TEMPLATE = app TARGET = mkv8snapshot QT = CONFIG -= app_bundle CONFIG -= qt CONFIG += console CONFIG += warn_off DESTDIR = ../../../bin INCLUDEPATH += . DEPENDPATH += . LIBS = OBJECTS_DIR = . contains(QT_CONFIG, build_all): CONFIG += build_all win32|mac:!macx-xcode: CONFIG += debug_and_release TARGET = $$TARGET$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() cross_compile { equals(QT_ARCH, arm): V8_TARGET_ARCH = arm } include(../../v8/v8.pri) cross_compile { equals(V8_TARGET_ARCH, arm): SOURCES += $$V8SRC/arm/simulator-arm.cc } SOURCES += \ $$V8SRC/snapshot-empty.cc \ $$V8SRC/mksnapshot.cc unix:LIBS += -lpthread # We don't need to install this tool, it's only used for building v8. # However we do have to make sure that 'make install' builds it. dummytarget.CONFIG = dummy_install INSTALLS += dummytarget