47Name(), languageToCode(), scriptToCode() */ QString QLocale::countryToCode(Country country) { return territoryToCode(country); } /*! Returns the QLocale::Territory enum corresponding to the two-letter or three-digit \a countryCode, as defined in the ISO 3166 standard. If the code is invalid or not known QLocale::AnyTerritory is returned. \deprecated [6.6] Use codeToTerritory(QStringView) instead. \since 6.1 \sa territoryToCode(), codeToLanguage(), codeToScript() */ QLocale::Country QLocale::codeToCountry(QStringView countryCode) noexcept { return QLocalePrivate::codeToTerritory(countryCode); } #endif /*! Returns the four-letter script code for \a script, as defined in the ISO 15924 standard. \note For \c{QLocale::AnyScript} an empty string is returned. \since 6.1 \sa script(), name(), bcp47Name(), languageToCode(), territoryToCode() */ QString QLocale::scriptToCode(Script script) { return QLocalePrivate::scriptToCode(script); } /*! Returns the QLocale::Script enum corresponding to the four-letter script \a scriptCode, as defined in the ISO 15924 standard. If the code is invalid or not known QLocale::AnyScript is returned. \since 6.1 \sa scriptToCode(), codeToLanguage(), codeToTerritory() */ QLocale::Script QLocale::codeToScript(QStringView scriptCode) noexcept { return QLocalePrivate::codeToScript(scriptCode); } /*! Returns a QString containing the name of \a language. \sa territoryToString(), scriptToString(), bcp47Name() */ QString QLocale::languageToString(Language language) { if (language > QLocale::LastLanguage) return "Unknown"_L1; return QLatin1StringView(language_name_list + language_name_index[language]); } /*! \since 6.2 Returns a QString containing the name of \a territory. \sa languageToString(), scriptToString(), territory(), bcp47Name() */ QString QLocale::territoryToString(QLocale::Territory territory) { if (territory > QLocale::LastTerritory) return "Unknown"_L1; return QLatin1StringView(territory_name_list + territory_name_index[territory]); } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 6) /*! \deprecated [6.6] Use \l territoryToString() instead. Returns a QString containing the name of \a country. \sa languageToString(), scriptToString(), territory(), bcp47Name() */ QString QLocale::countryToString(Country country) { return territoryToString(country); } #endif /*! \since 4.8 Returns a QString containing the name of \a script. \sa languageToString(), territoryToString(), script(), bcp47Name() */ QString QLocale::scriptToString(QLocale::Script script) { if (script > QLocale::LastScript) return "Unknown"_L1; return QLatin1StringView(script_name_list + script_name_index[script]); } /*! \fn short QLocale::toShort(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the short int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toUShort(), toString() */ /*! \fn ushort QLocale::toUShort(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the unsigned short int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toShort(), toString() */ /*! \fn int QLocale::toInt(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toUInt(), toString() */ /*! \fn uint QLocale::toUInt(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the unsigned int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toString() */ /*! \since 5.13 \fn long QLocale::toLong(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toULong(), toDouble(), toString() */ /*! \since 5.13 \fn ulong QLocale::toULong(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the unsigned long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toLong(), toInt(), toDouble(), toString() */ /*! \fn qlonglong QLocale::toLongLong(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the long long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toULongLong(), toDouble(), toString() */ /*! \fn qulonglong QLocale::toULongLong(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the unsigned long long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toLongLong(), toInt(), toDouble(), toString() */ /*! \fn float QLocale::toFloat(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the float represented by the localized string \a s. Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for any other reason (e.g. underflow). If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toDouble(), toInt(), toString() */ /*! \fn double QLocale::toDouble(const QString &s, bool *ok) const Returns the double represented by the localized string \a s. Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for any other reason (e.g. underflow). If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. \snippet code/src_corelib_text_qlocale.cpp 3 Notice that the last conversion returns 1234.0, because '.' is the thousands group separator in the German locale. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toFloat(), toInt(), toString() */ /*! Returns the short int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toUShort(), toString() \since 5.10 */ short QLocale::toShort(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the unsigned short int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toShort(), toString() \since 5.10 */ ushort QLocale::toUShort(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toUInt(), toString() \since 5.10 */ int QLocale::toInt(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the unsigned int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toString() \since 5.10 */ uint QLocale::toUInt(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! \since 5.13 Returns the long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toULong(), toDouble(), toString() */ long QLocale::toLong(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! \since 5.13 Returns the unsigned long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toLong(), toInt(), toDouble(), toString() */ ulong QLocale::toULong(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the long long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toInt(), toULongLong(), toDouble(), toString() \since 5.10 */ qlonglong QLocale::toLongLong(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the unsigned long long int represented by the localized string \a s. If the conversion fails, the function returns 0. If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toLongLong(), toInt(), toDouble(), toString() \since 5.10 */ qulonglong QLocale::toULongLong(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return toIntegral_helper(d, s, ok); } /*! Returns the float represented by the localized string \a s. Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for any other reason (e.g. underflow). If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toDouble(), toInt(), toString() \since 5.10 */ float QLocale::toFloat(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return QLocaleData::convertDoubleToFloat(toDouble(s, ok), ok); } /*! Returns the double represented by the localized string \a s. Returns an infinity if the conversion overflows or 0.0 if the conversion fails for any other reason (e.g. underflow). If \a ok is not \nullptr, failure is reported by setting *\a{ok} to \c false, and success by setting *\a{ok} to \c true. \snippet code/src_corelib_text_qlocale.cpp 3-qstringview Notice that the last conversion returns 1234.0, because '.' is the thousands group separator in the German locale. This function ignores leading and trailing whitespace. \sa toFloat(), toInt(), toString() \since 5.10 */ double QLocale::toDouble(QStringView s, bool *ok) const { return d->m_data->stringToDouble(s, ok, d->m_numberOptions); } /*! Returns a localized string representation of \a i. \sa toLongLong(), numberOptions(), zeroDigit(), positiveSign() */ QString QLocale::toString(qlonglong i) const { int flags = (d->m_numberOptions & OmitGroupSeparator ? 0 : QLocaleData::GroupDigits); return d->m_data->longLongToString(i, -1, 10, -1, flags); } /*! \overload \sa toULongLong(), numberOptions(), zeroDigit(), positiveSign() */ QString QLocale::toString(qulonglong i) const { int flags = (d->m_numberOptions & OmitGroupSeparator ? 0 : QLocaleData::GroupDigits); return d->m_data->unsLongLongToString(i, -1, 10, -1, flags); } /*! Returns a localized string representation of the given \a date in the specified \a format. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QDate::toString() */ QString QLocale::toString(QDate date, const QString &format) const { return toString(date, qToStringViewIgnoringNull(format)); } /*! Returns a localized string representation of the given \a time according to the specified \a format. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QTime::toString() */ QString QLocale::toString(QTime time, const QString &format) const { return toString(time, qToStringViewIgnoringNull(format)); } /*! \since 4.4 \fn QString QLocale::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, const QString &format) const Returns a localized string representation of the given \a dateTime according to the specified \a format. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QDateTime::toString(), QDate::toString(), QTime::toString() */ /*! \since 5.14 Returns a localized string representation of the given \a date in the specified \a format, optionally for a specified calendar \a cal. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QDate::toString() */ QString QLocale::toString(QDate date, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) const { return cal.dateTimeToString(format, QDateTime(), date, QTime(), *this); } /*! \since 5.10 \overload */ QString QLocale::toString(QDate date, QStringView format) const { return QCalendar().dateTimeToString(format, QDateTime(), date, QTime(), *this); } /*! \since 5.14 Returns a localized string representation of the given \a date according to the specified \a format (see dateFormat()), optionally for a specified calendar \a cal. \note Some locales may use formats that limit the range of years they can represent. */ QString QLocale::toString(QDate date, FormatType format, QCalendar cal) const { if (!date.isValid()) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (cal.isGregorian() && d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateToStringLong : QSystemLocale::DateToStringShort, date); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif QString format_str = dateFormat(format); return toString(date, format_str, cal); } /*! \since 4.5 \overload */ QString QLocale::toString(QDate date, FormatType format) const { if (!date.isValid()) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateToStringLong : QSystemLocale::DateToStringShort, date); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif QString format_str = dateFormat(format); return toString(date, format_str); } static bool timeFormatContainsAP(QStringView format) { qsizetype i = 0; while (i < format.size()) { if (format.at(i).unicode() == '\'') { qt_readEscapedFormatString(format, &i); continue; } if (format.at(i).toLower().unicode() == 'a') return true; ++i; } return false; } /*! \since 4.5 Returns a localized string representation of the given \a time according to the specified \a format. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QTime::toString() */ QString QLocale::toString(QTime time, QStringView format) const { return QCalendar().dateTimeToString(format, QDateTime(), QDate(), time, *this); } /*! \since 5.14 Returns a localized string representation of the given \a dateTime according to the specified \a format, optionally for a specified calendar \a cal. If \a format is an empty string, an empty string is returned. \sa QDateTime::toString(), QDate::toString(), QTime::toString() */ QString QLocale::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) const { return cal.dateTimeToString(format, dateTime, QDate(), QTime(), *this); } /*! \since 5.10 \overload */ QString QLocale::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, QStringView format) const { return QCalendar().dateTimeToString(format, dateTime, QDate(), QTime(), *this); } /*! \since 5.14 Returns a localized string representation of the given \a dateTime according to the specified \a format (see dateTimeFormat()), optionally for a specified calendar \a cal. \note Some locales may use formats that limit the range of years they can represent. */ QString QLocale::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, FormatType format, QCalendar cal) const { if (!dateTime.isValid()) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (cal.isGregorian() && d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateTimeToStringLong : QSystemLocale::DateTimeToStringShort, dateTime); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif const QString format_str = dateTimeFormat(format); return toString(dateTime, format_str, cal); } /*! \since 4.4 \overload */ QString QLocale::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, FormatType format) const { if (!dateTime.isValid()) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateTimeToStringLong : QSystemLocale::DateTimeToStringShort, dateTime); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif const QString format_str = dateTimeFormat(format); return toString(dateTime, format_str); } /*! Returns a localized string representation of the given \a time in the specified \a format (see timeFormat()). */ QString QLocale::toString(QTime time, FormatType format) const { if (!time.isValid()) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::TimeToStringLong : QSystemLocale::TimeToStringShort, time); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif QString format_str = timeFormat(format); return toString(time, format_str); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the date format used for the current locale. If \a format is LongFormat, the format will be elaborate, otherwise it will be short. For example, LongFormat for the \c{en_US} locale is \c{dddd, MMMM d, yyyy}, ShortFormat is \c{M/d/yy}. \sa QDate::toString(), QDate::fromString() */ QString QLocale::dateFormat(FormatType format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateFormatLong : QSystemLocale::DateFormatShort, QVariant()); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return (format == LongFormat ? d->m_data->longDateFormat() : d->m_data->shortDateFormat() ).getData(date_format_data); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the time format used for the current locale. If \a format is LongFormat, the format will be elaborate, otherwise it will be short. For example, LongFormat for the \c{en_US} locale is \c{h:mm:ss AP t}, ShortFormat is \c{h:mm AP}. \sa QTime::toString(), QTime::fromString() */ QString QLocale::timeFormat(FormatType format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::TimeFormatLong : QSystemLocale::TimeFormatShort, QVariant()); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return (format == LongFormat ? d->m_data->longTimeFormat() : d->m_data->shortTimeFormat() ).getData(time_format_data); } /*! \since 4.4 Returns the date time format used for the current locale. If \a format is LongFormat, the format will be elaborate, otherwise it will be short. For example, LongFormat for the \c{en_US} locale is \c{dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss AP t}, ShortFormat is \c{M/d/yy h:mm AP}. \sa QDateTime::toString(), QDateTime::fromString() */ QString QLocale::dateTimeFormat(FormatType format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(format == LongFormat ? QSystemLocale::DateTimeFormatLong : QSystemLocale::DateTimeFormatShort, QVariant()); if (!res.isNull()) { return res.toString(); } } #endif return dateFormat(format) + u' ' + timeFormat(format); } #if QT_CONFIG(datestring) /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a time in a locale-specific \a format. Parses \a string and returns the time it represents. The format of the time string is chosen according to the \a format parameter (see timeFormat()). \note Any am/pm indicators used must match \l amText() or \l pmText(), ignoring case. If the time could not be parsed, returns an invalid time. \sa timeFormat(), toDate(), toDateTime(), QTime::fromString() */ QTime QLocale::toTime(const QString &string, FormatType format) const { return toTime(string, timeFormat(format)); } /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a date in a locale-specific \a format. Parses \a string and returns the date it represents. The format of the date string is chosen according to the \a format parameter (see dateFormat()). \note Month and day names, where used, must be given in the locale's language. If the date could not be parsed, returns an invalid date. \sa dateFormat(), toTime(), toDateTime(), QDate::fromString() */ QDate QLocale::toDate(const QString &string, FormatType format) const { return toDate(string, dateFormat(format)); } /*! \since 5.14 \overload */ QDate QLocale::toDate(const QString &string, FormatType format, QCalendar cal) const { return toDate(string, dateFormat(format), cal); } /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a date-time in a locale-specific \a format. Parses \a string and returns the date-time it represents. The format of the date string is chosen according to the \a format parameter (see dateFormat()). \note Month and day names, where used, must be given in the locale's language. Any am/pm indicators used must match \l amText() or \l pmText(), ignoring case. If the string could not be parsed, returns an invalid QDateTime. \sa dateTimeFormat(), toTime(), toDate(), QDateTime::fromString() */ QDateTime QLocale::toDateTime(const QString &string, FormatType format) const { return toDateTime(string, dateTimeFormat(format)); } /*! \since 5.14 \overload */ QDateTime QLocale::toDateTime(const QString &string, FormatType format, QCalendar cal) const { return toDateTime(string, dateTimeFormat(format), cal); } /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a time in the given \a format. Parses \a string and returns the time it represents. See QTime::fromString() for the interpretation of \a format. \note Any am/pm indicators used must match \l amText() or \l pmText(), ignoring case. If the time could not be parsed, returns an invalid time. \sa timeFormat(), toDate(), toDateTime(), QTime::fromString() */ QTime QLocale::toTime(const QString &string, const QString &format) const { QTime time; #if QT_CONFIG(datetimeparser) QDateTimeParser dt(QMetaType::QTime, QDateTimeParser::FromString, QCalendar()); dt.setDefaultLocale(*this); if (dt.parseFormat(format)) dt.fromString(string, nullptr, &time); #else Q_UNUSED(string); Q_UNUSED(format); #endif return time; } /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a date in the given \a format. Parses \a string and returns the date it represents. See QDate::fromString() for the interpretation of \a format. \note Month and day names, where used, must be given in the locale's language. If the date could not be parsed, returns an invalid date. \sa dateFormat(), toTime(), toDateTime(), QDate::fromString() */ QDate QLocale::toDate(const QString &string, const QString &format) const { return toDate(string, format, QCalendar()); } /*! \since 5.14 \overload */ QDate QLocale::toDate(const QString &string, const QString &format, QCalendar cal) const { QDate date; #if QT_CONFIG(datetimeparser) QDateTimeParser dt(QMetaType::QDate, QDateTimeParser::FromString, cal); dt.setDefaultLocale(*this); if (dt.parseFormat(format)) dt.fromString(string, &date, nullptr); #else Q_UNUSED(string); Q_UNUSED(format); Q_UNUSED(cal); #endif return date; } /*! \since 4.4 Reads \a string as a date-time in the given \a format. Parses \a string and returns the date-time it represents. See QDateTime::fromString() for the interpretation of \a format. \note Month and day names, where used, must be given in the locale's language. Any am/pm indicators used must match \l amText() or \l pmText(), ignoring case. If the string could not be parsed, returns an invalid QDateTime. If the string can be parsed and represents an invalid date-time (e.g. in a gap skipped by a time-zone transition), an invalid QDateTime is returned, whose toMSecsSinceEpoch() represents a near-by date-time that is valid. Passing that to fromMSecsSinceEpoch() will produce a valid date-time that isn't faithfully represented by the string parsed. \sa dateTimeFormat(), toTime(), toDate(), QDateTime::fromString() */ QDateTime QLocale::toDateTime(const QString &string, const QString &format) const { return toDateTime(string, format, QCalendar()); } /*! \since 5.14 \overload */ QDateTime QLocale::toDateTime(const QString &string, const QString &format, QCalendar cal) const { #if QT_CONFIG(datetimeparser) QDateTime datetime; QDateTimeParser dt(QMetaType::QDateTime, QDateTimeParser::FromString, cal); dt.setDefaultLocale(*this); if (dt.parseFormat(format) && (dt.fromString(string, &datetime) || !datetime.isValid())) return datetime; #else Q_UNUSED(string); Q_UNUSED(format); Q_UNUSED(cal); #endif return QDateTime(); } #endif // datestring /*! \since 4.1 Returns the decimal point character of this locale. \sa groupSeparator(), toString() */ QString QLocale::decimalPoint() const { return d->m_data->decimalPoint(); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the group separator character of this locale. \sa decimalPoint(), toString() */ QString QLocale::groupSeparator() const { return d->m_data->groupSeparator(); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the percent character of this locale. \sa toString() */ QString QLocale::percent() const { return d->m_data->percentSign(); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the zero digit character of this locale. \sa toString() */ QString QLocale::zeroDigit() const { return d->m_data->zeroDigit(); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the negative sign character of this locale. \sa positiveSign(), toString() */ QString QLocale::negativeSign() const { return d->m_data->negativeSign(); } /*! \since 4.5 Returns the positive sign character of this locale. \sa negativeSign(), toString() */ QString QLocale::positiveSign() const { return d->m_data->positiveSign(); } /*! \since 4.1 Returns the exponential character of this locale, used to separate exponent from mantissa in some floating-point numeric representations. \sa toString(double, char, int) */ QString QLocale::exponential() const { return d->m_data->exponentSeparator(); } static bool qIsUpper(char c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; } /*! \overload Returns a string representing the floating-point number \a f. The form of the representation is controlled by the \a format and \a precision parameters. The \a format defaults to \c{'g'}. It can be any of the following: \table \header \li Format \li Meaning \row \li \c 'e' \li format as [-]9.9e[+|-]999 \row \li \c 'E' \li format as [-]9.9E[+|-]999 \row \li \c 'f' \li format as [-]9.9 \row \li \c 'F' \li same as \c 'f' except for INF and NAN (see below) \row \li \c 'g' \li use \c 'e' or \c 'f' format, whichever is more concise \row \li \c 'G' \li use \c 'E' or \c 'F' format, whichever is more concise \endtable For the \c 'e', \c 'E', \c 'f' and \c 'F' formats, the \a precision represents the number of digits \e after the decimal point. For the \c 'g' and \c 'G' formats, the \a precision represents the maximum number of significant digits (trailing zeroes are omitted). The special \a precision value QLocale::FloatingPointShortest selects the shortest representation that, when read as a number, gets back the original floating-point value. Aside from that, any negative \a precision is ignored in favor of the default, 6. For the \c 'e', \c 'f' and \c 'g' formats, positive infinity is represented as "inf", negative infinity as "-inf" and floating-point NaN (not-a-number) values are represented as "nan". For the \c 'E', \c 'F' and \c 'G' formats, "INF" and "NAN" are used instead. This does not vary with locale. \sa toDouble(), numberOptions(), exponential(), decimalPoint(), zeroDigit(), positiveSign(), percent(), toCurrencyString(), formattedDataSize(), QLocale::FloatingPointPrecisionOption */ QString QLocale::toString(double f, char format, int precision) const { QLocaleData::DoubleForm form = QLocaleData::DFDecimal; uint flags = qIsUpper(format) ? QLocaleData::CapitalEorX : 0; switch (QtMiscUtils::toAsciiLower(format)) { case 'f': form = QLocaleData::DFDecimal; break; case 'e': form = QLocaleData::DFExponent; break; case 'g': form = QLocaleData::DFSignificantDigits; break; default: break; } if (!(d->m_numberOptions & OmitGroupSeparator)) flags |= QLocaleData::GroupDigits; if (!(d->m_numberOptions & OmitLeadingZeroInExponent)) flags |= QLocaleData::ZeroPadExponent; if (d->m_numberOptions & IncludeTrailingZeroesAfterDot) flags |= QLocaleData::AddTrailingZeroes; return d->m_data->doubleToString(f, precision, form, -1, flags); } /*! \fn QLocale QLocale::c() Returns a QLocale object initialized to the "C" locale. This locale is based on en_US but with various quirks of its own, such as simplified number formatting and its own date formatting. It implements the POSIX standards that describe the behavior of standard library functions of the "C" programming language. Among other things, this means its collation order is based on the ASCII values of letters, so that (for case-sensitive sorting) all upper-case letters sort before any lower-case one (rather than each letter's upper- and lower-case forms sorting adjacent to one another, before the next letter's two forms). \sa system() */ /*! Returns a QLocale object initialized to the system locale. The system locale may use system-specific sources for locale data, where available, otherwise falling back on QLocale's built-in database entry for the language, script and territory the system reports. For example, on Windows and Mac, this locale will use the decimal/grouping characters and date/time formats specified in the system configuration panel. \sa c() */ QLocale QLocale::system() { QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(systemData)(); // Ensure system data is up to date. static QLocalePrivate locale(systemData(), defaultIndex(), DefaultNumberOptions, 1); return QLocale(locale); } /*! Returns a list of valid locale objects that match the given \a language, \a script and \a territory. Getting a list of all locales: QList allLocales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyTerritory); Getting a list of locales suitable for Russia: QList locales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::Russia); */ QList QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::Language language, QLocale::Script script, QLocale::Territory territory) { const QLocaleId filter { language, script, territory }; if (!filter.isValid()) return QList(); if (language == QLocale::C) return QList() << QLocale(QLocale::C); QList result; if (filter.matchesAll()) result.reserve(locale_data_size); quint16 index = locale_index[language]; // There may be no matches, for some languages (e.g. Abkhazian at CLDR v39). while (filter.acceptLanguage(locale_data[index].m_language_id)) { const QLocaleId id = locale_data[index].id(); if (filter.acceptScriptTerritory(id)) { result.append(QLocale(*(id.language_id == C ? c_private() : new QLocalePrivate(locale_data + index, index)))); } ++index; } return result; } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 6) /*! \deprecated [6.6] Use \l matchingLocales() instead and consult the \l territory() of each. \since 4.3 Returns the list of countries that have entries for \a language in Qt's locale database. If the result is an empty list, then \a language is not represented in Qt's locale database. \sa matchingLocales() */ QList QLocale::countriesForLanguage(Language language) { const auto locales = matchingLocales(language, AnyScript, AnyCountry); QList result; result.reserve(locales.size()); for (const auto &locale : locales) result.append(locale.territory()); return result; } #endif /*! \since 4.2 Returns the localized name of \a month, in the format specified by \a type. For example, if the locale is \c en_US and \a month is 1, \l LongFormat will return \c January. \l ShortFormat \c Jan, and \l NarrowFormat \c J. \sa dayName(), standaloneMonthName() */ QString QLocale::monthName(int month, FormatType type) const { return QCalendar().monthName(*this, month, QCalendar::Unspecified, type); } /*! \since 4.5 Returns the localized name of \a month that is used as a standalone text, in the format specified by \a type. If the locale information doesn't specify the standalone month name then return value is the same as in monthName(). \sa monthName(), standaloneDayName() */ QString QLocale::standaloneMonthName(int month, FormatType type) const { return QCalendar().standaloneMonthName(*this, month, QCalendar::Unspecified, type); } /*! \since 4.2 Returns the localized name of the \a day (where 1 represents Monday, 2 represents Tuesday and so on), in the format specified by \a type. For example, if the locale is \c en_US and \a day is 1, \l LongFormat will return \c Monday, \l ShortFormat \c Mon, and \l NarrowFormat \c M. \sa monthName(), standaloneDayName() */ QString QLocale::dayName(int day, FormatType type) const { return QCalendar().weekDayName(*this, day, type); } /*! \since 4.5 Returns the localized name of the \a day (where 1 represents Monday, 2 represents Tuesday and so on) that is used as a standalone text, in the format specified by \a type. If the locale information does not specify the standalone day name then return value is the same as in dayName(). \sa dayName(), standaloneMonthName() */ QString QLocale::standaloneDayName(int day, FormatType type) const { return QCalendar().standaloneWeekDayName(*this, day, type); } // Calendar look-up of month and day names: /*! \internal */ static QString rawMonthName(const QCalendarLocale &localeData, const char16_t *monthsData, int month, QLocale::FormatType type) { QLocaleData::DataRange range; switch (type) { case QLocale::LongFormat: range = localeData.longMonth(); break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: range = localeData.shortMonth(); break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: range = localeData.narrowMonth(); break; default: return QString(); } return range.getListEntry(monthsData, month - 1); } /*! \internal */ static QString rawStandaloneMonthName(const QCalendarLocale &localeData, const char16_t *monthsData, int month, QLocale::FormatType type) { QLocaleData::DataRange range; switch (type) { case QLocale::LongFormat: range = localeData.longMonthStandalone(); break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: range = localeData.shortMonthStandalone(); break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: range = localeData.narrowMonthStandalone(); break; default: return QString(); } QString name = range.getListEntry(monthsData, month - 1); return name.isEmpty() ? rawMonthName(localeData, monthsData, month, type) : name; } /*! \internal */ static QString rawWeekDayName(const QLocaleData *data, const int day, QLocale::FormatType type) { QLocaleData::DataRange range; switch (type) { case QLocale::LongFormat: range = data->longDayNames(); break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: range = data->shortDayNames(); break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: range = data->narrowDayNames(); break; default: return QString(); } return range.getListEntry(days_data, day == 7 ? 0 : day); } /*! \internal */ static QString rawStandaloneWeekDayName(const QLocaleData *data, const int day, QLocale::FormatType type) { QLocaleData::DataRange range; switch (type) { case QLocale::LongFormat: range =data->longDayNamesStandalone(); break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: range = data->shortDayNamesStandalone(); break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: range = data->narrowDayNamesStandalone(); break; default: return QString(); } QString name = range.getListEntry(days_data, day == 7 ? 0 : day); if (name.isEmpty()) return rawWeekDayName(data, day, type); return name; } // Refugees from qcalendar.cpp that need functions above: QString QCalendarBackend::monthName(const QLocale &locale, int month, int, QLocale::FormatType format) const { Q_ASSERT(month >= 1 && month <= maximumMonthsInYear()); return rawMonthName(localeMonthIndexData()[locale.d->m_index], localeMonthData(), month, format); } QString QGregorianCalendar::monthName(const QLocale &locale, int month, int year, QLocale::FormatType format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (locale.d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { Q_ASSERT(month >= 1 && month <= 12); QSystemLocale::QueryType queryType = QSystemLocale::MonthNameLong; switch (format) { case QLocale::LongFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::MonthNameLong; break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::MonthNameShort; break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::MonthNameNarrow; break; } QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(queryType, month); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return QCalendarBackend::monthName(locale, month, year, format); } QString QCalendarBackend::standaloneMonthName(const QLocale &locale, int month, int, QLocale::FormatType format) const { Q_ASSERT(month >= 1 && month <= maximumMonthsInYear()); return rawStandaloneMonthName(localeMonthIndexData()[locale.d->m_index], localeMonthData(), month, format); } QString QGregorianCalendar::standaloneMonthName(const QLocale &locale, int month, int year, QLocale::FormatType format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (locale.d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { Q_ASSERT(month >= 1 && month <= 12); QSystemLocale::QueryType queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneMonthNameLong; switch (format) { case QLocale::LongFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneMonthNameLong; break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneMonthNameShort; break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneMonthNameNarrow; break; } QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(queryType, month); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return QCalendarBackend::standaloneMonthName(locale, month, year, format); } // Most calendars share the common week-day naming, modulo locale. // Calendars that don't must override these methods. QString QCalendarBackend::weekDayName(const QLocale &locale, int day, QLocale::FormatType format) const { if (day < 1 || day > 7) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (locale.d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QSystemLocale::QueryType queryType = QSystemLocale::DayNameLong; switch (format) { case QLocale::LongFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::DayNameLong; break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::DayNameShort; break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::DayNameNarrow; break; } QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(queryType, day); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return rawWeekDayName(locale.d->m_data, day, format); } QString QCalendarBackend::standaloneWeekDayName(const QLocale &locale, int day, QLocale::FormatType format) const { if (day < 1 || day > 7) return QString(); #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (locale.d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QSystemLocale::QueryType queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneDayNameLong; switch (format) { case QLocale::LongFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneDayNameLong; break; case QLocale::ShortFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneDayNameShort; break; case QLocale::NarrowFormat: queryType = QSystemLocale::StandaloneDayNameNarrow; break; } QVariant res = systemLocale()->query(queryType, day); if (!res.isNull()) return res.toString(); } #endif return rawStandaloneWeekDayName(locale.d->m_data, day, format); } // End of this block of qcalendar.cpp refugees. (One more follows.) /*! \since 4.8 Returns the first day of the week according to the current locale. */ Qt::DayOfWeek QLocale::firstDayOfWeek() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { const auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::FirstDayOfWeek); if (!res.isNull()) return static_cast(res.toUInt()); } #endif return static_cast(d->m_data->m_first_day_of_week); } QLocale::MeasurementSystem QLocalePrivate::measurementSystem() const { for (const auto &system : ImperialMeasurementSystems) { if (system.languageId == m_data->m_language_id && system.territoryId == m_data->m_territory_id) { return system.system; } } return QLocale::MetricSystem; } /*! \since 4.8 Returns a list of days that are considered weekdays according to the current locale. */ QList QLocale::weekdays() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = qvariant_cast >(systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::Weekdays)); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif QList weekdays; quint16 weekendStart = d->m_data->m_weekend_start; quint16 weekendEnd = d->m_data->m_weekend_end; for (int day = Qt::Monday; day <= Qt::Sunday; day++) { if ((weekendEnd >= weekendStart && (day < weekendStart || day > weekendEnd)) || (weekendEnd < weekendStart && (day > weekendEnd && day < weekendStart))) weekdays << static_cast(day); } return weekdays; } /*! \since 4.4 Returns the measurement system for the locale. */ QLocale::MeasurementSystem QLocale::measurementSystem() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { const auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::MeasurementSystem); if (!res.isNull()) return MeasurementSystem(res.toInt()); } #endif return d->measurementSystem(); } /*! \since 4.7 Returns the text direction of the language. */ Qt::LayoutDirection QLocale::textDirection() const { switch (script()) { case QLocale::AdlamScript: case QLocale::ArabicScript: case QLocale::AvestanScript: case QLocale::CypriotScript: case QLocale::HatranScript: case QLocale::HebrewScript: case QLocale::ImperialAramaicScript: case QLocale::InscriptionalPahlaviScript: case QLocale::InscriptionalParthianScript: case QLocale::KharoshthiScript: case QLocale::LydianScript: case QLocale::MandaeanScript: case QLocale::ManichaeanScript: case QLocale::MendeKikakuiScript: case QLocale::MeroiticCursiveScript: case QLocale::MeroiticScript: case QLocale::NabataeanScript: case QLocale::NkoScript: case QLocale::OldHungarianScript: case QLocale::OldNorthArabianScript: case QLocale::OldSouthArabianScript: case QLocale::OrkhonScript: case QLocale::PalmyreneScript: case QLocale::PhoenicianScript: case QLocale::PsalterPahlaviScript: case QLocale::SamaritanScript: case QLocale::SyriacScript: case QLocale::ThaanaScript: return Qt::RightToLeft; default: break; } return Qt::LeftToRight; } /*! \since 4.8 Returns an uppercase copy of \a str. If Qt Core is using the ICU libraries, they will be used to perform the transformation according to the rules of the current locale. Otherwise the conversion may be done in a platform-dependent manner, with QString::toUpper() as a generic fallback. \sa QString::toUpper() */ QString QLocale::toUpper(const QString &str) const { #if QT_CONFIG(icu) bool ok = true; QString result = QIcu::toUpper(d->bcp47Name('_'), str, &ok); if (ok) return result; // else fall through and use Qt's toUpper #endif return str.toUpper(); } /*! \since 4.8 Returns a lowercase copy of \a str. If Qt Core is using the ICU libraries, they will be used to perform the transformation according to the rules of the current locale. Otherwise the conversion may be done in a platform-dependent manner, with QString::toLower() as a generic fallback. \sa QString::toLower() */ QString QLocale::toLower(const QString &str) const { #if QT_CONFIG(icu) bool ok = true; const QString result = QIcu::toLower(d->bcp47Name('_'), str, &ok); if (ok) return result; // else fall through and use Qt's toUpper #endif return str.toLower(); } /*! \since 4.5 Returns the localized name of the "AM" suffix for times specified using the conventions of the 12-hour clock. \sa pmText() */ QString QLocale::amText() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::AMText).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif return d->m_data->anteMeridiem().getData(am_data); } /*! \since 4.5 Returns the localized name of the "PM" suffix for times specified using the conventions of the 12-hour clock. \sa amText() */ QString QLocale::pmText() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::PMText).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif return d->m_data->postMeridiem().getData(pm_data); } // Another intrusion from QCalendar, using some of the tools above: QString QCalendarBackend::dateTimeToString(QStringView format, const QDateTime &datetime, QDate dateOnly, QTime timeOnly, const QLocale &locale) const { QDate date; QTime time; bool formatDate = false; bool formatTime = false; if (datetime.isValid()) { date = datetime.date(); time = datetime.time(); formatDate = true; formatTime = true; } else if (dateOnly.isValid()) { date = dateOnly; formatDate = true; } else if (timeOnly.isValid()) { time = timeOnly; formatTime = true; } else { return QString(); } QString result; int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0; if (formatDate) { const auto parts = julianDayToDate(date.toJulianDay()); if (!parts.isValid()) return QString(); year = parts.year; month = parts.month; day = parts.day; } qsizetype i = 0; while (i < format.size()) { if (format.at(i).unicode() == '\'') { result.append(qt_readEscapedFormatString(format, &i)); continue; } const QChar c = format.at(i); qsizetype repeat = qt_repeatCount(format.mid(i)); bool used = false; if (formatDate) { switch (c.unicode()) { case 'y': used = true; if (repeat >= 4) repeat = 4; else if (repeat >= 2) repeat = 2; switch (repeat) { case 4: { const int len = (year < 0) ? 5 : 4; result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(year, -1, 10, len, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; } case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(year % 100, -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; default: repeat = 1; result.append(c); break; } break; case 'M': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 4); switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(month)); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(month, -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; case 3: result.append(monthName(locale, month, year, QLocale::ShortFormat)); break; case 4: result.append(monthName(locale, month, year, QLocale::LongFormat)); break; } break; case 'd': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 4); switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(day)); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(day, -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; case 3: result.append(locale.dayName( dayOfWeek(date.toJulianDay()), QLocale::ShortFormat)); break; case 4: result.append(locale.dayName( dayOfWeek(date.toJulianDay()), QLocale::LongFormat)); break; } break; default: break; } } if (!used && formatTime) { switch (c.unicode()) { case 'h': { used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 2); int hour = time.hour(); if (timeFormatContainsAP(format)) { if (hour > 12) hour -= 12; else if (hour == 0) hour = 12; } switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(hour)); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(hour, -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; } break; } case 'H': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 2); switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.hour())); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.hour(), -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; } break; case 'm': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 2); switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.minute())); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.minute(), -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; } break; case 's': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 2); switch (repeat) { case 1: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.second())); break; case 2: result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.second(), -1, 10, 2, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); break; } break; case 'A': case 'a': { QString text = time.hour() < 12 ? locale.amText() : locale.pmText(); used = true; repeat = 1; if (format.mid(i + 1).startsWith(u'p', Qt::CaseInsensitive)) ++repeat; if (c.unicode() == 'A' && (repeat == 1 || format.at(i + 1).unicode() == 'P')) text = std::move(text).toUpper(); else if (c.unicode() == 'a' && (repeat == 1 || format.at(i + 1).unicode() == 'p')) text = std::move(text).toLower(); // else 'Ap' or 'aP' => use CLDR text verbatim, preserving case result.append(text); break; } case 'z': used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 3); // note: the millisecond component is treated like the decimal part of the seconds // so ms == 2 is always printed as "002", but ms == 200 can be either "2" or "200" result.append(locale.d->m_data->longLongToString(time.msec(), -1, 10, 3, QLocaleData::ZeroPadded)); if (repeat != 3) { if (result.endsWith(locale.zeroDigit())) result.chop(1); if (result.endsWith(locale.zeroDigit())) result.chop(1); } break; case 't': { used = true; repeat = qMin(repeat, 4); // If we don't have a date-time, use the current system time: const QDateTime when = formatDate ? datetime : QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString text; switch (repeat) { #if QT_CONFIG(timezone) case 4: text = when.timeZone().displayName(when, QTimeZone::LongName); break; #endif // timezone case 3: case 2: text = when.toOffsetFromUtc(when.offsetFromUtc()).timeZoneAbbreviation(); // If the offset is UTC that'll be a Qt::UTC, otherwise Qt::OffsetFromUTC. Q_ASSERT(text.startsWith("UTC"_L1)); // The Qt::UTC case omits the zero offset, which we want: text = text.size() == 3 ? u"+00:00"_s : text.sliced(3); if (repeat == 2) // +hhmm format, rather than +hh:mm format text = text.remove(u':'); break; default: text = when.timeZoneAbbreviation(); break; } if (!text.isEmpty()) result.append(text); break; } default: break; } } if (!used) result.resize(result.size() + repeat, c); i += repeat; } return result; } // End of QCalendar intrustions QString QLocaleData::doubleToString(double d, int precision, DoubleForm form, int width, unsigned flags) const { // Although the special handling of F.P.Shortest below is limited to // DFSignificantDigits, the double-conversion library does treat it // specially for the other forms, shedding trailing zeros for DFDecimal and // using the shortest mantissa that faithfully represents the value for // DFExponent. if (precision != QLocale::FloatingPointShortest && precision < 0) precision = 6; if (width < 0) width = 0; int decpt; qsizetype bufSize = 1; if (precision == QLocale::FloatingPointShortest) bufSize += std::numeric_limits::max_digits10; else if (form == DFDecimal && qIsFinite(d)) bufSize += wholePartSpace(qAbs(d)) + precision; else // Add extra digit due to different interpretations of precision. bufSize += qMax(2, precision) + 1; // Must also be big enough for "nan" or "inf" QVarLengthArray buf(bufSize); int length; bool negative = false; qt_doubleToAscii(d, form, precision, buf.data(), bufSize, negative, length, decpt); const QString prefix = signPrefix(negative && !isZero(d), flags); QString numStr; if (length == 3 && (qstrncmp(buf.data(), "inf", 3) == 0 || qstrncmp(buf.data(), "nan", 3) == 0)) { numStr = QString::fromLatin1(buf.data(), length); } else { // Handle finite values const QString zero = zeroDigit(); QString digits = QString::fromLatin1(buf.data(), length); if (zero == u"0") { // No need to convert digits. Q_ASSERT(std::all_of(buf.cbegin(), buf.cbegin() + length, [](char ch) { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'; })); // That check is taken care of in unicodeForDigits, below. } else if (zero.size() == 2 && zero.at(0).isHighSurrogate()) { const char32_t zeroUcs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(zero.at(0), zero.at(1)); QString converted; converted.reserve(2 * digits.size()); for (QChar ch : std::as_const(digits)) { const char32_t digit = unicodeForDigit(ch.unicode() - '0', zeroUcs4); Q_ASSERT(QChar::requiresSurrogates(digit)); converted.append(QChar::highSurrogate(digit)); converted.append(QChar::lowSurrogate(digit)); } digits = converted; } else { Q_ASSERT(zero.size() == 1); Q_ASSERT(!zero.at(0).isSurrogate()); char16_t z = zero.at(0).unicode(); char16_t *const value = reinterpret_cast(digits.data()); for (qsizetype i = 0; i < digits.size(); ++i) value[i] = unicodeForDigit(value[i] - '0', z); } const bool mustMarkDecimal = flags & ForcePoint; const bool groupDigits = flags & GroupDigits; const int minExponentDigits = flags & ZeroPadExponent ? 2 : 1; switch (form) { case DFExponent: numStr = exponentForm(std::move(digits), decpt, precision, PMDecimalDigits, mustMarkDecimal, minExponentDigits); break; case DFDecimal: numStr = decimalForm(std::move(digits), decpt, precision, PMDecimalDigits, mustMarkDecimal, groupDigits); break; case DFSignificantDigits: { PrecisionMode mode = (flags & AddTrailingZeroes) ? PMSignificantDigits : PMChopTrailingZeros; /* POSIX specifies sprintf() to follow fprintf(), whose 'g/G' format says; with P = 6 if precision unspecified else 1 if precision is 0 else precision; when 'e/E' would have exponent X, use: * 'f/F' if P > X >= -4, with precision P-1-X * 'e/E' otherwise, with precision P-1 Helpfully, we already have mapped precision < 0 to 6 - except for F.P.Shortest mode, which is its own story - and those of our callers with unspecified precision either used 6 or -1 for it. */ bool useDecimal; if (precision == QLocale::FloatingPointShortest) { // Find out which representation is shorter. // Set bias to everything added to exponent form but not // decimal, minus the converse. // Exponent adds separator, sign and digits: int bias = 2 + minExponentDigits; // Decimal form may get grouping separators inserted: if (groupDigits && decpt >= m_grouping_top + m_grouping_least) bias -= (decpt - m_grouping_top - m_grouping_least) / m_grouping_higher + 1; // X = decpt - 1 needs two digits if decpt > 10: if (decpt > 10 && minExponentDigits == 1) ++bias; // Assume digitCount < 95, so we can ignore the 3-digit // exponent case (we'll set useDecimal false anyway). const qsizetype digitCount = digits.size() / zero.size(); if (!mustMarkDecimal) { // Decimal separator is skipped if at end; adjust if // that happens for only one form: if (digitCount <= decpt && digitCount > 1) ++bias; // decimal but not exponent else if (digitCount == 1 && decpt <= 0) --bias; // exponent but not decimal } // When 0 < decpt <= digitCount, the forms have equal digit // counts, plus things bias has taken into account; // otherwise decimal form's digit count is right-padded with // zeros to decpt, when decpt is positive, otherwise it's // left-padded with 1 - decpt zeros. useDecimal = (decpt <= 0 ? 1 - decpt <= bias : decpt <= digitCount ? 0 <= bias : decpt <= digitCount + bias); } else { // X == decpt - 1, POSIX's P; -4 <= X < P iff -4 < decpt <= P Q_ASSERT(precision >= 0); useDecimal = decpt > -4 && decpt <= (precision ? precision : 1); } numStr = useDecimal ? decimalForm(std::move(digits), decpt, precision, mode, mustMarkDecimal, groupDigits) : exponentForm(std::move(digits), decpt, precision, mode, mustMarkDecimal, minExponentDigits); break; } } // Pad with zeros. LeftAdjusted overrides ZeroPadded. if (flags & ZeroPadded && !(flags & LeftAdjusted)) { for (qsizetype i = numStr.size() / zero.size() + prefix.size(); i < width; ++i) numStr.prepend(zero); } } return prefix + (flags & CapitalEorX ? std::move(numStr).toUpper() : numStr); } QString QLocaleData::decimalForm(QString &&digits, int decpt, int precision, PrecisionMode pm, bool mustMarkDecimal, bool groupDigits) const { const QString zero = zeroDigit(); const auto digitWidth = zero.size(); Q_ASSERT(digitWidth == 1 || digitWidth == 2); Q_ASSERT(digits.size() % digitWidth == 0); // Separator needs to go at index decpt: so add zeros before or after the // given digits, if they don't reach that position already: if (decpt < 0) { for (; decpt < 0; ++decpt) digits.prepend(zero); } else { for (qsizetype i = digits.size() / digitWidth; i < decpt; ++i) digits.append(zero); } switch (pm) { case PMDecimalDigits: for (qsizetype i = digits.size() / digitWidth - decpt; i < precision; ++i) digits.append(zero); break; case PMSignificantDigits: for (qsizetype i = digits.size() / digitWidth; i < precision; ++i) digits.append(zero); break; case PMChopTrailingZeros: Q_ASSERT(digits.size() / digitWidth <= qMax(decpt, 1) || !digits.endsWith(zero)); break; } if (mustMarkDecimal || decpt < digits.size() / digitWidth) digits.insert(decpt * digitWidth, decimalPoint()); if (groupDigits) { const QString group = groupSeparator(); qsizetype i = decpt - m_grouping_least; if (i >= m_grouping_top) { digits.insert(i * digitWidth, group); while ((i -= m_grouping_higher) >= m_grouping_top) digits.insert(i * digitWidth, group); } } if (decpt == 0) digits.prepend(zero); return std::move(digits); } QString QLocaleData::exponentForm(QString &&digits, int decpt, int precision, PrecisionMode pm, bool mustMarkDecimal, int minExponentDigits) const { const QString zero = zeroDigit(); const auto digitWidth = zero.size(); Q_ASSERT(digitWidth == 1 || digitWidth == 2); Q_ASSERT(digits.size() % digitWidth == 0); switch (pm) { case PMDecimalDigits: for (qsizetype i = digits.size() / digitWidth; i < precision + 1; ++i) digits.append(zero); break; case PMSignificantDigits: for (qsizetype i = digits.size() / digitWidth; i < precision; ++i) digits.append(zero); break; case PMChopTrailingZeros: Q_ASSERT(digits.size() / digitWidth <= 1 || !digits.endsWith(zero)); break; } if (mustMarkDecimal || digits.size() > digitWidth) digits.insert(digitWidth, decimalPoint()); digits.append(exponentSeparator()); digits.append(longLongToString(decpt - 1, minExponentDigits, 10, -1, AlwaysShowSign)); return std::move(digits); } QString QLocaleData::signPrefix(bool negative, unsigned flags) const { if (negative) return negativeSign(); if (flags & AlwaysShowSign) return positiveSign(); if (flags & BlankBeforePositive) return QStringView(u" ").toString(); return {}; } QString QLocaleData::longLongToString(qlonglong n, int precision, int base, int width, unsigned flags) const { bool negative = n < 0; /* Negating std::numeric_limits::min() hits undefined behavior, so taking an absolute value has to take a slight detour. */ QString numStr = qulltoa(negative ? 1u + qulonglong(-(n + 1)) : qulonglong(n), base, zeroDigit()); return applyIntegerFormatting(std::move(numStr), negative, precision, base, width, flags); } QString QLocaleData::unsLongLongToString(qulonglong l, int precision, int base, int width, unsigned flags) const { const QString zero = zeroDigit(); QString resultZero = base == 10 ? zero : QStringLiteral("0"); return applyIntegerFormatting(l ? qulltoa(l, base, zero) : resultZero, false, precision, base, width, flags); } QString QLocaleData::applyIntegerFormatting(QString &&numStr, bool negative, int precision, int base, int width, unsigned flags) const { const QString zero = base == 10 ? zeroDigit() : QStringLiteral("0"); const auto digitWidth = zero.size(); const auto digitCount = numStr.size() / digitWidth; const auto basePrefix = [&] () -> QStringView { if (flags & ShowBase) { const bool upper = flags & UppercaseBase; if (base == 16) return upper ? u"0X" : u"0x"; if (base == 2) return upper ? u"0B" : u"0b"; if (base == 8 && !numStr.startsWith(zero)) return zero; } return {}; }(); const QString prefix = signPrefix(negative, flags) + basePrefix; // Count how much of width we've used up. Each digit counts as one qsizetype usedWidth = digitCount + prefix.size(); if (base == 10 && flags & GroupDigits) { const QString group = groupSeparator(); qsizetype i = digitCount - m_grouping_least; if (i >= m_grouping_top) { numStr.insert(i * digitWidth, group); ++usedWidth; while ((i -= m_grouping_higher) >= m_grouping_top) { numStr.insert(i * digitWidth, group); ++usedWidth; } } // TODO: should we group any zero-padding we add later ? } const bool noPrecision = precision == -1; if (noPrecision) precision = 1; for (qsizetype i = numStr.size(); i < precision; ++i) { numStr.prepend(zero); usedWidth++; } // LeftAdjusted overrides ZeroPadded; and sprintf() only pads when // precision is not specified in the format string. if (noPrecision && flags & ZeroPadded && !(flags & LeftAdjusted)) { for (qsizetype i = usedWidth; i < width; ++i) numStr.prepend(zero); } QString result(flags & CapitalEorX ? std::move(numStr).toUpper() : std::move(numStr)); if (prefix.size()) result.prepend(prefix); return result; } /* Converts a number in locale to its representation in the C locale. Only has to guarantee that a string that is a correct representation of a number will be converted. Note: only QString integer-parsing methods have a base parameter (hence need to cope with letters as possible digits); but these are now all routed via byteArrayToU?LongLong(), so no longer come via here. The QLocale number-parsers only work in decimal, so don't have to cope with any digits other than 0 through 9. */ bool QLocaleData::numberToCLocale(QStringView s, QLocale::NumberOptions number_options, CharBuff *result) const { s = s.trimmed(); if (s.size() < 1) return false; const QChar *uc = s.data(); auto length = s.size(); decltype(length) idx = 0; // Digit-grouping details (all modes): qsizetype digitsInGroup = 0; qsizetype last_separator_idx = -1; qsizetype start_of_digits_idx = -1; // Floating-point details (non-integer modes): qsizetype decpt_idx = -1; qsizetype exponent_idx = -1; char last = '\0'; while (idx < length) { const QStringView in = QStringView(uc + idx, uc[idx].isHighSurrogate() ? 2 : 1); char out = numericToCLocale(in); if (out == 0) { // Allow ASCII letters of inf, nan: if (in.size() != 1) return false; char16_t ch = in.front().unicode(); if (ch > 'n') return false; out = int(ch | 0x20); // tolower(), when ch is a letter if (out != 'a' && out != 'f' && out != 'i' && out != 'n') return false; } else if (out == '.') { // Fail if more than one decimal point or point after e if (decpt_idx != -1 || exponent_idx != -1) return false; decpt_idx = idx; } else if (out == 'e') { exponent_idx = idx; } if (number_options.testFlag(QLocale::RejectLeadingZeroInExponent)) { if (exponent_idx != -1 && out == '0' && idx < length - 1) { // After the exponent there can only be '+', '-' or digits. // If we find a '0' directly after some non-digit, then that is a leading zero. if (last < '0' || last > '9') return false; } } if (number_options.testFlag(QLocale::RejectTrailingZeroesAfterDot)) { // If we've seen a decimal point and the last character after the exponent is 0, then // that is a trailing zero. if (decpt_idx >= 0 && idx == exponent_idx && last == '0') return false; } if (!number_options.testFlag(QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator)) { if (out >= '0' && out <= '9') { if (start_of_digits_idx == -1) start_of_digits_idx = idx; ++digitsInGroup; } else if (out == ',') { // Don't allow group chars after the decimal point or exponent if (decpt_idx != -1 || exponent_idx != -1) return false; if (last_separator_idx == -1) { // Check distance from the beginning of the digits: if (start_of_digits_idx == -1 || m_grouping_top > digitsInGroup || digitsInGroup >= m_grouping_higher + m_grouping_top) { return false; } } else { // Check distance from the last separator: if (digitsInGroup != m_grouping_higher) return false; } last_separator_idx = idx; digitsInGroup = 0; } else if (out == '.' || idx == exponent_idx) { // Were there enough digits since the last separator? if (last_separator_idx != -1 && digitsInGroup != m_grouping_least) return false; // If we saw no separator, should we fail if // digitsInGroup > m_grouping_top + m_grouping_least ? // stop processing separators last_separator_idx = -1; } } else if (out == ',') { return false; } last = out; if (out != ',') // Leave group separators out of the result. result->append(out); idx += in.size(); } if (!number_options.testFlag(QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator)) { // group separator post-processing // did we end in a separator? if (last_separator_idx + 1 == idx) return false; // Were there enough digits since the last separator? if (last_separator_idx != -1 && digitsInGroup != m_grouping_least) return false; // If we saw no separator, and no decimal point, should we fail if // digitsInGroup > m_grouping_top + m_grouping_least ? } if (number_options.testFlag(QLocale::RejectTrailingZeroesAfterDot)) { // In decimal form, the last character can be a trailing zero if we've seen a decpt. if (decpt_idx != -1 && exponent_idx == -1 && last == '0') return false; } result->append('\0'); return idx == length; } bool QLocaleData::validateChars(QStringView str, NumberMode numMode, QByteArray *buff, int decDigits, QLocale::NumberOptions number_options) const { buff->clear(); buff->reserve(str.size()); enum { Whole, Fractional, Exponent } state = Whole; const bool scientific = numMode == DoubleScientificMode; char last = '\0'; for (qsizetype i = 0; i < str.size();) { const QStringView in = str.mid(i, str.at(i).isHighSurrogate() ? 2 : 1); char c = numericToCLocale(in); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { switch (state) { case Whole: // Nothing special to do (unless we want to check grouping sizes). break; case Fractional: // If a double has too many digits in its fractional part it is Invalid. if (decDigits-- == 0) return false; break; case Exponent: if (last < '0' || last > '9') { // This is the first digit in the exponent (there may have beena '+' // or '-' in before). If it's a zero, the exponent is zero-padded. if (c == '0' && (number_options & QLocale::RejectLeadingZeroInExponent)) return false; } break; } } else { switch (c) { case '.': // If an integer has a decimal point, it is Invalid. // A double can only have one, at the end of its whole-number part. if (numMode == IntegerMode || state != Whole) return false; // Even when decDigits is 0, we do allow the decimal point to be // present - just as long as no digits follow it. state = Fractional; break; case '+': case '-': // A sign can only appear at the start or after the e of scientific: if (last != '\0' && !(scientific && last == 'e')) return false; break; case ',': // Grouping is only allowed after a digit in the whole-number portion: if ((number_options & QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator) || state != Whole || last < '0' || last > '9') { return false; } // We could check grouping sizes are correct, but fixup()s are // probably better off correcting any misplacement instead. break; case 'e': // Only one e is allowed and only in scientific: if (!scientific || state == Exponent) return false; state = Exponent; break; default: // Nothing else can validly appear in a number. // In fact, numericToCLocale() must have returned 0. If anyone changes // it to return something else, we probably need to handle it here ! Q_ASSERT(!c); return false; } } last = c; if (c != ',') // Skip grouping buff->append(c); i += in.size(); } return true; } double QLocaleData::stringToDouble(QStringView str, bool *ok, QLocale::NumberOptions number_options) const { CharBuff buff; if (!numberToCLocale(str, number_options, &buff)) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0.0; } auto r = qt_asciiToDouble(buff.constData(), buff.size() - 1); if (ok != nullptr) *ok = r.ok(); return r.result; } qlonglong QLocaleData::stringToLongLong(QStringView str, int base, bool *ok, QLocale::NumberOptions number_options) const { CharBuff buff; if (!numberToCLocale(str, number_options, &buff)) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } return bytearrayToLongLong(QByteArrayView(buff.constData(), buff.size()), base, ok); } qulonglong QLocaleData::stringToUnsLongLong(QStringView str, int base, bool *ok, QLocale::NumberOptions number_options) const { CharBuff buff; if (!numberToCLocale(str, number_options, &buff)) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } return bytearrayToUnsLongLong(QByteArrayView(buff.constData(), buff.size()), base, ok); } qlonglong QLocaleData::bytearrayToLongLong(QByteArrayView num, int base, bool *ok) { const qsizetype len = num.size(); auto [l, used] = qstrntoll(num.data(), len, base); if (used <= 0) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } if (used < len && num[used] != '\0') { while (used < len && ascii_isspace(num[used])) ++used; } if (used < len && num[used] != '\0') { // we stopped at a non-digit character after converting some digits if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } if (ok != nullptr) *ok = true; return l; } qulonglong QLocaleData::bytearrayToUnsLongLong(QByteArrayView num, int base, bool *ok) { const qsizetype len = num.size(); auto [l, used] = qstrntoull(num.data(), len, base); if (used <= 0) { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } if (used < len && num[used] != '\0') { while (used < len && ascii_isspace(num[used])) ++used; } if (used < len && num[used] != '\0') { if (ok != nullptr) *ok = false; return 0; } if (ok != nullptr) *ok = true; return l; } /*! \since 4.8 \enum QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat Specifies the format of the currency symbol. \value CurrencyIsoCode a ISO-4217 code of the currency. \value CurrencySymbol a currency symbol. \value CurrencyDisplayName a user readable name of the currency. */ /*! \since 4.8 Returns a currency symbol according to the \a format. */ QString QLocale::currencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencySymbolFormat format) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::CurrencySymbol, format).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif switch (format) { case CurrencySymbol: return d->m_data->currencySymbol().getData(currency_symbol_data); case CurrencyDisplayName: return d->m_data->currencyDisplayName().getData(currency_display_name_data); case CurrencyIsoCode: { const char *code = d->m_data->m_currency_iso_code; if (auto len = qstrnlen(code, 3)) return QString::fromLatin1(code, qsizetype(len)); break; } } return QString(); } /*! \since 4.8 Returns a localized string representation of \a value as a currency. If the \a symbol is provided it is used instead of the default currency symbol. \sa currencySymbol() */ QString QLocale::toCurrencyString(qlonglong value, const QString &symbol) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument arg(value, symbol); auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::CurrencyToString, QVariant::fromValue(arg)).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif QLocaleData::DataRange range = d->m_data->currencyFormatNegative(); if (!range.size || value >= 0) range = d->m_data->currencyFormat(); else value = -value; QString str = toString(value); QString sym = symbol.isNull() ? currencySymbol() : symbol; if (sym.isEmpty()) sym = currencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencyIsoCode); return range.viewData(currency_format_data).arg(str, sym); } /*! \since 4.8 \overload */ QString QLocale::toCurrencyString(qulonglong value, const QString &symbol) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument arg(value, symbol); auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::CurrencyToString, QVariant::fromValue(arg)).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif QString str = toString(value); QString sym = symbol.isNull() ? currencySymbol() : symbol; if (sym.isEmpty()) sym = currencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencyIsoCode); return d->m_data->currencyFormat().getData(currency_format_data).arg(str, sym); } /*! \since 5.7 \overload toCurrencyString() Returns a localized string representation of \a value as a currency. If the \a symbol is provided it is used instead of the default currency symbol. If the \a precision is provided it is used to set the precision of the currency value. \sa currencySymbol() */ QString QLocale::toCurrencyString(double value, const QString &symbol, int precision) const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { QSystemLocale::CurrencyToStringArgument arg(value, symbol); auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::CurrencyToString, QVariant::fromValue(arg)).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif QLocaleData::DataRange range = d->m_data->currencyFormatNegative(); if (!range.size || value >= 0) range = d->m_data->currencyFormat(); else value = -value; QString str = toString(value, 'f', precision == -1 ? d->m_data->m_currency_digits : precision); QString sym = symbol.isNull() ? currencySymbol() : symbol; if (sym.isEmpty()) sym = currencySymbol(QLocale::CurrencyIsoCode); return range.viewData(currency_format_data).arg(str, sym); } /*! \fn QString QLocale::toCurrencyString(float i, const QString &symbol, int precision) const \overload toCurrencyString() */ /*! \since 5.10 \enum QLocale::DataSizeFormat Specifies the format for representation of data quantities. \omitvalue DataSizeBase1000 \omitvalue DataSizeSIQuantifiers \value DataSizeIecFormat format using base 1024 and IEC prefixes: KiB, MiB, GiB, ... \value DataSizeTraditionalFormat format using base 1024 and SI prefixes: kB, MB, GB, ... \value DataSizeSIFormat format using base 1000 and SI prefixes: kB, MB, GB, ... \sa formattedDataSize() */ /*! \since 5.10 Converts a size in bytes to a human-readable localized string, comprising a number and a quantified unit. The quantifier is chosen such that the number is at least one, and as small as possible. For example if \a bytes is 16384, \a precision is 2, and \a format is \l DataSizeIecFormat (the default), this function returns "16.00 KiB"; for 1330409069609 bytes it returns "1.21 GiB"; and so on. If \a format is \l DataSizeIecFormat or \l DataSizeTraditionalFormat, the given number of bytes is divided by a power of 1024, with result less than 1024; for \l DataSizeSIFormat, it is divided by a power of 1000, with result less than 1000. \c DataSizeIecFormat uses the new IEC standard quantifiers Ki, Mi and so on, whereas \c DataSizeSIFormat uses the older SI quantifiers k, M, etc., and \c DataSizeTraditionalFormat abuses them. */ QString QLocale::formattedDataSize(qint64 bytes, int precision, DataSizeFormats format) const { int power, base = 1000; if (!bytes) { power = 0; } else if (format & DataSizeBase1000) { power = int(std::log10(qAbs(bytes)) / 3); } else { // Compute log2(bytes) / 10: power = int((63 - qCountLeadingZeroBits(quint64(qAbs(bytes)))) / 10); base = 1024; } // Only go to doubles if we'll be using a quantifier: const QString number = power ? toString(bytes / std::pow(double(base), power), 'f', qMin(precision, 3 * power)) : toString(bytes); // We don't support sizes in units larger than exbibytes because // the number of bytes would not fit into qint64. Q_ASSERT(power <= 6 && power >= 0); QStringView unit; if (power > 0) { QLocaleData::DataRange range = (format & DataSizeSIQuantifiers) ? d->m_data->byteAmountSI() : d->m_data->byteAmountIEC(); unit = range.viewListEntry(byte_unit_data, power - 1); } else { unit = d->m_data->byteCount().viewData(byte_unit_data); } return number + u' ' + unit; } /*! \since 4.8 \brief List of locale names for use in selecting translations Each entry in the returned list is the dash-joined name of a locale, suitable to the user's preferences for what to translate the UI into. For example, if the user has configured their system to use English as used in the USA, the list would be "en-Latn-US", "en-US", "en". The order of entries is the order in which to check for translations; earlier items in the list are to be preferred over later ones. Most likely you do not need to use this function directly, but just pass the QLocale object to the QTranslator::load() function. \sa QTranslator, bcp47Name() */ QStringList QLocale::uiLanguages() const { QStringList uiLanguages; QList localeIds; #ifdef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE constexpr bool isSystem = false; #else const bool isSystem = d->m_data == &systemLocaleData; if (isSystem) { uiLanguages = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::UILanguages).toStringList(); // ... but we need to include likely-adjusted forms of each of those, too. // For now, collect up locale Ids representing the entries, for later processing: for (const auto &entry : std::as_const(uiLanguages)) localeIds.append(QLocaleId::fromName(entry)); if (localeIds.isEmpty()) localeIds.append(systemLocale()->fallbackLocale().d->m_data->id()); // If the system locale (isn't C and) didn't include itself in the list, // or as fallback, presume to know better than it and put its name // first. (Known issue, QTBUG-104930, on some macOS versions when in // locale en_DE.) Our translation system might have a translation for a // locale the platform doesn't believe in. const QString name = bcp47Name(); if (!name.isEmpty() && language() != C && !uiLanguages.contains(name)) { // That uses contains(name) as a cheap pre-test, but there may be an // entry that matches this on purging likely subtags. const QLocaleId mine = d->m_data->id().withLikelySubtagsRemoved(); const auto isMine = [mine](const QString &entry) { return QLocaleId::fromName(entry).withLikelySubtagsRemoved() == mine; }; if (std::none_of(uiLanguages.constBegin(), uiLanguages.constEnd(), isMine)) { localeIds.prepend(d->m_data->id()); uiLanguages.prepend(name); } } } else #endif { localeIds.append(d->m_data->id()); } for (qsizetype i = localeIds.size(); i-- > 0; ) { QLocaleId id = localeIds.at(i); qsizetype j; QByteArray prior; if (isSystem && i < uiLanguages.size()) { // Adding likely-adjusted forms to system locale's list. // Name the locale is derived from: prior = uiLanguages.at(i).toLatin1(); // Insert just after the entry we're supplementing: j = i + 1; } else if (id.language_id == C) { // Attempt no likely sub-tag amendments to C: uiLanguages.append(QString::fromLatin1(id.name())); continue; } else { // Plain locale or empty system uiLanguages; just append. prior = id.name(); uiLanguages.append(QString::fromLatin1(prior)); j = uiLanguages.size(); } const QLocaleId max = id.withLikelySubtagsAdded(); const QLocaleId min = max.withLikelySubtagsRemoved(); // Include minimal version (last) unless it's what our locale is derived from: if (auto name = min.name(); name != prior) uiLanguages.insert(j, QString::fromLatin1(name)); else if (!isSystem) --j; // bcp47Name() matches min(): put more specific forms *before* it. if (id.script_id) { // Include scriptless version if likely-equivalent and distinct: id.script_id = 0; if (id != min && id.withLikelySubtagsAdded() == max) { if (auto name = id.name(); name != prior) uiLanguages.insert(j, QString::fromLatin1(name)); } } if (!id.territory_id) { Q_ASSERT(!min.territory_id); Q_ASSERT(!id.script_id); // because we just cleared it. // Include version with territory if it likely-equivalent and distinct: id.territory_id = max.territory_id; if (id != max && id.withLikelySubtagsAdded() == max) { if (auto name = id.name(); name != prior) uiLanguages.insert(j, QString::fromLatin1(name)); } } // Include version with all likely sub-tags (first) if distinct from the rest: if (max != min && max != id) { if (auto name = max.name(); name != prior) uiLanguages.insert(j, QString::fromLatin1(name)); } } return uiLanguages; } /*! \since 5.13 Returns the locale to use for collation. The result is usually this locale; however, the system locale (which is commonly the default locale) will return the system collation locale. The result is suitable for passing to QCollator's constructor. \sa QCollator */ QLocale QLocale::collation() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { const auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::Collation).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return QLocale(res); } #endif return *this; } /*! \since 4.8 Returns a native name of the language for the locale. For example "Schwiizertüütsch" for Swiss-German locale. \sa nativeTerritoryName(), languageToString() */ QString QLocale::nativeLanguageName() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::NativeLanguageName).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif return d->m_data->endonymLanguage().getData(endonyms_data); } /*! \since 6.2 Returns a native name of the territory for the locale. For example "España" for Spanish/Spain locale. \sa nativeLanguageName(), territoryToString() */ QString QLocale::nativeTerritoryName() const { #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMLOCALE if (d->m_data == &systemLocaleData) { auto res = systemLocale()->query(QSystemLocale::NativeTerritoryName).toString(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } #endif return d->m_data->endonymTerritory().getData(endonyms_data); } #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 6) /*! \deprecated [6.6] Use \l nativeTerritoryName() instead. \since 4.8 Returns a native name of the territory for the locale. For example "España" for Spanish/Spain locale. \sa nativeLanguageName(), territoryToString() */ QString QLocale::nativeCountryName() const { return nativeTerritoryName(); } #endif #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QLocale &l) { QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg.nospace().noquote() << "QLocale(" << QLocale::languageToString(l.language()) << ", " << QLocale::scriptToString(l.script()) << ", " << QLocale::territoryToString(l.territory()) << ')'; return dbg; } #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT #include "moc_qlocale.cpp" #endif