// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2014 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.com, author Giuseppe D'Angelo // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QSTRINGITERATOR_H #define QSTRINGITERATOR_H // // W A R N I N G // ------------- // // This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an // implementation detail. This header file may change from version to // version without notice, or even be removed. // // We mean it. // #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QStringIterator { QString::const_iterator i, pos, e; static_assert((std::is_same::value)); static bool less(const QChar *lhs, const QChar *rhs) noexcept { return std::less{}(lhs, rhs); } public: explicit QStringIterator(QStringView string, qsizetype idx = 0) : i(string.begin()), pos(i + idx), e(string.end()) { } inline explicit QStringIterator(const QChar *begin, const QChar *end) : i(begin), pos(begin), e(end) { } explicit QStringIterator(const QChar *begin, qsizetype idx, const QChar *end) : i(begin), pos(begin + idx), e(end) { } inline QString::const_iterator position() const { return pos; } qsizetype index() const { return pos - i; } inline void setPosition(QString::const_iterator position) { Q_ASSERT_X(!less(position, i) && !less(e, position), Q_FUNC_INFO, "position out of bounds"); pos = position; } // forward iteration inline bool hasNext() const { return less(pos, e); } inline void advance() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY((pos++)->isHighSurrogate())) { if (Q_LIKELY(pos != e && pos->isLowSurrogate())) ++pos; } } inline void advanceUnchecked() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY((pos++)->isHighSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(hasNext() && pos->isLowSurrogate()); ++pos; } } inline char32_t peekNextUnchecked() const { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(pos->isHighSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(less(pos + 1, e) && pos[1].isLowSurrogate()); return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(pos[0], pos[1]); } return pos->unicode(); } inline char32_t peekNext(char32_t invalidAs = QChar::ReplacementCharacter) const { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(pos->isSurrogate())) { if (Q_LIKELY(pos->isHighSurrogate())) { const QChar *low = pos + 1; if (Q_LIKELY(low != e && low->isLowSurrogate())) return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*pos, *low); } return invalidAs; } return pos->unicode(); } inline char32_t nextUnchecked() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); const QChar cur = *pos++; if (Q_UNLIKELY(cur.isHighSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(hasNext() && pos->isLowSurrogate()); return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(cur, *pos++); } return cur.unicode(); } inline char32_t next(char32_t invalidAs = QChar::ReplacementCharacter) { Q_ASSERT_X(hasNext(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a next item"); const QChar uc = *pos++; if (Q_UNLIKELY(uc.isSurrogate())) { if (Q_LIKELY(uc.isHighSurrogate() && hasNext() && pos->isLowSurrogate())) return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(uc, *pos++); return invalidAs; } return uc.unicode(); } // backwards iteration inline bool hasPrevious() const { return less(i, pos); } inline void recede() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY((--pos)->isLowSurrogate())) { const QChar *high = pos - 1; if (Q_LIKELY(high != i - 1 && high->isHighSurrogate())) --pos; } } inline void recedeUnchecked() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY((--pos)->isLowSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(hasPrevious() && pos[-1].isHighSurrogate()); --pos; } } inline char32_t peekPreviousUnchecked() const { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(pos[-1].isLowSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(less(i + 1, pos) && pos[-2].isHighSurrogate()); return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(pos[-2], pos[-1]); } return pos[-1].unicode(); } inline char32_t peekPrevious(char32_t invalidAs = QChar::ReplacementCharacter) const { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(pos[-1].isSurrogate())) { if (Q_LIKELY(pos[-1].isLowSurrogate())) { const QChar *high = pos - 2; if (Q_LIKELY(high != i - 1 && high->isHighSurrogate())) return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*high, pos[-1]); } return invalidAs; } return pos[-1].unicode(); } inline char32_t previousUnchecked() { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); const QChar cur = *--pos; if (Q_UNLIKELY(cur.isLowSurrogate())) { Q_ASSERT(hasPrevious() && pos[-1].isHighSurrogate()); return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*--pos, cur); } return cur.unicode(); } inline char32_t previous(char32_t invalidAs = QChar::ReplacementCharacter) { Q_ASSERT_X(hasPrevious(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "iterator hasn't a previous item"); const QChar uc = *--pos; if (Q_UNLIKELY(uc.isSurrogate())) { if (Q_LIKELY(uc.isLowSurrogate() && hasPrevious() && pos[-1].isHighSurrogate())) return QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*--pos, uc); return invalidAs; } return uc.unicode(); } }; QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QSTRINGITERATOR_H