// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include "qnetworkinterface.h" #include "qnetworkinterface_p.h" #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKINTERFACE #include #include #include // Since we need to include winsock2.h, we need to define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // (above) so windows.h won't include winsock.h. // In addition, we need to include winsock2.h before iphlpapi.h and we need // to include ws2ipdef.h to work around an MinGW-w64 bug // (http://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/mailman/message/32935366/) #include #include #include #include #include #include // In case these aren't defined #define IF_TYPE_IEEE80216_WMAN 237 #define IF_TYPE_IEEE802154 259 QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static QHostAddress addressFromSockaddr(sockaddr *sa) { QHostAddress address; if (!sa) return address; if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) { address.setAddress(htonl(reinterpret_cast(sa)->sin_addr.s_addr)); } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) { auto sai6 = reinterpret_cast(sa); address.setAddress(sai6->sin6_addr.s6_addr); if (sai6->sin6_scope_id) address.setScopeId(QNetworkInterfaceManager::interfaceNameFromIndex(sai6->sin6_scope_id)); } else { qWarning("Got unknown socket family %d", sa->sa_family); } return address; } uint QNetworkInterfaceManager::interfaceIndexFromName(const QString &name) { NET_IFINDEX id; NET_LUID luid; if (ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidW(reinterpret_cast(name.constData()), &luid) == NO_ERROR && ConvertInterfaceLuidToIndex(&luid, &id) == NO_ERROR) return uint(id); return 0; } QString QNetworkInterfaceManager::interfaceNameFromIndex(uint index) { NET_LUID luid; if (ConvertInterfaceIndexToLuid(index, &luid) == NO_ERROR) { WCHAR buf[IF_MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1]; if (ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW(&luid, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0])) == NO_ERROR) return QString::fromWCharArray(buf); } return QString::number(index); } static QList interfaceListing() { QList interfaces; IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES staticBuf[2]; // 2 is arbitrary PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAdapter = staticBuf; ULONG bufSize = sizeof staticBuf; ULONG flags = GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST; ULONG retval = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, flags, NULL, pAdapter, &bufSize); if (retval == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { // need more memory pAdapter = reinterpret_cast(malloc(bufSize)); if (!pAdapter) return interfaces; // try again if (GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, flags, NULL, pAdapter, &bufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free(pAdapter); return interfaces; } } else if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // error return interfaces; } // iterate over the list and add the entries to our listing for (PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES ptr = pAdapter; ptr; ptr = ptr->Next) { // the structure grows over time, so let's make sure the fields // introduced in Windows Vista are present (Luid is the furthest // field we access from IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH) Q_ASSERT(ptr->Length >= offsetof(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, Luid)); Q_ASSERT(ptr->Length >= offsetof(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES, Ipv6IfIndex)); QNetworkInterfacePrivate *iface = new QNetworkInterfacePrivate; interfaces << iface; iface->index = 0; if (ptr->Ipv6IfIndex != 0) iface->index = ptr->Ipv6IfIndex; else if (ptr->IfIndex != 0) iface->index = ptr->IfIndex; iface->mtu = qMin(ptr->Mtu, INT_MAX); iface->flags = QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast; if (ptr->OperStatus == IfOperStatusUp) iface->flags |= QNetworkInterface::IsUp | QNetworkInterface::IsRunning; if ((ptr->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_NO_MULTICAST) == 0) iface->flags |= QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast; if (ptr->IfType == IF_TYPE_PPP) iface->flags |= QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint; switch (ptr->IfType) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ethernet; break; case IF_TYPE_FDDI: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Fddi; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ppp; break; case IF_TYPE_SLIP: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Slip; break; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Loopback; iface->flags |= QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ieee80211; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ieee1394; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80216_WMAN: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ieee80216; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE802154: iface->type = QNetworkInterface::Ieee802154; break; } // use ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW because that returns a friendlier name, though not // as "friendly" as FriendlyName below WCHAR buf[IF_MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1]; if (ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW(&ptr->Luid, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0])) == NO_ERROR) iface->name = QString::fromWCharArray(buf); if (iface->name.isEmpty()) iface->name = QString::fromLocal8Bit(ptr->AdapterName); iface->friendlyName = QString::fromWCharArray(ptr->FriendlyName); if (ptr->PhysicalAddressLength) iface->hardwareAddress = iface->makeHwAddress(ptr->PhysicalAddressLength, ptr->PhysicalAddress); // parse the IP (unicast) addresses for (PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS addr = ptr->FirstUnicastAddress; addr; addr = addr->Next) { Q_ASSERT(addr->Length >= offsetof(IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS, OnLinkPrefixLength)); // skip addresses in invalid state if (addr->DadState == IpDadStateInvalid) continue; QNetworkAddressEntry entry; entry.setIp(addressFromSockaddr(addr->Address.lpSockaddr)); entry.setPrefixLength(addr->OnLinkPrefixLength); auto toDeadline = [](ULONG lifetime) -> QDeadlineTimer { if (lifetime == 0xffffffffUL) return QDeadlineTimer::Forever; return QDeadlineTimer(lifetime * 1000); }; entry.setAddressLifetime(toDeadline(addr->ValidLifetime), toDeadline(addr->PreferredLifetime)); entry.setDnsEligibility(addr->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_DNS_ELIGIBLE ? QNetworkAddressEntry::DnsEligible : QNetworkAddressEntry::DnsIneligible); iface->addressEntries << entry; } } if (pAdapter != staticBuf) free(pAdapter); return interfaces; } QList QNetworkInterfaceManager::scan() { return interfaceListing(); } QString QHostInfo::localDomainName() { FIXED_INFO info, *pinfo; ULONG bufSize = sizeof info; pinfo = &info; if (GetNetworkParams(pinfo, &bufSize) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pinfo = reinterpret_cast(malloc(bufSize)); if (!pinfo) return QString(); // try again if (GetNetworkParams(pinfo, &bufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free(pinfo); return QString(); // error } } QString domainName = QUrl::fromAce(pinfo->DomainName); if (pinfo != &info) free(pinfo); return domainName; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QT_NO_NETWORKINTERFACE