// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) #include #endif #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC #define popen _popen #define QT_POPEN_READ "rb" #define pclose _pclose #else #define QT_POPEN_READ "r" #endif using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; static const bool mustReadOutputAnyway = true; // pclose seems to return the wrong error code unless we read the output static QStringList dependenciesForDepfile; FILE *openProcess(const QString &command) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) QString processedCommand = u'\"' + command + u'\"'; #else const QString& processedCommand = command; #endif return popen(processedCommand.toLocal8Bit().constData(), QT_POPEN_READ); } struct QtDependency { QtDependency(const QString &rpath, const QString &apath) : relativePath(rpath), absolutePath(apath) {} bool operator==(const QtDependency &other) const { return relativePath == other.relativePath && absolutePath == other.absolutePath; } QString relativePath; QString absolutePath; }; struct QtInstallDirectoryWithTriple { QtInstallDirectoryWithTriple(const QString &dir = QString(), const QString &t = QString(), const QHash &dirs = QHash() ) : qtInstallDirectory(dir), qtDirectories(dirs), triple(t), enabled(false) {} QString qtInstallDirectory; QHash qtDirectories; QString triple; bool enabled; }; struct Options { Options() : helpRequested(false) , verbose(false) , timing(false) , build(true) , auxMode(false) , deploymentMechanism(Bundled) , releasePackage(false) , digestAlg("SHA-256"_L1) , sigAlg("SHA256withRSA"_L1) , internalSf(false) , sectionsOnly(false) , protectedAuthenticationPath(false) , installApk(false) , uninstallApk(false) , qmlImportScannerBinaryPath() {} enum DeploymentMechanism { Bundled, Unbundled }; enum TriState { Auto, False, True }; bool helpRequested; bool verbose; bool timing; bool build; bool auxMode; bool noRccBundleCleanup = false; bool copyDependenciesOnly = false; QElapsedTimer timer; // External tools QString sdkPath; QString sdkBuildToolsVersion; QString ndkPath; QString ndkVersion; QString jdkPath; // Build paths QString qtInstallDirectory; QHash qtDirectories; QString qtDataDirectory; QString qtLibsDirectory; QString qtLibExecsDirectory; QString qtPluginsDirectory; QString qtQmlDirectory; QString qtHostDirectory; std::vector extraPrefixDirs; QStringList androidDeployPlugins; // Unlike 'extraPrefixDirs', the 'extraLibraryDirs' key doesn't expect the 'lib' subfolder // when looking for dependencies. std::vector extraLibraryDirs; QString androidSourceDirectory; QString outputDirectory; QString inputFileName; QString applicationBinary; QString applicationArguments; std::vector rootPaths; QString rccBinaryPath; QString depFilePath; QString buildDirectory; QStringList qmlImportPaths; QStringList qrcFiles; // Versioning QString versionName; QString versionCode; QByteArray minSdkVersion{"23"}; QByteArray targetSdkVersion{"34"}; // lib c++ path QString stdCppPath; QString stdCppName = QStringLiteral("c++_shared"); // Build information QString androidPlatform; QHash architectures; QString currentArchitecture; QString toolchainPrefix; QString ndkHost; bool buildAAB = false; bool isZstdCompressionEnabled = false; // Package information DeploymentMechanism deploymentMechanism; QString systemLibsPath; QString packageName; QStringList extraLibs; QHash archExtraLibs; QStringList extraPlugins; QHash archExtraPlugins; // Signing information bool releasePackage; QString keyStore; QString keyStorePassword; QString keyStoreAlias; QString storeType; QString keyPass; QString sigFile; QString signedJar; QString digestAlg; QString sigAlg; QString tsaUrl; QString tsaCert; bool internalSf; bool sectionsOnly; bool protectedAuthenticationPath; QString apkPath; // Installation information bool installApk; bool uninstallApk; QString installLocation; // Per architecture collected information void setCurrentQtArchitecture(const QString &arch, const QString &directory, const QHash &directories) { currentArchitecture = arch; qtInstallDirectory = directory; qtDataDirectory = directories["qtDataDirectory"_L1]; qtLibsDirectory = directories["qtLibsDirectory"_L1]; qtLibExecsDirectory = directories["qtLibExecsDirectory"_L1]; qtPluginsDirectory = directories["qtPluginsDirectory"_L1]; qtQmlDirectory = directories["qtQmlDirectory"_L1]; } using BundledFile = std::pair; QHash> bundledFiles; QHash> qtDependencies; QHash localLibs; bool usesOpenGL = false; // Per package collected information QStringList initClasses; QStringList permissions; QStringList features; // Override qml import scanner path QString qmlImportScannerBinaryPath; bool qmlSkipImportScanning = false; }; static const QHash elfArchitectures = { {"aarch64", "arm64-v8a"}, {"arm", "armeabi-v7a"}, {"i386", "x86"}, {"x86_64", "x86_64"} }; bool goodToCopy(const Options *options, const QString &file, QStringList *unmetDependencies); bool checkCanImportFromRootPaths(const Options *options, const QString &absolutePath, const QString &moduleUrl); bool readDependenciesFromElf(Options *options, const QString &fileName, QSet *usedDependencies, QSet *remainingDependencies); QString architectureFromName(const QString &name) { QRegularExpression architecture(QStringLiteral("_(armeabi-v7a|arm64-v8a|x86|x86_64).so$")); auto match = architecture.match(name); if (!match.hasMatch()) return {}; return match.captured(1); } static QString execSuffixAppended(QString path) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) path += ".exe"_L1; #endif return path; } static QString batSuffixAppended(QString path) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) path += ".bat"_L1; #endif return path; } QString defaultLibexecDir() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 return "bin"_L1; #else return "libexec"_L1; #endif } static QString llvmReadobjPath(const Options &options) { return execSuffixAppended("%1/toolchains/%2/prebuilt/%3/bin/llvm-readobj"_L1 .arg(options.ndkPath, options.toolchainPrefix, options.ndkHost)); } QString fileArchitecture(const Options &options, const QString &path) { auto arch = architectureFromName(path); if (!arch.isEmpty()) return arch; QString readElf = llvmReadobjPath(options); if (!QFile::exists(readElf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Command does not exist: %s\n", qPrintable(readElf)); return {}; } readElf = "%1 --needed-libs %2"_L1.arg(shellQuote(readElf), shellQuote(path)); FILE *readElfCommand = openProcess(readElf); if (!readElfCommand) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot execute command %s\n", qPrintable(readElf)); return {}; } char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), readElfCommand) != nullptr) { QByteArray line = QByteArray::fromRawData(buffer, qstrlen(buffer)); line = line.trimmed(); if (line.startsWith("Arch: ")) { auto it = elfArchitectures.find(line.mid(6)); pclose(readElfCommand); return it != elfArchitectures.constEnd() ? QString::fromLatin1(it.value()) : QString{}; } } pclose(readElfCommand); return {}; } bool checkArchitecture(const Options &options, const QString &fileName) { return fileArchitecture(options, fileName) == options.currentArchitecture; } void deleteMissingFiles(const Options &options, const QDir &srcDir, const QDir &dstDir) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Delete missing files %s %s\n", qPrintable(srcDir.absolutePath()), qPrintable(dstDir.absolutePath())); const QFileInfoList srcEntries = srcDir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs); const QFileInfoList dstEntries = dstDir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs); for (const QFileInfo &dst : dstEntries) { bool found = false; for (const QFileInfo &src : srcEntries) if (dst.fileName() == src.fileName()) { if (dst.isDir()) deleteMissingFiles(options, src.absoluteFilePath(), dst.absoluteFilePath()); found = true; break; } if (!found) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "%s not found in %s, removing it.\n", qPrintable(dst.fileName()), qPrintable(srcDir.absolutePath())); if (dst.isDir()) QDir{dst.absolutePath()}.removeRecursively(); else QFile::remove(dst.absoluteFilePath()); } } fflush(stdout); } Options parseOptions() { Options options; QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); for (int i=0; i= arguments.size()) { const QString keyStore = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH"); const QString storeAlias = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS"); if (keyStore.isEmpty() || storeAlias.isEmpty()) { options.helpRequested = true; fprintf(stderr, "Package signing path and alias values are not specified.\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Using package signing path and alias values found from the " "environment variables.\n"); options.keyStore = keyStore; options.keyStoreAlias = storeAlias; } } else if (!arguments.at(i + 1).startsWith("--"_L1) && !arguments.at(i + 2).startsWith("--"_L1)) { options.keyStore = arguments.at(++i); options.keyStoreAlias = arguments.at(++i); } else { options.helpRequested = true; fprintf(stderr, "Package signing path and alias values are not " "specified.\n"); } // Do not override if the passwords are provided through arguments if (options.keyStorePassword.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stdout, "Using package signing store password found from the environment " "variable.\n"); options.keyStorePassword = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_STORE_PASS"); } if (options.keyPass.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stdout, "Using package signing key password found from the environment " "variable.\n"); options.keyPass = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASS"); } } else if (argument.compare("--storepass"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.keyStorePassword = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--storetype"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.storeType = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--keypass"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.keyPass = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--sigfile"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.sigFile = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--digestalg"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.digestAlg = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--sigalg"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.sigAlg = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--tsa"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.tsaUrl = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--tsacert"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { if (i + 1 == arguments.size()) options.helpRequested = true; else options.tsaCert = arguments.at(++i); } else if (argument.compare("--internalsf"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.internalSf = true; } else if (argument.compare("--sectionsonly"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.sectionsOnly = true; } else if (argument.compare("--protected"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.protectedAuthenticationPath = true; } else if (argument.compare("--aux-mode"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.auxMode = true; } else if (argument.compare("--qml-importscanner-binary"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.qmlImportScannerBinaryPath = arguments.at(++i).trimmed(); } else if (argument.compare("--no-rcc-bundle-cleanup"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.noRccBundleCleanup = true; } else if (argument.compare("--copy-dependencies-only"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { options.copyDependenciesOnly = true; } } if (options.buildDirectory.isEmpty() && !options.depFilePath.isEmpty()) options.helpRequested = true; if (options.inputFileName.isEmpty()) options.inputFileName = "android-%1-deployment-settings.json"_L1.arg(QDir::current().dirName()); options.timing = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("ANDROIDDEPLOYQT_TIMING_OUTPUT"); if (!QDir::current().mkpath(options.outputDirectory)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output directory: %s\n", qPrintable(options.outputDirectory)); options.outputDirectory.clear(); } else { options.outputDirectory = QFileInfo(options.outputDirectory).canonicalFilePath(); if (!options.outputDirectory.endsWith(u'/')) options.outputDirectory += u'/'; } return options; } void printHelp() { fprintf(stderr, R"( Syntax: androiddeployqt --output [options] Creates an Android package in the build directory and builds it into an .apk file. Optional arguments: --input : Reads for options generated by qmake. A default file name based on the current working directory will be used if nothing else is specified. --deployment : Supported deployment mechanisms: bundled (default): Includes Qt files in stand-alone package. unbundled: Assumes native libraries are present on the device and does not include them in the APK. --aab: Build an Android App Bundle. --no-build: Do not build the package, it is useful to just install a package previously built. --install: Installs apk to device/emulator. By default this step is not taken. If the application has previously been installed on the device, it will be uninstalled first. --reinstall: Installs apk to device/emulator. By default this step is not taken. If the application has previously been installed on the device, it will be overwritten, but its data will be left intact. --device [device ID]: Use specified device for deployment. Default is the device selected by default by adb. --android-platform : Builds against the given android platform. By default, the highest available version will be used. --release: Builds a package ready for release. By default, the package will be signed with a debug key. --sign : Signs the package with the specified keystore, alias and store password. Optional arguments for use with signing: --storepass : Keystore password. --storetype : Keystore type. --keypass : Password for private key (if different from keystore password.) --sigfile : Name of .SF/.DSA file. --digestalg : Name of digest algorithm. Default is "SHA-256". --sigalg : Name of signature algorithm. Default is "SHA256withRSA". --tsa : Location of the Time Stamping Authority. --tsacert : Public key certificate for TSA. --internalsf: Include the .SF file inside the signature block. --sectionsonly: Don't compute hash of entire manifest. --protected: Keystore has protected authentication path. --jarsigner: Deprecated, ignored. NOTE: To conceal the keystore information, the environment variables QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH, and QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS are used to set the values keysotore and alias respectively. Also the environment variables QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_STORE_PASS, and QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASS are used to set the store and key passwords respectively. This option needs only the --sign parameter. --jdk : Used to find the jarsigner tool when used in combination with the --release argument. By default, an attempt is made to detect the tool using the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables, in that order. --qml-import-paths: Specify additional search paths for QML imports. --verbose: Prints out information during processing. --no-generated-assets-cache: Do not pregenerate the entry list for the assets file engine. --aux-mode: Operate in auxiliary mode. This will only copy the dependencies into the build directory and update the XML templates. The project will not be built or installed. --apk : Path where to copy the built apk. --qml-importscanner-binary : Override the default qmlimportscanner binary path. By default the qmlimportscanner binary is located using the Qt directory specified in the input file. --depfile : Output a dependency file. --builddir : build directory. Necessary when generating a depfile because ninja requires relative paths. --no-rcc-bundle-cleanup: skip cleaning rcc bundle directory after running androiddeployqt. This option simplifies debugging of the resource bundle content, but it should not be used when deploying a project, since it litters the 'assets' directory. --copy-dependencies-only: resolve application dependencies and stop deploying process after all libraries and resources that the application depends on have been copied. --help: Displays this information. )"); } // Since strings compared will all start with the same letters, // sorting by length and then alphabetically within each length // gives the natural order. bool quasiLexicographicalReverseLessThan(const QFileInfo &fi1, const QFileInfo &fi2) { QString s1 = fi1.baseName(); QString s2 = fi2.baseName(); if (s1.size() == s2.size()) return s1 > s2; else return s1.size() > s2.size(); } // Files which contain templates that need to be overwritten by build data should be overwritten every // time. bool alwaysOverwritableFile(const QString &fileName) { return (fileName.endsWith("/res/values/libs.xml"_L1) || fileName.endsWith("/AndroidManifest.xml"_L1) || fileName.endsWith("/res/values/strings.xml"_L1) || fileName.endsWith("/src/org/qtproject/qt/android/bindings/QtActivity.java"_L1)); } bool copyFileIfNewer(const QString &sourceFileName, const QString &destinationFileName, const Options &options, bool forceOverwrite = false) { dependenciesForDepfile << sourceFileName; if (QFile::exists(destinationFileName)) { QFileInfo destinationFileInfo(destinationFileName); QFileInfo sourceFileInfo(sourceFileName); if (!forceOverwrite && sourceFileInfo.lastModified() <= destinationFileInfo.lastModified() && !alwaysOverwritableFile(destinationFileName)) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping file %s. Same or newer file already in place.\n", qPrintable(sourceFileName)); return true; } else { if (!QFile(destinationFileName).remove()) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't remove old file: %s\n", qPrintable(destinationFileName)); return false; } } } if (!QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(destinationFileName).path())) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot make output directory for %s.\n", qPrintable(destinationFileName)); return false; } if (!QFile::exists(destinationFileName) && !QFile::copy(sourceFileName, destinationFileName)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to copy %s to %s.\n", qPrintable(sourceFileName), qPrintable(destinationFileName)); return false; } else if (options.verbose) { fprintf(stdout, " -- Copied %s\n", qPrintable(destinationFileName)); fflush(stdout); } return true; } QString cleanPackageName(QString packageName) { auto isLegalChar = [] (QChar c) -> bool { ushort ch = c.unicode(); return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ch == '.'; }; for (QChar &c : packageName) { if (!isLegalChar(c)) c = u'_'; } static QStringList keywords; if (keywords.isEmpty()) { keywords << "abstract"_L1 << "continue"_L1 << "for"_L1 << "new"_L1 << "switch"_L1 << "assert"_L1 << "default"_L1 << "if"_L1 << "package"_L1 << "synchronized"_L1 << "boolean"_L1 << "do"_L1 << "goto"_L1 << "private"_L1 << "this"_L1 << "break"_L1 << "double"_L1 << "implements"_L1 << "protected"_L1 << "throw"_L1 << "byte"_L1 << "else"_L1 << "import"_L1 << "public"_L1 << "throws"_L1 << "case"_L1 << "enum"_L1 << "instanceof"_L1 << "return"_L1 << "transient"_L1 << "catch"_L1 << "extends"_L1 << "int"_L1 << "short"_L1 << "try"_L1 << "char"_L1 << "final"_L1 << "interface"_L1 << "static"_L1 << "void"_L1 << "class"_L1 << "finally"_L1 << "long"_L1 << "strictfp"_L1 << "volatile"_L1 << "const"_L1 << "float"_L1 << "native"_L1 << "super"_L1 << "while"_L1; } // No keywords qsizetype index = -1; while (index < packageName.size()) { qsizetype next = packageName.indexOf(u'.', index + 1); if (next == -1) next = packageName.size(); QString word = packageName.mid(index + 1, next - index - 1); if (!word.isEmpty()) { QChar c = word[0]; if ((c >= u'0' && c <= u'9') || c == u'_') { packageName.insert(index + 1, u'a'); index = next + 1; continue; } } if (keywords.contains(word)) { packageName.insert(next, "_"_L1); index = next + 1; } else { index = next; } } return packageName; } QString detectLatestAndroidPlatform(const QString &sdkPath) { QDir dir(sdkPath + "/platforms"_L1); if (!dir.exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Directory %s does not exist\n", qPrintable(dir.absolutePath())); return QString(); } QFileInfoList fileInfos = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); if (fileInfos.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "No platforms found in %s", qPrintable(dir.absolutePath())); return QString(); } std::sort(fileInfos.begin(), fileInfos.end(), quasiLexicographicalReverseLessThan); const QFileInfo& latestPlatform = fileInfos.constFirst(); return latestPlatform.baseName(); } QString packageNameFromAndroidManifest(const QString &androidManifestPath) { QFile androidManifestXml(androidManifestPath); if (androidManifestXml.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QXmlStreamReader reader(&androidManifestXml); while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement() && reader.name() == "manifest"_L1) return cleanPackageName(reader.attributes().value("package"_L1).toString()); } } return {}; } bool parseCmakeBoolean(const QJsonValue &value) { const QString stringValue = value.toString(); return (stringValue.compare(QString::fromUtf8("true"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || stringValue.compare(QString::fromUtf8("on"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || stringValue.compare(QString::fromUtf8("yes"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || stringValue.compare(QString::fromUtf8("y"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || stringValue.toInt() > 0); } bool readInputFileDirectory(Options *options, QJsonObject &jsonObject, const QString keyName) { const QJsonValue qtDirectory = jsonObject.value(keyName); if (qtDirectory.isUndefined()) { for (auto it = options->architectures.constBegin(); it != options->architectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (keyName == "qtDataDirectory"_L1) { options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = "."_L1; break; } else if (keyName == "qtLibsDirectory"_L1) { options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = "lib"_L1; break; } else if (keyName == "qtLibExecsDirectory"_L1) { options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = defaultLibexecDir(); break; } else if (keyName == "qtPluginsDirectory"_L1) { options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = "plugins"_L1; break; } else if (keyName == "qtQmlDirectory"_L1) { options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = "qml"_L1; break; } } return true; } if (qtDirectory.isObject()) { const QJsonObject object = qtDirectory.toObject(); for (auto it = object.constBegin(); it != object.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid '%s' record in deployment settings: %s\n", qPrintable(keyName), qPrintable(it.value().toString())); return false; } if (it.value().isNull()) continue; if (!options->architectures.contains(it.key())) { fprintf(stderr, "Architecture %s unknown (%s).", qPrintable(it.key()), qPrintable(options->architectures.keys().join(u','))); return false; } options->architectures[it.key()].qtDirectories[keyName] = it.value().toString(); } } else if (qtDirectory.isString()) { // Format for Qt < 6 or when using the tool with Qt >= 6 but in single arch. // We assume Qt > 5.14 where all architectures are in the same directory. const QString directory = qtDirectory.toString(); options->architectures["arm64-v8a"_L1].qtDirectories[keyName] = directory; options->architectures["armeabi-v7a"_L1].qtDirectories[keyName] = directory; options->architectures["x86"_L1].qtDirectories[keyName] = directory; options->architectures["x86_64"_L1].qtDirectories[keyName] = directory; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format for %s in json file %s.\n", qPrintable(keyName), qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } return true; } bool readInputFile(Options *options) { QFile file(options->inputFileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read from input file: %s\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } dependenciesForDepfile << options->inputFileName; QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll()); if (jsonDocument.isNull()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid json file: %s\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object(); { QJsonValue sdkPath = jsonObject.value("sdk"_L1); if (sdkPath.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No SDK path in json file %s\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } options->sdkPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(sdkPath.toString()); if (options->androidPlatform.isEmpty()) { options->androidPlatform = detectLatestAndroidPlatform(options->sdkPath); if (options->androidPlatform.isEmpty()) return false; } else { if (!QDir(options->sdkPath + "/platforms/"_L1 + options->androidPlatform).exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Android platform '%s' does not exist in SDK.\n", qPrintable(options->androidPlatform)); } } } { const QJsonValue value = jsonObject.value("sdkBuildToolsRevision"_L1); if (!value.isUndefined()) options->sdkBuildToolsVersion = value.toString(); } { const QJsonValue qtInstallDirectory = jsonObject.value("qt"_L1); if (qtInstallDirectory.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No Qt directory in json file %s\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } if (qtInstallDirectory.isObject()) { const QJsonObject object = qtInstallDirectory.toObject(); for (auto it = object.constBegin(); it != object.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid 'qt' record in deployment settings: %s\n", qPrintable(it.value().toString())); return false; } if (it.value().isNull()) continue; options->architectures.insert(it.key(), QtInstallDirectoryWithTriple(it.value().toString())); } } else if (qtInstallDirectory.isString()) { // Format for Qt < 6 or when using the tool with Qt >= 6 but in single arch. // We assume Qt > 5.14 where all architectures are in the same directory. const QString directory = qtInstallDirectory.toString(); QtInstallDirectoryWithTriple qtInstallDirectoryWithTriple(directory); options->architectures.insert("arm64-v8a"_L1, qtInstallDirectoryWithTriple); options->architectures.insert("armeabi-v7a"_L1, qtInstallDirectoryWithTriple); options->architectures.insert("x86"_L1, qtInstallDirectoryWithTriple); options->architectures.insert("x86_64"_L1, qtInstallDirectoryWithTriple); // In Qt < 6 rcc and qmlimportscanner are installed in the host and install directories // In Qt >= 6 rcc and qmlimportscanner are only installed in the host directory // So setting the "qtHostDir" is not necessary with Qt < 6. options->qtHostDirectory = directory; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format for Qt install prefixes in json file %s.\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } } if (!readInputFileDirectory(options, jsonObject, "qtDataDirectory"_L1) || !readInputFileDirectory(options, jsonObject, "qtLibsDirectory"_L1) || !readInputFileDirectory(options, jsonObject, "qtLibExecsDirectory"_L1) || !readInputFileDirectory(options, jsonObject, "qtPluginsDirectory"_L1) || !readInputFileDirectory(options, jsonObject, "qtQmlDirectory"_L1)) return false; { const QJsonValue qtHostDirectory = jsonObject.value("qtHostDir"_L1); if (!qtHostDirectory.isUndefined()) { if (qtHostDirectory.isString()) { options->qtHostDirectory = qtHostDirectory.toString(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format for Qt host directory in json file %s.\n", qPrintable(options->inputFileName)); return false; } } } { const auto extraPrefixDirs = jsonObject.value("extraPrefixDirs"_L1).toArray(); options->extraPrefixDirs.reserve(extraPrefixDirs.size()); for (const QJsonValue prefix : extraPrefixDirs) { options->extraPrefixDirs.push_back(prefix.toString()); } } { const auto androidDeployPlugins = jsonObject.value("android-deploy-plugins"_L1).toString(); options->androidDeployPlugins = androidDeployPlugins.split(";"_L1, Qt::SkipEmptyParts); } { const auto extraLibraryDirs = jsonObject.value("extraLibraryDirs"_L1).toArray(); options->extraLibraryDirs.reserve(extraLibraryDirs.size()); for (const QJsonValue path : extraLibraryDirs) { options->extraLibraryDirs.push_back(path.toString()); } } { const QJsonValue androidSourcesDirectory = jsonObject.value("android-package-source-directory"_L1); if (!androidSourcesDirectory.isUndefined()) options->androidSourceDirectory = androidSourcesDirectory.toString(); } { const QJsonValue applicationArguments = jsonObject.value("android-application-arguments"_L1); if (!applicationArguments.isUndefined()) options->applicationArguments = applicationArguments.toString(); else options->applicationArguments = QStringLiteral(""); } { const QJsonValue androidVersionName = jsonObject.value("android-version-name"_L1); if (!androidVersionName.isUndefined()) options->versionName = androidVersionName.toString(); else options->versionName = QStringLiteral("1.0"); } { const QJsonValue androidVersionCode = jsonObject.value("android-version-code"_L1); if (!androidVersionCode.isUndefined()) options->versionCode = androidVersionCode.toString(); else options->versionCode = QStringLiteral("1"); } { const QJsonValue ver = jsonObject.value("android-min-sdk-version"_L1); if (!ver.isUndefined()) options->minSdkVersion = ver.toString().toUtf8(); } { const QJsonValue ver = jsonObject.value("android-target-sdk-version"_L1); if (!ver.isUndefined()) options->targetSdkVersion = ver.toString().toUtf8(); } { const QJsonObject targetArchitectures = jsonObject.value("architectures"_L1).toObject(); if (targetArchitectures.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "No target architecture defined in json file.\n"); return false; } for (auto it = targetArchitectures.constBegin(); it != targetArchitectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid architecture.\n"); return false; } if (it.value().isNull()) continue; if (!options->architectures.contains(it.key())) { fprintf(stderr, "Architecture %s unknown (%s).", qPrintable(it.key()), qPrintable(options->architectures.keys().join(u','))); return false; } options->architectures[it.key()].triple = it.value().toString(); options->architectures[it.key()].enabled = true; } } { const QJsonValue ndk = jsonObject.value("ndk"_L1); if (ndk.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No NDK path defined in json file.\n"); return false; } options->ndkPath = ndk.toString(); const QString ndkPropertiesPath = options->ndkPath + QStringLiteral("/source.properties"); const QSettings settings(ndkPropertiesPath, QSettings::IniFormat); const QString ndkVersion = settings.value(QStringLiteral("Pkg.Revision")).toString(); if (ndkVersion.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't retrieve the NDK version from \"%s\".\n", qPrintable(ndkPropertiesPath)); return false; } options->ndkVersion = ndkVersion; } { const QJsonValue toolchainPrefix = jsonObject.value("toolchain-prefix"_L1); if (toolchainPrefix.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No toolchain prefix defined in json file.\n"); return false; } options->toolchainPrefix = toolchainPrefix.toString(); } { const QJsonValue ndkHost = jsonObject.value("ndk-host"_L1); if (ndkHost.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No NDK host defined in json file.\n"); return false; } options->ndkHost = ndkHost.toString(); } { const QJsonValue extraLibs = jsonObject.value("android-extra-libs"_L1); if (!extraLibs.isUndefined()) options->extraLibs = extraLibs.toString().split(u',', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); } { const QJsonValue qmlSkipImportScanning = jsonObject.value("qml-skip-import-scanning"_L1); if (!qmlSkipImportScanning.isUndefined()) options->qmlSkipImportScanning = qmlSkipImportScanning.toBool(); } { const QJsonValue extraPlugins = jsonObject.value("android-extra-plugins"_L1); if (!extraPlugins.isUndefined()) options->extraPlugins = extraPlugins.toString().split(u','); } { const QJsonValue systemLibsPath = jsonObject.value("android-system-libs-prefix"_L1); if (!systemLibsPath.isUndefined()) options->systemLibsPath = systemLibsPath.toString(); } { const QJsonValue noDeploy = jsonObject.value("android-no-deploy-qt-libs"_L1); if (!noDeploy.isUndefined()) { bool useUnbundled = parseCmakeBoolean(noDeploy); options->deploymentMechanism = useUnbundled ? Options::Unbundled : Options::Bundled; } } { const QJsonValue stdcppPath = jsonObject.value("stdcpp-path"_L1); if (stdcppPath.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No stdcpp-path defined in json file.\n"); return false; } options->stdCppPath = stdcppPath.toString(); } { const QJsonValue qmlRootPath = jsonObject.value("qml-root-path"_L1); if (qmlRootPath.isString()) { options->rootPaths.push_back(qmlRootPath.toString()); } else if (qmlRootPath.isArray()) { auto qmlRootPaths = qmlRootPath.toArray(); for (auto path : qmlRootPaths) { if (path.isString()) options->rootPaths.push_back(path.toString()); } } else { options->rootPaths.push_back(QFileInfo(options->inputFileName).absolutePath()); } } { const QJsonValue qmlImportPaths = jsonObject.value("qml-import-paths"_L1); if (!qmlImportPaths.isUndefined()) options->qmlImportPaths = qmlImportPaths.toString().split(u','); } { const QJsonValue qmlImportScannerBinaryPath = jsonObject.value("qml-importscanner-binary"_L1); if (!qmlImportScannerBinaryPath.isUndefined()) options->qmlImportScannerBinaryPath = qmlImportScannerBinaryPath.toString(); } { const QJsonValue rccBinaryPath = jsonObject.value("rcc-binary"_L1); if (!rccBinaryPath.isUndefined()) options->rccBinaryPath = rccBinaryPath.toString(); } { const QJsonValue applicationBinary = jsonObject.value("application-binary"_L1); if (applicationBinary.isUndefined()) { fprintf(stderr, "No application binary defined in json file.\n"); return false; } options->applicationBinary = applicationBinary.toString(); if (options->build) { for (auto it = options->architectures.constBegin(); it != options->architectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->enabled) continue; auto appBinaryPath = "%1/libs/%2/lib%3_%2.so"_L1.arg(options->outputDirectory, it.key(), options->applicationBinary); if (!QFile::exists(appBinaryPath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find application binary in build dir %s.\n", qPrintable(appBinaryPath)); return false; } } } } { using ItFlag = QDirListing::IteratorFlag; const QJsonValue deploymentDependencies = jsonObject.value("deployment-dependencies"_L1); if (!deploymentDependencies.isUndefined()) { QString deploymentDependenciesString = deploymentDependencies.toString(); const auto dependencies = QStringView{deploymentDependenciesString}.split(u','); for (const auto &dependency : dependencies) { QString path = options->qtInstallDirectory + QChar::fromLatin1('/'); path += dependency; if (QFileInfo(path).isDir()) { for (const auto &dirEntry : QDirListing(path, ItFlag::Recursive)) { if (dirEntry.isFile()) { const QString subPath = dirEntry.filePath(); auto arch = fileArchitecture(*options, subPath); if (!arch.isEmpty()) { options->qtDependencies[arch].append(QtDependency(subPath.mid(options->qtInstallDirectory.size() + 1), subPath)); } else if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Skipping \"%s\", unknown architecture\n", qPrintable(subPath)); fflush(stderr); } } } } else { auto qtDependency = [options](const QStringView &dependency, const QString &arch) { const auto installDir = options->architectures[arch].qtInstallDirectory; const auto absolutePath = "%1/%2"_L1.arg(installDir, dependency.toString()); return QtDependency(dependency.toString(), absolutePath); }; if (dependency.endsWith(QLatin1String(".so"))) { auto arch = fileArchitecture(*options, path); if (!arch.isEmpty()) { options->qtDependencies[arch].append(qtDependency(dependency, arch)); } else if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Skipping \"%s\", unknown architecture\n", qPrintable(path)); fflush(stderr); } } else { for (auto arch : options->architectures.keys()) options->qtDependencies[arch].append(qtDependency(dependency, arch)); } } } } } { const QJsonValue qrcFiles = jsonObject.value("qrcFiles"_L1); options->qrcFiles = qrcFiles.toString().split(u',', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); } { const QJsonValue zstdCompressionFlag = jsonObject.value("zstdCompression"_L1); if (zstdCompressionFlag.isBool()) { options->isZstdCompressionEnabled = zstdCompressionFlag.toBool(); } } options->packageName = packageNameFromAndroidManifest(options->androidSourceDirectory + "/AndroidManifest.xml"_L1); if (options->packageName.isEmpty()) options->packageName = cleanPackageName("org.qtproject.example.%1"_L1.arg(options->applicationBinary)); return true; } bool isDeployment(const Options *options, Options::DeploymentMechanism deployment) { return options->deploymentMechanism == deployment; } bool copyFiles(const QDir &sourceDirectory, const QDir &destinationDirectory, const Options &options, bool forceOverwrite = false) { const QFileInfoList entries = sourceDirectory.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs); for (const QFileInfo &entry : entries) { if (entry.isDir()) { QDir dir(entry.absoluteFilePath()); if (!destinationDirectory.mkpath(dir.dirName())) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot make directory %s in %s\n", qPrintable(dir.dirName()), qPrintable(destinationDirectory.path())); return false; } if (!copyFiles(dir, QDir(destinationDirectory.path() + u'/' + dir.dirName()), options, forceOverwrite)) return false; } else { QString destination = destinationDirectory.absoluteFilePath(entry.fileName()); if (!copyFileIfNewer(entry.absoluteFilePath(), destination, options, forceOverwrite)) return false; } } return true; } void cleanTopFolders(const Options &options, const QDir &srcDir, const QString &dstDir) { const auto dirs = srcDir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs); for (const QFileInfo &dir : dirs) { if (dir.fileName() != "libs"_L1) deleteMissingFiles(options, dir.absoluteFilePath(), QDir(dstDir + dir.fileName())); } } void cleanAndroidFiles(const Options &options) { if (!options.androidSourceDirectory.isEmpty()) cleanTopFolders(options, QDir(options.androidSourceDirectory), options.outputDirectory); cleanTopFolders(options, QDir(options.qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options.qtDataDirectory + "/src/android/templates"_L1), options.outputDirectory); } bool copyAndroidTemplate(const Options &options, const QString &androidTemplate, const QString &outDirPrefix = QString()) { QDir sourceDirectory(options.qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options.qtDataDirectory + androidTemplate); if (!sourceDirectory.exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find template directory %s\n", qPrintable(sourceDirectory.absolutePath())); return false; } QString outDir = options.outputDirectory + outDirPrefix; if (!QDir::current().mkpath(outDir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create output directory %s\n", qPrintable(options.outputDirectory)); return false; } return copyFiles(sourceDirectory, QDir(outDir), options); } bool copyGradleTemplate(const Options &options) { QDir sourceDirectory(options.qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options.qtDataDirectory + "/src/3rdparty/gradle"_L1); if (!sourceDirectory.exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find template directory %s\n", qPrintable(sourceDirectory.absolutePath())); return false; } QString outDir(options.outputDirectory); if (!QDir::current().mkpath(outDir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create output directory %s\n", qPrintable(options.outputDirectory)); return false; } return copyFiles(sourceDirectory, QDir(outDir), options); } bool copyAndroidTemplate(const Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Copying Android package template.\n"); if (!copyGradleTemplate(options)) return false; if (!copyAndroidTemplate(options, "/src/android/templates"_L1)) return false; return true; } bool copyAndroidSources(const Options &options) { if (options.androidSourceDirectory.isEmpty()) return true; if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Copying Android sources from project.\n"); QDir sourceDirectory(options.androidSourceDirectory); if (!sourceDirectory.exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find android sources in %s", qPrintable(options.androidSourceDirectory)); return false; } return copyFiles(sourceDirectory, QDir(options.outputDirectory), options, true); } bool copyAndroidExtraLibs(Options *options) { if (options->extraLibs.isEmpty()) return true; if (options->verbose) { switch (options->deploymentMechanism) { case Options::Bundled: fprintf(stdout, "Copying %zd external libraries to package.\n", size_t(options->extraLibs.size())); break; case Options::Unbundled: fprintf(stdout, "Skip copying of external libraries.\n"); break; }; } for (const QString &extraLib : options->extraLibs) { QFileInfo extraLibInfo(extraLib); if (!extraLibInfo.exists()) { fprintf(stderr, "External library %s does not exist!\n", qPrintable(extraLib)); return false; } if (!checkArchitecture(*options, extraLibInfo.filePath())) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Skipping \"%s\", architecture mismatch.\n", qPrintable(extraLib)); continue; } if (!extraLibInfo.fileName().startsWith("lib"_L1) || extraLibInfo.suffix() != "so"_L1) { fprintf(stderr, "The file name of external library %s must begin with \"lib\" and end with the suffix \".so\".\n", qPrintable(extraLib)); return false; } QString destinationFile(options->outputDirectory + "/libs/"_L1 + options->currentArchitecture + u'/' + extraLibInfo.fileName()); if (isDeployment(options, Options::Bundled) && !copyFileIfNewer(extraLib, destinationFile, *options)) { return false; } options->archExtraLibs[options->currentArchitecture] += extraLib; } return true; } QStringList allFilesInside(const QDir& current, const QDir& rootDir) { QStringList result; const auto dirs = current.entryList(QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); const auto files = current.entryList(QDir::Files); result.reserve(dirs.size() + files.size()); for (const QString &dir : dirs) { result += allFilesInside(QDir(current.filePath(dir)), rootDir); } for (const QString &file : files) { result += rootDir.relativeFilePath(current.filePath(file)); } return result; } bool copyAndroidExtraResources(Options *options) { if (options->extraPlugins.isEmpty()) return true; if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Copying %zd external resources to package.\n", size_t(options->extraPlugins.size())); for (const QString &extraResource : options->extraPlugins) { QFileInfo extraResourceInfo(extraResource); if (!extraResourceInfo.exists() || !extraResourceInfo.isDir()) { fprintf(stderr, "External resource %s does not exist or not a correct directory!\n", qPrintable(extraResource)); return false; } QDir resourceDir(extraResource); QString assetsDir = options->outputDirectory + "/assets/"_L1 + resourceDir.dirName() + u'/'; QString libsDir = options->outputDirectory + "/libs/"_L1 + options->currentArchitecture + u'/'; const QStringList files = allFilesInside(resourceDir, resourceDir); for (const QString &resourceFile : files) { QString originFile(resourceDir.filePath(resourceFile)); QString destinationFile; if (!resourceFile.endsWith(".so"_L1)) { destinationFile = assetsDir + resourceFile; } else { if (isDeployment(options, Options::Unbundled) || !checkArchitecture(*options, originFile)) { continue; } destinationFile = libsDir + resourceFile; options->archExtraPlugins[options->currentArchitecture] += resourceFile; } if (!copyFileIfNewer(originFile, destinationFile, *options)) return false; } } return true; } bool updateFile(const QString &fileName, const QHash &replacements) { QFile inputFile(fileName); if (!inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for reading.\n", qPrintable(fileName)); return false; } // All the files we are doing substitutes in are quite small. If this // ever changes, this code should be updated to be more conservative. QByteArray contents = inputFile.readAll(); bool hasReplacements = false; QHash::const_iterator it; for (it = replacements.constBegin(); it != replacements.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.key() == it.value()) continue; // Nothing to actually replace forever { int index = contents.indexOf(it.key().toUtf8()); if (index >= 0) { contents.replace(index, it.key().size(), it.value().toUtf8()); hasReplacements = true; } else { break; } } } if (hasReplacements) { inputFile.close(); if (!inputFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for writing.\n", qPrintable(fileName)); return false; } inputFile.write(contents); } return true; } bool updateLibsXml(Options *options) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- res/values/libs.xml\n"); QString fileName = options->outputDirectory + "/res/values/libs.xml"_L1; if (!QFile::exists(fileName)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find %s in prepared packaged. This file is required.\n", qPrintable(fileName)); return false; } QString qtLibs; QString allLocalLibs; QString extraLibs; for (auto it = options->architectures.constBegin(); it != options->architectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->enabled) continue; qtLibs += " %1;%2\n"_L1.arg(it.key(), options->stdCppName); for (const Options::BundledFile &bundledFile : options->bundledFiles[it.key()]) { if (bundledFile.second.startsWith("lib/lib"_L1)) { if (!bundledFile.second.endsWith(".so"_L1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The bundled library %s doesn't end with .so. Android only supports " "versionless libraries ending with the .so suffix.\n", qPrintable(bundledFile.second)); return false; } QString s = bundledFile.second.mid(sizeof("lib/lib") - 1); s.chop(sizeof(".so") - 1); qtLibs += " %1;%2\n"_L1.arg(it.key(), s); } } if (!options->archExtraLibs[it.key()].isEmpty()) { for (const QString &extraLib : options->archExtraLibs[it.key()]) { QFileInfo extraLibInfo(extraLib); if (extraLibInfo.fileName().startsWith("lib"_L1)) { if (!extraLibInfo.fileName().endsWith(".so"_L1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The library %s doesn't end with .so. Android only supports " "versionless libraries ending with the .so suffix.\n", qPrintable(extraLibInfo.fileName())); return false; } QString name = extraLibInfo.fileName().mid(sizeof("lib") - 1); name.chop(sizeof(".so") - 1); extraLibs += " %1;%2\n"_L1.arg(it.key(), name); } } } QStringList localLibs; localLibs = options->localLibs[it.key()]; // If .pro file overrides dependency detection, we need to see which platform plugin they picked if (localLibs.isEmpty()) { QString plugin; for (const QtDependency &qtDependency : options->qtDependencies[it.key()]) { if (qtDependency.relativePath.contains("libplugins_platforms_qtforandroid_"_L1)) plugin = qtDependency.relativePath; if (qtDependency.relativePath.contains( QString::asprintf("libQt%dOpenGL", QT_VERSION_MAJOR)) || qtDependency.relativePath.contains( QString::asprintf("libQt%dQuick", QT_VERSION_MAJOR))) { options->usesOpenGL |= true; } } if (plugin.isEmpty()) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "No platform plugin (libplugins_platforms_qtforandroid.so) included" " in the deployment. Make sure the app links to Qt Gui library.\n"); fflush(stderr); return false; } localLibs.append(plugin); if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Using platform plugin %s\n", qPrintable(plugin)); } // remove all paths for (auto &lib : localLibs) { if (lib.endsWith(".so"_L1)) lib = lib.mid(lib.lastIndexOf(u'/') + 1); } allLocalLibs += " %1;%2\n"_L1.arg(it.key(), localLibs.join(u':')); } options->initClasses.removeDuplicates(); QHash replacements; replacements[QStringLiteral("")] += qtLibs.trimmed(); replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = allLocalLibs.trimmed(); replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = extraLibs.trimmed(); const QString initClasses = options->initClasses.join(u':'); replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = initClasses; // Set BUNDLE_LOCAL_QT_LIBS based on the deployment used replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = isDeployment(options, Options::Unbundled) ? "0"_L1 : "1"_L1; replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = "1"_L1; replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = isDeployment(options, Options::Unbundled) ? options->systemLibsPath : QStringLiteral(""); if (!updateFile(fileName, replacements)) return false; return true; } bool updateStringsXml(const Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- res/values/strings.xml\n"); QHash replacements; replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = options.applicationBinary; QString fileName = options.outputDirectory + "/res/values/strings.xml"_L1; if (!QFile::exists(fileName)) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Create strings.xml since it's missing.\n"); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s for writing.\n", qPrintable(fileName)); return false; } file.write(QByteArray("") .append(options.applicationBinary.toLatin1()) .append("\n")); return true; } if (!updateFile(fileName, replacements)) return false; return true; } bool updateAndroidManifest(Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- AndroidManifest.xml \n"); QHash replacements; replacements[QStringLiteral("-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --")] = options.applicationBinary; replacements[QStringLiteral("-- %%INSERT_APP_ARGUMENTS%% --")] = options.applicationArguments; replacements[QStringLiteral("-- %%INSERT_APP_LIB_NAME%% --")] = options.applicationBinary; replacements[QStringLiteral("-- %%INSERT_VERSION_NAME%% --")] = options.versionName; replacements[QStringLiteral("-- %%INSERT_VERSION_CODE%% --")] = options.versionCode; replacements[QStringLiteral("package=\"org.qtproject.example\"")] = "package=\"%1\""_L1.arg(options.packageName); QString permissions; for (const QString &permission : std::as_const(options.permissions)) permissions += " \n"_L1.arg(permission); replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = permissions.trimmed(); QString features; for (const QString &feature : std::as_const(options.features)) features += " \n"_L1.arg(feature); if (options.usesOpenGL) features += " "_L1; replacements[QStringLiteral("")] = features.trimmed(); QString androidManifestPath = options.outputDirectory + "/AndroidManifest.xml"_L1; if (!updateFile(androidManifestPath, replacements)) return false; // read the package, min & target sdk API levels from manifest file. bool checkOldAndroidLabelString = false; QFile androidManifestXml(androidManifestPath); if (androidManifestXml.exists()) { if (!androidManifestXml.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for reading.\n", qPrintable(androidManifestPath)); return false; } QXmlStreamReader reader(&androidManifestXml); while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == "manifest"_L1) { if (!reader.attributes().hasAttribute("package"_L1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid android manifest file: %s\n", qPrintable(androidManifestPath)); return false; } options.packageName = reader.attributes().value("package"_L1).toString(); } else if (reader.name() == "uses-sdk"_L1) { if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute("android:minSdkVersion"_L1)) if (reader.attributes().value("android:minSdkVersion"_L1).toInt() < 23) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid minSdkVersion version, minSdkVersion must be >= 23\n"); return false; } } else if ((reader.name() == "application"_L1 || reader.name() == "activity"_L1) && reader.attributes().hasAttribute("android:label"_L1) && reader.attributes().value("android:label"_L1) == "@string/app_name"_L1) { checkOldAndroidLabelString = true; } else if (reader.name() == "meta-data"_L1) { const auto name = reader.attributes().value("android:name"_L1); const auto value = reader.attributes().value("android:value"_L1); if (name == "android.app.lib_name"_L1 && value.contains(u' ')) { fprintf(stderr, "The Activity's android.app.lib_name should not contain" " spaces.\n"); return false; } } } } if (reader.hasError()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in %s: %s\n", qPrintable(androidManifestPath), qPrintable(reader.errorString())); return false; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "No android manifest file"); return false; } if (checkOldAndroidLabelString) updateStringsXml(options); return true; } bool updateAndroidFiles(Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Updating Android package files with project settings.\n"); if (!updateLibsXml(&options)) return false; if (!updateAndroidManifest(options)) return false; return true; } static QString absoluteFilePath(const Options *options, const QString &relativeFileName) { // Use extraLibraryDirs as the extra library lookup folder if it is expected to find a file in // any $prefix/lib folder. // Library directories from a build tree(extraLibraryDirs) have the higher priority. if (relativeFileName.startsWith("lib/"_L1)) { for (const auto &dir : options->extraLibraryDirs) { const QString path = dir + u'/' + relativeFileName.mid(sizeof("lib/") - 1); if (QFile::exists(path)) return path; } } for (const auto &prefix : options->extraPrefixDirs) { const QString path = prefix + u'/' + relativeFileName; if (QFile::exists(path)) return path; } if (relativeFileName.endsWith("-android-dependencies.xml"_L1)) { for (const auto &dir : options->extraLibraryDirs) { const QString path = dir + u'/' + relativeFileName; if (QFile::exists(path)) return path; } return options->qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options->qtLibsDirectory + u'/' + relativeFileName; } if (relativeFileName.startsWith("jar/"_L1)) { return options->qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options->qtDataDirectory + u'/' + relativeFileName; } if (relativeFileName.startsWith("lib/"_L1)) { return options->qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options->qtLibsDirectory + u'/' + relativeFileName.mid(sizeof("lib/") - 1); } return options->qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + relativeFileName; } QList findFilesRecursively(const Options &options, const QFileInfo &info, const QString &rootPath) { if (!info.exists()) return QList(); if (info.isDir()) { QList ret; QDir dir(info.filePath()); const QStringList entries = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (const QString &entry : entries) { ret += findFilesRecursively(options, QFileInfo(info.absoluteFilePath() + QChar(u'/') + entry), rootPath); } return ret; } else { return QList() << QtDependency(info.absoluteFilePath().mid(rootPath.size()), info.absoluteFilePath()); } } QList findFilesRecursively(const Options &options, const QString &fileName) { // We try to find the fileName in extraPrefixDirs first. The function behaves differently // depending on what the fileName points to. If fileName is a file then we try to find the // first occurrence in extraPrefixDirs and return this file. If fileName is directory function // iterates over it and looks for deployment artifacts in each 'extraPrefixDirs' entry. // Also we assume that if the fileName is recognized as a directory once it will be directory // for every 'extraPrefixDirs' entry. QList deps; for (const auto &prefix : options.extraPrefixDirs) { QFileInfo info(prefix + u'/' + fileName); if (info.exists()) { if (info.isDir()) deps.append(findFilesRecursively(options, info, prefix + u'/')); else return findFilesRecursively(options, info, prefix + u'/'); } } // Usually android deployment settings contain Qt install directory in extraPrefixDirs. if (std::find(options.extraPrefixDirs.begin(), options.extraPrefixDirs.end(), options.qtInstallDirectory) == options.extraPrefixDirs.end()) { QFileInfo info(options.qtInstallDirectory + "/"_L1 + fileName); QFileInfo rootPath(options.qtInstallDirectory + "/"_L1); deps.append(findFilesRecursively(options, info, rootPath.absolutePath())); } return deps; } void readDependenciesFromFiles(Options *options, const QList &files, QSet &usedDependencies, QSet &remainingDependencies) { for (const QtDependency &fileName : files) { if (usedDependencies.contains(fileName.absolutePath)) continue; if (fileName.absolutePath.endsWith(".so"_L1)) { if (!readDependenciesFromElf(options, fileName.absolutePath, &usedDependencies, &remainingDependencies)) { fprintf(stdout, "Skipping file dependency: %s\n", qPrintable(fileName.relativePath)); continue; } } usedDependencies.insert(fileName.absolutePath); if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "Appending file dependency: %s\n", qPrintable(fileName.relativePath)); } options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].append(fileName); } } bool readAndroidDependencyXml(Options *options, const QString &moduleName, QSet *usedDependencies, QSet *remainingDependencies) { QString androidDependencyName = absoluteFilePath(options, "%1-android-dependencies.xml"_L1.arg(moduleName)); QFile androidDependencyFile(androidDependencyName); if (androidDependencyFile.exists()) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Reading Android dependencies for %s\n", qPrintable(moduleName)); if (!androidDependencyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for reading.\n", qPrintable(androidDependencyName)); return false; } QXmlStreamReader reader(&androidDependencyFile); while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.isStartElement()) { if (reader.name() == "bundled"_L1) { if (!reader.attributes().hasAttribute("file"_L1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid android dependency file: %s\n", qPrintable(androidDependencyName)); return false; } QString file = reader.attributes().value("file"_L1).toString(); if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute("type"_L1) && reader.attributes().value("type"_L1) == "plugin_dir"_L1 && !options->androidDeployPlugins.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QList fileNames = findFilesRecursively(*options, file); readDependenciesFromFiles(options, fileNames, *usedDependencies, *remainingDependencies); } else if (reader.name() == "jar"_L1) { int bundling = reader.attributes().value("bundling"_L1).toInt(); QString fileName = QDir::cleanPath(reader.attributes().value("file"_L1).toString()); if (bundling) { QtDependency dependency(fileName, absoluteFilePath(options, fileName)); if (!usedDependencies->contains(dependency.absolutePath)) { options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].append(dependency); usedDependencies->insert(dependency.absolutePath); } } if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute("initClass"_L1)) { options->initClasses.append(reader.attributes().value("initClass"_L1).toString()); } } else if (reader.name() == "lib"_L1) { QString fileName = QDir::cleanPath(reader.attributes().value("file"_L1).toString()); if (reader.attributes().hasAttribute("replaces"_L1)) { QString replaces = reader.attributes().value("replaces"_L1).toString(); for (int i=0; ilocalLibs.size(); ++i) { if (options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture].at(i) == replaces) { options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture][i] = fileName; break; } } } else if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture].append(fileName); } if (fileName.endsWith(".so"_L1) && checkArchitecture(*options, fileName)) { remainingDependencies->insert(fileName); } } else if (reader.name() == "permission"_L1) { QString name = reader.attributes().value("name"_L1).toString(); options->permissions.append(name); } else if (reader.name() == "feature"_L1) { QString name = reader.attributes().value("name"_L1).toString(); options->features.append(name); } } } if (reader.hasError()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in %s: %s\n", qPrintable(androidDependencyName), qPrintable(reader.errorString())); return false; } } else if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "No android dependencies for %s\n", qPrintable(moduleName)); } options->permissions.removeDuplicates(); options->features.removeDuplicates(); return true; } QStringList getQtLibsFromElf(const Options &options, const QString &fileName) { QString readElf = llvmReadobjPath(options); if (!QFile::exists(readElf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Command does not exist: %s\n", qPrintable(readElf)); return QStringList(); } readElf = "%1 --needed-libs %2"_L1.arg(shellQuote(readElf), shellQuote(fileName)); FILE *readElfCommand = openProcess(readElf); if (!readElfCommand) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot execute command %s\n", qPrintable(readElf)); return QStringList(); } QStringList ret; bool readLibs = false; char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), readElfCommand) != nullptr) { QByteArray line = QByteArray::fromRawData(buffer, qstrlen(buffer)); QString library; line = line.trimmed(); if (!readLibs) { if (line.startsWith("Arch: ")) { auto it = elfArchitectures.find(line.mid(6)); if (it == elfArchitectures.constEnd() || *it != options.currentArchitecture.toLatin1()) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Skipping \"%s\", architecture mismatch\n", qPrintable(fileName)); pclose(readElfCommand); return {}; } } readLibs = line.startsWith("NeededLibraries"); continue; } if (!line.startsWith("lib")) continue; library = QString::fromLatin1(line); QString libraryName = "lib/"_L1 + library; if (QFile::exists(absoluteFilePath(&options, libraryName))) ret += libraryName; } pclose(readElfCommand); return ret; } bool readDependenciesFromElf(Options *options, const QString &fileName, QSet *usedDependencies, QSet *remainingDependencies) { // Get dependencies on libraries in $QTDIR/lib const QStringList dependencies = getQtLibsFromElf(*options, fileName); if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "Reading dependencies from %s\n", qPrintable(fileName)); for (const QString &dep : dependencies) fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", qPrintable(dep)); } // Recursively add dependencies from ELF and supplementary XML information QList dependenciesToCheck; for (const QString &dependency : dependencies) { if (usedDependencies->contains(dependency)) continue; QString absoluteDependencyPath = absoluteFilePath(options, dependency); usedDependencies->insert(dependency); if (!readDependenciesFromElf(options, absoluteDependencyPath, usedDependencies, remainingDependencies)) { return false; } options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].append(QtDependency(dependency, absoluteDependencyPath)); if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Appending dependency: %s\n", qPrintable(dependency)); dependenciesToCheck.append(dependency); } for (const QString &dependency : std::as_const(dependenciesToCheck)) { QString qtBaseName = dependency.mid(sizeof("lib/lib") - 1); qtBaseName = qtBaseName.left(qtBaseName.size() - (sizeof(".so") - 1)); if (!readAndroidDependencyXml(options, qtBaseName, usedDependencies, remainingDependencies)) { return false; } } return true; } bool scanImports(Options *options, QSet *usedDependencies) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Scanning for QML imports.\n"); QString qmlImportScanner; if (!options->qmlImportScannerBinaryPath.isEmpty()) { qmlImportScanner = options->qmlImportScannerBinaryPath; } else { qmlImportScanner = execSuffixAppended(options->qtLibExecsDirectory + "/qmlimportscanner"_L1); } QStringList importPaths; // In Conan's case, qtInstallDirectory will point only to qtbase installed files, which // lacks a qml directory. We don't want to pass it as an import path if it doesn't exist // because it will cause qmlimportscanner to fail. // This also covers the case when only qtbase is installed in a regular Qt build. const QString mainImportPath = options->qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options->qtQmlDirectory; if (QFile::exists(mainImportPath)) importPaths += shellQuote(mainImportPath); // These are usually provided by CMake in the deployment json file from paths specified // in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH. They might not have qml modules. for (const QString &prefix : options->extraPrefixDirs) if (QFile::exists(prefix + "/qml"_L1)) importPaths += shellQuote(prefix + "/qml"_L1); // These are provided by both CMake and qmake. for (const QString &qmlImportPath : std::as_const(options->qmlImportPaths)) { if (QFile::exists(qmlImportPath)) { importPaths += shellQuote(qmlImportPath); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: QML import path %s does not exist.\n", qPrintable(qmlImportPath)); } } bool qmlImportExists = false; for (const QString &import : importPaths) { if (QDir().exists(import)) { qmlImportExists = true; break; } } // Check importPaths without rootPath, since we need at least one qml plugins // folder to run a QML file if (!qmlImportExists) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: no 'qml' directory found under Qt install directory " "or import paths. Skipping QML dependency scanning.\n"); return true; } if (!QFile::exists(qmlImportScanner)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: qmlimportscanner not found at %s\n", qmlImportExists ? "Error"_L1.data() : "Warning"_L1.data(), qPrintable(qmlImportScanner)); return true; } for (auto rootPath : options->rootPaths) { rootPath = QFileInfo(rootPath).absoluteFilePath(); if (!rootPath.endsWith(u'/')) rootPath += u'/'; // After checking for qml folder imports we can add rootPath if (!rootPath.isEmpty()) importPaths += shellQuote(rootPath); qmlImportScanner += " -rootPath %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(rootPath)); } if (!options->qrcFiles.isEmpty()) { qmlImportScanner += " -qrcFiles"_L1; for (const QString &qrcFile : options->qrcFiles) qmlImportScanner += u' ' + shellQuote(qrcFile); } qmlImportScanner += " -importPath %1"_L1.arg(importPaths.join(u' ')); if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "Running qmlimportscanner with the following command: %s\n", qmlImportScanner.toLocal8Bit().constData()); } FILE *qmlImportScannerCommand = popen(qmlImportScanner.toLocal8Bit().constData(), QT_POPEN_READ); if (qmlImportScannerCommand == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run qmlimportscanner.\n"); return false; } QByteArray output; char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), qmlImportScannerCommand) != 0) output += QByteArray(buffer, qstrlen(buffer)); QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(output); if (jsonDocument.isNull()) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid json output from qmlimportscanner.\n"); pclose(qmlImportScannerCommand); return false; } QJsonArray jsonArray = jsonDocument.array(); for (int i=0; iverbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Adding '%s' as QML dependency\n", qPrintable(path)); QFileInfo info(path); // The qmlimportscanner sometimes outputs paths that do not exist. if (!info.exists()) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping because path does not exist.\n"); continue; } QString absolutePath = info.absolutePath(); if (!absolutePath.endsWith(u'/')) absolutePath += u'/'; const QUrl url(object.value("name"_L1).toString()); const QString moduleUrlPath = u"/"_s + url.toString().replace(u'.', u'/'); if (checkCanImportFromRootPaths(options, info.absolutePath(), moduleUrlPath)) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping because path is in QML root path.\n"); continue; } QString importPathOfThisImport; for (const QString &importPath : std::as_const(importPaths)) { QString cleanImportPath = QDir::cleanPath(importPath); if (QFile::exists(cleanImportPath + moduleUrlPath)) { importPathOfThisImport = importPath; break; } } if (importPathOfThisImport.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Import found outside of import paths: %s.\n", qPrintable(info.absoluteFilePath())); pclose(qmlImportScannerCommand); return false; } importPathOfThisImport = QDir(importPathOfThisImport).absolutePath() + u'/'; QList qmlImportsDependencies; auto collectQmlDependency = [&usedDependencies, &qmlImportsDependencies, &importPathOfThisImport](const QString &filePath) { if (!usedDependencies->contains(filePath)) { usedDependencies->insert(filePath); qmlImportsDependencies += QtDependency( "qml/"_L1 + filePath.mid(importPathOfThisImport.size()), filePath); } }; QString plugin = object.value("plugin"_L1).toString(); bool pluginIsOptional = object.value("pluginIsOptional"_L1).toBool(); QFileInfo pluginFileInfo = QFileInfo( path + u'/' + "lib"_L1 + plugin + u'_' + options->currentArchitecture + ".so"_L1); QString pluginFilePath = pluginFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); QSet remainingDependencies; if (pluginFileInfo.exists() && checkArchitecture(*options, pluginFilePath) && readDependenciesFromElf(options, pluginFilePath, usedDependencies, &remainingDependencies)) { collectQmlDependency(pluginFilePath); } else if (!pluginIsOptional) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping because the required plugin is missing.\n"); continue; } QFileInfo qmldirFileInfo = QFileInfo(path + u'/' + "qmldir"_L1); if (qmldirFileInfo.exists()) { collectQmlDependency(qmldirFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); } QString prefer = object.value("prefer"_L1).toString(); // If the preferred location of Qml files points to the Qt resources, this means // that all Qml files has been embedded into plugin and we should not copy them to the // android rcc bundle if (!prefer.startsWith(":/"_L1)) { QVariantList qmlFiles = object.value("components"_L1).toArray().toVariantList(); qmlFiles.append(object.value("scripts"_L1).toArray().toVariantList()); bool qmlFilesMissing = false; for (const auto &qmlFileEntry : qmlFiles) { QFileInfo fileInfo(qmlFileEntry.toString()); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { qmlFilesMissing = true; break; } collectQmlDependency(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); } if (qmlFilesMissing) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping because the required qml files are missing.\n"); continue; } } options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].append(qmlImportsDependencies); } } pclose(qmlImportScannerCommand); return true; } bool checkCanImportFromRootPaths(const Options *options, const QString &absolutePath, const QString &moduleUrlPath) { for (auto rootPath : options->rootPaths) { if ((rootPath + moduleUrlPath) == absolutePath) return true; } return false; } bool runCommand(const Options &options, const QString &command) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Running command '%s'\n", qPrintable(command)); FILE *runCommand = openProcess(command); if (runCommand == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot run command '%s'\n", qPrintable(command)); return false; } char buffer[4096]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), runCommand) != nullptr) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } pclose(runCommand); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); return true; } bool createRcc(const Options &options) { auto assetsDir = "%1/assets"_L1.arg(options.outputDirectory); if (!QDir{"%1/android_rcc_bundle"_L1.arg(assetsDir)}.exists()) { fprintf(stdout, "Skipping createRCC\n"); return true; } if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Create rcc bundle.\n"); QString rcc; if (!options.rccBinaryPath.isEmpty()) { rcc = options.rccBinaryPath; } else { rcc = execSuffixAppended(options.qtLibExecsDirectory + "/rcc"_L1); } if (!QFile::exists(rcc)) { fprintf(stderr, "rcc not found: %s\n", qPrintable(rcc)); return false; } auto currentDir = QDir::currentPath(); if (!QDir::setCurrent("%1/android_rcc_bundle"_L1.arg(assetsDir))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set current dir to: %s\n", qPrintable("%1/android_rcc_bundle"_L1.arg(assetsDir))); return false; } bool res = runCommand(options, "%1 --project -o %2"_L1.arg(rcc, shellQuote("%1/android_rcc_bundle.qrc"_L1.arg(assetsDir)))); if (!res) return false; QLatin1StringView noZstd; if (!options.isZstdCompressionEnabled) noZstd = "--no-zstd"_L1; QFile::rename("%1/android_rcc_bundle.qrc"_L1.arg(assetsDir), "%1/android_rcc_bundle/android_rcc_bundle.qrc"_L1.arg(assetsDir)); res = runCommand(options, "%1 %2 %3 --binary -o %4 android_rcc_bundle.qrc"_L1.arg(rcc, shellQuote("--root=/android_rcc_bundle/"_L1), noZstd, shellQuote("%1/android_rcc_bundle.rcc"_L1.arg(assetsDir)))); if (!QDir::setCurrent(currentDir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set current dir to: %s\n", qPrintable(currentDir)); return false; } if (!options.noRccBundleCleanup) { QFile::remove("%1/android_rcc_bundle.qrc"_L1.arg(assetsDir)); QDir{"%1/android_rcc_bundle"_L1.arg(assetsDir)}.removeRecursively(); } return res; } bool readDependencies(Options *options) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Detecting dependencies of application.\n"); // Override set in .pro file if (!options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].isEmpty()) { if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "\tDependencies explicitly overridden in .pro file. No detection needed.\n"); return true; } QSet usedDependencies; QSet remainingDependencies; // Add dependencies of application binary first if (!readDependenciesFromElf(options, "%1/libs/%2/lib%3_%2.so"_L1.arg(options->outputDirectory, options->currentArchitecture, options->applicationBinary), &usedDependencies, &remainingDependencies)) return false; QList pluginDeps; for (const auto &pluginPath : options->androidDeployPlugins) { pluginDeps.append(findFilesRecursively(*options, QFileInfo(pluginPath), options->qtInstallDirectory + "/"_L1)); } readDependenciesFromFiles(options, pluginDeps, usedDependencies, remainingDependencies); while (!remainingDependencies.isEmpty()) { QSet::iterator start = remainingDependencies.begin(); QString fileName = absoluteFilePath(options, *start); remainingDependencies.erase(start); QStringList unmetDependencies; if (goodToCopy(options, fileName, &unmetDependencies)) { bool ok = readDependenciesFromElf(options, fileName, &usedDependencies, &remainingDependencies); if (!ok) return false; } else { fprintf(stdout, "Skipping %s due to unmet dependencies: %s\n", qPrintable(fileName), qPrintable(unmetDependencies.join(u','))); } } QStringList::iterator it = options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture].begin(); while (it != options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture].end()) { QStringList unmetDependencies; if (!goodToCopy(options, absoluteFilePath(options, *it), &unmetDependencies)) { fprintf(stdout, "Skipping %s due to unmet dependencies: %s\n", qPrintable(*it), qPrintable(unmetDependencies.join(u','))); it = options->localLibs[options->currentArchitecture].erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (options->qmlSkipImportScanning || (options->rootPaths.empty() && options->qrcFiles.isEmpty())) return true; return scanImports(options, &usedDependencies); } bool containsApplicationBinary(Options *options) { if (!options->build) return true; if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Checking if application binary is in package.\n"); QString applicationFileName = "lib%1_%2.so"_L1.arg(options->applicationBinary, options->currentArchitecture); QString applicationPath = "%1/libs/%2/%3"_L1.arg(options->outputDirectory, options->currentArchitecture, applicationFileName); if (!QFile::exists(applicationPath)) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) const auto makeTool = "mingw32-make"_L1; // Only Mingw host builds supported on Windows currently #else const auto makeTool = "make"_L1; #endif fprintf(stderr, "Application binary is not in output directory: %s. Please run '%s install INSTALL_ROOT=%s' first.\n", qPrintable(applicationFileName), qPrintable(makeTool), qPrintable(options->outputDirectory)); return false; } return true; } FILE *runAdb(const Options &options, const QString &arguments) { QString adb = execSuffixAppended(options.sdkPath + "/platform-tools/adb"_L1); if (!QFile::exists(adb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find adb tool: %s\n", qPrintable(adb)); return 0; } QString installOption; if (!options.installLocation.isEmpty()) installOption = " -s "_L1 + shellQuote(options.installLocation); adb = "%1%2 %3"_L1.arg(shellQuote(adb), installOption, arguments); if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Running command \"%s\"\n", adb.toLocal8Bit().constData()); FILE *adbCommand = openProcess(adb); if (adbCommand == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start adb: %s\n", qPrintable(adb)); return 0; } return adbCommand; } bool goodToCopy(const Options *options, const QString &file, QStringList *unmetDependencies) { if (!file.endsWith(".so"_L1)) return true; if (!checkArchitecture(*options, file)) return false; bool ret = true; const auto libs = getQtLibsFromElf(*options, file); for (const QString &lib : libs) { if (!options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].contains(QtDependency(lib, absoluteFilePath(options, lib)))) { ret = false; unmetDependencies->append(lib); } } return ret; } bool copyQtFiles(Options *options) { if (options->verbose) { switch (options->deploymentMechanism) { case Options::Bundled: fprintf(stdout, "Copying %zd dependencies from Qt into package.\n", size_t(options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture].size())); break; case Options::Unbundled: fprintf(stdout, "Copying dependencies from Qt into the package build folder," "skipping native libraries.\n"); break; }; } if (!options->build) return true; QString libsDirectory = "libs/"_L1; // Copy other Qt dependencies auto assetsDestinationDirectory = "assets/android_rcc_bundle/"_L1; for (const QtDependency &qtDependency : std::as_const(options->qtDependencies[options->currentArchitecture])) { QString sourceFileName = qtDependency.absolutePath; QString destinationFileName; bool isSharedLibrary = qtDependency.relativePath.endsWith(".so"_L1); if (isSharedLibrary) { QString garbledFileName = qtDependency.relativePath.mid( qtDependency.relativePath.lastIndexOf(u'/') + 1); destinationFileName = libsDirectory + options->currentArchitecture + u'/' + garbledFileName; } else if (QDir::fromNativeSeparators(qtDependency.relativePath).startsWith("jar/"_L1)) { destinationFileName = libsDirectory + qtDependency.relativePath.mid(sizeof("jar/") - 1); } else { destinationFileName = assetsDestinationDirectory + qtDependency.relativePath; } if (!QFile::exists(sourceFileName)) { fprintf(stderr, "Source Qt file does not exist: %s.\n", qPrintable(sourceFileName)); return false; } QStringList unmetDependencies; if (!goodToCopy(options, sourceFileName, &unmetDependencies)) { if (unmetDependencies.isEmpty()) { if (options->verbose) { fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping %s, architecture mismatch.\n", qPrintable(sourceFileName)); } } else { fprintf(stdout, " -- Skipping %s. It has unmet dependencies: %s.\n", qPrintable(sourceFileName), qPrintable(unmetDependencies.join(u','))); } continue; } if ((isDeployment(options, Options::Bundled) || !isSharedLibrary) && !copyFileIfNewer(sourceFileName, options->outputDirectory + u'/' + destinationFileName, *options)) { return false; } options->bundledFiles[options->currentArchitecture] += std::make_pair(destinationFileName, qtDependency.relativePath); } return true; } QStringList getLibraryProjectsInOutputFolder(const Options &options) { QStringList ret; QFile file(options.outputDirectory + "/project.properties"_L1); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { while (!file.atEnd()) { QByteArray line = file.readLine().trimmed(); if (line.startsWith("android.library.reference")) { int equalSignIndex = line.indexOf('='); if (equalSignIndex >= 0) { QString path = QString::fromLocal8Bit(line.mid(equalSignIndex + 1)); QFileInfo info(options.outputDirectory + u'/' + path); if (QDir::isRelativePath(path) && info.exists() && info.isDir() && info.canonicalFilePath().startsWith(options.outputDirectory)) { ret += info.canonicalFilePath(); } } } } } return ret; } QString findInPath(const QString &fileName) { const QString path = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("PATH")); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) QLatin1Char separator(';'); #else QLatin1Char separator(':'); #endif const QStringList paths = path.split(separator); for (const QString &path : paths) { QFileInfo fileInfo(path + u'/' + fileName); if (fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() && fileInfo.isExecutable()) return path + u'/' + fileName; } return QString(); } typedef QMap GradleProperties; static GradleProperties readGradleProperties(const QString &path) { GradleProperties properties; QFile file(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return properties; const auto lines = file.readAll().split('\n'); for (const QByteArray &line : lines) { if (line.trimmed().startsWith('#')) continue; const int idx = line.indexOf('='); if (idx > -1) properties[line.left(idx).trimmed()] = line.mid(idx + 1).trimmed(); } file.close(); return properties; } static bool mergeGradleProperties(const QString &path, GradleProperties properties) { const QString oldPathStr = path + u'~'; QFile::remove(oldPathStr); QFile::rename(path, oldPathStr); QFile file(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file: %s for writing\n", qPrintable(file.fileName())); return false; } QFile oldFile(oldPathStr); if (oldFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { while (!oldFile.atEnd()) { QByteArray line(oldFile.readLine()); QList prop(line.split('=')); if (prop.size() > 1) { GradleProperties::iterator it = properties.find(prop.at(0).trimmed()); if (it != properties.end()) { file.write(it.key() + '=' + it.value() + '\n'); properties.erase(it); continue; } } file.write(line.trimmed() + '\n'); } oldFile.close(); QFile::remove(oldPathStr); } for (GradleProperties::const_iterator it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it) file.write(it.key() + '=' + it.value() + '\n'); file.close(); return true; } #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) void checkAndWarnGradleLongPaths(const QString &outputDirectory) { QStringList longFileNames; using F = QDirListing::IteratorFlag; for (const auto &dirEntry : QDirListing(outputDirectory, QStringList(u"*.java"_s), QDir::Files, F::Recursive)) { if (dirEntry.size() >= MAX_PATH) longFileNames.append(dirEntry.filePath()); } if (!longFileNames.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "The maximum path length that can be processed by Gradle on Windows is %d characters.\n" "Consider moving your project to reduce its path length.\n" "The following files have too long paths:\n%s.\n", MAX_PATH, qPrintable(longFileNames.join(u'\n'))); } } #endif struct GradleFlags { bool setsLegacyPackaging = false; bool usesIntegerCompileSdkVersion = false; }; GradleFlags gradleBuildFlags(const QString &path) { GradleFlags flags; QFile file(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return flags; auto isComment = [](const QByteArray &line) { const auto trimmed = line.trimmed(); return trimmed.startsWith("//") || trimmed.startsWith('*') || trimmed.startsWith("/*"); }; const auto lines = file.readAll().split('\n'); for (const auto &line : lines) { if (isComment(line)) continue; if (line.contains("useLegacyPackaging")) { flags.setsLegacyPackaging = true; } else if (line.contains("compileSdkVersion androidCompileSdkVersion.toInteger()")) { flags.usesIntegerCompileSdkVersion = true; } } return flags; } bool buildAndroidProject(const Options &options) { GradleProperties localProperties; localProperties["sdk.dir"] = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(options.sdkPath).toUtf8(); const QString localPropertiesPath = options.outputDirectory + "local.properties"_L1; if (!mergeGradleProperties(localPropertiesPath, localProperties)) return false; const QString gradlePropertiesPath = options.outputDirectory + "gradle.properties"_L1; GradleProperties gradleProperties = readGradleProperties(gradlePropertiesPath); const QString gradleBuildFilePath = options.outputDirectory + "build.gradle"_L1; GradleFlags gradleFlags = gradleBuildFlags(gradleBuildFilePath); if (!gradleFlags.setsLegacyPackaging) gradleProperties["android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs"] = "false"; gradleProperties["buildDir"] = "build"; gradleProperties["qtAndroidDir"] = (options.qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options.qtDataDirectory + "/src/android/java"_L1) .toUtf8(); // The following property "qt5AndroidDir" is only for compatibility. // Projects using a custom build.gradle file may use this variable. // ### Qt7: Remove the following line gradleProperties["qt5AndroidDir"] = (options.qtInstallDirectory + u'/' + options.qtDataDirectory + "/src/android/java"_L1) .toUtf8(); QByteArray sdkPlatformVersion; // Provide the integer version only if build.gradle explicitly converts to Integer, // to avoid regression to existing projects that build for sdk platform of form android-xx. if (gradleFlags.usesIntegerCompileSdkVersion) { const QByteArray tmp = options.androidPlatform.split(u'-').last().toLocal8Bit(); bool ok; tmp.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { sdkPlatformVersion = tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Gradle expects SDK platform version to be an integer, " "but the set version is not convertible to an integer."); } } if (sdkPlatformVersion.isEmpty()) sdkPlatformVersion = options.androidPlatform.toLocal8Bit(); gradleProperties["androidCompileSdkVersion"] = sdkPlatformVersion; gradleProperties["qtMinSdkVersion"] = options.minSdkVersion; gradleProperties["qtTargetSdkVersion"] = options.targetSdkVersion; gradleProperties["androidNdkVersion"] = options.ndkVersion.toUtf8(); if (gradleProperties["androidBuildToolsVersion"].isEmpty()) gradleProperties["androidBuildToolsVersion"] = options.sdkBuildToolsVersion.toLocal8Bit(); QString abiList; for (auto it = options.architectures.constBegin(); it != options.architectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->enabled) continue; if (abiList.size()) abiList.append(u","); abiList.append(it.key()); } gradleProperties["qtTargetAbiList"] = abiList.toLocal8Bit();// armeabi-v7a or arm64-v8a or ... if (!mergeGradleProperties(gradlePropertiesPath, gradleProperties)) return false; QString gradlePath = batSuffixAppended(options.outputDirectory + "gradlew"_L1); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 { QFile f(gradlePath); if (!f.setPermissions(f.permissions() | QFileDevice::ExeUser)) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set permissions %s\n", qPrintable(gradlePath)); } #endif QString oldPath = QDir::currentPath(); if (!QDir::setCurrent(options.outputDirectory)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot current path to %s\n", qPrintable(options.outputDirectory)); return false; } QString commandLine = "%1 %2"_L1.arg(shellQuote(gradlePath), options.releasePackage ? " assembleRelease"_L1 : " assembleDebug"_L1); if (options.buildAAB) commandLine += " bundle"_L1; if (options.verbose) commandLine += " --info"_L1; FILE *gradleCommand = openProcess(commandLine); if (gradleCommand == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot run gradle command: %s\n.", qPrintable(commandLine)); return false; } char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), gradleCommand) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); fflush(stdout); } int errorCode = pclose(gradleCommand); if (errorCode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Building the android package failed!\n"); if (!options.verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- For more information, run this command with --verbose.\n"); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) checkAndWarnGradleLongPaths(options.outputDirectory); #endif return false; } if (!QDir::setCurrent(oldPath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot change back to old path: %s\n", qPrintable(oldPath)); return false; } return true; } bool uninstallApk(const Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Uninstalling old Android package %s if present.\n", qPrintable(options.packageName)); FILE *adbCommand = runAdb(options, " uninstall "_L1 + shellQuote(options.packageName)); if (adbCommand == 0) return false; if (options.verbose || mustReadOutputAnyway) { char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), adbCommand) != 0) if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } int returnCode = pclose(adbCommand); if (returnCode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Uninstall failed!\n"); if (!options.verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- Run with --verbose for more information.\n"); return false; } return true; } enum PackageType { AAB, UnsignedAPK, SignedAPK }; QString packagePath(const Options &options, PackageType pt) { QString path(options.outputDirectory); path += "/build/outputs/%1/"_L1.arg(pt >= UnsignedAPK ? QStringLiteral("apk") : QStringLiteral("bundle")); QString buildType(options.releasePackage ? "release/"_L1 : "debug/"_L1); if (QDir(path + buildType).exists()) path += buildType; path += QDir(options.outputDirectory).dirName() + u'-'; if (options.releasePackage) { path += "release-"_L1; if (pt >= UnsignedAPK) { if (pt == UnsignedAPK) path += "un"_L1; path += "signed.apk"_L1; } else { path.chop(1); path += ".aab"_L1; } } else { path += "debug"_L1; if (pt >= UnsignedAPK) { if (pt == SignedAPK) path += "-signed"_L1; path += ".apk"_L1; } else { path += ".aab"_L1; } } return path; } bool installApk(const Options &options) { fflush(stdout); // Uninstall if necessary if (options.uninstallApk) uninstallApk(options); if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Installing Android package to device.\n"); FILE *adbCommand = runAdb(options, " install -r "_L1 + packagePath(options, options.keyStore.isEmpty() ? UnsignedAPK : SignedAPK)); if (adbCommand == 0) return false; if (options.verbose || mustReadOutputAnyway) { char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), adbCommand) != 0) if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } int returnCode = pclose(adbCommand); if (returnCode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Installing to device failed!\n"); if (!options.verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- Run with --verbose for more information.\n"); return false; } return true; } bool copyPackage(const Options &options) { fflush(stdout); auto from = packagePath(options, options.keyStore.isEmpty() ? UnsignedAPK : SignedAPK); QFile::remove(options.apkPath); return QFile::copy(from, options.apkPath); } bool copyStdCpp(Options *options) { if (isDeployment(options, Options::Unbundled)) return true; if (options->verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Copying STL library\n"); const QString triple = options->architectures[options->currentArchitecture].triple; const QString stdCppPath = "%1/%2/lib%3.so"_L1.arg(options->stdCppPath, triple, options->stdCppName); if (!QFile::exists(stdCppPath)) { fprintf(stderr, "STL library does not exist at %s\n", qPrintable(stdCppPath)); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); return false; } const QString destinationFile = "%1/libs/%2/lib%3.so"_L1.arg(options->outputDirectory, options->currentArchitecture, options->stdCppName); return copyFileIfNewer(stdCppPath, destinationFile, *options); } static QString zipalignPath(const Options &options, bool *ok) { *ok = true; QString zipAlignTool = execSuffixAppended(options.sdkPath + "/tools/zipalign"_L1); if (!QFile::exists(zipAlignTool)) { zipAlignTool = execSuffixAppended(options.sdkPath + "/build-tools/"_L1 + options.sdkBuildToolsVersion + "/zipalign"_L1); if (!QFile::exists(zipAlignTool)) { fprintf(stderr, "zipalign tool not found: %s\n", qPrintable(zipAlignTool)); *ok = false; } } return zipAlignTool; } bool signAAB(const Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Signing Android package.\n"); QString jdkPath = options.jdkPath; if (jdkPath.isEmpty()) jdkPath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("JAVA_HOME")); QString jarSignerTool = execSuffixAppended("jarsigner"_L1); if (jdkPath.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(jdkPath + "/bin/"_L1 + jarSignerTool)) jarSignerTool = findInPath(jarSignerTool); else jarSignerTool = jdkPath + "/bin/"_L1 + jarSignerTool; if (!QFile::exists(jarSignerTool)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find jarsigner in JAVA_HOME or PATH. Please use --jdk option to pass in the correct path to JDK.\n"); return false; } jarSignerTool = "%1 -sigalg %2 -digestalg %3 -keystore %4"_L1 .arg(shellQuote(jarSignerTool), shellQuote(options.sigAlg), shellQuote(options.digestAlg), shellQuote(options.keyStore)); if (!options.keyStorePassword.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -storepass %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.keyStorePassword)); if (!options.storeType.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -storetype %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.storeType)); if (!options.keyPass.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -keypass %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.keyPass)); if (!options.sigFile.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -sigfile %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.sigFile)); if (!options.signedJar.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -signedjar %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.signedJar)); if (!options.tsaUrl.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -tsa %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.tsaUrl)); if (!options.tsaCert.isEmpty()) jarSignerTool += " -tsacert %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.tsaCert)); if (options.internalSf) jarSignerTool += " -internalsf"_L1; if (options.sectionsOnly) jarSignerTool += " -sectionsonly"_L1; if (options.protectedAuthenticationPath) jarSignerTool += " -protected"_L1; auto jarSignPackage = [&](const QString &file) { fprintf(stdout, "Signing file %s\n", qPrintable(file)); fflush(stdout); QString command = jarSignerTool + " %1 %2"_L1.arg(shellQuote(file)) .arg(shellQuote(options.keyStoreAlias)); FILE *jarSignerCommand = openProcess(command); if (jarSignerCommand == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run jarsigner.\n"); return false; } if (options.verbose) { char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), jarSignerCommand) != 0) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); } int errorCode = pclose(jarSignerCommand); if (errorCode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "jarsigner command failed.\n"); if (!options.verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- Run with --verbose for more information.\n"); return false; } return true; }; if (options.buildAAB && !jarSignPackage(packagePath(options, AAB))) return false; return true; } bool signPackage(const Options &options) { const QString apksignerTool = batSuffixAppended(options.sdkPath + "/build-tools/"_L1 + options.sdkBuildToolsVersion + "/apksigner"_L1); // APKs signed with apksigner must not be changed after they're signed, // therefore we need to zipalign it before we sign it. bool ok; QString zipAlignTool = zipalignPath(options, &ok); if (!ok) return false; auto zipalignRunner = [](const QString &zipAlignCommandLine) { FILE *zipAlignCommand = openProcess(zipAlignCommandLine); if (zipAlignCommand == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run zipalign.\n"); return false; } char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), zipAlignCommand) != 0) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); return pclose(zipAlignCommand) == 0; }; const QString verifyZipAlignCommandLine = "%1%2 -c 4 %3"_L1 .arg(shellQuote(zipAlignTool), options.verbose ? " -v"_L1 : QLatin1StringView(), shellQuote(packagePath(options, UnsignedAPK))); if (zipalignRunner(verifyZipAlignCommandLine)) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "APK already aligned, copying it for signing.\n"); if (QFile::exists(packagePath(options, SignedAPK))) QFile::remove(packagePath(options, SignedAPK)); if (!QFile::copy(packagePath(options, UnsignedAPK), packagePath(options, SignedAPK))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not copy unsigned APK.\n"); return false; } } else { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "APK not aligned, aligning it for signing.\n"); const QString zipAlignCommandLine = "%1%2 -f 4 %3 %4"_L1 .arg(shellQuote(zipAlignTool), options.verbose ? " -v"_L1 : QLatin1StringView(), shellQuote(packagePath(options, UnsignedAPK)), shellQuote(packagePath(options, SignedAPK))); if (!zipalignRunner(zipAlignCommandLine)) { fprintf(stderr, "zipalign command failed.\n"); if (!options.verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- Run with --verbose for more information.\n"); return false; } } QString apkSignCommand = "%1 sign --ks %2"_L1 .arg(shellQuote(apksignerTool), shellQuote(options.keyStore)); if (!options.keyStorePassword.isEmpty()) apkSignCommand += " --ks-pass pass:%1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.keyStorePassword)); if (!options.keyStoreAlias.isEmpty()) apkSignCommand += " --ks-key-alias %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.keyStoreAlias)); if (!options.keyPass.isEmpty()) apkSignCommand += " --key-pass pass:%1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(options.keyPass)); if (options.verbose) apkSignCommand += " --verbose"_L1; apkSignCommand += " %1"_L1.arg(shellQuote(packagePath(options, SignedAPK))); auto apkSignerRunner = [](const QString &command, bool verbose) { FILE *apkSigner = openProcess(command); if (apkSigner == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run apksigner.\n"); return false; } char buffer[512]; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), apkSigner) != 0) fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); int errorCode = pclose(apkSigner); if (errorCode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "apksigner command failed.\n"); if (!verbose) fprintf(stderr, " -- Run with --verbose for more information.\n"); return false; } return true; }; // Sign the package if (!apkSignerRunner(apkSignCommand, options.verbose)) return false; const QString apkVerifyCommand = "%1 verify --verbose %2"_L1 .arg(shellQuote(apksignerTool), shellQuote(packagePath(options, SignedAPK))); if (options.buildAAB && !signAAB(options)) return false; // Verify the package and remove the unsigned apk return apkSignerRunner(apkVerifyCommand, true) && QFile::remove(packagePath(options, UnsignedAPK)); } enum ErrorCode { Success, SyntaxErrorOrHelpRequested = 1, CannotReadInputFile = 2, CannotCopyAndroidTemplate = 3, CannotReadDependencies = 4, CannotCopyGnuStl = 5, CannotCopyQtFiles = 6, CannotFindApplicationBinary = 7, CannotCopyAndroidExtraLibs = 10, CannotCopyAndroidSources = 11, CannotUpdateAndroidFiles = 12, CannotCreateAndroidProject = 13, // Not used anymore CannotBuildAndroidProject = 14, CannotSignPackage = 15, CannotInstallApk = 16, CannotCopyAndroidExtraResources = 19, CannotCopyApk = 20, CannotCreateRcc = 21 }; bool writeDependencyFile(const Options &options) { if (options.verbose) fprintf(stdout, "Writing dependency file.\n"); QString relativeTargetPath; if (options.copyDependenciesOnly) { // When androiddeploy Qt is running in copyDependenciesOnly mode we need to use // the timestamp file as the target to collect dependencies. QString timestampAbsPath = QFileInfo(options.depFilePath).absolutePath() + "/timestamp"_L1; relativeTargetPath = QDir(options.buildDirectory).relativeFilePath(timestampAbsPath); } else { relativeTargetPath = QDir(options.buildDirectory).relativeFilePath(options.apkPath); } QFile depFile(options.depFilePath); if (depFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { depFile.write(escapeAndEncodeDependencyPath(relativeTargetPath)); depFile.write(": "); for (const auto &file : dependenciesForDepfile) { depFile.write(" \\\n "); depFile.write(escapeAndEncodeDependencyPath(file)); } depFile.write("\n"); } return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); Options options = parseOptions(); if (options.helpRequested || options.outputDirectory.isEmpty()) { printHelp(); return SyntaxErrorOrHelpRequested; } options.timer.start(); if (!readInputFile(&options)) return CannotReadInputFile; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Read input file\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); fprintf(stdout, "Generating Android Package\n" " Input file: %s\n" " Output directory: %s\n" " Application binary: %s\n" " Android build platform: %s\n" " Install to device: %s\n", qPrintable(options.inputFileName), qPrintable(options.outputDirectory), qPrintable(options.applicationBinary), qPrintable(options.androidPlatform), options.installApk ? (options.installLocation.isEmpty() ? "Default device" : qPrintable(options.installLocation)) : "No" ); bool androidTemplatetCopied = false; for (auto it = options.architectures.constBegin(); it != options.architectures.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!it->enabled) continue; options.setCurrentQtArchitecture(it.key(), it.value().qtInstallDirectory, it.value().qtDirectories); // All architectures have a copy of the gradle files but only one set needs to be copied. if (!androidTemplatetCopied && options.build && !options.copyDependenciesOnly) { cleanAndroidFiles(options); if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Cleaned Android file\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!copyAndroidTemplate(options)) return CannotCopyAndroidTemplate; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Copied Android template\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); androidTemplatetCopied = true; } if (!readDependencies(&options)) return CannotReadDependencies; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Read dependencies\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!copyQtFiles(&options)) return CannotCopyQtFiles; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Copied Qt files\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!copyAndroidExtraLibs(&options)) return CannotCopyAndroidExtraLibs; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ms: Copied extra libs\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!copyAndroidExtraResources(&options)) return CannotCopyAndroidExtraResources; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Copied extra resources\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!copyStdCpp(&options)) return CannotCopyGnuStl; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Copied GNU STL\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); // If Unbundled deployment is used, remove app lib as we don't want it packaged inside the APK if (options.deploymentMechanism == Options::Unbundled) { QString appLibPath = "%1/libs/%2/lib%3_%2.so"_L1. arg(options.outputDirectory, options.currentArchitecture, options.applicationBinary); QFile::remove(appLibPath); } else if (!containsApplicationBinary(&options)) { return CannotFindApplicationBinary; } if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Checked for application binary\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Bundled Qt libs\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); } if (options.copyDependenciesOnly) { if (!options.depFilePath.isEmpty()) writeDependencyFile(options); return 0; } if (!createRcc(options)) return CannotCreateRcc; if (options.auxMode) { if (!updateAndroidFiles(options)) return CannotUpdateAndroidFiles; return 0; } if (options.build) { if (!copyAndroidSources(options)) return CannotCopyAndroidSources; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Copied android sources\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!updateAndroidFiles(options)) return CannotUpdateAndroidFiles; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Updated files\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Created project\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!buildAndroidProject(options)) return CannotBuildAndroidProject; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Built project\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!options.keyStore.isEmpty() && !signPackage(options)) return CannotSignPackage; if (!options.apkPath.isEmpty() && !copyPackage(options)) return CannotCopyApk; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Signed package\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); } if (options.installApk && !installApk(options)) return CannotInstallApk; if (Q_UNLIKELY(options.timing)) fprintf(stdout, "[TIMING] %lld ns: Installed APK\n", options.timer.nsecsElapsed()); if (!options.depFilePath.isEmpty()) writeDependencyFile(options); fprintf(stdout, "Android package built successfully in %.3f ms.\n", options.timer.elapsed() / 1000.); if (options.installApk) fprintf(stdout, " -- It can now be run from the selected device/emulator.\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -- File: %s\n", qPrintable(packagePath(options, options.keyStore.isEmpty() ? UnsignedAPK : SignedAPK))); fflush(stdout); return 0; }