// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qoffscreenintegration.h" #include "qoffscreenwindow.h" #include "qoffscreencommon.h" #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) #include #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) #include #include #else #include #endif #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(xlib) && QT_CONFIG(opengl) && !QT_CONFIG(opengles2) #include "qoffscreenintegration_x11.h" #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; class QCoreTextFontEngine; template class QOffscreenEventDispatcher : public BaseEventDispatcher { public: explicit QOffscreenEventDispatcher(QObject *parent = nullptr) : BaseEventDispatcher(parent) { } bool processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags) override { bool didSendEvents = BaseEventDispatcher::processEvents(flags); return QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(flags) || didSendEvents; } }; QOffscreenIntegration::QOffscreenIntegration(const QStringList& paramList) { #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) m_fontDatabase.reset(new QCoreTextFontDatabaseEngineFactory); #else m_fontDatabase.reset(new QGenericUnixFontDatabase()); #endif #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) m_fontDatabase.reset(new QFreeTypeFontDatabase()); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) m_drag.reset(new QOffscreenDrag); #endif m_services.reset(new QPlatformServices); QJsonObject config = resolveConfigFileConfiguration(paramList).value_or(defaultConfiguration()); setConfiguration(config); } QOffscreenIntegration::~QOffscreenIntegration() { for (auto screen : std::as_const(m_screens)) QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved(screen); } /* The offscren platform plugin is configurable with a JSON configuration. The confiuration can be provided either from a file on disk on startup, or at by calling setConfiguration(). To provide a configuration on startuip, write the config to disk and pass the file path as a platform argument: ./myapp -platform offscreen:configfile=/path/to/config.json The supported top-level config keys are: { "synchronousWindowSystemEvents": "windowFrameMargins": , "screens": [], } "screens" is an array of: { "name": string, "x": int, "y": int, "width": int, "height": int, "logicalDpi": int, "logicalBaseDpi": int, "dpr": double, } */ QJsonObject QOffscreenIntegration::defaultConfiguration() const { const auto defaultScreen = QJsonObject { {"name", ""}, {"x", 0}, {"y", 0}, {"width", 800}, {"height", 800}, {"logicalDpi", 96}, {"logicalBaseDpi", 96}, {"dpr", 1.0}, }; const auto defaultConfiguration = QJsonObject { {"synchronousWindowSystemEvents", false}, {"windowFrameMargins", true}, {"screens", QJsonArray { defaultScreen } }, }; return defaultConfiguration; } std::optional QOffscreenIntegration::resolveConfigFileConfiguration(const QStringList& paramList) const { bool hasConfigFile = false; QString configFilePath; for (const QString ¶m : paramList) { // Look for "configfile=/path/to/file/" QString configPrefix("configfile="_L1); if (param.startsWith(configPrefix)) { hasConfigFile = true; configFilePath = param.mid(configPrefix.length()); } } if (!hasConfigFile) return std::nullopt; // Read config file if (configFilePath.isEmpty()) qFatal("Missing file path for -configfile platform option"); QFile configFile(configFilePath); if (!configFile.exists()) qFatal("Could not find platform config file %s", qPrintable(configFilePath)); if (!configFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) qFatal("Could not open platform config file for reading %s, %s", qPrintable(configFilePath), qPrintable(configFile.errorString())); QByteArray json = configFile.readAll(); QJsonParseError error; QJsonDocument config = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json, &error); if (config.isNull()) qFatal("Platform config file parse error: %s", qPrintable(error.errorString())); return config.object(); } void QOffscreenIntegration::setConfiguration(const QJsonObject &configuration) { // Apply the new configuration, diffing against the current m_configuration const bool synchronousWindowSystemEvents = configuration["synchronousWindowSystemEvents"].toBool( m_configuration["synchronousWindowSystemEvents"].toBool(false)); QWindowSystemInterface::setSynchronousWindowSystemEvents(synchronousWindowSystemEvents); m_windowFrameMarginsEnabled = configuration["windowFrameMargins"].toBool( m_configuration["windowFrameMargins"].toBool(true)); // Diff screens array, using the screen name as the screen identity. QJsonArray currentScreens = m_configuration["screens"].toArray(); QJsonArray newScreens = configuration["screens"].toArray(); auto getScreenNames = [](const QJsonArray &screens) -> QList { QList names; for (QJsonValue screen : screens) { names.append(screen["name"].toString()); }; std::sort(names.begin(), names.end()); return names; }; auto currentNames = getScreenNames(currentScreens); auto newNames = getScreenNames(newScreens); QList present; std::set_intersection(currentNames.begin(), currentNames.end(), newNames.begin(), newNames.end(), std::inserter(present, present.begin())); QList added; std::set_difference(newNames.begin(), newNames.end(), currentNames.begin(), currentNames.end(), std::inserter(added, added.begin())); QList removed; std::set_difference(currentNames.begin(), currentNames.end(), newNames.begin(), newNames.end(), std::inserter(removed, removed.begin())); auto platformScreenByName = [](const QString &name, QList screens) -> QOffscreenScreen * { for (QOffscreenScreen *screen : screens) { if (screen->m_name == name) return screen; } Q_UNREACHABLE(); }; auto screenConfigByName = [](const QString &name, QJsonArray screenConfigs) -> QJsonValue { for (QJsonValue screenConfig : screenConfigs) { if (screenConfig["name"].toString() == name) return screenConfig; } Q_UNREACHABLE(); }; auto geometryFromConfig = [](const QJsonObject &config) -> QRect { return QRect(config["x"].toInt(0), config["y"].toInt(0), config["width"].toInt(640), config["height"].toInt(480)); }; // Remove removed screens for (const QString &remove : removed) { QOffscreenScreen *screen = platformScreenByName(remove, m_screens); m_screens.removeAll(screen); QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved(screen); } // Add new screens for (const QString &add : added) { QJsonValue configValue = screenConfigByName(add, newScreens); QJsonObject config = configValue.toObject(); if (config.isEmpty()) { qWarning("empty screen object"); continue; } QOffscreenScreen *offscreenScreen = new QOffscreenScreen(this); offscreenScreen->m_name = config["name"].toString(); offscreenScreen->m_geometry = geometryFromConfig(config); offscreenScreen->m_logicalDpi = config["logicalDpi"].toInt(96); offscreenScreen->m_logicalBaseDpi = config["logicalBaseDpi"].toInt(96); offscreenScreen->m_dpr = config["dpr"].toDouble(1.0); m_screens.append(offscreenScreen); QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenAdded(offscreenScreen); } // Update present screens for (const QString &pres : present) { QOffscreenScreen *screen = platformScreenByName(pres, m_screens); Q_ASSERT(screen); QJsonObject currentConfig = screenConfigByName(pres, currentScreens).toObject(); QJsonObject newConfig = screenConfigByName(pres, newScreens).toObject(); // Name can't change, because it'd be a different screen Q_ASSERT(currentConfig["name"] == newConfig["name"]); // Geometry QRect currentGeomtry = geometryFromConfig(currentConfig); QRect newGeomtry = geometryFromConfig(newConfig); if (currentGeomtry != newGeomtry) { screen->m_geometry = newGeomtry; QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenGeometryChange(screen->screen(), newGeomtry, newGeomtry); } // logical DPI int currentLogicalDpi = currentConfig["logicalDpi"].toInt(96); int newLogicalDpi = newConfig["logicalDpi"].toInt(96); if (currentLogicalDpi != newLogicalDpi) { screen->m_logicalDpi = newLogicalDpi; QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenLogicalDotsPerInchChange(screen->screen(), newLogicalDpi, newLogicalDpi); } // The base DPI is more of a platform constant, and should not change, and // there is no handleChange function for it. Print a warning. int currentLogicalBaseDpi = currentConfig["logicalBaseDpi"].toInt(96); int newLogicalBaseDpi = newConfig["logicalBaseDpi"].toInt(96); if (currentLogicalBaseDpi != newLogicalBaseDpi) { screen->m_logicalBaseDpi = newLogicalBaseDpi; qWarning("You ain't supposed to change logicalBaseDpi - its a platform constant. Qt may not react to the change"); } // DPR. There is also no handleChange function in Qt at this point, instead // the new DPR value will be used during the next repaint. We could repaint // all windows here, but don't. Print a warning. double currentDpr = currentConfig["dpr"].toDouble(1); double newDpr = newConfig["dpr"].toDouble(1); if (currentDpr != newDpr) { screen->m_dpr = newDpr; qWarning("DPR change notifications is not implemented - Qt may not react to the change"); } } // Now the new configuration is the current configuration m_configuration = configuration; } QJsonObject QOffscreenIntegration::configuration() const { return m_configuration; } void QOffscreenIntegration::initialize() { m_inputContext.reset(QPlatformInputContextFactory::create()); } QPlatformInputContext *QOffscreenIntegration::inputContext() const { return m_inputContext.data(); } bool QOffscreenIntegration::hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::Capability cap) const { switch (cap) { case ThreadedPixmaps: return true; case MultipleWindows: return true; case RhiBasedRendering: return false; default: return QPlatformIntegration::hasCapability(cap); } } QPlatformWindow *QOffscreenIntegration::createPlatformWindow(QWindow *window) const { Q_UNUSED(window); QPlatformWindow *w = new QOffscreenWindow(window, m_windowFrameMarginsEnabled); w->requestActivateWindow(); return w; } QPlatformBackingStore *QOffscreenIntegration::createPlatformBackingStore(QWindow *window) const { return new QOffscreenBackingStore(window); } QAbstractEventDispatcher *QOffscreenIntegration::createEventDispatcher() const { #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) return createUnixEventDispatcher(); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) return new QOffscreenEventDispatcher(); #else return 0; #endif } QPlatformNativeInterface *QOffscreenIntegration::nativeInterface() const { if (!m_nativeInterface) m_nativeInterface.reset(new QOffscreenPlatformNativeInterface(const_cast(this))); return m_nativeInterface.get(); } static QString themeName() { return QStringLiteral("offscreen"); } QStringList QOffscreenIntegration::themeNames() const { return QStringList(themeName()); } // Restrict the styles to "fusion" to prevent native styles requiring native // window handles (eg Windows Vista style) from being used. class OffscreenTheme : public QPlatformTheme { public: OffscreenTheme() {} QVariant themeHint(ThemeHint h) const override { switch (h) { case StyleNames: return QVariant(QStringList(QStringLiteral("Fusion"))); default: break; } return QPlatformTheme::themeHint(h); } virtual const QFont *font(Font type = SystemFont) const override { static QFont systemFont("Sans Serif"_L1, 9); static QFont fixedFont("monospace"_L1, 9); switch (type) { case QPlatformTheme::SystemFont: return &systemFont; case QPlatformTheme::FixedFont: return &fixedFont; default: return nullptr; } } }; QPlatformTheme *QOffscreenIntegration::createPlatformTheme(const QString &name) const { return name == themeName() ? new OffscreenTheme() : nullptr; } QPlatformFontDatabase *QOffscreenIntegration::fontDatabase() const { return m_fontDatabase.data(); } #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) QPlatformDrag *QOffscreenIntegration::drag() const { return m_drag.data(); } #endif QPlatformServices *QOffscreenIntegration::services() const { return m_services.data(); } QOffscreenIntegration *QOffscreenIntegration::createOffscreenIntegration(const QStringList& paramList) { QOffscreenIntegration *offscreenIntegration = nullptr; #if QT_CONFIG(xlib) && QT_CONFIG(opengl) && !QT_CONFIG(opengles2) QByteArray glx = qgetenv("QT_QPA_OFFSCREEN_NO_GLX"); if (glx.isEmpty()) offscreenIntegration = new QOffscreenX11Integration(paramList); #endif if (!offscreenIntegration) offscreenIntegration = new QOffscreenIntegration(paramList); return offscreenIntegration; } QList QOffscreenIntegration::screens() const { return m_screens; } QT_END_NAMESPACE