// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qsqlindex.h" #include "qsqlfield.h" #include "qstringlist.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; /*! \class QSqlIndex \brief The QSqlIndex class provides functions to manipulate and describe database indexes. \ingroup database \inmodule QtSql An \e index refers to a single table or view in a database. Information about the fields that comprise the index can be used to generate SQL statements. */ /*! Constructs an empty index using the cursor name \a cursorname and index name \a name. */ QSqlIndex::QSqlIndex(const QString& cursorname, const QString& name) : cursor(cursorname), nm(name) { } /*! Constructs a copy of \a other. */ QSqlIndex::QSqlIndex(const QSqlIndex& other) : QSqlRecord(other), cursor(other.cursor), nm(other.nm), sorts(other.sorts) { } /*! Sets the index equal to \a other. */ QSqlIndex& QSqlIndex::operator=(const QSqlIndex& other) { cursor = other.cursor; nm = other.nm; sorts = other.sorts; QSqlRecord::operator=(other); return *this; } /*! Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources. */ QSqlIndex::~QSqlIndex() { } /*! Sets the name of the index to \a name. */ void QSqlIndex::setName(const QString& name) { nm = name; } /*! \fn QString QSqlIndex::name() const Returns the name of the index. */ /*! Appends the field \a field to the list of indexed fields. The field is appended with an ascending sort order. */ void QSqlIndex::append(const QSqlField& field) { append(field, false); } /*! \overload Appends the field \a field to the list of indexed fields. The field is appended with an ascending sort order, unless \a desc is true. */ void QSqlIndex::append(const QSqlField& field, bool desc) { sorts.append(desc); QSqlRecord::append(field); } /*! Returns \c true if field \a i in the index is sorted in descending order; otherwise returns \c false. */ bool QSqlIndex::isDescending(int i) const { if (i >= 0 && i < sorts.size()) return sorts[i]; return false; } /*! If \a desc is true, field \a i is sorted in descending order. Otherwise, field \a i is sorted in ascending order (the default). If the field does not exist, nothing happens. */ void QSqlIndex::setDescending(int i, bool desc) { if (i >= 0 && i < sorts.size()) sorts[i] = desc; } /*! \internal Creates a string representing the field number \a i using prefix \a prefix. If \a verbose is true, ASC or DESC is included in the field description if the field is sorted in ASCending or DESCending order. */ QString QSqlIndex::createField(int i, const QString& prefix, bool verbose) const { QString f; if (!prefix.isEmpty()) f += prefix + u'.'; f += field(i).name(); if (verbose) f += u' ' + QString((isDescending(i) ? "DESC"_L1 : "ASC"_L1)); return f; } /*! \fn QString QSqlIndex::cursorName() const Returns the name of the cursor which the index is associated with. */ /*! Sets the name of the cursor that the index is associated with to \a cursorName. */ void QSqlIndex::setCursorName(const QString& cursorName) { cursor = cursorName; } QT_END_NAMESPACE