// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QBenchmarkGlobalData *QBenchmarkGlobalData::current; QBenchmarkGlobalData::QBenchmarkGlobalData() { setMode(mode_); } QBenchmarkGlobalData::~QBenchmarkGlobalData() { delete measurer; if (QBenchmarkGlobalData::current == this) QBenchmarkGlobalData::current = nullptr; } void QBenchmarkGlobalData::setMode(Mode mode) { mode_ = mode; delete measurer; measurer = createMeasurer(); } QBenchmarkMeasurerBase * QBenchmarkGlobalData::createMeasurer() { QBenchmarkMeasurerBase *measurer = nullptr; if (0) { #if QT_CONFIG(valgrind) } else if (mode_ == CallgrindChildProcess || mode_ == CallgrindParentProcess) { measurer = new QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer; #endif #ifdef QTESTLIB_USE_PERF_EVENTS } else if (mode_ == PerfCounter) { measurer = new QBenchmarkPerfEventsMeasurer; #endif #ifdef HAVE_TICK_COUNTER } else if (mode_ == TickCounter) { measurer = new QBenchmarkTickMeasurer; #endif } else if (mode_ == EventCounter) { measurer = new QBenchmarkEvent; } else { measurer = new QBenchmarkTimeMeasurer; } measurer->init(); return measurer; } int QBenchmarkGlobalData::adjustMedianIterationCount() { return medianIterationCount != -1 ? medianIterationCount : measurer->adjustMedianCount(1); } QBenchmarkTestMethodData *QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current; QBenchmarkTestMethodData::QBenchmarkTestMethodData() = default; QBenchmarkTestMethodData::~QBenchmarkTestMethodData() { QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current = nullptr; } void QBenchmarkTestMethodData::beginDataRun() { iterationCount = adjustIterationCount(1); } void QBenchmarkTestMethodData::endDataRun() { } int QBenchmarkTestMethodData::adjustIterationCount(int suggestion) { // Let the -iterations option override the measurer. if (QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->iterationCount != -1) { iterationCount = QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->iterationCount; } else { iterationCount = QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->measurer->adjustIterationCount(suggestion); } return iterationCount; } void QBenchmarkTestMethodData::setResult( qreal value, QTest::QBenchmarkMetric metric, bool setByMacro) { bool accepted = false; // Always accept the result if the iteration count has been // specified on the command line with -iterations. if (QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->iterationCount != -1) accepted = true; else if (QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->runOnce || !setByMacro) { iterationCount = 1; accepted = true; } // Test the result directly without calling the measurer if the minimum time // has been specified on the command line with -minimumvalue. else if (QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->walltimeMinimum != -1) accepted = (value > QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->walltimeMinimum); else accepted = QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->measurer->isMeasurementAccepted(value); // Accept the result or double the number of iterations. if (accepted) resultAccepted = true; else iterationCount *= 2; this->result = QBenchmarkResult( QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->context, value, iterationCount, metric, setByMacro); } /*! \class QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController \internal The QBenchmarkIterationController class is used by the QBENCHMARK macro to drive the benchmarking loop. It is responsible for starting and stopping the timing measurements as well as calling the result reporting functions. */ /*! \internal */ QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::QBenchmarkIterationController(RunMode runMode) { i = 0; if (runMode == RunOnce) QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->runOnce = true; QTest::beginBenchmarkMeasurement(); } QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::QBenchmarkIterationController() { i = 0; QTest::beginBenchmarkMeasurement(); } /*! \internal */ QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::~QBenchmarkIterationController() { const qreal result = QTest::endBenchmarkMeasurement(); QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->setResult(result, QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->measurer->metricType()); } /*! \internal */ bool QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::isDone() { if (QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->runOnce) return i > 0; return i >= QTest::iterationCount(); } /*! \internal */ void QTest::QBenchmarkIterationController::next() { ++i; } /*! \internal */ int QTest::iterationCount() { return QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->iterationCount; } /*! \internal */ void QTest::setIterationCountHint(int count) { QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->adjustIterationCount(count); } /*! \internal */ void QTest::setIterationCount(int count) { QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->iterationCount = count; QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->resultAccepted = true; } /*! \internal */ void QTest::beginBenchmarkMeasurement() { QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->measurer->start(); // the clock is ticking after the line above, don't add code here. } /*! \internal */ quint64 QTest::endBenchmarkMeasurement() { // the clock is ticking before the line below, don't add code here. return QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->measurer->stop(); } /*! Sets the benchmark result for this test function to \a result. Use this function if you want to report benchmark results without using the QBENCHMARK macro. Use \a metric to specify how Qt Test should interpret the results. The context for the result will be the test function name and any data tag from the _data function. This function can only be called once in each test function, subsequent calls will replace the earlier reported results. Note that the -iterations command line argument has no effect on test functions without the QBENCHMARK macro. \since 4.7 */ void QTest::setBenchmarkResult(qreal result, QTest::QBenchmarkMetric metric) { QBenchmarkTestMethodData::current->setResult(result, metric, false); } template typename T::value_type qAverage(const T &container) { typename T::const_iterator it = container.constBegin(); typename T::const_iterator end = container.constEnd(); typename T::value_type acc = typename T::value_type(); int count = 0; while (it != end) { acc += *it; ++it; ++count; } return acc / count; } QT_END_NAMESPACE