// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; // Returns \c true if valgrind is available. bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::haveValgrind() { #ifdef NVALGRIND return false; #else QProcess process; process.start(u"valgrind"_s, QStringList(u"--version"_s)); return process.waitForStarted() && process.waitForFinished(-1); #endif } // Reruns this program through callgrind. // Returns \c true upon success, otherwise false. bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::rerunThroughCallgrind(const QStringList &origAppArgs, int &exitCode) { if (!QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::runCallgrindSubProcess(origAppArgs, exitCode)) { qWarning("failed to run callgrind subprocess"); return false; } return true; } static void dumpOutput(const QByteArray &data, FILE *fh) { QFile file; file.open(fh, QIODevice::WriteOnly); file.write(data); } qint64 QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::extractResult(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); const bool openOk = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); Q_ASSERT(openOk); Q_UNUSED(openOk); std::optional val = std::nullopt; while (!file.atEnd()) { const QByteArray line = file.readLine(); constexpr QByteArrayView tag = "summary: "; if (line.startsWith(tag)) { const auto maybeNumber = line.data() + tag.size(); const auto end = line.data() + line.size(); qint64 v; const auto r = std::from_chars(maybeNumber, end, v); if (r.ec == std::errc{}) { val = v; break; } } } if (Q_UNLIKELY(!val)) qFatal("Failed to extract result"); return *val; } // Gets the newest file name (i.e. the one with the highest integer suffix). QString QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::getNewestFileName() { QStringList nameFilters; QString base = QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->callgrindOutFileBase; Q_ASSERT(!base.isEmpty()); nameFilters << QString::fromLatin1("%1.*").arg(base); const QFileInfoList fiList = QDir().entryInfoList(nameFilters, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); Q_ASSERT(!fiList.empty()); int hiSuffix = -1; QFileInfo lastFileInfo; const QString pattern = QString::fromLatin1("%1.(\\d+)").arg(base); QRegularExpression rx(pattern); for (const QFileInfo &fileInfo : fiList) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = rx.match(fileInfo.fileName()); Q_ASSERT(match.hasMatch()); bool ok; const int suffix = match.captured(1).toInt(&ok); Q_ASSERT(ok); Q_ASSERT(suffix >= 0); if (suffix > hiSuffix) { lastFileInfo = fileInfo; hiSuffix = suffix; } } return lastFileInfo.fileName(); } qint64 QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::extractLastResult() { return extractResult(getNewestFileName()); } void QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::cleanup() { QStringList nameFilters; QString base = QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->callgrindOutFileBase; Q_ASSERT(!base.isEmpty()); nameFilters << base // overall summary << QString::fromLatin1("%1.*").arg(base); // individual dumps const QFileInfoList fiList = QDir().entryInfoList(nameFilters, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); for (const QFileInfo &fileInfo : fiList) { const bool removeOk = QFile::remove(fileInfo.fileName()); Q_ASSERT(removeOk); Q_UNUSED(removeOk); } } QString QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::outFileBase(qint64 pid) { return QString::fromLatin1("callgrind.out.%1").arg( pid != -1 ? pid : QCoreApplication::applicationPid()); } // Reruns this program through callgrind, storing callgrind result files in the // current directory. // Returns \c true upon success, otherwise false. bool QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::runCallgrindSubProcess(const QStringList &origAppArgs, int &exitCode) { const QString &execFile = origAppArgs.at(0); QStringList args{ u"--tool=callgrind"_s, u"--instr-atstart=yes"_s, u"--quiet"_s, execFile, u"-callgrindchild"_s }; // pass on original arguments that make sense (e.g. avoid wasting time producing output // that will be ignored anyway) ... for (int i = 1; i < origAppArgs.size(); ++i) { const QString &arg = origAppArgs.at(i); if (arg == "-callgrind"_L1) continue; args << arg; // ok to pass on } QProcess process; process.start(u"valgrind"_s, args); process.waitForStarted(-1); QBenchmarkGlobalData::current->callgrindOutFileBase = QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::outFileBase(process.processId()); const bool finishedOk = process.waitForFinished(-1); exitCode = process.exitCode(); dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardOutput(), stdout); dumpOutput(process.readAllStandardError(), stderr); return finishedOk; } void QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::start() { CALLGRIND_ZERO_STATS; } qint64 QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::checkpoint() { CALLGRIND_DUMP_STATS; const qint64 result = QBenchmarkValgrindUtils::extractLastResult(); return result; } qint64 QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::stop() { return checkpoint(); } bool QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::isMeasurementAccepted(qint64 measurement) { Q_UNUSED(measurement); return true; } int QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::adjustIterationCount(int) { return 1; } int QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::adjustMedianCount(int) { return 1; } bool QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::needsWarmupIteration() { return true; } QTest::QBenchmarkMetric QBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer::metricType() { return QTest::InstructionReads; } QT_END_NAMESPACE