// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qhttpheaders.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQHttpHeaders, "qt.network.http.headers"); /*! \class QHttpHeaders \since 6.7 \ingroup \inmodule QtNetwork \brief QHttpHeaders is a class for holding HTTP headers. The class is an interface type for Qt networking APIs that use or consume such headers. \section1 Allowed field name and value characters An HTTP header consists of \e name and \e value. When setting these, QHttpHeaders validates \e name and \e value to only contain characters allowed by the HTTP RFCs. For detailed information see \l {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9110#name-field-values} {RFC 9110 Chapters 5.1 and 5.5}. In all, this means: \list \li \c name must consist of visible ASCII characters, and must not be empty \li \c value may consist of arbitrary bytes, as long as header and use case specific encoding rules are adhered to. \c value may be empty \endlist The setters of this class automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespaces from \e value, as they must be ignored during the \e value processing. \section1 Combining values Most HTTP header values can be combined with a single comma \c {','} plus an optional whitespace, and the semantic meaning is preserved. As an example, these two should be semantically similar: \badcode // Values as separate header entries myheadername: myheadervalue1 myheadername: myheadervalue2 // Combined value myheadername: myheadervalue1, myheadervalue2 \endcode However, there is a notable exception to this rule: \l {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9110#name-field-order} {Set-Cookie}. Due to this and the possibility of custom use cases, QHttpHeaders does not automatically combine the values. \section1 Performance Most QHttpHeaders functions provide both \l QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader and \l QAnyStringView overloads. From a memory-usage and computation point of view it is recommended to use the \l QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader overloads. */ // This list is from IANA HTTP Field Name Registry // https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-fields // It contains entries that are either "permanent" // or "deprecated" as of October 2023. // Usage relies on enum values keeping in same order. // ### Qt7 check if some of these headers have been obsoleted, // and also check if the enums benefit from reordering static constexpr auto headerNames = qOffsetStringArray( // IANA Permanent status: "a-im", "accept", "accept-additions", "accept-ch", "accept-datetime", "accept-encoding", "accept-features", "accept-language", "accept-patch", "accept-post", "accept-ranges", "accept-signature", "access-control-allow-credentials", "access-control-allow-headers", "access-control-allow-methods", "access-control-allow-origin", "access-control-expose-headers", "access-control-max-age", "access-control-request-headers", "access-control-request-method", "age", "allow", "alpn", "alt-svc", "alt-used", "alternates", "apply-to-redirect-ref", "authentication-control", "authentication-info", "authorization", "cache-control", "cache-status", "cal-managed-id", "caldav-timezones", "capsule-protocol", "cdn-cache-control", "cdn-loop", "cert-not-after", "cert-not-before", "clear-site-data", "client-cert", "client-cert-chain", "close", "connection", "content-digest", "content-disposition", "content-encoding", "content-id", "content-language", "content-length", "content-location", "content-range", "content-security-policy", "content-security-policy-report-only", "content-type", "cookie", "cross-origin-embedder-policy", "cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-only", "cross-origin-opener-policy", "cross-origin-opener-policy-report-only", "cross-origin-resource-policy", "dasl", "date", "dav", "delta-base", "depth", "destination", "differential-id", "dpop", "dpop-nonce", "early-data", "etag", "expect", "expect-ct", "expires", "forwarded", "from", "hobareg", "host", "if", "if-match", "if-modified-since", "if-none-match", "if-range", "if-schedule-tag-match", "if-unmodified-since", "im", "include-referred-token-binding-id", "keep-alive", "label", "last-event-id", "last-modified", "link", "location", "lock-token", "max-forwards", "memento-datetime", "meter", "mime-version", "negotiate", "nel", "odata-entityid", "odata-isolation", "odata-maxversion", "odata-version", "optional-www-authenticate", "ordering-type", "origin", "origin-agent-cluster", "oscore", "oslc-core-version", "overwrite", "ping-from", "ping-to", "position", "prefer", "preference-applied", "priority", "proxy-authenticate", "proxy-authentication-info", "proxy-authorization", "proxy-status", "public-key-pins", "public-key-pins-report-only", "range", "redirect-ref", "referer", "refresh", "replay-nonce", "repr-digest", "retry-after", "schedule-reply", "schedule-tag", "sec-purpose", "sec-token-binding", "sec-websocket-accept", "sec-websocket-extensions", "sec-websocket-key", "sec-websocket-protocol", "sec-websocket-version", "server", "server-timing", "set-cookie", "signature", "signature-input", "slug", "soapaction", "status-uri", "strict-transport-security", "sunset", "surrogate-capability", "surrogate-control", "tcn", "te", "timeout", "topic", "traceparent", "tracestate", "trailer", "transfer-encoding", "ttl", "upgrade", "urgency", "user-agent", "variant-vary", "vary", "via", "want-content-digest", "want-repr-digest", "www-authenticate", "x-content-type-options", "x-frame-options", // IANA Deprecated status: "accept-charset", "c-pep-info", "pragma", "protocol-info", "protocol-query" // If you append here, regenerate the index table ); namespace { struct ByIndirectHeaderName { constexpr bool operator()(quint8 lhs, quint8 rhs) const noexcept { return (*this)(map(lhs), map(rhs)); } constexpr bool operator()(quint8 lhs, QByteArrayView rhs) const noexcept { return (*this)(map(lhs), rhs); } constexpr bool operator()(QByteArrayView lhs, quint8 rhs) const noexcept { return (*this)(lhs, map(rhs)); } constexpr bool operator()(QByteArrayView lhs, QByteArrayView rhs) const noexcept { // ### just `lhs < rhs` when QByteArrayView relational operators are constexpr return std::string_view(lhs) < std::string_view(rhs); } private: static constexpr QByteArrayView map(quint8 i) noexcept { return headerNames.viewAt(i); } }; } // unnamed namespace // This index table contains the indexes of 'headerNames' entries (above) in alphabetical order. // This allows a more efficient binary search for the names [O(logN)]. The 'headerNames' itself // cannot be guaranteed to be in alphabetical order, as it must keep the same order as the // WellKnownHeader enum, which may get appended over time. // // Note: when appending new enums, this must be regenerated static constexpr quint8 orderedHeaderNameIndexes[] = { 0, // a-im 1, // accept 2, // accept-additions 3, // accept-ch 172, // accept-charset 4, // accept-datetime 5, // accept-encoding 6, // accept-features 7, // accept-language 8, // accept-patch 9, // accept-post 10, // accept-ranges 11, // accept-signature 12, // access-control-allow-credentials 13, // access-control-allow-headers 14, // access-control-allow-methods 15, // access-control-allow-origin 16, // access-control-expose-headers 17, // access-control-max-age 18, // access-control-request-headers 19, // access-control-request-method 20, // age 21, // allow 22, // alpn 23, // alt-svc 24, // alt-used 25, // alternates 26, // apply-to-redirect-ref 27, // authentication-control 28, // authentication-info 29, // authorization 173, // c-pep-info 30, // cache-control 31, // cache-status 32, // cal-managed-id 33, // caldav-timezones 34, // capsule-protocol 35, // cdn-cache-control 36, // cdn-loop 37, // cert-not-after 38, // cert-not-before 39, // clear-site-data 40, // client-cert 41, // client-cert-chain 42, // close 43, // connection 44, // content-digest 45, // content-disposition 46, // content-encoding 47, // content-id 48, // content-language 49, // content-length 50, // content-location 51, // content-range 52, // content-security-policy 53, // content-security-policy-report-only 54, // content-type 55, // cookie 56, // cross-origin-embedder-policy 57, // cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-only 58, // cross-origin-opener-policy 59, // cross-origin-opener-policy-report-only 60, // cross-origin-resource-policy 61, // dasl 62, // date 63, // dav 64, // delta-base 65, // depth 66, // destination 67, // differential-id 68, // dpop 69, // dpop-nonce 70, // early-data 71, // etag 72, // expect 73, // expect-ct 74, // expires 75, // forwarded 76, // from 77, // hobareg 78, // host 79, // if 80, // if-match 81, // if-modified-since 82, // if-none-match 83, // if-range 84, // if-schedule-tag-match 85, // if-unmodified-since 86, // im 87, // include-referred-token-binding-id 88, // keep-alive 89, // label 90, // last-event-id 91, // last-modified 92, // link 93, // location 94, // lock-token 95, // max-forwards 96, // memento-datetime 97, // meter 98, // mime-version 99, // negotiate 100, // nel 101, // odata-entityid 102, // odata-isolation 103, // odata-maxversion 104, // odata-version 105, // optional-www-authenticate 106, // ordering-type 107, // origin 108, // origin-agent-cluster 109, // oscore 110, // oslc-core-version 111, // overwrite 112, // ping-from 113, // ping-to 114, // position 174, // pragma 115, // prefer 116, // preference-applied 117, // priority 175, // protocol-info 176, // protocol-query 118, // proxy-authenticate 119, // proxy-authentication-info 120, // proxy-authorization 121, // proxy-status 122, // public-key-pins 123, // public-key-pins-report-only 124, // range 125, // redirect-ref 126, // referer 127, // refresh 128, // replay-nonce 129, // repr-digest 130, // retry-after 131, // schedule-reply 132, // schedule-tag 133, // sec-purpose 134, // sec-token-binding 135, // sec-websocket-accept 136, // sec-websocket-extensions 137, // sec-websocket-key 138, // sec-websocket-protocol 139, // sec-websocket-version 140, // server 141, // server-timing 142, // set-cookie 143, // signature 144, // signature-input 145, // slug 146, // soapaction 147, // status-uri 148, // strict-transport-security 149, // sunset 150, // surrogate-capability 151, // surrogate-control 152, // tcn 153, // te 154, // timeout 155, // topic 156, // traceparent 157, // tracestate 158, // trailer 159, // transfer-encoding 160, // ttl 161, // upgrade 162, // urgency 163, // user-agent 164, // variant-vary 165, // vary 166, // via 167, // want-content-digest 168, // want-repr-digest 169, // www-authenticate 170, // x-content-type-options 171, // x-frame-options }; static_assert(std::size(orderedHeaderNameIndexes) == size_t(headerNames.count())); static_assert(q20::is_sorted(std::begin(orderedHeaderNameIndexes), std::end(orderedHeaderNameIndexes), ByIndirectHeaderName{})); /*! \enum QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader List of well known headers as per \l {https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-fields}{IANA registry}. \value AIM \value Accept \value AcceptAdditions \value AcceptCH \value AcceptDatetime \value AcceptEncoding \value AcceptFeatures \value AcceptLanguage \value AcceptPatch \value AcceptPost \value AcceptRanges \value AcceptSignature \value AccessControlAllowCredentials \value AccessControlAllowHeaders \value AccessControlAllowMethods \value AccessControlAllowOrigin \value AccessControlExposeHeaders \value AccessControlMaxAge \value AccessControlRequestHeaders \value AccessControlRequestMethod \value Age \value Allow \value ALPN \value AltSvc \value AltUsed \value Alternates \value ApplyToRedirectRef \value AuthenticationControl \value AuthenticationInfo \value Authorization \value CacheControl \value CacheStatus \value CalManagedID \value CalDAVTimezones \value CapsuleProtocol \value CDNCacheControl \value CDNLoop \value CertNotAfter \value CertNotBefore \value ClearSiteData \value ClientCert \value ClientCertChain \value Close \value Connection \value ContentDigest \value ContentDisposition \value ContentEncoding \value ContentID \value ContentLanguage \value ContentLength \value ContentLocation \value ContentRange \value ContentSecurityPolicy \value ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly \value ContentType \value Cookie \value CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy \value CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReportOnly \value CrossOriginOpenerPolicy \value CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReportOnly \value CrossOriginResourcePolicy \value DASL \value Date \value DAV \value DeltaBase \value Depth \value Destination \value DifferentialID \value DPoP \value DPoPNonce \value EarlyData \value ETag \value Expect \value ExpectCT \value Expires \value Forwarded \value From \value Hobareg \value Host \value If \value IfMatch \value IfModifiedSince \value IfNoneMatch \value IfRange \value IfScheduleTagMatch \value IfUnmodifiedSince \value IM \value IncludeReferredTokenBindingID \value KeepAlive \value Label \value LastEventID \value LastModified \value Link \value Location \value LockToken \value MaxForwards \value MementoDatetime \value Meter \value MIMEVersion \value Negotiate \value NEL \value ODataEntityId \value ODataIsolation \value ODataMaxVersion \value ODataVersion \value OptionalWWWAuthenticate \value OrderingType \value Origin \value OriginAgentCluster \value OSCORE \value OSLCCoreVersion \value Overwrite \value PingFrom \value PingTo \value Position \value Prefer \value PreferenceApplied \value Priority \value ProxyAuthenticate \value ProxyAuthenticationInfo \value ProxyAuthorization \value ProxyStatus \value PublicKeyPins \value PublicKeyPinsReportOnly \value Range \value RedirectRef \value Referer \value Refresh \value ReplayNonce \value ReprDigest \value RetryAfter \value ScheduleReply \value ScheduleTag \value SecPurpose \value SecTokenBinding \value SecWebSocketAccept \value SecWebSocketExtensions \value SecWebSocketKey \value SecWebSocketProtocol \value SecWebSocketVersion \value Server \value ServerTiming \value SetCookie \value Signature \value SignatureInput \value SLUG \value SoapAction \value StatusURI \value StrictTransportSecurity \value Sunset \value SurrogateCapability \value SurrogateControl \value TCN \value TE \value Timeout \value Topic \value Traceparent \value Tracestate \value Trailer \value TransferEncoding \value TTL \value Upgrade \value Urgency \value UserAgent \value VariantVary \value Vary \value Via \value WantContentDigest \value WantReprDigest \value WWWAuthenticate \value XContentTypeOptions \value XFrameOptions \value AcceptCharset \value CPEPInfo \value Pragma \value ProtocolInfo \value ProtocolQuery */ static QByteArray fieldToByteArray(QLatin1StringView s) noexcept { return QByteArray(s.data(), s.size()); } static QByteArray fieldToByteArray(QUtf8StringView s) noexcept { return QByteArray(s.data(), s.size()); } static QByteArray fieldToByteArray(QStringView s) { return s.toLatin1(); } static QByteArray normalizedName(QAnyStringView name) { return name.visit([](auto name){ return fieldToByteArray(name); }).toLower(); } struct HeaderName { explicit HeaderName(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) : data(name) { } explicit HeaderName(QAnyStringView name) { auto nname = normalizedName(name); if (auto h = HeaderName::toWellKnownHeader(nname)) data = *h; else data = std::move(nname); } // Returns an enum corresponding with the 'name' if possible. Uses binary search (O(logN)). // The function doesn't normalize the data; needs to be done by the caller if needed static std::optional toWellKnownHeader(QByteArrayView name) noexcept { auto indexesBegin = std::cbegin(orderedHeaderNameIndexes); auto indexesEnd = std::cend(orderedHeaderNameIndexes); auto result = std::lower_bound(indexesBegin, indexesEnd, name, ByIndirectHeaderName{}); if (result != indexesEnd && name == headerNames[*result]) return static_cast(*result); return std::nullopt; } QByteArrayView asView() const noexcept { return std::visit([](const auto &arg) -> QByteArrayView { using T = decltype(arg); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) return arg; else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) return headerNames.viewAt(qToUnderlying(arg)); else static_assert(QtPrivate::type_dependent_false()); }, data); } QByteArray asByteArray() const noexcept { return std::visit([](const auto &arg) -> QByteArray { using T = decltype(arg); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return arg; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { const auto view = headerNames.viewAt(qToUnderlying(arg)); return QByteArray::fromRawData(view.constData(), view.size()); } else { static_assert(QtPrivate::type_dependent_false()); } }, data); } private: // Store the data as 'enum' whenever possible; more performant, and comparison relies on that std::variant data; friend bool comparesEqual(const HeaderName &lhs, const HeaderName &rhs) noexcept { // Here we compare two std::variants, which will return false if the types don't match. // That is beneficial here because we avoid unnecessary comparisons; but it also means // we must always store the data as WellKnownHeader when possible (in other words, if // we get a string that is mappable to a WellKnownHeader). To guard against accidental // misuse, the 'data' is private and the constructors must be used. return lhs.data == rhs.data; } Q_DECLARE_EQUALITY_COMPARABLE(HeaderName) }; // A clarification on case-sensitivity: // - Header *names* are case-insensitive; Content-Type and content-type are considered equal // - Header *values* are case-sensitive // (In addition, the HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 standards mandate that all headers must be lower-cased when // encoded into transmission) struct Header { HeaderName name; QByteArray value; }; auto headerNameMatches(const HeaderName &name) { return [&name](const Header &header) { return header.name == name; }; } class QHttpHeadersPrivate : public QSharedData { public: QHttpHeadersPrivate() = default; // The 'Self' is supplied as parameter to static functions so that // we can define common methods which 'detach()' the private itself. using Self = QExplicitlySharedDataPointer; static void removeAll(Self &d, const HeaderName &name); static void replaceOrAppend(Self &d, const HeaderName &name, const QByteArray &value); void combinedValue(const HeaderName &name, QByteArray &result) const; void values(const HeaderName &name, QList &result) const; QByteArrayView value(const HeaderName &name, QByteArrayView defaultValue) const noexcept; QList
headers; }; QT_DEFINE_QESDP_SPECIALIZATION_DTOR(QHttpHeadersPrivate) template <> void QExplicitlySharedDataPointer::detach() { if (!d) { d = new QHttpHeadersPrivate(); d->ref.ref(); } else if (d->ref.loadRelaxed() != 1) { detach_helper(); } } void QHttpHeadersPrivate::removeAll(Self &d, const HeaderName &name) { const auto it = std::find_if(d->headers.cbegin(), d->headers.cend(), headerNameMatches(name)); if (it != d->headers.cend()) { // Found something to remove, calculate offset so we can proceed from the match-location const auto matchOffset = it - d->headers.cbegin(); d.detach(); // Rearrange all matches to the end and erase them d->headers.erase(std::remove_if(d->headers.begin() + matchOffset, d->headers.end(), headerNameMatches(name)), d->headers.end()); } } void QHttpHeadersPrivate::combinedValue(const HeaderName &name, QByteArray &result) const { const char* separator = ""; for (const auto &h : std::as_const(headers)) { if (h.name == name) { result.append(separator); result.append(h.value); separator = ", "; } } } void QHttpHeadersPrivate::values(const HeaderName &name, QList &result) const { for (const auto &h : std::as_const(headers)) { if (h.name == name) result.append(h.value); } } QByteArrayView QHttpHeadersPrivate::value(const HeaderName &name, QByteArrayView defaultValue) const noexcept { for (const auto &h : std::as_const(headers)) { if (h.name == name) return h.value; } return defaultValue; } void QHttpHeadersPrivate::replaceOrAppend(Self &d, const HeaderName &name, const QByteArray &value) { d.detach(); auto it = std::find_if(d->headers.begin(), d->headers.end(), headerNameMatches(name)); if (it != d->headers.end()) { // Found something to replace => replace, and then rearrange any remaining // matches to the end and erase them it->value = value; d->headers.erase( std::remove_if(it + 1, d->headers.end(), headerNameMatches(name)), d->headers.end()); } else { // Found nothing to replace => append d->headers.append(Header{name, value}); } } /*! Creates a new QHttpHeaders object. */ QHttpHeaders::QHttpHeaders() noexcept : d() { } /*! Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with \a headers. \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromListOfPairs(const QList> &headers) { QHttpHeaders h; h.reserve(headers.size()); for (const auto &header : headers) h.append(header.first, header.second); return h; } /*! Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with \a headers. \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromMultiMap(const QMultiMap &headers) { QHttpHeaders h; h.reserve(headers.size()); for (const auto &[name,value] : headers.asKeyValueRange()) h.append(name, value); return h; } /*! Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with \a headers. \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromMultiHash(const QMultiHash &headers) { QHttpHeaders h; h.reserve(headers.size()); for (const auto &[name,value] : headers.asKeyValueRange()) h.append(name, value); return h; } /*! Disposes of the headers object. */ QHttpHeaders::~QHttpHeaders() = default; /*! Creates a copy of \a other. */ QHttpHeaders::QHttpHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &other) = default; /*! Assigns the contents of \a other and returns a reference to this object. */ QHttpHeaders &QHttpHeaders::operator=(const QHttpHeaders &other) = default; /*! \fn QHttpHeaders::QHttpHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&other) noexcept Move-constructs the object from \a other, which will be left \l{isEmpty()}{empty}. */ /*! \fn QHttpHeaders &QHttpHeaders::operator=(QHttpHeaders &&other) noexcept Move-assigns \a other and returns a reference to this object. \a other will be left \l{isEmpty()}{empty}. */ /*! \fn void QHttpHeaders::swap(QHttpHeaders &other) Swaps this QHttpHeaders with \a other. This function is very fast and never fails. */ #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM /*! \fn QDebug QHttpHeaders::operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpHeaders &headers) Writes \a headers into \a debug stream. */ QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpHeaders &headers) { const QDebugStateSaver saver(debug); debug.resetFormat().nospace(); debug << "QHttpHeaders("; if (headers.d) { debug << "headers = "; const char *separator = ""; for (const auto &h : headers.d->headers) { debug << separator << h.name.asView() << ':' << h.value; separator = " | "; } } debug << ")"; return debug; } #endif // A clarification on string encoding: // Setters and getters only accept names and values that are Latin-1 representable: // Either they are directly ASCII/Latin-1, or if they are UTF-X, they only use first 256 // of the unicode points. For example using a '€' (U+20AC) in value would yield a warning // and the call is ignored. // Furthermore the 'name' has more strict rules than the 'value' // TODO FIXME REMOVEME once this is merged: // https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/508829 static bool isUtf8Latin1Representable(QUtf8StringView s) noexcept { // L1 encoded in UTF8 has at most the form // - 0b0XXX'XXXX - US-ASCII // - 0b1100'00XX 0b10XX'XXXX - at most 8 non-zero LSB bits allowed in L1 bool inMultibyte = false; for (unsigned char c : s) { if (c < 128) { // US-ASCII if (inMultibyte) return false; // invalid sequence } else { // decode as UTF-8: if ((c & 0b1110'0000) == 0b1100'0000) { // two-octet UTF-8 leader if (inMultibyte) return false; // invalid sequence inMultibyte = true; const auto bits_7_to_11 = c & 0b0001'1111; if (bits_7_to_11 < 0b10) return false; // invalid sequence (US-ASCII encoded in two octets) if (bits_7_to_11 > 0b11) // more than the two LSB return false; // outside L1 } else if ((c & 0b1100'0000) == 0b1000'0000) { // trailing UTF-8 octet if (!inMultibyte) return false; // invalid sequence inMultibyte = false; // only one continuation allowed } else { return false; // invalid sequence or outside of L1 } } } if (inMultibyte) return false; // invalid sequence: premature end return true; } static constexpr auto isValidHttpHeaderNameChar = [](uchar c) noexcept { // RFC 9110 Chapters "5.1 Field Names" and "5.6.2 Tokens" // field-name = token // token = 1*tchar // tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" / // "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" // / DIGIT / ALPHA // ; any VCHAR, except delimiters // (for explanation on VCHAR see isValidHttpHeaderValueChar) return (('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('#' <= c && c <= '\'') || ('^' <= c && c <= '`') || c == '|' || c == '~' || c == '!' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.'); }; static bool headerNameValidImpl(QLatin1StringView name) noexcept { return std::all_of(name.begin(), name.end(), isValidHttpHeaderNameChar); } static bool headerNameValidImpl(QUtf8StringView name) noexcept { // Traversing the UTF-8 string char-by-char is fine in this case as // the isValidHttpHeaderNameChar rejects any value above 0x7E. UTF-8 // only has bytes <= 0x7F if they truly represent that ASCII character. return headerNameValidImpl(QLatin1StringView(QByteArrayView(name))); } static bool headerNameValidImpl(QStringView name) noexcept { return std::all_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](QChar c) { return isValidHttpHeaderNameChar(c.toLatin1()); }); } static bool isValidHttpHeaderNameField(QAnyStringView name) noexcept { if (name.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcQHttpHeaders, "HTTP header name cannot be empty"); return false; } const bool valid = name.visit([](auto name){ return headerNameValidImpl(name); }); if (!valid) qCWarning(lcQHttpHeaders, "HTTP header name contained illegal character(s)"); return valid; } static constexpr auto isValidHttpHeaderValueChar = [](uchar c) noexcept { // RFC 9110 Chapter 5.5, Field Values // field-value = *field-content // field-content = field-vchar // [ 1*( SP / HTAB / field-vchar ) field-vchar ] // field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text // obs-text = %x80-FF // VCHAR is defined as "any visible US-ASCII character", and RFC 5234 B.1. // defines it as %x21-7E // Note: The ABNF above states that field-content and thus field-value cannot // start or end with SP/HTAB. The caller should handle this. return (c >= 0x80 // obs-text (extended ASCII) || (0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7E) // SP (0x20) + VCHAR || (c == 0x09)); // HTAB }; static bool headerValueValidImpl(QLatin1StringView value) noexcept { return std::all_of(value.begin(), value.end(), isValidHttpHeaderValueChar); } static bool headerValueValidImpl(QUtf8StringView value) noexcept { if (!isUtf8Latin1Representable(value)) // TODO FIXME see the function return false; return std::all_of(value.begin(), value.end(), isValidHttpHeaderValueChar); } static bool headerValueValidImpl(QStringView value) noexcept { return std::all_of(value.begin(), value.end(), [](QChar c) { return isValidHttpHeaderValueChar(c.toLatin1()); }); } static bool isValidHttpHeaderValueField(QAnyStringView value) noexcept { const bool valid = value.visit([](auto value){ return headerValueValidImpl(value); }); if (!valid) qCWarning(lcQHttpHeaders, "HTTP header value contained illegal character(s)"); return valid; } static QByteArray normalizedValue(QAnyStringView value) { // Note on trimming away any leading or trailing whitespace of 'value': // RFC 9110 (HTTP 1.1, 2022, Chapter 5.5) does not allow leading or trailing whitespace // RFC 7230 (HTTP 1.1, 2014, Chapter 3.2) allows them optionally, but also mandates that // they are ignored during processing // RFC 7540 (HTTP/2) does not seem explicit about it // => for maximum compatibility, trim away any leading or trailing whitespace return value.visit([](auto value){ return fieldToByteArray(value); }).trimmed(); } /*! Appends a header entry with \a name and \a value and returns \c true if successful. \sa append(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView) \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ bool QHttpHeaders::append(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value) { if (!isValidHttpHeaderNameField(name) || !isValidHttpHeaderValueField(value)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.push_back({HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(value)}); return true; } /*! \overload append(QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::append(WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value) { if (!isValidHttpHeaderValueField(value)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.push_back({HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(value)}); return true; } /*! Inserts a header entry at index \a i, with \a name and \a value. The index must be valid (see \l size()). Returns whether the insert succeeded. \sa append(), insert(qsizetype, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView), size() \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ bool QHttpHeaders::insert(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value) { verify(i, 0); if (!isValidHttpHeaderNameField(name) || !isValidHttpHeaderValueField(value)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.insert(i, {HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(value)}); return true; } /*! \overload insert(qsizetype, QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::insert(qsizetype i, WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value) { verify(i, 0); if (!isValidHttpHeaderValueField(value)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.insert(i, {HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(value)}); return true; } /*! Replaces the header entry at index \a i, with \a name and \a newValue. The index must be valid (see \l size()). Returns whether the replace succeeded. \sa append(), replace(qsizetype, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView), size() \sa {Allowed field name and value characters} */ bool QHttpHeaders::replace(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue) { verify(i); if (!isValidHttpHeaderNameField(name) || !isValidHttpHeaderValueField(newValue)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.replace(i, {HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(newValue)}); return true; } /*! \overload replace(qsizetype, QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::replace(qsizetype i, WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue) { verify(i); if (!isValidHttpHeaderValueField(newValue)) return false; d.detach(); d->headers.replace(i, {HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(newValue)}); return true; } /*! \since 6.8 If QHttpHeaders already contains \a name, replaces its value with \a newValue and removes possible additional \a name entries. If \a name didn't exist, appends a new entry. Returns \c true if successful. This function is a convenience method for setting a unique \a name : \a newValue header. For most headers the relative order does not matter, which allows reusing an existing entry if one exists. \sa replaceOrAppend(QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::replaceOrAppend(WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue) { if (isEmpty()) return append(name, newValue); if (!isValidHttpHeaderValueField(newValue)) return false; QHttpHeadersPrivate::replaceOrAppend(d, HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(newValue)); return true; } /*! \overload replaceOrAppend(WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::replaceOrAppend(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue) { if (isEmpty()) return append(name, newValue); if (!isValidHttpHeaderNameField(name) || !isValidHttpHeaderValueField(newValue)) return false; QHttpHeadersPrivate::replaceOrAppend(d, HeaderName{name}, normalizedValue(newValue)); return true; } /*! Returns whether the headers contain header with \a name. \sa contains(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader) */ bool QHttpHeaders::contains(QAnyStringView name) const { if (isEmpty()) return false; return std::any_of(d->headers.cbegin(), d->headers.cend(), headerNameMatches(HeaderName{name})); } /*! \overload has(QAnyStringView) */ bool QHttpHeaders::contains(WellKnownHeader name) const { if (isEmpty()) return false; return std::any_of(d->headers.cbegin(), d->headers.cend(), headerNameMatches(HeaderName{name})); } /*! Removes the header \a name. \sa removeAt(), removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader) */ void QHttpHeaders::removeAll(QAnyStringView name) { if (isEmpty()) return; return QHttpHeadersPrivate::removeAll(d, HeaderName(name)); } /*! \overload removeAll(QAnyStringView) */ void QHttpHeaders::removeAll(WellKnownHeader name) { if (isEmpty()) return; return QHttpHeadersPrivate::removeAll(d, HeaderName(name)); } /*! Removes the header at index \a i. The index \a i must be valid (see \l size()). \sa removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader), removeAll(QAnyStringView), size() */ void QHttpHeaders::removeAt(qsizetype i) { verify(i); d.detach(); d->headers.removeAt(i); } /*! Returns the value of the (first) header \a name, or \a defaultValue if it doesn't exist. \sa value(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QByteArrayView) */ QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::value(QAnyStringView name, QByteArrayView defaultValue) const noexcept { if (isEmpty()) return defaultValue; return d->value(HeaderName{name}, defaultValue); } /*! \overload value(QAnyStringView, QByteArrayView) */ QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::value(WellKnownHeader name, QByteArrayView defaultValue) const noexcept { if (isEmpty()) return defaultValue; return d->value(HeaderName{name}, defaultValue); } /*! Returns the values of header \a name in a list. Returns an empty list if header with \a name doesn't exist. \sa values(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader) */ QList QHttpHeaders::values(QAnyStringView name) const { QList result; if (isEmpty()) return result; d->values(HeaderName{name}, result); return result; } /*! \overload values(QAnyStringView) */ QList QHttpHeaders::values(WellKnownHeader name) const { QList result; if (isEmpty()) return result; d->values(HeaderName{name}, result); return result; } /*! Returns the header value at index \a i. The index \a i must be valid (see \l size()). \sa size(), value(), values(), combinedValue(), nameAt() */ QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::valueAt(qsizetype i) const noexcept { verify(i); return d->headers.at(i).value; } /*! Returns the header name at index \a i. The index \a i must be valid (see \l size()). Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased. \sa size(), valueAt() */ QLatin1StringView QHttpHeaders::nameAt(qsizetype i) const noexcept { verify(i); return QLatin1StringView{d->headers.at(i).name.asView()}; } /*! Returns the values of header \a name in a comma-combined string. Returns a \c null QByteArray if the header with \a name doesn't exist. \note Accessing the value(s) of 'Set-Cookie' header this way may not work as intended. It is a notable exception in the \l {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9110#name-field-order}{HTTP RFC} in that its values cannot be combined this way. Prefer \l values() instead. \sa values(QAnyStringView) */ QByteArray QHttpHeaders::combinedValue(QAnyStringView name) const { QByteArray result; if (isEmpty()) return result; d->combinedValue(HeaderName{name}, result); return result; } /*! \overload combinedValue(QAnyStringView) */ QByteArray QHttpHeaders::combinedValue(WellKnownHeader name) const { QByteArray result; if (isEmpty()) return result; d->combinedValue(HeaderName{name}, result); return result; } /*! Returns the number of header entries. */ qsizetype QHttpHeaders::size() const noexcept { if (!d) return 0; return d->headers.size(); } /*! Attempts to allocate memory for at least \a size header entries. If you know in advance how how many header entries there will be, you may call this function to prevent reallocations and memory fragmentation. */ void QHttpHeaders::reserve(qsizetype size) { d.detach(); d->headers.reserve(size); } /*! \fn bool QHttpHeaders::isEmpty() const noexcept Returns \c true if the headers have size 0; otherwise returns \c false. \sa size() */ /*! Returns a header name corresponding to the provided \a name as a view. */ QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::wellKnownHeaderName(WellKnownHeader name) noexcept { return headerNames[qToUnderlying(name)]; } /*! Returns the header entries as a list of (name, value) pairs. Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased. */ QList> QHttpHeaders::toListOfPairs() const { QList> list; if (isEmpty()) return list; list.reserve(size()); for (const auto & h : std::as_const(d->headers)) list.append({h.name.asByteArray(), h.value}); return list; } /*! Returns the header entries as a map from name to value(s). Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased. */ QMultiMap QHttpHeaders::toMultiMap() const { QMultiMap map; if (isEmpty()) return map; for (const auto &h : std::as_const(d->headers)) map.insert(h.name.asByteArray(), h.value); return map; } /*! Returns the header entries as a hash from name to value(s). Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased. */ QMultiHash QHttpHeaders::toMultiHash() const { QMultiHash hash; if (isEmpty()) return hash; hash.reserve(size()); for (const auto &h : std::as_const(d->headers)) hash.insert(h.name.asByteArray(), h.value); return hash; } /*! Clears all header entries. \sa size() */ void QHttpHeaders::clear() { if (isEmpty()) return; d.detach(); d->headers.clear(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE