// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qerrormessage.h" #include "qapplication.h" #include "qcheckbox.h" #include "qlabel.h" #include "qlayout.h" #if QT_CONFIG(messagebox) #include "qmessagebox.h" #endif #include "qpushbutton.h" #include "qstringlist.h" #include "qtextedit.h" #include "qdialog_p.h" #include "qpixmap.h" #include "qmetaobject.h" #include "qthread.h" #include "qset.h" #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; namespace { struct Message { QString content; QString type; }; } class QErrorMessagePrivate : public QDialogPrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QErrorMessage) public: QPushButton * ok; QCheckBox * again; QTextEdit * errors; QLabel * icon; std::queue pending; QSet doNotShow; QSet doNotShowType; QString currentMessage; QString currentType; bool isMessageToBeShown(const QString &message, const QString &type) const; bool nextPending(); void retranslateStrings(); private: void initHelper(QPlatformDialogHelper *) override; void helperPrepareShow(QPlatformDialogHelper *) override; }; void QErrorMessagePrivate::initHelper(QPlatformDialogHelper *helper) { Q_Q(QErrorMessage); auto *messageDialogHelper = static_cast(helper); QObject::connect(messageDialogHelper, &QPlatformMessageDialogHelper::supressionCheckBoxChanged, q, [this](bool supressionChecked) { again->setChecked(!supressionChecked); } ); QObject::connect(messageDialogHelper, &QPlatformMessageDialogHelper::clicked, q, [this](QPlatformDialogHelper::StandardButton, QPlatformDialogHelper::ButtonRole) { Q_Q(QErrorMessage); q->accept(); } ); } void QErrorMessagePrivate::helperPrepareShow(QPlatformDialogHelper *helper) { Q_Q(QErrorMessage); auto *messageDialogHelper = static_cast(helper); QSharedPointer options = QMessageDialogOptions::create(); options->setText(currentMessage); options->setWindowTitle(q->windowTitle()); options->setText(QErrorMessage::tr("An error occurred")); options->setInformativeText(currentMessage); options->setStandardIcon(QMessageDialogOptions::Critical); options->setSupressionCheckBoxEnabled(true); messageDialogHelper->setOptions(options); } namespace { class QErrorMessageTextView : public QTextEdit { public: QErrorMessageTextView(QWidget *parent) : QTextEdit(parent) { setReadOnly(true); } virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const override; virtual QSize sizeHint() const override; }; } // unnamed namespace QSize QErrorMessageTextView::minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(50, 50); } QSize QErrorMessageTextView::sizeHint() const { return QSize(250, 75); } /*! \class QErrorMessage \brief The QErrorMessage class provides an error message display dialog. \ingroup standard-dialog \inmodule QtWidgets An error message widget consists of a text label and a checkbox. The checkbox lets the user control whether the same error message will be displayed again in the future, typically displaying the text, "Show this message again" translated into the appropriate local language. For production applications, the class can be used to display messages which the user only needs to see once. To use QErrorMessage like this, you create the dialog in the usual way, and show it by calling the showMessage() slot or connecting signals to it. The static qtHandler() function installs a message handler using qInstallMessageHandler() and creates a QErrorMessage that displays qDebug(), qWarning() and qFatal() messages. This is most useful in environments where no console is available to display warnings and error messages. In both cases QErrorMessage will queue pending messages and display them in order, with each new message being shown as soon as the user has accepted the previous message. Once the user has specified that a message is not to be shown again it is automatically skipped, and the dialog will show the next appropriate message in the queue. The \l{dialogs/standarddialogs}{Standard Dialogs} example shows how to use QErrorMessage as well as other built-in Qt dialogs. \image qerrormessage.png \sa QMessageBox, QStatusBar::showMessage(), {Standard Dialogs Example} */ static QErrorMessage * qtMessageHandler = nullptr; static void deleteStaticcQErrorMessage() // post-routine { if (qtMessageHandler) { delete qtMessageHandler; qtMessageHandler = nullptr; } } static bool metFatal = false; static QString msgType2i18nString(QtMsgType t) { static_assert(QtDebugMsg == 0); static_assert(QtWarningMsg == 1); static_assert(QtCriticalMsg == 2); static_assert(QtFatalMsg == 3); static_assert(QtInfoMsg == 4); // adjust the array below if any of the above fire... const char * const messages[] = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QErrorMessage", "Debug Message:"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QErrorMessage", "Warning:"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QErrorMessage", "Critical Error:"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QErrorMessage", "Fatal Error:"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QErrorMessage", "Information:"), }; Q_ASSERT(size_t(t) < sizeof messages / sizeof *messages); return QCoreApplication::translate("QErrorMessage", messages[t]); } static QtMessageHandler originalMessageHandler = nullptr; static void jump(QtMsgType t, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &m) { const auto forwardToOriginalHandler = qScopeGuard([&] { if (originalMessageHandler) originalMessageHandler(t, context, m); }); if (!qtMessageHandler) return; auto *defaultCategory = QLoggingCategory::defaultCategory(); if (context.category && defaultCategory && qstrcmp(context.category, defaultCategory->categoryName()) != 0) return; QString rich = "

"_L1 + msgType2i18nString(t) + "

"_L1 + Qt::convertFromPlainText(m, Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal); // ### work around text engine quirk if (rich.endsWith("

"_L1)) rich.chop(4); if (!metFatal) { if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread()) { qtMessageHandler->showMessage(rich); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qtMessageHandler, "showMessage", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, rich)); } metFatal = (t == QtFatalMsg); } } /*! Constructs and installs an error handler window with the given \a parent. The default \l{Qt::WindowModality} {window modality} of the dialog depends on the platform. The window modality can be overridden via setWindowModality() before calling showMessage(). */ QErrorMessage::QErrorMessage(QWidget * parent) : QDialog(*new QErrorMessagePrivate, parent) { Q_D(QErrorMessage); #if defined(Q_OS_MACOS) setWindowModality(parent ? Qt::WindowModal : Qt::ApplicationModal); #endif d->icon = new QLabel(this); d->errors = new QErrorMessageTextView(this); d->again = new QCheckBox(this); d->ok = new QPushButton(this); QGridLayout * grid = new QGridLayout(this); connect(d->ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); grid->addWidget(d->icon, 0, 0, Qt::AlignTop); grid->addWidget(d->errors, 0, 1); grid->addWidget(d->again, 1, 1, Qt::AlignTop); grid->addWidget(d->ok, 2, 0, 1, 2, Qt::AlignCenter); grid->setColumnStretch(1, 42); grid->setRowStretch(0, 42); #if QT_CONFIG(messagebox) d->icon->setPixmap(style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation)); d->icon->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop); #endif d->again->setChecked(true); d->ok->setFocus(); d->retranslateStrings(); } /*! Destroys the error message dialog. */ QErrorMessage::~QErrorMessage() { if (this == qtMessageHandler) { qtMessageHandler = nullptr; QtMessageHandler currentMessagHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(nullptr); if (currentMessagHandler != jump) qInstallMessageHandler(currentMessagHandler); else qInstallMessageHandler(originalMessageHandler); originalMessageHandler = nullptr; } } /*! \reimp */ void QErrorMessage::done(int a) { Q_D(QErrorMessage); if (!d->again->isChecked()) { if (d->currentType.isEmpty()) { if (!d->currentMessage.isEmpty()) d->doNotShow.insert(d->currentMessage); } else { d->doNotShowType.insert(d->currentType); } } d->currentMessage.clear(); d->currentType.clear(); QDialog::done(a); if (d->nextPending()) { show(); } else { if (this == qtMessageHandler && metFatal) exit(1); } } /*! Returns a pointer to a QErrorMessage object that outputs the default Qt messages. This function creates such an object, if there isn't one already. The object will only output log messages of QLoggingCategory::defaultCategory(). The object will forward all messages to the original message handler. \sa qInstallMessageHandler */ QErrorMessage * QErrorMessage::qtHandler() { if (!qtMessageHandler) { qtMessageHandler = new QErrorMessage(nullptr); qAddPostRoutine(deleteStaticcQErrorMessage); // clean up qtMessageHandler->setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication::applicationName()); originalMessageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(jump); } return qtMessageHandler; } /*! \internal */ bool QErrorMessagePrivate::isMessageToBeShown(const QString &message, const QString &type) const { return !message.isEmpty() && (type.isEmpty() ? !doNotShow.contains(message) : !doNotShowType.contains(type)); } bool QErrorMessagePrivate::nextPending() { while (!pending.empty()) { QString message = std::move(pending.front().content); QString type = std::move(pending.front().type); pending.pop(); if (isMessageToBeShown(message, type)) { #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTHTMLPARSER errors->setHtml(message); #else errors->setPlainText(message); #endif currentMessage = std::move(message); currentType = std::move(type); return true; } } return false; } /*! Shows the given message, \a message, and returns immediately. If the user has requested for the message not to be shown again, this function does nothing. Normally, the message is displayed immediately. However, if there are pending messages, it will be queued to be displayed later. */ void QErrorMessage::showMessage(const QString &message) { showMessage(message, QString()); } /*! \since 4.5 \overload Shows the given message, \a message, and returns immediately. If the user has requested for messages of type, \a type, not to be shown again, this function does nothing. Normally, the message is displayed immediately. However, if there are pending messages, it will be queued to be displayed later. \sa showMessage() */ void QErrorMessage::showMessage(const QString &message, const QString &type) { Q_D(QErrorMessage); if (!d->isMessageToBeShown(message, type)) return; d->pending.push({message, type}); if (!isVisible() && d->nextPending()) show(); } void QErrorMessage::setVisible(bool visible) { if (testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide) && testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Hidden) != visible) return; Q_D(QErrorMessage); if (d->canBeNativeDialog()) d->setNativeDialogVisible(visible); // Update WA_DontShowOnScreen based on whether the native dialog was shown, // so that QDialog::setVisible(visible) below updates the QWidget state correctly, // but skips showing the non-native version. setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen, d->nativeDialogInUse); QDialog::setVisible(visible); } /*! \reimp */ void QErrorMessage::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { Q_D(QErrorMessage); if (e->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { d->retranslateStrings(); } QDialog::changeEvent(e); } void QErrorMessagePrivate::retranslateStrings() { again->setText(QErrorMessage::tr("&Show this message again")); ok->setText(QErrorMessage::tr("&OK")); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qerrormessage.cpp"