// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qsqlerror.h" #include "qdebug.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QSqlError &s) { QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg.nospace(); dbg << "QSqlError(" << s.nativeErrorCode() << ", " << s.driverText() << ", " << s.databaseText() << ')'; return dbg; } #endif class QSqlErrorPrivate : public QSharedData { public: QString driverError; QString databaseError; QSqlError::ErrorType errorType; QString errorCode; }; QT_DEFINE_QESDP_SPECIALIZATION_DTOR(QSqlErrorPrivate) /*! \class QSqlError \brief The QSqlError class provides SQL database error information. \ingroup database \inmodule QtSql A QSqlError object can provide database-specific error data, including the driverText() and databaseText() messages (or both concatenated together as text()), and the nativeErrorCode() and type(). \sa QSqlDatabase::lastError(), QSqlQuery::lastError() */ /*! \enum QSqlError::ErrorType This enum type describes the context in which the error occurred, e.g., a connection error, a statement error, etc. \value NoError No error occurred. \value ConnectionError Connection error. \value StatementError SQL statement syntax error. \value TransactionError Transaction failed error. \value UnknownError Unknown error. */ /*! \fn QSqlError::QSqlError(QSqlError &&other) Move-constructs a QSqlError instance, making it point at the same object that \a other was pointing to. \note The moved-from object \a other is placed in a partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are destruction and assignment of a new value. \since 5.10 */ /*! \fn QSqlError::operator=(QSqlError &&other) Move-assigns \a other to this QSqlError instance. \note The moved-from object \a other is placed in a partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are destruction and assignment of a new value. \since 5.10 */ /*! \fn QSqlError::swap(QSqlError &other) Swaps error \a other with this error. This operation is very fast and never fails. \since 5.10 */ /*! Constructs an error containing the driver error text \a driverText, the database-specific error text \a databaseText, the type \a type and the error code \a code. */ QSqlError::QSqlError(const QString &driverText, const QString &databaseText, ErrorType type, const QString &code) : d(new QSqlErrorPrivate) { d->driverError = driverText; d->databaseError = databaseText; d->errorType = type; d->errorCode = code; } /*! Creates a copy of \a other. */ QSqlError::QSqlError(const QSqlError &other) = default; /*! Assigns the \a other error's values to this error. */ QSqlError &QSqlError::operator=(const QSqlError &other) = default; /*! Compare the \a other error's type() and nativeErrorCode() to this error and returns \c true, if it equal. */ bool QSqlError::operator==(const QSqlError &other) const { return (d->errorType == other.d->errorType && d->errorCode == other.d->errorCode); } /*! Compare the \a other error's type() and nativeErrorCode() to this error and returns \c true if it is not equal. */ bool QSqlError::operator!=(const QSqlError &other) const { return (d->errorType != other.d->errorType || d->errorCode != other.d->errorCode); } /*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. */ QSqlError::~QSqlError() = default; /*! Returns the text of the error as reported by the driver. This may contain database-specific descriptions. It may also be empty. \sa databaseText(), text() */ QString QSqlError::driverText() const { return d->driverError; } /*! Returns the text of the error as reported by the database. This may contain database-specific descriptions; it may be empty. \sa driverText(), text() */ QString QSqlError::databaseText() const { return d->databaseError; } /*! Returns the error type, or -1 if the type cannot be determined. */ QSqlError::ErrorType QSqlError::type() const { return d->errorType; } /*! Returns the database-specific error code, or an empty string if it cannot be determined. \note Some drivers (like DB2 or ODBC) may return more than one error code. When this happens, \c ; is used as separator between the error codes. */ QString QSqlError::nativeErrorCode() const { return d->errorCode; } /*! This is a convenience function that returns databaseText() and driverText() concatenated into a single string. \sa driverText(), databaseText() */ QString QSqlError::text() const { QString result = d->databaseError; if (!d->databaseError.isEmpty() && !d->driverError.isEmpty() && !d->databaseError.endsWith(u'\n')) result += u' '; result += d->driverError; return result; } /*! Returns \c true if an error is set, otherwise false. Example: \snippet code/src_sql_kernel_qsqlerror.cpp 0 \sa type() */ bool QSqlError::isValid() const { return d->errorType != NoError; } QT_END_NAMESPACE