// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #include #include QString tr(const char *text) { return QApplication::translate(text, text); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QTextEdit *editor = new QTextEdit; QTextDocument *document = new QTextDocument(editor); QTextCursor cursor(document); QImage image(64, 64, QImage::Format_RGB32); image.fill(qRgb(255, 160, 128)); //! [Adding a resource] document->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("mydata://image.png"), QVariant(image)); //! [Adding a resource] //! [Inserting an image with a cursor] QTextImageFormat imageFormat; imageFormat.setName("mydata://image.png"); cursor.insertImage(imageFormat); //! [Inserting an image with a cursor] cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText("Code less. Create more."); editor->setDocument(document); editor->setWindowTitle(tr("Text Document Images")); editor->resize(320, 480); editor->show(); //! [Inserting an image using HTML] editor->append(""); //! [Inserting an image using HTML] return app.exec(); }