// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qtestblacklist_p.h" #include "qtestresult_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; /* The BLACKLIST file format is a grouped listing of keywords. Blank lines and everything after # is simply ignored. An initial #-line referring to this documentation is kind to readers. Comments can also be used to indicate the reasons for ignoring particular cases. Each blacklist line is interpreted as a list of keywords in an AND-relationship. To blacklist a test for multiple platforms (OR-relationship), use separate lines. The key "ci" applies only when run by COIN. The key "cmake" applies when Qt is built using CMake. Other keys name platforms, operating systems, distributions, tool-chains or architectures; a ! prefix reverses what it checks. A version, joined to a key (at present, only for distributions and for msvc) with a hyphen, limits the key to the specific version. A keyword line matches if every key on it applies to the present run. Successive lines are alternate conditions for ignoring a test. Ungrouped lines at the beginning of a file apply to the whole testcase. A group starts with a [square-bracketed] identification of a test function to ignore. For data-driven tests, this identification can be narrowed by the inclusion of global and local data row tags, separated from the function name and each other by colons. If both global and function-specific data rows tags are supplied, the global one comes first (as in the tag reported in test output, albeit in parentheses after the function name). Even when a test does have global and local data tags, you can omit either or both. (If a global data row's name coincides with that of a local data row, some unintended matches may result; try to keep your data-row tags distinct.) Subsequent lines give conditions for ignoring this test. # See qtbase/src/testlib/qtestblacklist.cpp for format # Test doesn't work on QNX at all qnx # QTBUG-12345 [testFunction] linux windows 64bit # Flaky in COIN on macOS, not reproducible by developers [testSlowly] macos ci # Needs basic C++11 support [testfunction2:testData] msvc-2010 [getFile:withProxy SSL:localhost] android QML test functions are identified using the following format: ::: For example, to blacklist a QML test on RHEL 7.6: # QTBUG-12345 [Button::test_display:TextOnly] ci rhel-7.6 Keys are lower-case. Distribution name and version are supported if QSysInfo's productType() and productVersion() return them. Keys can be added via the space-separated QTEST_ENVIRONMENT environment variable: QTEST_ENVIRONMENT=ci ./tst_stuff This can be used to "mock" a test environment. In the example above, we add "ci" to the list of keys for the test environment, making it possible to test BLACKLIST files that blacklist tests in a CI environment. The other known keys are listed below: */ static QSet keywords() { // this list can be extended with new keywords as required QSet set = QSet() << "*" #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX << "linux" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS << "osx" << "macos" #endif #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) << "windows" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_IOS << "ios" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_TVOS << "tvos" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WATCHOS << "watchos" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID << "android" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_QNX << "qnx" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WEBOS << "webos" #endif #if QT_POINTER_SIZE == 8 << "64bit" #else << "32bit" #endif #ifdef Q_CC_GNU << "gcc" #endif #ifdef Q_CC_CLANG << "clang" #endif #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC << "msvc" # if _MSC_VER <= 1600 << "msvc-2010" # elif _MSC_VER <= 1700 << "msvc-2012" # elif _MSC_VER <= 1800 << "msvc-2013" # elif _MSC_VER <= 1900 << "msvc-2015" # elif _MSC_VER <= 1916 << "msvc-2017" # elif _MSC_VER <= 1929 << "msvc-2019" # else << "msvc-2022" # endif #endif #ifdef Q_PROCESSOR_X86 << "x86" #endif #ifdef Q_PROCESSOR_ARM << "arm" #endif #ifdef QT_BUILD_INTERNAL << "developer-build" #endif << "cmake" ; QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app) { const QVariant platformName = app->property("platformName"); if (platformName.isValid()) set << platformName.toByteArray(); } return set; } static QSet activeConditions() { QSet result = keywords(); QByteArray distributionName = QSysInfo::productType().toLower().toUtf8(); QByteArray distributionRelease = QSysInfo::productVersion().toLower().toUtf8(); if (!distributionName.isEmpty()) { if (result.find(distributionName) == result.end()) result.insert(distributionName); // backwards compatibility with Qt 5 if (distributionName == "macos") { if (result.find(distributionName) == result.end()) result.insert("osx"); const auto version = QOperatingSystemVersion::current(); if (version.majorVersion() >= 11) distributionRelease = QByteArray::number(version.majorVersion()); } if (!distributionRelease.isEmpty()) { QByteArray versioned = distributionName + "-" + distributionRelease; if (result.find(versioned) == result.end()) result.insert(versioned); if (distributionName == "macos") { QByteArray versioned = "osx-" + distributionRelease; if (result.find(versioned) == result.end()) result.insert(versioned); } } } if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QTEST_ENVIRONMENT")) { for (const QByteArray &k : qgetenv("QTEST_ENVIRONMENT").split(' ')) result.insert(k); } return result; } static bool checkCondition(const QByteArray &condition) { static const QSet matchedConditions = activeConditions(); QList conds = condition.split(' '); for (QByteArray c : conds) { bool result = c.startsWith('!'); if (result) c.remove(0, 1); result ^= matchedConditions.contains(c); if (!result) return false; } return true; } static bool ignoreAll = false; static std::set *ignoredTests = nullptr; namespace QTestPrivate { void parseBlackList() { QString filename = QTest::qFindTestData(QStringLiteral("BLACKLIST")); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; QFile ignored(filename); if (!ignored.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; QByteArray function; while (!ignored.atEnd()) { QByteArray line = ignored.readLine(); const int commentPosition = line.indexOf('#'); if (commentPosition >= 0) line.truncate(commentPosition); line = line.simplified(); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.startsWith('[')) { function = line.mid(1, line.size() - 2); continue; } bool condition = checkCondition(line); if (condition) { if (!function.size()) { ignoreAll = true; } else { if (!ignoredTests) ignoredTests = new std::set; ignoredTests->insert(function); } } } } void checkBlackLists(const char *slot, const char *data, const char *global) { bool ignore = ignoreAll; if (!ignore && ignoredTests) { QByteArray s = slot; ignore = ignoredTests->find(s) != ignoredTests->end(); if (!ignore && data) { s = (s + ':') + data; ignore = ignoredTests->find(s) != ignoredTests->end(); } if (!ignore && global) { s = slot + ":"_ba + global; ignore = ignoredTests->find(s) != ignoredTests->end(); if (!ignore && data) { s = (s + ':') + data; ignore = ignoredTests->find(s) != ignoredTests->end(); } } } QTestResult::setBlacklistCurrentTest(ignore); } } // QTestPrivate QT_END_NAMESPACE