// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qxcbxsettings.h" #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /* Implementation of http://standards.freedesktop.org/xsettings-spec/xsettings-0.5.html */ enum XSettingsType { XSettingsTypeInteger = 0, XSettingsTypeString = 1, XSettingsTypeColor = 2 }; struct QXcbXSettingsCallback { QXcbXSettings::PropertyChangeFunc func; void *handle; }; class QXcbXSettingsPropertyValue { public: QXcbXSettingsPropertyValue() : last_change_serial(-1) {} void updateValue(QXcbVirtualDesktop *screen, const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &value, int last_change_serial) { if (last_change_serial <= this->last_change_serial) return; this->value = value; this->last_change_serial = last_change_serial; for (const auto &callback : callback_links) callback.func(screen, name, value, callback.handle); } void addCallback(QXcbXSettings::PropertyChangeFunc func, void *handle) { QXcbXSettingsCallback callback = { func, handle }; callback_links.push_back(callback); } QVariant value; int last_change_serial; std::vector callback_links; }; class QXcbXSettingsPrivate { public: QXcbXSettingsPrivate(QXcbVirtualDesktop *screen) : screen(screen) , initialized(false) { } QByteArray getSettings() { QXcbConnectionGrabber connectionGrabber(screen->connection()); int offset = 0; QByteArray settings; xcb_atom_t _xsettings_atom = screen->connection()->atom(QXcbAtom::Atom_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS); while (1) { auto reply = Q_XCB_REPLY_UNCHECKED(xcb_get_property, screen->xcb_connection(), false, x_settings_window, _xsettings_atom, _xsettings_atom, offset/4, 8192); bool more = false; if (!reply) return settings; const auto property_value_length = xcb_get_property_value_length(reply.get()); settings.append(static_cast(xcb_get_property_value(reply.get())), property_value_length); offset += property_value_length; more = reply->bytes_after != 0; if (!more) break; } return settings; } static int round_to_nearest_multiple_of_4(int value) { int remainder = value % 4; if (!remainder) return value; return value + 4 - remainder; } void populateSettings(const QByteArray &xSettings) { if (xSettings.size() < 12) return; char byteOrder = xSettings.at(0); if (byteOrder != XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_LSB_FIRST && byteOrder != XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_MSB_FIRST) { qWarning("ByteOrder byte %d not 0 or 1", byteOrder); return; } #define ADJUST_BO(b, t, x) \ ((b == XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_LSB_FIRST) ? \ qFromLittleEndian(x) : \ qFromBigEndian(x)) #define VALIDATE_LENGTH(x) \ if ((size_t)xSettings.length() < (offset + local_offset + 12 + x)) { \ qWarning("Length %d runs past end of data", x); \ return; \ } uint number_of_settings = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint32, xSettings.mid(8,4).constData()); const char *data = xSettings.constData() + 12; size_t offset = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < number_of_settings; i++) { int local_offset = 0; VALIDATE_LENGTH(2); XSettingsType type = static_cast(*reinterpret_cast(data + offset)); local_offset += 2; VALIDATE_LENGTH(2); quint16 name_len = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint16, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 2; VALIDATE_LENGTH(name_len); QByteArray name(data + offset + local_offset, name_len); local_offset += round_to_nearest_multiple_of_4(name_len); VALIDATE_LENGTH(4); int last_change_serial = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, qint32, data + offset + local_offset); Q_UNUSED(last_change_serial); local_offset += 4; QVariant value; if (type == XSettingsTypeString) { VALIDATE_LENGTH(4); int value_length = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, qint32, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset+=4; VALIDATE_LENGTH(value_length); QByteArray value_string(data + offset + local_offset, value_length); value.setValue(value_string); local_offset += round_to_nearest_multiple_of_4(value_length); } else if (type == XSettingsTypeInteger) { VALIDATE_LENGTH(4); int value_length = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, qint32, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 4; value.setValue(value_length); } else if (type == XSettingsTypeColor) { VALIDATE_LENGTH(2*4); quint16 red = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint16, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 2; quint16 green = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint16, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 2; quint16 blue = ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint16, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 2; quint16 alpha= ADJUST_BO(byteOrder, quint16, data + offset + local_offset); local_offset += 2; QColor color_value(red,green,blue,alpha); value.setValue(color_value); } offset += local_offset; settings[name].updateValue(screen,name,value,last_change_serial); } } QXcbVirtualDesktop *screen; xcb_window_t x_settings_window; QMap settings; bool initialized; }; QXcbXSettings::QXcbXSettings(QXcbVirtualDesktop *screen) : d_ptr(new QXcbXSettingsPrivate(screen)) { QByteArray settings_atom_for_screen("_XSETTINGS_S"); settings_atom_for_screen.append(QByteArray::number(screen->number())); auto atom_reply = Q_XCB_REPLY(xcb_intern_atom, screen->xcb_connection(), true, settings_atom_for_screen.size(), settings_atom_for_screen.constData()); if (!atom_reply) return; xcb_atom_t selection_owner_atom = atom_reply->atom; xcb_window_t owner = screen->connection()->selectionOwner(selection_owner_atom); if (owner == XCB_NONE) return; d_ptr->x_settings_window = owner; if (!d_ptr->x_settings_window) return; screen->connection()->addWindowEventListener(d_ptr->x_settings_window, this); const uint32_t event = XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK; const uint32_t event_mask[] = { XCB_EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY|XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE }; xcb_change_window_attributes(screen->xcb_connection(),d_ptr->x_settings_window,event,event_mask); d_ptr->populateSettings(d_ptr->getSettings()); d_ptr->initialized = true; } QXcbXSettings::~QXcbXSettings() { delete d_ptr; d_ptr = nullptr; } bool QXcbXSettings::initialized() const { Q_D(const QXcbXSettings); return d->initialized; } void QXcbXSettings::handlePropertyNotifyEvent(const xcb_property_notify_event_t *event) { Q_D(QXcbXSettings); if (event->window != d->x_settings_window) return; d->populateSettings(d->getSettings()); } void QXcbXSettings::registerCallbackForProperty(const QByteArray &property, QXcbXSettings::PropertyChangeFunc func, void *handle) { Q_D(QXcbXSettings); d->settings[property].addCallback(func,handle); } void QXcbXSettings::removeCallbackForHandle(const QByteArray &property, void *handle) { Q_D(QXcbXSettings); auto &callbacks = d->settings[property].callback_links; auto isCallbackForHandle = [handle](const QXcbXSettingsCallback &cb) { return cb.handle == handle; }; callbacks.erase(std::remove_if(callbacks.begin(), callbacks.end(), isCallbackForHandle), callbacks.end()); } void QXcbXSettings::removeCallbackForHandle(void *handle) { Q_D(QXcbXSettings); for (QMap::const_iterator it = d->settings.cbegin(); it != d->settings.cend(); ++it) { removeCallbackForHandle(it.key(),handle); } } QVariant QXcbXSettings::setting(const QByteArray &property) const { Q_D(const QXcbXSettings); return d->settings.value(property).value; } QT_END_NAMESPACE