# The device integration plugin base class has to live in a shared library, # placing it into a static lib like platformsupport is not sufficient since we # have to keep the QObject magic like qobject_cast working. # Hence this header-less, private-only module. TARGET = QtEglFSDeviceIntegration CONFIG += internal_module MODULE = eglfsdeviceintegration QT += core-private gui-private platformsupport-private LIBS += $$QMAKE_LIBS_DYNLOAD # Avoid X11 header collision, use generic EGL native types DEFINES += QT_EGL_NO_X11 DEFINES += QT_BUILD_EGL_DEVICE_LIB SOURCES += $$PWD/qeglfsintegration.cpp \ $$PWD/qeglfscontext.cpp \ $$PWD/qeglfsoffscreenwindow.cpp \ HEADERS += $$PWD/qeglfsintegration.h \ $$PWD/qeglfscontext.h \ $$PWD/qeglfsoffscreenwindow.h \ include($$PWD/api/api.pri) QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_NOUNDEF INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD !isEmpty(EGLFS_PLATFORM_HOOKS_SOURCES) { HEADERS += $$EGLFS_PLATFORM_HOOKS_HEADERS SOURCES += $$EGLFS_PLATFORM_HOOKS_SOURCES LIBS += $$EGLFS_PLATFORM_HOOKS_LIBS DEFINES += EGLFS_PLATFORM_HOOKS } !isEmpty(EGLFS_DEVICE_INTEGRATION) { DEFINES += EGLFS_PREFERRED_PLUGIN=$$EGLFS_DEVICE_INTEGRATION } CONFIG += egl qpa/genericunixfontdatabase !contains(DEFINES, QT_NO_CURSOR): RESOURCES += $$PWD/cursor.qrc load(qt_module)