{ "module": "sqldrivers", "depends": [ "core" ], "testDir": "../../../config.tests", "commandline": { "assignments": { "MYSQL_PATH": "mysql.prefix" }, "options": { "mysql_config": "string", "psql_config": "string", "sqlite": { "type": "enum", "name": "system-sqlite", "values": { "qt": "no", "system": "yes" } }, "sql-db2": "boolean", "sql-ibase": "boolean", "sql-mysql": "boolean", "sql-oci": "boolean", "sql-odbc": "boolean", "sql-psql": "boolean", "sql-sqlite": "boolean", "plugin-sql-db2": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-db2" }, "plugin-sql-ibase": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-ibase" }, "plugin-sql-mysql": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-mysql" }, "plugin-sql-oci": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-oci" }, "plugin-sql-odbc": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-odbc" }, "plugin-sql-psql": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-psql" }, "plugin-sql-sqlite": { "type": "void", "name": "sql-sqlite" } } }, "libraries": { "db2": { "label": "DB2 (IBM)", "test": {}, "headers": [ "sqlcli.h", "sqlcli1.h" ], "sources": [ { "libs": "-ldb2cli", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-ldb2", "condition": "!config.win32" } ] }, "ibase": { "label": "InterBase", "test": {}, "headers": "ibase.h", "sources": [ { "libs": "-lgds32_ms", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-lgds", "condition": "!config.win32" } ] }, "mysql": { "label": "MySQL", "test": { "head": [ "#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)", "# include ", "#endif" ], "main": "mysql_get_client_version();" }, "headers": "mysql.h", "sources": [ { "type": "mysqlConfig", "query": "--libs_r", "cleanlibs": true }, { "type": "mysqlConfig", "query": "--libs", "cleanlibs": true }, { "type": "mysqlConfig", "query": "--libs_r", "cleanlibs": false }, { "type": "mysqlConfig", "query": "--libs", "cleanlibs": false }, { "libs": "-lmysqlclient_r", "condition": "!config.win32" }, { "libs": "-llibmariadb", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-llibmysql", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-lmariadb", "condition": "!config.win32" }, { "libs": "-lmysqlclient", "condition": "!config.win32" } ] }, "psql": { "label": "PostgreSQL", "test": { "main": [ "PQescapeBytea(0, 0, 0);", "PQunescapeBytea(0, 0);" ] }, "headers": "libpq-fe.h", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "libpq" }, { "type": "psqlConfig" }, { "type": "psqlEnv", "libs": "-llibpq -lws2_32 -ladvapi32", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "type": "psqlEnv", "libs": "-lpq", "condition": "!config.win32" } ] }, "oci": { "label": "OCI (Oracle)", "test": {}, "headers": "oci.h", "sources": [ { "libs": "-loci", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-lclntsh", "condition": "!config.win32" } ] }, "odbc": { "label": "ODBC", "test": { "head": [ "#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)", "# include ", "#endif" ], "main": [ "SQLHANDLE env;", "SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &env);" ] }, "headers": [ "sql.h", "sqlext.h" ], "sources": [ { "libs": "-lodbc32", "condition": "config.win32" }, { "libs": "-liodbc", "condition": "config.darwin" }, { "libs": "-lodbc", "condition": "!config.win32 && !config.darwin" } ] }, "sqlite3": { "label": "SQLite (version 3)", "export": "sqlite", "test": { "main": "sqlite3_open_v2(0, 0, 0, 0);" }, "headers": "sqlite3.h", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "sqlite3" }, "-lsqlite3" ], "use": [ { "lib": "zlib", "condition": "!config.win32 && features.system-zlib" } ] } }, "tests": { }, "features": { "sql-db2": { "label": "DB2 (IBM)", "condition": "libs.db2", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-ibase": { "label": "InterBase", "condition": "libs.ibase", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-mysql": { "label": "MySql", "condition": "libs.mysql", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-oci": { "label": "OCI (Oracle)", "condition": "libs.oci", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-odbc": { "label": "ODBC", "condition": "features.datestring && libs.odbc", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-psql": { "label": "PostgreSQL", "condition": "libs.psql", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "sql-sqlite": { "label": "SQLite", "condition": "features.datestring", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "system-sqlite": { "label": " Using system provided SQLite", "autoDetect": false, "condition": "features.sql-sqlite && libs.sqlite3", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] } }, "report": [ { "type": "warning", "condition": "config.win32 && !config.msvc && features.sql-oci", "message": "Qt does not support compiling the Oracle database driver with MinGW, due to lack of such support from Oracle. Consider disabling the Oracle driver, as the current build will most likely fail." } ], "summary": [ { "section": "Qt Sql Drivers", "entries": [ "sql-db2", "sql-ibase", "sql-mysql", "sql-oci", "sql-odbc", "sql-psql", "sql-sqlite", "system-sqlite" ] } ] }