QPrintSettingsOutput 0 0 432 251 Form 0 0 0 0 0 Copies 0 0 Print range 4 6 6 6 6 Print all true 6 0 0 0 0 Pages from false 1 999 to false 1 999 Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Pages false Specify pages or ranges separated by commas. Ranges are specified by two numbers separated by a hyphen. E.g: 3,5-7,9 prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Current Page Selection 6 0 Page Set: false false Qt::Vertical 1 1 Output Settings Copies: copies 1 999 Qt::Horizontal 91 20 Collate 0 0 Reverse Qt::Vertical 0 1 Options Color Mode Qt::Vertical 1 0 Color Grayscale Duplex Printing None true Long side Short side Qt::Vertical 1 0 printRange toggled(bool) from setEnabled(bool) 89 113 182 113 printRange toggled(bool) to setEnabled(bool) 82 113 267 113 pagesRadioButton toggled(bool) pagesLineEdit setEnabled(bool) 58 132 163 128