// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qwasmscreen.h" #include "qwasmwindow.h" #include "qwasmeventtranslator.h" #include "qwasmcompositor.h" #include "qwasmintegration.h" #include "qwasmstring.h" #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace emscripten; const char * QWasmScreen::m_canvasResizeObserverCallbackContextPropertyName = "data-qtCanvasResizeObserverCallbackContext"; QWasmScreen::QWasmScreen(const emscripten::val &containerOrCanvas) : m_container(containerOrCanvas) , m_canvas(emscripten::val::undefined()) , m_compositor(new QWasmCompositor(this)) , m_eventTranslator(new QWasmEventTranslator()) { // Each screen is backed by a html canvas element. Use either // a user-supplied canvas or create one as a child of the user- // supplied root element. std::string tagName = containerOrCanvas["tagName"].as(); if (tagName == "CANVAS" || tagName == "canvas") { m_canvas = containerOrCanvas; } else { // Create the canvas (for the correct document) as a child of the container m_canvas = containerOrCanvas["ownerDocument"].call("createElement", std::string("canvas")); containerOrCanvas.call("appendChild", m_canvas); std::string screenId = std::string("qtcanvas_") + std::to_string(uintptr_t(this)); m_canvas.set("id", screenId); // Make the canvas occupy 100% of parent emscripten::val style = m_canvas["style"]; style.set("width", std::string("100%")); style.set("height", std::string("100%")); } // Configure canvas emscripten::val style = m_canvas["style"]; style.set("border", std::string("0px none")); style.set("background-color", std::string("white")); // Set contenteditable so that the canvas gets clipboard events, // then hide the resulting focus frame, and reset the cursor. m_canvas.set("contentEditable", std::string("true")); // set inputmode to none to stop mobile keyboard opening // when user clicks anywhere on the canvas. m_canvas.set("inputmode", std::string("none")); style.set("outline", std::string("0px solid transparent")); style.set("caret-color", std::string("transparent")); style.set("cursor", std::string("default")); // Disable the default context menu; Qt applications typically // provide custom right-click behavior. m_onContextMenu = std::make_unique(m_canvas, "contextmenu", [](emscripten::val event){ event.call("preventDefault"); }); // Create "specialHTMLTargets" mapping for the canvas. Normally, Emscripten // uses the html element id when targeting elements, for example when registering // event callbacks. However, this approach is limited to supporting single-document // apps/ages only, since Emscripten uses the main document to look up the element. // As a workaround for this, Emscripten supports registering custom mappings in the // "specialHTMLTargets" object. Add a mapping for the canvas for this screen. // // This functionality is gated on "specialHTMLTargets" being available as a module // property. One way to ensure this is the case is to add it to EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS. // Qt does not currently do this by default since if added it _must_ be used in order // to avoid an undefined reference error at startup, and there are cases when Qt won't use // it, for example if QGuiApplication is not usded. if (hasSpecialHtmlTargets()) emscripten::val::module_property("specialHTMLTargets").set(canvasSpecialHtmlTargetId(), m_canvas); // Install event handlers on the container/canvas. This must be // done after the canvas has been created above. m_compositor->initEventHandlers(); updateQScreenAndCanvasRenderSize(); m_canvas.call("focus"); } QWasmScreen::~QWasmScreen() { // Delete the compositor before removing the screen from specialHTMLTargets, // since its destructor needs to look up the target when deregistering // event handlers. m_compositor = nullptr; if (hasSpecialHtmlTargets()) emscripten::val::module_property("specialHTMLTargets") .set(canvasSpecialHtmlTargetId(), emscripten::val::undefined()); m_canvas.set(m_canvasResizeObserverCallbackContextPropertyName, emscripten::val(intptr_t(0))); } void QWasmScreen::deleteScreen() { m_compositor->destroy(); QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenRemoved(this); } QWasmScreen *QWasmScreen::get(QPlatformScreen *screen) { return static_cast(screen); } QWasmScreen *QWasmScreen::get(QScreen *screen) { return get(screen->handle()); } QWasmCompositor *QWasmScreen::compositor() { return m_compositor.get(); } QWasmEventTranslator *QWasmScreen::eventTranslator() { return m_eventTranslator.get(); } emscripten::val QWasmScreen::container() const { return m_container; } emscripten::val QWasmScreen::canvas() const { return m_canvas; } // Returns the html element id for the screen's canvas. QString QWasmScreen::canvasId() const { return QWasmString::toQString(m_canvas["id"]); } // Returns the canvas _target_ id, for use with Emscripten's event registration // functions. This either based on the id registered in specialHtmlTargets, or // on the canvas id. QString QWasmScreen::canvasTargetId() const { if (hasSpecialHtmlTargets()) return QString::fromStdString(canvasSpecialHtmlTargetId()); else return QStringLiteral("#") + canvasId(); } std::string QWasmScreen::canvasSpecialHtmlTargetId() const { // Return a globally unique id for the canvas. We can choose any string, // as long as it starts with a "!". return std::string("!qtcanvas_") + std::to_string(uintptr_t(this)); } namespace { // Compare Emscripten versions, returns > 0 if a is greater than b. int compareVersionComponents(int a, int b) { return a >= 0 && b >= 0 ? a - b : 0; } int compareEmscriptenVersions(std::tuple a, std::tuple b) { if (std::get<0>(a) == std::get<0>(b)) { if (std::get<1>(a) == std::get<1>(b)) { return compareVersionComponents(std::get<2>(a), std::get<2>(b)); } return compareVersionComponents(std::get<1>(a), std::get<1>(b)); } return compareVersionComponents(std::get<0>(a), std::get<0>(b)); } bool isEmsdkVersionGreaterThan(std::tuple test) { return compareEmscriptenVersions( std::make_tuple(__EMSCRIPTEN_major__, __EMSCRIPTEN_minor__, __EMSCRIPTEN_tiny__), test) > 0; } } // namespace bool QWasmScreen::hasSpecialHtmlTargets() const { static bool gotIt = []{ // Enable use of specialHTMLTargets, if available // On Emscripten > 3.1.14 (exact version not known), emscripten::val::module_property() // aborts instead of returning undefined when attempting to resolve the specialHTMLTargets // property, in the case where it is not defined. Disable the availability test in this case. // FIXME: Add alternative way to enable. if (isEmsdkVersionGreaterThan(std::make_tuple(3, 1, 14))) return false; emscripten::val htmlTargets = emscripten::val::module_property("specialHTMLTargets"); if (htmlTargets.isUndefined()) return false; // Check that the object has the expected type - it can also be // defined as an abort() function which prints an error on usage. return htmlTargets["constructor"]["name"].as() == std::string("Array"); }(); return gotIt; } QRect QWasmScreen::geometry() const { return m_geometry; } int QWasmScreen::depth() const { return m_depth; } QImage::Format QWasmScreen::format() const { return m_format; } QDpi QWasmScreen::logicalDpi() const { emscripten::val dpi = emscripten::val::module_property("qtFontDpi"); if (!dpi.isUndefined()) { qreal dpiValue = dpi.as(); return QDpi(dpiValue, dpiValue); } const qreal defaultDpi = 96; return QDpi(defaultDpi, defaultDpi); } qreal QWasmScreen::devicePixelRatio() const { // window.devicePixelRatio gives us the scale factor between CSS and device pixels. // This property reflects hardware configuration, and also browser zoom on desktop. // // window.visualViewport.scale gives us the zoom factor on mobile. If the html page is // configured with "" then this scale // factor will be 1. Omitting the viewport configuration typically results on a zoomed-out // viewport, with a scale factor <1. User pinch-zoom will change the scale factor; an event // handler is installed in the QWasmIntegration constructor. Changing zoom level on desktop // does not appear to change visualViewport.scale. // // The effective devicePixelRatio is the product of these two scale factors, upper-bounded // by window.devicePixelRatio in order to avoid e.g. allocating a 10x widget backing store. double dpr = emscripten::val::global("window")["devicePixelRatio"].as(); emscripten::val visualViewport = emscripten::val::global("window")["visualViewport"]; double scale = visualViewport.isUndefined() ? 1.0 : visualViewport["scale"].as(); double effectiveDevicePixelRatio = std::min(dpr * scale, dpr); return qreal(effectiveDevicePixelRatio); } QString QWasmScreen::name() const { return canvasId(); } QPlatformCursor *QWasmScreen::cursor() const { return const_cast(&m_cursor); } void QWasmScreen::resizeMaximizedWindows() { if (!screen()) return; QPlatformScreen::resizeMaximizedWindows(); } QWindow *QWasmScreen::topWindow() const { return m_compositor->keyWindow(); } QWindow *QWasmScreen::topLevelAt(const QPoint &p) const { return m_compositor->windowAt(p); } QPoint QWasmScreen::translateAndClipGlobalPoint(const QPoint &p) const { return QPoint( std::max(screen()->geometry().left(), std::min(screen()->geometry().right(), screen()->geometry().left() + p.x())), std::max(screen()->geometry().top(), std::min(screen()->geometry().bottom(), screen()->geometry().top() + p.y()))); } void QWasmScreen::invalidateSize() { m_geometry = QRect(); } void QWasmScreen::setGeometry(const QRect &rect) { m_geometry = rect; QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenGeometryChange(QPlatformScreen::screen(), geometry(), availableGeometry()); resizeMaximizedWindows(); } void QWasmScreen::updateQScreenAndCanvasRenderSize() { // The HTML canvas has two sizes: the CSS size and the canvas render size. // The CSS size is determined according to standard CSS rules, while the // render size is set using the "width" and "height" attributes. The render // size must be set manually and is not auto-updated on CSS size change. // Setting the render size to a value larger than the CSS size enables high-dpi // rendering. QByteArray canvasSelector = canvasTargetId().toUtf8(); double css_width; double css_height; emscripten_get_element_css_size(canvasSelector.constData(), &css_width, &css_height); QSizeF cssSize(css_width, css_height); QSizeF canvasSize = cssSize * devicePixelRatio(); m_canvas.set("width", canvasSize.width()); m_canvas.set("height", canvasSize.height()); // Returns the html elements document/body position auto getElementBodyPosition = [](const emscripten::val &element) -> QPoint { emscripten::val bodyRect = element["ownerDocument"]["body"].call("getBoundingClientRect"); emscripten::val canvasRect = element.call("getBoundingClientRect"); return QPoint (canvasRect["left"].as() - bodyRect["left"].as(), canvasRect["top"].as() - bodyRect["top"].as()); }; setGeometry(QRect(getElementBodyPosition(m_canvas), cssSize.toSize())); m_compositor->requestUpdateAllWindows(); } void QWasmScreen::canvasResizeObserverCallback(emscripten::val entries, emscripten::val) { int count = entries["length"].as(); if (count == 0) return; emscripten::val entry = entries[0]; QWasmScreen *screen = reinterpret_cast(entry["target"][m_canvasResizeObserverCallbackContextPropertyName].as()); if (!screen) { qWarning() << "QWasmScreen::canvasResizeObserverCallback: missing screen pointer"; return; } // We could access contentBoxSize|contentRect|devicePixelContentBoxSize on the entry here, but // these are not universally supported across all browsers. Get the sizes from the canvas instead. screen->updateQScreenAndCanvasRenderSize(); } EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(qtCanvasResizeObserverCallback) { emscripten::function("qtCanvasResizeObserverCallback", &QWasmScreen::canvasResizeObserverCallback); } void QWasmScreen::installCanvasResizeObserver() { emscripten::val ResizeObserver = emscripten::val::global("ResizeObserver"); if (ResizeObserver == emscripten::val::undefined()) return; // ResizeObserver API is not available emscripten::val resizeObserver = ResizeObserver.new_(emscripten::val::module_property("qtCanvasResizeObserverCallback")); if (resizeObserver == emscripten::val::undefined()) return; // Something went horribly wrong // We need to get back to this instance from the (static) resize callback; // set a "data-" property on the canvas element. m_canvas.set(m_canvasResizeObserverCallbackContextPropertyName, emscripten::val(intptr_t(this))); resizeObserver.call("observe", m_canvas); } QT_END_NAMESPACE