// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "uic.h" #include "ui4.h" #include "driver.h" #include "option.h" #include "treewalker.h" #include "validator.h" #include "cppwriteincludes.h" #include "cppwritedeclaration.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; Uic::Uic(Driver *d) : drv(d), out(d->output()), opt(d->option()) { } Uic::~Uic() = default; bool Uic::printDependencies() { QString fileName = opt.inputFile; QFile f; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { if (!f.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; } else { f.setFileName(fileName); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; } DomUI *ui = nullptr; { QXmlStreamReader reader; reader.setDevice(&f); ui = parseUiFile(reader); if (!ui) return false; } if (DomIncludes *includes = ui->elementIncludes()) { const auto incls = includes->elementInclude(); for (DomInclude *incl : incls) { QString file = incl->text(); if (file.isEmpty()) continue; fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", file.toLocal8Bit().constData()); } } if (DomCustomWidgets *customWidgets = ui->elementCustomWidgets()) { const auto elementCustomWidget = customWidgets->elementCustomWidget(); for (DomCustomWidget *customWidget : elementCustomWidget) { if (DomHeader *header = customWidget->elementHeader()) { QString file = header->text(); if (file.isEmpty()) continue; fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", file.toLocal8Bit().constData()); } } } delete ui; return true; } void Uic::writeCopyrightHeaderCpp(const DomUI *ui) const { QString comment = ui->elementComment(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) out << "/*\n" << comment << "\n*/\n\n"; out << "/********************************************************************************\n"; out << "** Form generated from reading UI file '" << QFileInfo(opt.inputFile).fileName() << "'\n"; out << "**\n"; out << "** Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version " << QT_VERSION_STR << "\n"; out << "**\n"; out << "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!\n"; out << "********************************************************************************/\n\n"; } // Format existing UI file comments for Python with some smartness : Replace all // leading C++ comment characters by '#' or prepend '#' if needed. static inline bool isCppCommentChar(QChar c) { return c == u'/' || c == u'*'; } static int leadingCppCommentCharCount(QStringView s) { int i = 0; for (const int size = s.size(); i < size && isCppCommentChar(s.at(i)); ++i) { } return i; } void Uic::writeCopyrightHeaderPython(const DomUI *ui) const { QString comment = ui->elementComment(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { const auto lines = QStringView{comment}.split(u'\n'); for (const auto &line : lines) { if (const int leadingCommentChars = leadingCppCommentCharCount(line)) { out << language::repeat(leadingCommentChars, '#') << line.right(line.size() - leadingCommentChars); } else { if (!line.startsWith(u'#')) out << "# "; out << line; } out << '\n'; } out << '\n'; } out << language::repeat(80, '#') << "\n## Form generated from reading UI file '" << QFileInfo(opt.inputFile).fileName() << "'\n##\n## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version " << QT_VERSION_STR << "\n##\n## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!\n" << language::repeat(80, '#') << "\n\n"; } // Check the version with a stream reader at the element. static double versionFromUiAttribute(QXmlStreamReader &reader) { const QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader.attributes(); const auto versionAttribute = "version"_L1; if (!attributes.hasAttribute(versionAttribute)) return 4.0; const QStringView version = attributes.value(versionAttribute); return version.toDouble(); } DomUI *Uic::parseUiFile(QXmlStreamReader &reader) { DomUI *ui = nullptr; const auto uiElement = "ui"_L1; while (!reader.atEnd()) { if (reader.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { if (reader.name().compare(uiElement, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 && !ui) { const double version = versionFromUiAttribute(reader); if (version < 4.0) { const QString msg = QString::fromLatin1("uic: File generated with too old version of Qt Designer (%1)").arg(version); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(msg)); return nullptr; } ui = new DomUI(); ui->read(reader); } else { reader.raiseError("Unexpected element "_L1 + reader.name().toString()); } } } if (reader.hasError()) { delete ui; ui = nullptr; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("uic: Error in line %1, column %2 : %3") .arg(reader.lineNumber()).arg(reader.columnNumber()) .arg(reader.errorString()))); } return ui; } bool Uic::write(QIODevice *in) { QScopedPointer ui; { QXmlStreamReader reader; reader.setDevice(in); ui.reset(parseUiFile(reader)); } if (ui.isNull()) return false; double version = ui->attributeVersion().toDouble(); if (version < 4.0) { fprintf(stderr, "uic: File generated with too old version of Qt Designer\n"); return false; } const QString &language = ui->attributeLanguage(); driver()->setUseIdBasedTranslations(ui->attributeIdbasedtr()); if (!language.isEmpty() && language.compare("c++"_L1, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "uic: File is not a \"c++\" ui file, language=%s\n", qPrintable(language)); return false; } return write(ui.data()); } bool Uic::write(DomUI *ui) { if (!ui || !ui->elementWidget()) return false; const auto lang = language::language(); if (lang == Language::Python) out << "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n"; if (opt.copyrightHeader) { switch (language::language()) { case Language::Cpp: writeCopyrightHeaderCpp(ui); break; case Language::Python: writeCopyrightHeaderPython(ui); break; } } if (opt.headerProtection && lang == Language::Cpp) { writeHeaderProtectionStart(); out << "\n"; } pixFunction = ui->elementPixmapFunction(); if (pixFunction == "QPixmap::fromMimeSource"_L1 || pixFunction == "qPixmapFromMimeSource"_L1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Obsolete pixmap function '%s' specified in the UI file.\n", qPrintable(opt.messagePrefix()), qPrintable(pixFunction)); pixFunction.clear(); } info.acceptUI(ui); cWidgetsInfo.acceptUI(ui); switch (language::language()) { case Language::Cpp: { CPP::WriteIncludes writeIncludes(this); writeIncludes.acceptUI(ui); Validator(this).acceptUI(ui); CPP::WriteDeclaration(this).acceptUI(ui); } break; case Language::Python: { Python::WriteImports writeImports(this); writeImports.acceptUI(ui); Validator(this).acceptUI(ui); Python::WriteDeclaration(this).acceptUI(ui); } break; } if (opt.headerProtection && lang == Language::Cpp) writeHeaderProtectionEnd(); return true; } void Uic::writeHeaderProtectionStart() { QString h = drv->headerFileName(); out << "#ifndef " << h << "\n" << "#define " << h << "\n"; } void Uic::writeHeaderProtectionEnd() { QString h = drv->headerFileName(); out << "#endif // " << h << "\n"; } bool Uic::isButton(const QString &className) const { static const QStringList buttons = { u"QRadioButton"_s, u"QToolButton"_s, u"QCheckBox"_s, u"QPushButton"_s, u"QCommandLinkButton"_s }; return customWidgetsInfo()->extendsOneOf(className, buttons); } bool Uic::isContainer(const QString &className) const { static const QStringList containers = { u"QStackedWidget"_s, u"QToolBox"_s, u"QTabWidget"_s, u"QScrollArea"_s, u"QMdiArea"_s, u"QWizard"_s, u"QDockWidget"_s }; return customWidgetsInfo()->extendsOneOf(className, containers); } bool Uic::isMenu(const QString &className) const { static const QStringList menus = { u"QMenu"_s, u"QPopupMenu"_s }; return customWidgetsInfo()->extendsOneOf(className, menus); } QT_END_NAMESPACE