{ "module": "widgets", "depends": [ "core-private", "gui" ], "testDir": "../../config.tests", "commandline": { "options": { "gtk": { "type": "boolean", "name": "gtk3" }, "style-windows": "boolean", "style-windowsxp": "boolean", "style-windowsvista": "boolean", "style-fusion": "boolean", "style-mac": "boolean", "style-android": "boolean" } }, "libraries": { "gtk3": { "label": "GTK+", "sources": [ { "type": "pkgConfig", "args": "gtk+-3.0" } ] } }, "tests": { "uxtheme": { "label": "uxtheme.h", "type": "files", "files": [ "uxtheme.h" ] } }, "features": { "gtk3": { "label": "GTK+", "autoDetect": "!config.darwin", "condition": "features.glib && libs.gtk3", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "style-fusion": { "label": "Fusion", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-mac": { "label": "macOS", "condition": "config.osx", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-windows": { "label": "Windows", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-windowsxp": { "label": "WindowsXP", "condition": "features.style-windows && config.win32 && !config.winrt && tests.uxtheme", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-windowsvista": { "label": "WindowsVista", "condition": "features.style-windowsxp", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-android": { "label": "Android", "autoDetect": "config.android", "output": [ "privateFeature", "styles" ] }, "style-stylesheet": { "label": "QStyleSheetStyle", "purpose": "Provides a widget style which is configurable via CSS.", "section": "Styles", "condition": "features.style-windows && features.properties && features.cssparser", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "effects": { "label": "Effects", "purpose": "Provides special widget effects (e.g. fading and scrolling).", "section": "Kernel" }, "filesystemmodel": { "label": "QFileSystemModel", "purpose": "Provides a data model for the local filesystem.", "section": "File I/O", "condition": "features.itemmodel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "itemviews": { "label": "The Model/View Framework", "purpose": "Provides the model/view architecture managing the relationship between data and the way it is presented to the user.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemmodel && features.rubberband && features.scrollarea", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "treewidget": { "label": "QTreeWidget", "purpose": "Provides views using tree models.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.treeview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "listwidget": { "label": "QListWidget", "purpose": "Provides item-based list widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.listview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tablewidget": { "label": "QTableWidget", "purpose": "Provides item-based table views.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.tableview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "commandlinkbutton": { "label": "QCommandLinkButton", "purpose": "Provides a Vista style command link button.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "datetimeedit": { "label": "QDateTimeEdit", "purpose": "Supports editing dates and times.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.calendarwidget && features.datestring && features.textdate", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "stackedwidget": { "label": "QStackedWidget", "purpose": "Provides stacked widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "textbrowser": { "label": "QTextBrowser", "purpose": "Supports HTML document browsing.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.textedit", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "splashscreen": { "label": "QSplashScreen", "purpose": "Supports splash screens that can be shown during application startup.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "splitter": { "label": "QSplitter", "purpose": "Provides user controlled splitter widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.rubberband", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "label": { "label": "QLabel", "purpose": "Provides a text or image display.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "formlayout": { "label": "QFormLayout", "purpose": "Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.label", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "lcdnumber": { "label": "QLCDNumber", "purpose": "Provides LCD-like digits.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "menu": { "label": "QMenu", "purpose": "Provides popup-menus.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.action", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "lineedit": { "label": "QLineEdit", "purpose": "Provides single-line edits.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "radiobutton": { "label": "QRadioButton", "purpose": "Provides a radio button with a text label.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "spinbox": { "label": "QSpinBox", "purpose": "Provides spin boxes handling integers and discrete sets of values.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.lineedit && features.validator", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tabbar": { "label": "QTabBar", "purpose": "Provides tab bars, e.g., for use in tabbed dialogs.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.toolbutton", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tabwidget": { "label": "QTabWidget", "purpose": "Supports stacking tabbed widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.tabbar && features.stackedwidget", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "combobox": { "label": "QComboBox", "purpose": "Provides drop-down boxes presenting a list of options to the user.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.lineedit && features.standarditemmodel && features.listview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "fontcombobox": { "label": "QFontComboBox", "purpose": "Provides a combobox that lets the user select a font family.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.combobox && features.stringlistmodel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "checkbox": { "label": "QCheckBox(", "purpose": "Provides a checkbox with a text label.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "toolbutton": { "label": "QToolButton", "purpose": "Provides quick-access buttons to commands and options.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.action", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "toolbar": { "label": "QToolBar", "purpose": "Provides movable panels containing a set of controls.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.mainwindow", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "toolbox": { "label": "QToolBox", "purpose": "Provides columns of tabbed widget items.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.toolbutton && features.scrollarea", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "groupbox": { "label": "QGroupBox", "purpose": "Provides widget grouping boxes with frames.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "buttongroup": { "label": "QButtonGroup", "purpose": "Supports organizing groups of button widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.groupbox", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "mainwindow": { "label": "QMainWindow", "purpose": "Provides main application windows.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.menu && features.resizehandler && features.toolbutton", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "dockwidget": { "label": "QDockwidget", "purpose": "Supports docking widgets inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.rubberband && features.mainwindow", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "mdiarea": { "label": "QMdiArea", "purpose": "Provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.scrollarea", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "resizehandler": { "label": "QWidgetResizeHandler", "purpose": "Provides an internal resize handler for dock widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "statusbar": { "label": "QStatusBar", "purpose": "Supports presentation of status information.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "menubar": { "label": "QMenuBar", "purpose": "Provides pull-down menu items.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.menu && features.toolbutton", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "contextmenu": { "label": "Context menus", "purpose": "Adds pop-up menus on right mouse click to numerous widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.menu", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "progressbar": { "label": "QProgressBar", "purpose": "Supports presentation of operation progress.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "slider": { "label": "QSlider", "purpose": "Provides sliders controlling a bounded value.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "scrollbar": { "label": "QScrollBar", "purpose": "Provides scrollbars allowing the user access parts of a document that is larger than the widget used to display it.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.slider", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "dial": { "label": "QDial", "purpose": "Provides a rounded range control, e.g., like a speedometer.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.slider", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "scrollarea": { "label": "QScrollArea", "purpose": "Supports scrolling views onto widgets.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.scrollbar", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "scroller": { "label": "QScroller", "purpose": "Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "graphicsview": { "label": "QGraphicsView", "purpose": "Provides a canvas/sprite framework.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.scrollarea", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "graphicseffect": { "label": "QGraphicsEffect", "purpose": "Provides various graphics effects.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.graphicsview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "textedit": { "label": "QTextEdit", "purpose": "Supports rich text editing.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.scrollarea && features.properties", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "syntaxhighlighter": { "label": "QSyntaxHighlighter", "purpose": "Supports custom syntax highlighting.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.textedit", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "rubberband": { "label": "QRubberBand", "purpose": "Supports using rubberbands to indicate selections and boundaries.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tooltip": { "label": "QToolTip", "purpose": "Supports presentation of tooltips.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.label", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "statustip": { "label": "Status Tip", "purpose": "Supports status tip functionality and events.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "whatsthis": { "label": "QWhatsThis", "purpose": "Supports displaying \"What's this\" help.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.toolbutton", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "sizegrip": { "label": "QSizeGrip", "purpose": "Provides corner-grips for resizing top-level windows.", "section": "Widgets", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "calendarwidget": { "label": "QCalendarWidget", "purpose": "Provides a monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.tableview && features.menu && features.textdate && features.spinbox && features.toolbutton && features.label", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "keysequenceedit": { "label": "QKeySequenceEdit", "purpose": "Provides a widget for editing QKeySequences.", "section": "Widgets", "condition": "features.lineedit && features.shortcut", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "dialogbuttonbox": { "label": "QDialogButtonBox", "purpose": "Presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate for the current widget style.", "section": "Dialogs", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "messagebox": { "label": "QMessageBox", "purpose": "Provides message boxes displaying informative messages and simple questions.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition" : [ "features.checkbox", "features.dialogbuttonbox", "features.label" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "colordialog": { "label": "QColorDialog", "purpose": "Provides a dialog widget for specifying colors.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": [ "features.dialogbuttonbox", "features.label", "features.spinbox" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "filedialog": { "label": "QFileDialog", "purpose": "Provides a dialog widget for selecting files or directories.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": [ "features.buttongroup", "features.combobox", "features.dialogbuttonbox", "features.dirmodel", "features.label", "features.proxymodel", "features.splitter", "features.stackedwidget", "features.treeview", "features.toolbutton" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "fontdialog": { "label": "QFontDialog", "purpose": "Provides a dialog widget for selecting fonts.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": [ "features.checkbox", "features.combobox", "features.dialogbuttonbox", "features.groupbox", "features.label", "features.stringlistmodel", "features.validator" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "progressdialog": { "label": "QProgressDialog", "purpose": "Provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": "features.progressbar && features.label", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "inputdialog": { "label": "QInputDialog", "purpose": "Provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": [ "features.combobox", "features.dialogbuttonbox", "features.label", "features.spinbox", "features.stackedwidget", "features.textedit" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "errormessage": { "label": "QErrorMessage", "purpose": "Provides an error message display dialog.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": [ "features.checkbox", "features.textedit", "features.label" ], "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "wizard": { "label": "QWizard", "purpose": "Provides a framework for multi-page click-through dialogs.", "section": "Dialogs", "condition": "features.properties && features.label", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "dirmodel": { "label": "QDirModel", "purpose": "Provides a data model for the local filesystem.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemviews && features.filesystemmodel", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "listview": { "label": "QListView", "purpose": "Provides a list or icon view onto a model.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemviews", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "tableview": { "label": "QTableView", "purpose": "Provides a default model/view implementation of a table view.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemviews", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "treeview": { "label": "QTreeView", "purpose": "Provides a default model/view implementation of a tree view.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemviews", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "datawidgetmapper": { "label": "QDataWidgetMapper", "purpose": "Provides mapping between a section of a data model to widgets.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.itemviews && features.properties", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "columnview": { "label": "QColumnView", "purpose": "Provides a model/view implementation of a column view.", "section": "ItemViews", "condition": "features.listview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "paint_debug": { "label": "Painting Debug Utilities", "purpose": "Enabled debugging painting with the environment variables QT_FLUSH_UPDATE and QT_FLUSH_PAINT.", "section": "Painting", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "completer": { "label": "QCompleter", "purpose": "Provides completions based on an item model.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.proxymodel && features.itemviews", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "fscompleter": { "label": "QFSCompleter", "purpose": "Provides file name completion in QFileDialog.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.filesystemmodel && features.completer", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "undocommand": { "label": "QUndoCommand", "purpose": "Applies (redo or) undo of a single change in a document.", "section": "Utilities", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "undostack": { "label": "QUndoStack", "purpose": "Provides the ability to (redo or) undo a list of changes in a document.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.undocommand", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "undogroup": { "label": "QUndoGroup", "purpose": "Provides the ability to cluster QUndoCommands.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.undostack", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] }, "undoview": { "label": "QUndoView", "purpose": "Provides a widget which shows the contents of an undo stack.", "section": "Utilities", "condition": "features.undostack && features.listview", "output": [ "publicFeature", "feature" ] } }, "report": [ ], "summary": [ { "section": "Qt Widgets", "entries": [ "gtk3", { "message": "Styles", "type": "featureList", "args": "style-fusion style-mac style-windows style-windowsxp style-windowsvista style-android" } ] } ] }