{ "module": "gui", "depends": [ "core", "network" ], "testDir": "../../config.tests", "commandline": { "options": { "accessibility": "boolean", "angle": "boolean", "combined-angle-lib": "boolean", "direct2d": "boolean", "directfb": "boolean", "directwrite": "boolean", "egl": "boolean", "eglfs": "boolean", "evdev": "boolean", "fontconfig": "boolean", "freetype": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] }, "gbm": "boolean", "gif": "boolean", "harfbuzz": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] }, "ico": "boolean", "imf": { "type": "boolean", "name": "qqnx_imf" }, "kms": "boolean", "lgmon": "boolean", "libinput": "boolean", "libjpeg": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] }, "libpng": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] }, "linuxfb": "boolean", "mirclient": "boolean", "mtdev": "boolean", "opengl": { "type": "optionalString", "values": [ "no", "yes", "desktop", "es2", "dynamic" ] }, "opengl-es-2": { "type": "void", "name": "opengl", "value": "es2" }, "opengles3": "boolean", "openvg": "boolean", "qpa": { "type": "string", "name": "qpa_default_platform" }, "qpa-platform-guard": "boolean", "sm": { "type": "boolean", "name": "sessionmanager" }, "tslib": "boolean", "vulkan": "boolean", "xcb": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "yes", "qt", "system" ] }, "xcb-native-painting": "boolean", "xcb-xlib": "boolean", "xinput2": "boolean", "xkb": "boolean", "xkb-config-root": "string", "xkbcommon": { "type": "enum", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] }, "xkbcommon-evdev": "boolean", "xkbcommon-x11": { "type": "enum", "name": "xkbcommon", "values": [ "no", "qt", "system" ] } } }, "libraries": { "atspi": { "label": "atspi", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "atspi-2" } ] }, "bcm_host": { "export": "", "sources": [ "-lbcm_host" ] }, "direct2d": { "label": "Direct 2D", "export": "", "test": { "include": [ "d3d11_1.h", "d2d1_1.h", "d2d1_1helper.h", "dxgi1_2.h", "wrl.h", "dwrite.h" ], "tail": "using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr;", "main": [ "ComPtr d2dFactory;", "D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, d2dFactory.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf());", "ComPtr surface;", "(void) surface;" ] }, "sources": [ "-ld2d1 -ldwrite -ld3d11" ] }, "directfb": { "label": "DirectFB", "test": { "include": "directfb.h", "tail": [ "#ifdef __typeof__", "# error DirectFB headers are unclean and cannot compile", "#endif" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "directfb" } ] }, "directwrite": { "label": "DirectWrite", "export": "", "test": { "include": [ "dwrite.h", "d2d1.h" ], "main": [ "IDWriteFactory *factory = 0;", "DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory),", " (IUnknown **)(&factory));" ] }, "sources": [ "-ldwrite" ] }, "drm": { "label": "KMS", "test": { "include": [ "stdlib.h", "stdint.h" ], "tail": [ "extern \"C\" {", "#include ", "#include ", "}" ], "main": "(void) drmModeGetCrtc(0, 0);" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libdrm" }, { "libs": "-ldrm", "condition": "!config.integrity" }, { "libs": "-ldrm-nvdc -lposix -livfs -lnvll -lnvdc -lnvrm -lnvrm_graphics -lnvos -lnvtegrahv", "condition": "config.integrity" } ] }, "egl": { "label": "EGL", "test": { "include": "EGL/egl.h", "main": [ "EGLint x = 0; EGLDisplay dpy = 0; EGLContext ctx = 0;", "eglDestroyContext(dpy, ctx);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "egl" }, { "type": "makeSpec", "spec": "EGL" } ] }, "freetype": { "label": "FreeType", "test": { "head": [ "#include ", "#include FT_FREETYPE_H", "#if ((FREETYPE_MAJOR*10000 + FREETYPE_MINOR*100 + FREETYPE_PATCH) < 20200)", "# error This version of freetype is too old.", "#endif" ], "main": [ "FT_Face face = 0;" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "freetype2" }, { "type": "freetype", "libs": "-lfreetype" } ] }, "fontconfig": { "label": "Fontconfig", "test": { "head": [ "#include ", "#include FT_FREETYPE_H", "#include ", "#ifndef FC_RGBA_UNKNOWN", "# error This version of fontconfig is tool old, it is missing the FC_RGBA_UNKNOWN define", "#endif", "#if ((FREETYPE_MAJOR*10000 + FREETYPE_MINOR*100 + FREETYPE_PATCH) < 20110)", "# error This version of freetype is too old.", "#endif" ], "main": [ "FT_Face face = 0;", "FcPattern *pattern = 0;" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "fontconfig freetype2" }, { "type": "freetype", "libs": "-lfontconfig -lfreetype" } ] }, "gbm": { "label": "GBM", "test": { "include": [ "stdlib.h", "stdint.h" ], "tail": [ "extern \"C\" {", "#include ", "}" ], "main": "gbm_surface *surface = 0;" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "gbm" } ] }, "harfbuzz": { "label": "HarfBuzz", "test": { "include": "harfbuzz/hb.h", "tail": [ "#if !HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(1, 6, 0)", "# error This version of harfbuzz is too old.", "#endif" ], "main": [ "hb_buffer_t *buffer = hb_buffer_create();", "const uint16_t string[] = { 'A', 'b', 'c' };", "hb_buffer_add_utf16(buffer, string, 3, 0, 3);", "hb_buffer_guess_segment_properties(buffer);", "hb_buffer_set_flags(buffer, hb_buffer_flags_t(HB_BUFFER_FLAG_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_IGNORABLES));", "hb_buffer_destroy(buffer);" ] }, "sources": [ "-lharfbuzz" ] }, "imf": { "label": "IMF", "export": "", "test": { "include": "imf/imf_client.h", "main": "imf_client_init();" }, "sources": [ "-linput_client" ] }, "lgmon": { "label": "lgmon", "test": { "include": "lgmon.h", "main": "lgmon_supported(getpid());" }, "sources": [ "-llgmon" ] }, "libinput": { "label": "libinput", "test": { "include": "libinput.h", "main": "libinput_udev_create_context(NULL, NULL, NULL);" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libinput" } ] }, "integrityhid": { "label": "integrityhid", "test": { "include": [ "stdlib.h", "stdint.h", "device/hiddriver.h" ], "main": [ "HIDDriver *driver;", "uintptr_t devicecontext;", "uint32_t device_id;", "gh_hid_enum_devices(driver, &device_id, &devicecontext);" ] }, "sources": [ { "libs": "-lhiddev -lusbhid -lusb" } ] }, "libjpeg": { "label": "libjpeg", "test": { "include": [ "sys/types.h", "stdio.h" ], "tail": [ "extern \"C\" {", "#include ", "}", "", "j_compress_ptr cinfo;" ], "main": "jpeg_create_compress(cinfo);" }, "sources": [ { "libs": "-llibjpeg", "condition": "config.msvc" }, { "libs": "-ljpeg", "condition": "!config.msvc" } ] }, "libpng": { "label": "libpng", "test": { "include": "png.h", "main": "(void) png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,0,0,0);" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libpng" }, { "libs": "-llibpng", "condition": "config.msvc" }, { "libs": "-lpng", "condition": "!config.msvc" } ], "use": [ { "lib": "zlib", "condition": "features.system-zlib" } ] }, "mirclient": { "label": "Mir client libraries", "test": { "include": [ "mir_toolkit/mir_client_library.h", "ubuntu/application/lifecycle_delegate.h", "EGL/egl.h" ], "tail": "static void surfaceCreateCallback(MirSurface*, void*) {}", "main": [ "u_application_lifecycle_delegate_new();", "mir_surface_create(0, surfaceCreateCallback, 0);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "egl mirclient ubuntu-platform-api libcontent-hub >= 0.2.0" } ] }, "mtdev": { "label": "mtdev", "test": { "include": "mtdev.h", "main": [ "mtdev m;", "mtdev_open(&m, 0);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "mtdev" } ] }, "opengl": { "label": "Desktop OpenGL", "test": { "head": [ "#ifdef __APPLE__", "# include ", "#else", "# define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES", "# include ", "#endif" ], "main": [ "glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);", " glVertex2f(20.0f, 10.0f);", " glVertex2f(10.0f, 30.0f);", " glVertex2f(20.0f, 50.0f);", "glEnd();" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "gl", "condition": "!config.darwin" }, { "type": "makeSpec", "spec": "OPENGL" } ] }, "opengl_es2": { "label": "OpenGL ES 2.0", "test": { "head": [ "#ifdef __APPLE__", "# include ", "#else", "# define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES", "# include ", "#endif" ], "main": [ "glUniform1f(1, GLfloat(1.0));", "glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "glesv2", "condition": "!config.darwin" }, { "type": "makeSpec", "spec": "OPENGL_ES2" } ] }, "openvg": { "label": "OpenVG", "test": { "include": "VG/openvg.h", "main": "VGint i = 2; vgFlush();" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "vg" }, { "type": "makeSpec", "spec": "OPENVG" } ] }, "tslib": { "label": "tslib", "test": { "include": "tslib.h", "main": "ts_open(\"foo\", 0);" }, "sources": [ "-lts" ] }, "vulkan": { "label": "Vulkan", "test": "qpa/vulkan", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "vulkan" }, { "type": "makeSpec", "spec": "VULKAN" } ] }, "wayland_server": { "label": "Wayland Server", "test": { "include": "wayland-server.h", "main": "wl_display_create();" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "wayland-server" } ] }, "x11sm": { "label": "X11 session management", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "sm ice" } ] }, "xcb": { "label": "XCB >= 1.5 (core)", "test": { "include": "xcb/xcb.h", "main": [ "int primaryScreen = 0;", "(void)xcb_connect(\"\", &primaryScreen);", "// This won't compile unless libxcb >= 1.5 which defines XCB_ATOM_PRIMARY.", "int xcbAtomPrimary = XCB_ATOM_PRIMARY;" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb >= 1.5" }, "-lxcb" ] }, "xcb_syslibs": { "label": "XCB (extensions)", "test": { "include": [ "xcb/xcb.h", "xcb/xfixes.h", "xcb/xcb_image.h", "xcb/xcb_keysyms.h", "xcb/xinerama.h", "xcb/sync.h", "xcb/randr.h", "xcb/shm.h" ], "tail": [ "// This workaround can be removed for xcb-icccm > 3.8", "#define class class_name", "#include ", "#undef class" ], "main": [ "int primaryScreen = 0;", "(void) xcb_connect(\"\", &primaryScreen);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb xcb-shm xcb-sync xcb-xfixes xcb-xinerama xcb-randr xcb-image xcb-keysyms xcb-icccm xcb-shape" }, "-lxcb -lxcb-shm -lxcb-sync -lxcb-xfixes -lxcb-xinerama -lxcb-randr -lxcb-image -lxcb-keysyms -lxcb-icccm -lxcb-shape" ] }, "xcb_xlib": { "label": "XCB Xlib", "test": { "include": [ "xcb/xcb.h", "X11/Xlib.h", "X11/Xlib-xcb.h" ], "main": [ "Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(\"\");", "(void) XGetXCBConnection(dpy);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "x11-xcb x11 xcb" }, "-lxcb -lX11 -lX11-xcb" ] }, "xcb_xkb": { "label": "XCB XKB >= 1.10", "test": { "head": [ "// xkb.h is using a variable called 'explicit', which is a reserved keyword in C++", "#define explicit dont_use_cxx_explicit" ], "include": "xcb/xkb.h", "tail": "#undef explicit", "main": [ "// This takes more arguments in xcb-xkb < 1.10.", "xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_unchecked(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb-xkb >= 1.10 xcb" }, "-lxcb-xkb -lxcb" ] }, "xcb_render": { "label": "XCB XRender", "test": { "include": [ "xcb/xcb.h", "xcb/render.h" ], "tail": [ "// 'template' is used as a function argument name in xcb_renderutil.h", "#define template template_param", "// extern \"C\" is missing, too", "extern \"C\" {", "#include ", "}", "#undef template" ], "main": [ "int primaryScreen = 0;", "xcb_generic_error_t *error = 0;", "xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(\"\", &primaryScreen);", "xcb_render_query_pict_formats_cookie_t formatsCookie =", " xcb_render_query_pict_formats(connection);", "xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply_t *formatsReply =", " xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply(", " connection, formatsCookie, &error);", "xcb_render_util_find_standard_format(", " formatsReply, XCB_PICT_STANDARD_ARGB_32);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb-renderutil xcb-render xcb" }, "-lxcb-render-util -lxcb-render -lxcb" ] }, "xcb_glx": { "label": "XCB GLX", "test": { "include": [ "xcb/xcb.h", "xcb/glx.h" ], "main": [ "int primaryScreen = 0;", "xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(\"\", &primaryScreen);", "xcb_generic_error_t *error = 0;", "xcb_glx_query_version_cookie_t xglx_query_cookie = xcb_glx_query_version(", " connection, XCB_GLX_MAJOR_VERSION, XCB_GLX_MINOR_VERSION);", "xcb_glx_query_version_reply(connection, xglx_query_cookie, &error);" ] }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xcb-glx xcb" }, "-lxcb-glx -lxcb" ] }, "xinput2": { "label": "Xinput2", "test": { "include": [ "X11/Xlib.h", "X11/extensions/XInput2.h", "X11/extensions/Xge.h" ], "tail": [ "#ifndef XInput_2_0", "# error Missing XInput_2_0 #define", "#endif" ], "main": [ "// need XGenericEventCookie for XInput2 to work", "Display *dpy = 0;", "XEvent xevent;", "XIEvent *xievent = 0;", "XIDeviceEvent *xideviceevent = 0;", "XIHierarchyEvent *xihierarchyevent = 0;", "int deviceid = 0;", "int len = 0;", "(void) XGetEventData(dpy, &xevent.xcookie);", "XFreeEventData(dpy, &xevent.xcookie);", "(void) XIListProperties(dpy, deviceid, &len);" ], "qmake": "CONFIG += x11" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xi" }, "-lXi" ] }, "xkbcommon": { "label": "xkbcommon", "export": "xkbcommon_evdev", "test": { "include": [ "xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h", "xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h", "xkbcommon/xkbcommon-names.h" ], "main": "xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS);" }, "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xkbcommon" } ] }, "xkbcommon_x11": { "label": "xkbcommon-x11 >= 0.4.1", "export": "xkbcommon", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "xkbcommon xkbcommon-x11 >= 0.4.1" } ] }, "xrender": { "label": "XRender for native painting", "test": "x11/xrender", "sources": [ "-lXrender" ] } }, "testTypeAliases": { "files": [ "directX" ], "getPkgConfigVariable": [ "xkbConfigRoot" ] }, "tests": { "angle_d3d11_qdtd": { "label": "D3D11_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT", "type": "compile", "test": "win/angle_d3d11_qdtd" }, "directwrite2": { "label": "DirectWrite 2", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "dwrite_2.h", "d2d1.h" ], "main": [ "IUnknown *factory = 0;", "(void)(size_t(DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR) + sizeof(IDWriteFontFace2));", "DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory2),", " &factory);" ] }, "use": "directwrite" }, "directx": { "label": "DirectX SDK", "type": "directX", "files": [ "d3dcompiler.h", "d3d11.lib", "fxc.exe" ] }, "egl-x11": { "label": "EGL on X11", "type": "compile", "test": { "head": [ "// Check if EGL is compatible with X. Some EGL implementations, typically on", "// embedded devices, are not intended to be used together with X. EGL support", "// has to be disabled in plugins like xcb in this case since the native display,", "// window and pixmap types will be different than what an X-based platform", "// plugin would expect." ], "include": [ "EGL/egl.h", "xcb/xcb.h", "X11/Xlib.h", "X11/Xlib-xcb.h" ], "main": [ "Display *dpy = EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY;", "EGLNativeDisplayType egldpy = XOpenDisplay(\"\");", "dpy = egldpy;", "EGLNativeWindowType w = XCreateWindow(dpy, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);", "XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);", "XCloseDisplay(dpy);" ] }, "use": "egl xcb_xlib" }, "egl-brcm": { "label": "Broadcom EGL (Raspberry Pi)", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "EGL/egl.h", "bcm_host.h" ], "main": "vc_dispmanx_display_open(0);" }, "use": "egl bcm_host" }, "egl-egldevice": { "label": "EGLDevice", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "EGL/egl.h", "EGL/eglext.h" ], "main": [ "EGLDeviceEXT device = 0;", "EGLStreamKHR stream = 0;", "EGLOutputLayerEXT layer = 0;", "(void) EGL_DRM_CRTC_EXT;" ] }, "use": "egl" }, "egl-mali": { "label": "Mali EGL", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "EGL/fbdev_window.h", "EGL/egl.h", "GLES2/gl2.h" ], "main": "fbdev_window *w = 0;" }, "use": "egl" }, "egl-mali-2": { "label": "Mali 2 EGL", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "EGL/egl.h", "GLES2/gl2.h" ], "main": "mali_native_window *w = 0;" }, "use": "egl" }, "egl-viv": { "label": "i.Mx6 EGL", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "EGL/egl.h", "EGL/eglvivante.h" ], "main": [ "#ifdef __INTEGRITY", "fbGetDisplay();", "#else", "// Do not rely on fbGetDisplay(), since the signature has changed over time.", "// Stick to fbGetDisplayByIndex().", "fbGetDisplayByIndex(0);", "#endif" ], "qmake": [ "DEFINES += EGL_API_FB=1", "!integrity: DEFINES += LINUX=1" ] }, "use": "egl" }, "evdev": { "label": "evdev", "type": "compile", "test": { "head": [ "#if defined(__FreeBSD__)", "# include ", "#else", "# include ", "# include ", "#endif", "enum {", " e1 = ABS_PRESSURE,", " e2 = ABS_X,", " e3 = REL_X,", " e4 = SYN_REPORT,", "};" ], "main": [ "input_event buf[32];", "(void) buf;" ] } }, "integrityfb": { "label": "INTEGRITY framebuffer", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": "device/fbdriver.h", "main": "FBDriver *driver = 0;" } }, "libinput_axis_api": { "label": "axis API in libinput", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": "libinput.h", "main": "libinput_event_pointer_has_axis(nullptr, LIBINPUT_POINTER_AXIS_SCROLL_VERTICAL);" }, "use": "libinput" }, "linuxfb": { "label": "LinuxFB", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": [ "linux/fb.h", "sys/kd.h", "sys/ioctl.h" ], "main": [ "fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;", "fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;", "int fd = 3;", "ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo);", "ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo);" ] } }, "opengles3": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.0", "type": "compile", "test": { "head": [ "#ifdef __APPLE__", "# include ", "#else", "# define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES", "# include ", "#endif" ], "main": [ "static GLfloat f[6];", "glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, 0);", "glReadBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1);", "glUniformMatrix2x3fv(0, 0, GL_FALSE, f);", "glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, 0, GL_MAP_READ_BIT);" ] }, "comment": [ "The library is expected to be the same as in ES 2.0 (libGLESv2).", "The difference is the header and the presence of the functions in", "the library." ], "use": "opengl_es2" }, "opengles31": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.1", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": "GLES3/gl31.h", "main": [ "glDispatchCompute(1, 1, 1);", "glProgramUniform1i(0, 0, 0);" ] }, "use": "opengl_es2" }, "opengles32": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.2", "type": "compile", "test": "unix/opengles32", "use": "opengl_es2" }, "qpa_default_platform": { "label": "default QPA platform", "type": "qpaDefaultPlatform", "log": "value" }, "x11prefix": { "label": "X11 prefix", "type": "getPkgConfigVariable", "pkg-config-args": "x11", "pkg-config-variable": "prefix", "value": "/usr", "log": "value" }, "xkbconfigroot": { "label": "XKB config root", "type": "xkbConfigRoot", "pkg-config-args": "xkeyboard-config", "pkg-config-variable": "xkb_base", "log": "value" }, "xlib": { "label": "XLib", "type": "compile", "test": { "include": "X11/Xlib.h", "main": [ "Display *d = XOpenDisplay(NULL);", "XCloseDisplay(d);" ], "qmake": "CONFIG += x11" } } }, "features": { "accessibility-atspi-bridge": { "label": "ATSPI Bridge", "condition": "features.accessibility && features.xcb && features.dbus && libs.atspi", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "angle": { "label": "ANGLE", "autoDetect": "features.opengles2 || features.opengl-dynamic", "condition": "config.win32 && tests.directx", "output": [ "publicFeature", { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES_2_ANGLE" } ] }, "angle_d3d11_qdtd": { "label": "D3D11_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT", "condition": "features.angle && tests.angle_d3d11_qdtd", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "combined-angle-lib": { "label": "Combined ANGLE Library", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "features.angle", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "directfb": { "label": "DirectFB", "section": "Platform plugins", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "libs.directfb", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "directwrite": { "label": "DirectWrite", "emitIf": "config.win32", "condition": "libs.directwrite", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "directwrite2": { "label": "DirectWrite 2", "emitIf": "config.win32", "condition": "features.directwrite && tests.directwrite2", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "direct2d": { "label": "Direct 2D", "section": "Platform plugins", "condition": "config.win32 && !config.winrt && libs.direct2d", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "evdev": { "label": "evdev", "condition": "tests.evdev", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "freetype": { "label": "FreeType", "purpose": "Supports the FreeType 2 font engine (and its supported font formats).", "section": "Fonts", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "system-freetype": { "label": " Using system FreeType", "enable": "input.freetype == 'system'", "disable": "input.freetype == 'qt'", "autoDetect": "!config.win32", "condition": "features.freetype && libs.freetype", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "fontconfig": { "label": "Fontconfig", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin", "condition": "!config.win32 && features.system-freetype && libs.fontconfig", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "gbm": { "label": "GBM", "condition": "libs.gbm", "output": [ "publicQtConfig" ] }, "harfbuzz": { "label": "HarfBuzz", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "system-harfbuzz": { "label": " Using system HarfBuzz", "enable": "input.harfbuzz == 'system'", "disable": "input.harfbuzz == 'qt'", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin && !config.win32", "condition": "features.harfbuzz && libs.harfbuzz", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qqnx_imf": { "label": "IMF", "emitIf": "config.qnx", "condition": "libs.imf", "output": [ "privateConfig" ] }, "integrityfb": { "label": "INTEGRITY framebuffer", "section": "Platform plugins", "condition": "config.integrity && tests.integrityfb", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "kms": { "label": "KMS", "condition": "libs.drm", "output": [ "publicQtConfig", "privateFeature" ] }, "libinput": { "label": "libinput", "condition": "features.libudev && libs.libinput", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "integrityhid": { "label": "INTEGRITY HID", "condition": "config.integrity && libs.integrityhid", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "libinput-axis-api": { "label": "axis API in libinput", "condition": "features.libinput && tests.libinput_axis_api", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "lgmon": { "label": "lgmon", "emitIf": "config.qnx", "condition": "libs.lgmon", "output": [ "privateConfig" ] }, "linuxfb": { "label": "LinuxFB", "section": "Platform plugins", "condition": "tests.linuxfb && features.regularexpression", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "vnc": { "label": "VNC", "section": "Platform plugins", "condition": [ "config.unix && !config.android && !config.darwin", "features.regularexpression && features.network" ], "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "mirclient": { "label": "Mir client", "section": "Platform plugins", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "libs.mirclient", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "mtdev": { "label": "mtdev", "condition": "libs.mtdev", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "opengles2": { "label": "OpenGL ES 2.0", "enable": "input.opengl == 'es2'", "disable": "input.opengl == 'desktop' || input.opengl == 'dynamic' || input.opengl == 'no'", "condition": "config.win32 || (!config.watchos && !features.opengl-desktop && libs.opengl_es2)", "output": [ "publicFeature", "publicQtConfig", { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES" }, { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES_2" } ] }, "opengles3": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.0", "condition": "features.opengles2 && !features.angle && tests.opengles3", "output": [ "publicFeature", { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES_3" } ] }, "opengles31": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.1", "condition": "features.opengles3 && tests.opengles31", "output": [ "publicFeature", { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES_3_1" } ] }, "opengles32": { "label": "OpenGL ES 3.2", "condition": "features.opengles31 && tests.opengles32", "output": [ "publicFeature", { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_ES_3_2" } ] }, "opengl-desktop": { "label": "Desktop OpenGL", "enable": "input.opengl == 'desktop'", "disable": "input.opengl == 'es2' || input.opengl == 'dynamic' || input.opengl == 'no'", "condition": "(config.win32 && !config.winrt && !features.opengles2 && (config.msvc || libs.opengl)) || (!config.watchos && !config.win32 && libs.opengl)" }, "opengl-dynamic": { "label": "Dynamic OpenGL", "enable": "input.opengl == 'dynamic'", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "config.win32 && !config.winrt", "output": [ { "type": "publicFeature", "name": "dynamicgl" }, { "type": "define", "name": "QT_OPENGL_DYNAMIC" } ] }, "opengl": { "label": "OpenGL", "condition": "features.opengl-desktop || features.opengl-dynamic || features.opengles2", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "vulkan": { "label": "Vulkan", "condition": "libs.vulkan", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "openvg": { "label": "OpenVG", "condition": "libs.openvg", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "egl": { "label": "EGL", "condition": "(features.opengl || features.openvg) && (features.angle || libs.egl)", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "egl_x11": { "label": "EGL on X11", "condition": "features.egl && tests.egl-x11", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs": { "label": "EGLFS", "section": "Platform plugins", "condition": "!config.android && !config.darwin && !config.win32 && features.egl", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_brcm": { "label": "EGLFS Raspberry Pi", "condition": "features.eglfs && tests.egl-brcm", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_egldevice": { "label": "EGLFS EGLDevice", "condition": "features.eglfs && tests.egl-egldevice && features.kms", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_gbm": { "label": "EGLFS GBM", "condition": "features.eglfs && features.gbm && features.kms", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_mali": { "label": "EGLFS Mali", "condition": "features.eglfs && (tests.egl-mali || tests.egl-mali-2)", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_viv": { "label": "EGLFS i.Mx6", "condition": "features.eglfs && tests.egl-viv", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "eglfs_viv_wl": { "label": "EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland", "condition": "features.eglfs_viv && libs.wayland_server", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "gif": { "label": "GIF", "condition": "features.imageformatplugin", "output": [ "privateFeature", { "type": "define", "negative": true, "name": "QT_NO_IMAGEFORMAT_GIF" } ] }, "ico": { "label": "ICO", "condition": "features.imageformatplugin", "output": [ "privateFeature", "feature" ] }, "jpeg": { "label": "JPEG", "disable": "input.libjpeg == 'no'", "condition": "features.imageformatplugin", "output": [ "privateFeature", { "type": "define", "negative": true, "name": "QT_NO_IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG" } ] }, "system-jpeg": { "label": " Using system libjpeg", "disable": "input.libjpeg == 'qt'", "enable": "input.libjpeg == 'system'", "condition": "features.jpeg && libs.libjpeg", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "png": { "label": "PNG", "disable": "input.libpng == 'no'", "output": [ "privateFeature", { "type": "define", "negative": true, "name": "QT_NO_IMAGEFORMAT_PNG" } ] }, "system-png": { "label": " Using system libpng", "disable": "input.libpng == 'qt'", "enable": "input.libpng == 'system'", "autoDetect": "features.system-zlib", "condition": "features.png && libs.libpng", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qpa_default_platform": { "label": "QPA default platform", "condition": "features.gui", "output": [ { "type": "define", "name": "QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_NAME", "value": "tests.qpa_default_platform.name" }, { "type": "varAssign", "public": true, "name": "QT_DEFAULT_QPA_PLUGIN", "value": "tests.qpa_default_platform.plugin", "condition": "!features.shared" } ] }, "sessionmanager": { "label": "Session Management", "purpose": "Provides an interface to the windowing system's session management.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tslib": { "label": "tslib", "condition": "libs.tslib", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "tuiotouch": { "label": "TuioTouch", "purpose": "Provides the TuioTouch input plugin.", "condition": "features.network && features.udpsocket", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xcb": { "label": "XCB", "section": "Platform plugins", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin", "condition": "libs.xcb", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-xcb": { "label": "Using system-provided XCB libraries", "enable": "input.xcb == 'system'", "disable": "input.xcb == 'qt'", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin", "condition": "features.xcb && libs.xcb_syslibs", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "x11-prefix": { "label": "X11 prefix", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "output": [ { "type": "varAssign", "name": "QMAKE_X11_PREFIX", "value": "tests.x11prefix.value" } ] }, "xcb-glx": { "label": "XCB GLX", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "libs.xcb_glx", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xcb-native-painting": { "label": "Native painting (experimental)", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "features.xcb-xlib && features.fontconfig && libs.xrender", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xrender": { "label": "XRender for native painting", "emitIf": "features.xcb && features.xcb-native-painting", "condition": "features.xcb-native-painting", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xcb-render": { "label": "XCB render", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "!features.system-xcb || libs.xcb_render", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xkb": { "label": "XCB XKB", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "!features.system-xcb || libs.xcb_xkb", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xcb-xlib": { "label": "XCB Xlib", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "features.xlib && libs.xcb_xlib", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xcb-sm": { "label": "xcb-sm", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "features.sessionmanager && libs.x11sm", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xinput2": { "label": "Xinput2", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "features.xcb-xlib && libs.xinput2", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xkbcommon-evdev": { "label": "xkbcommon-evdev", "condition": "libs.xkbcommon", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xkbcommon-system": { "label": "Using system-provided xkbcommon", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "enable": "input.xkbcommon == 'system'", "disable": "input.xkbcommon == 'qt' || input.xkbcommon == 'no'", "condition": "libs.xkbcommon_x11", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "xkb-config-root": { "label": "XKB config root", "emitIf": "features.xcb", "condition": "features.xcb && !features.xkbcommon-system && tests.xkbconfigroot", "output": [ { "type": "varAssign", "name": "QMAKE_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT", "value": "tests.xkbconfigroot.value"} ] }, "xlib": { "label": "XLib", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin || features.xcb", "condition": "tests.xlib", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "texthtmlparser": { "label": "HtmlParser", "purpose": "Provides a parser for HTML.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "textodfwriter": { "label": "OdfWriter", "purpose": "Provides an ODF writer.", "section": "Kernel", "condition": "features.xmlstreamwriter", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "cssparser": { "label": "CssParser", "purpose": "Provides a parser for Cascading Style Sheets.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "draganddrop": { "label": "Drag and Drop", "purpose": "Supports the drag and drop mechansim.", "section": "Kernel", "condition": "features.imageformat_xpm", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "shortcut": { "label": "QShortcut", "purpose": "Provides keyboard accelerators and shortcuts.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "action": { "label": "QAction", "purpose": "Provides widget actions.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "cursor": { "label": "QCursor", "purpose": "Provides mouse cursors.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "clipboard": { "label": "QClipboard", "purpose": "Provides cut and paste operations.", "section": "Kernel", "condition": "!config.integrity && !config.qnx", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "wheelevent": { "label": "QWheelEvent", "purpose": "Supports wheel events.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tabletevent": { "label": "QTabletEvent", "purpose": "Supports tablet events.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "im": { "label": "QInputContext", "purpose": "Provides complex input methods.", "section": "Kernel", "condition": "features.library", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "highdpiscaling": { "label": "High DPI Scaling", "purpose": "Provides automatic scaling of DPI-unaware applications on high-DPI displays.", "section": "Kernel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "validator": { "label": "QValidator", "purpose": "Supports validation of input text.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "standarditemmodel": { "label": "QStandardItemModel", "purpose": "Provides a generic model for storing custom data.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemmodel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformatplugin": { "label": "QImageIOPlugin", "purpose": "Provides a base for writing a image format plugins.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "movie": { "label": "QMovie", "purpose": "Supports animated images.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_bmp": { "label": "BMP Image Format", "purpose": "Supports Microsoft's Bitmap image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_ppm": { "label": "PPM Image Format", "purpose": "Supports the Portable Pixmap image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_xbm": { "label": "XBM Image Format", "purpose": "Supports the X11 Bitmap image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_xpm": { "label": "XPM Image Format", "purpose": "Supports the X11 Pixmap image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_png": { "label": "PNG Image Format", "purpose": "Supports the Portable Network Graphics image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "imageformat_jpeg": { "label": "JPEG Image Format", "purpose": "Supports the Joint Photographic Experts Group image file format.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "image_heuristic_mask": { "label": "QImage::createHeuristicMask()", "purpose": "Supports creating a 1-bpp heuristic mask for images.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "image_text": { "label": "Image Text", "purpose": "Supports image file text strings.", "section": "Images", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "picture": { "label": "QPicture", "purpose": "Supports recording and replaying QPainter commands.", "section": "Painting", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "colornames": { "label": "Color Names", "purpose": "Supports color names such as \"red\", used by QColor and by some HTML documents.", "section": "Painting", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "pdf": { "label": "QPdf", "purpose": "Provides a PDF backend for QPainter.", "section": "Painting", "condition": "features.temporaryfile", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "desktopservices": { "label": "QDesktopServices", "purpose": "Provides methods for accessing common desktop services.", "section": "Utilities", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "systemtrayicon": { "label": "QSystemTrayIcon", "purpose": "Provides an icon for an application in the system tray.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.temporaryfile", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "accessibility": { "label": "Accessibility", "purpose": "Provides accessibility support.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.properties", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "multiprocess": { "label": "Multi process", "description": "Provides support for detecting the desktop environment, launching external processes and opening URLs.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "!config.integrity", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "whatsthis": { "label": "QWhatsThis", "purpose": "Supports displaying \"What's this\" help.", "section": "Widget Support", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] } }, "earlyReport": [ { "type": "error", "condition": "input.xcb != '' && input.xcb != 'no' && input.xkbcommon == 'no'", "message": "XCB plugin requires libxkbcommon. See -qt-xkbcommon-x11 and -system-xkbcommon-x11." } ], "report": [ { "type": "warning", "condition": "features.xcb && !features.xkbcommon-system && !features.xkb-config-root", "message": "Could not find XKB config root, use -xkb-config-root to set a path to XKB configuration data. This is required for keyboard input support." }, { "type": "note", "condition": "features.xcb && config.darwin", "message": "XCB support on macOS is minimal and untested. Some features will not work properly or at all (e.g. OpenGL, desktop services or accessibility), or may depend on your system and XQuartz setup." }, { "type": "note", "condition": "features.accessibility && features.xcb && !features.accessibility-atspi-bridge", "message": "Disabling X11 Accessibility Bridge: D-Bus or AT-SPI is missing." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "input.qpa-platform-guard != ''", "message": "The [-no]-qpa-platform-guard argument is deprecated and has no effect." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "features.gui && config.linux && !config.android && !features.xcb && !features.eglfs && !features.directfb && !features.linuxfb && !features.mirclient", "message": "No QPA platform plugin enabled! This will produce a Qt that cannot run GUI applications. The dependencies needed for xcb to build are listed in src/plugins/platforms/xcb/README" }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "config.win32 && (features.opengles2 || features.opengl-dynamic) && !features.angle", "message": "Using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Windows without ANGLE. The build will most likely fail. Specify -opengl desktop to use regular OpenGL." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "config.darwin && features.system-harfbuzz", "message": "On OS X, AAT is supported only with -qt-harfbuzz." }, { "type": "error", "condition": "features.gui && !config.watchos && input.opengl != 'no' && !features.opengl-desktop && !features.opengles2 && !features.opengl-dynamic", "message": "The OpenGL functionality tests failed! You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL[_ES2], QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL[_ES2] and QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL[_ES2] in the mkspec for your platform." }, { "type": "warning", "condition": "!features.accessibility", "message": "Accessibility disabled. This configuration of Qt is unsupported." } ], "summary": [ { "section": "Qt Gui", "entries": [ "accessibility", "freetype", "system-freetype", "harfbuzz", "system-harfbuzz", "fontconfig", { "section": "Image formats", "entries": [ "gif", "ico", "jpeg", "system-jpeg", "png", "system-png" ] }, "egl", "openvg", { "section": "OpenGL", "entries": [ { "type": "feature", "args": "angle", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "type": "feature", "args": "combined-angle-lib", "condition": "features.angle" }, "opengl-desktop", { "type": "feature", "args": "opengl-dynamic", "condition": "config.win32" }, "opengles2", "opengles3", "opengles31", "opengles32" ] }, "vulkan", "sessionmanager" ] }, { "section": "Features used by QPA backends", "entries": [ "evdev", "libinput", "integrityhid", "mtdev", "tslib", "xkbcommon-evdev" ] }, { "section": "QPA backends", "entries": [ "directfb", "eglfs", { "section": "EGLFS details", "condition": "features.eglfs", "entries": [ "eglfs_viv", "eglfs_viv_wl", "eglfs_egldevice", "eglfs_gbm", "eglfs_mali", "eglfs_brcm", "egl_x11" ] }, "linuxfb", "vnc", "mirclient", { "type": "feature", "condition": "config.integrity", "args": "integrityfb" }, { "section": "QNX", "condition": "config.qnx", "entries": [ "lgmon", "qqnx_imf" ] }, { "section": "X11", "condition": "features.xcb", "entries": [ "system-xcb", "egl_x11", "xinput2", "xkb", "xlib", "xcb-render", "xcb-glx", "xcb-xlib", "xkbcommon-system", "xcb-native-painting" ] }, { "section": "Windows", "condition": "config.win32", "entries": [ "direct2d", "directwrite", "directwrite2" ] } ] } ] }