// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qttestlib-tutorial3-example.html \previouspage {Chapter 2: Data Driven Testing}{Chapter 2} \nextpage {Chapter 4: Replaying GUI Events}{Chapter 4} \title Chapter 3: Simulating GUI Events \brief How to simulate GUI events. Qt Test features some mechanisms to test graphical user interfaces. Instead of simulating native window system events, Qt Test sends internal Qt events. That means there are no side-effects on the machine the tests are running on. This chapter demonstrates how to write a simple GUI test. \section1 Writing a GUI Test This time, let's assume you want to test the behavior of our QLineEdit class. As before, you will need a class that contains your test function: \snippet tutorial3/testgui.cpp 0 The only difference is that you need to include the Qt GUI class definitions in addition to the QTest namespace. \snippet tutorial3/testgui.cpp 1 In the implementation of the test function, we first create a QLineEdit. Then, we simulate writing "hello world" in the line edit using the \l QTest::keyClicks() function. \note The widget must also be shown in order to correctly test keyboard shortcuts. QTest::keyClicks() simulates clicking a sequence of keys on a widget. Optionally, a keyboard modifier can be specified as well as a delay (in milliseconds) of the test after each key click. In a similar way, you can use the QTest::keyClick(), QTest::keyPress(), QTest::keyRelease(), QTest::mouseClick(), QTest::mouseDClick(), QTest::mouseMove(), QTest::mousePress() and QTest::mouseRelease() functions to simulate the associated GUI events. Finally, we use the \l QCOMPARE() macro to check if the line edit's text is as expected. \section1 Preparing the Stand-Alone Executable As before, to make our test case a stand-alone executable, the following two lines are needed: \snippet tutorial3/testgui.cpp 2 The QTEST_MAIN() macro expands to a simple main() method that runs all the test functions, and since both the declaration and the implementation of our test class are in a .cpp file, we also need to include the generated moc file to make Qt's introspection work. \section1 Building the Executable \include {building-examples.qdocinc} {building the executable} {tutorial3} \section1 Running the Executable Running the resulting executable should give you the following output: \snippet code/doc_src_qtestlib.qdoc 12 */