[ { "Id": "opengl-headers", "Name": "OpenGL Headers", "QDocModule": "qtgui", "Description": "OpenGL header generated from the Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES XML API Registry.", "QtUsage": "Used on Windows and Linux in the OpenGL related headers of Qt GUI.", "Files": "qopenglext.h", "Homepage": "https://www.khronos.org/", "Version": "Revision 27684", "License": "MIT License", "LicenseId": "MIT", "LicenseFile": "KHRONOS_LICENSE.txt", "Copyright": "Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Khronos Group Inc." }, { "Id": "opengl-es2-headers", "Name": "OpenGL ES 2 Headers", "QDocModule": "qtgui", "Description": "OpenGL ES 2 header generated from the Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES XML API Registry.", "QtUsage": "Used on Windows and Linux in the OpenGL related headers of Qt GUI.", "Files": "qopengles2ext.h", "Homepage": "https://www.khronos.org/", "Version": "Revision 27673", "License": "MIT License", "LicenseId": "MIT", "LicenseFile": "KHRONOS_LICENSE.txt", "Copyright": "Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Khronos Group Inc." } ]