// Copyright (C) 2014 Robin Burchell // Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qoscmessage_p.h" #include "qtuio_p.h" #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTuioMessage, "qt.qpa.tuio.message") QOscMessage::QOscMessage() {} // TUIO packets are transmitted using the OSC protocol, located at: // http://opensoundcontrol.org/specification // Snippets of this specification have been pasted into the source as a means of // easily communicating requirements. QOscMessage::QOscMessage(const QByteArray &data) : m_isValid(false) { qCDebug(lcTuioMessage) << data.toHex(); quint32 parsedBytes = 0; // "An OSC message consists of an OSC Address Pattern" QByteArray addressPattern; if (!qt_readOscString(data, addressPattern, parsedBytes) || addressPattern.size() == 0) return; // "followed by an OSC Type Tag String" QByteArray typeTagString; if (!qt_readOscString(data, typeTagString, parsedBytes)) return; // "Note: some older implementations of OSC may omit the OSC Type Tag string. // Until all such implementations are updated, OSC implementations should be // robust in the case of a missing OSC Type Tag String." // // (although, the editor notes one may question how exactly the hell one is // supposed to be robust when the behavior is unspecified.) if (typeTagString.size() == 0 || typeTagString.at(0) != ',') return; QList arguments; // "followed by zero or more OSC Arguments." for (int i = 1; i < typeTagString.size(); ++i) { char typeTag = typeTagString.at(i); if (typeTag == 's') { // osc-string QByteArray aString; if (!qt_readOscString(data, aString, parsedBytes)) return; arguments.append(aString); } else if (typeTag == 'i') { // int32 if (parsedBytes > (quint32)data.size() || data.size() - parsedBytes < qsizetype(sizeof(quint32))) return; quint32 anInt = qFromBigEndian(data.constData() + parsedBytes); parsedBytes += sizeof(quint32); // TODO: is int32 in OSC signed, or unsigned? arguments.append((int)anInt); } else if (typeTag == 'f') { // float32 if (parsedBytes > (quint32)data.size() || data.size() - parsedBytes < qsizetype(sizeof(quint32))) return; static_assert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(quint32)); union { quint32 u; float f; } value; value.u = qFromBigEndian(data.constData() + parsedBytes); parsedBytes += sizeof(quint32); arguments.append(value.f); } else { qCWarning(lcTuioMessage) << "Reading argument of unknown type " << typeTag; return; } } m_isValid = true; m_addressPattern = addressPattern; m_arguments = arguments; qCDebug(lcTuioMessage) << "Message with address pattern: " << addressPattern << " arguments: " << arguments; } QT_END_NAMESPACE