// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qwindowcontainer_p.h" #include "qwidget_p.h" #include "qwidgetwindow_p.h" #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(mdiarea) #include #endif #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; class QWindowContainerPrivate : public QWidgetPrivate { public: Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QWindowContainer) QWindowContainerPrivate() : window(nullptr) , oldFocusWindow(nullptr) , usesNativeWidgets(false) { } ~QWindowContainerPrivate() { } static QWindowContainerPrivate *get(QWidget *w) { QWindowContainer *wc = qobject_cast(w); if (wc) return wc->d_func(); return nullptr; } void updateGeometry() { Q_Q(QWindowContainer); if (!q->isWindow() && (q->geometry().bottom() <= 0 || q->geometry().right() <= 0)) /* Qt (e.g. QSplitter) sometimes prefer to hide a widget by *not* calling setVisible(false). This is often done by setting its coordinates to a sufficiently negative value so that its clipped outside the parent. Since a QWindow is not clipped to widgets in general, it needs to be dealt with as a special case. */ window->setGeometry(q->geometry()); else if (usesNativeWidgets) window->setGeometry(q->rect()); else window->setGeometry(QRect(q->mapTo(q->window(), QPoint()), q->size())); } void updateUsesNativeWidgets() { if (window->parent() == nullptr) return; Q_Q(QWindowContainer); if (q->internalWinId()) { // Allow use native widgets if the window container is already a native widget usesNativeWidgets = true; return; } bool nativeWidgetSet = false; QWidget *p = q->parentWidget(); while (p) { if (false #if QT_CONFIG(mdiarea) || qobject_cast(p) != 0 #endif #if QT_CONFIG(scrollarea) || qobject_cast(p) != 0 #endif ) { q->winId(); nativeWidgetSet = true; break; } p = p->parentWidget(); } usesNativeWidgets = nativeWidgetSet; } void markParentChain() { Q_Q(QWindowContainer); QWidget *p = q; while (p) { QWidgetPrivate *d = static_cast(QWidgetPrivate::get(p)); d->createExtra(); d->extra->hasWindowContainer = true; p = p->parentWidget(); } } bool isStillAnOrphan() const { return window->parent() == &fakeParent; } QPointer window; QWindow *oldFocusWindow; QWindow fakeParent; uint usesNativeWidgets : 1; }; /*! \fn QWidget *QWidget::createWindowContainer(QWindow *window, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags); Creates a QWidget that makes it possible to embed \a window into a QWidget-based application. The window container is created as a child of \a parent and with window flags \a flags. Once the window has been embedded into the container, the container will control the window's geometry and visibility. Explicit calls to QWindow::setGeometry(), QWindow::show() or QWindow::hide() on an embedded window is not recommended. The container takes over ownership of \a window. The window can be removed from the window container with a call to QWindow::setParent(). The window container is attached as a native child window to the toplevel window it is a child of. When a window container is used as a child of a QAbstractScrollArea or QMdiArea, it will create a \l {Native Widgets vs Alien Widgets} {native window} for every widget in its parent chain to allow for proper stacking and clipping in this use case. Creating a native window for the window container also allows for proper stacking and clipping. This must be done before showing the window container. Applications with many native child windows may suffer from performance issues. The window container has a number of known limitations: \list \li Stacking order; The embedded window will stack on top of the widget hierarchy as an opaque box. The stacking order of multiple overlapping window container instances is undefined. \li Rendering Integration; The window container does not interoperate with QGraphicsProxyWidget, QWidget::render() or similar functionality. \li Focus Handling; It is possible to let the window container instance have any focus policy and it will delegate focus to the window via a call to QWindow::requestActivate(). However, returning to the normal focus chain from the QWindow instance will be up to the QWindow instance implementation itself. For instance, when entering a Qt Quick based window with tab focus, it is quite likely that further tab presses will only cycle inside the QML application. Also, whether QWindow::requestActivate() actually gives the window focus, is platform dependent. \li Using many window container instances in a QWidget-based application can greatly hurt the overall performance of the application. \li Since 6.7, if \a window belongs to a widget (that is, \a window was received from calling \l windowHandle()), no container will be created. Instead, this function will return the widget itself, after being reparented to \l parent. Since no container will be created, \a flags will be ignored. In other words, if \a window belongs to a widget, consider just reparenting that widget to \a parent instead of using this function. \endlist */ QWidget *QWidget::createWindowContainer(QWindow *window, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) { // Embedding a QWidget in a window container doesn't make sense, // and has various issues in practice, so just return the widget // itself. if (auto *widgetWindow = qobject_cast(window)) { QWidget *widget = widgetWindow->widget(); if (flags != Qt::WindowFlags()) { qWarning() << window << "refers to a widget:" << widget << "WindowFlags" << flags << "will be ignored."; } widget->setParent(parent); return widget; } return new QWindowContainer(window, parent, flags); } /*! \internal */ QWindowContainer::QWindowContainer(QWindow *embeddedWindow, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QWidget(*new QWindowContainerPrivate, parent, flags) { Q_D(QWindowContainer); if (Q_UNLIKELY(!embeddedWindow)) { qWarning("QWindowContainer: embedded window cannot be null"); return; } d->window = embeddedWindow; QString windowName = d->window->objectName(); if (windowName.isEmpty()) windowName = QString::fromUtf8(d->window->metaObject()->className()); d->fakeParent.setObjectName(windowName + "ContainerFakeParent"_L1); d->window->setParent(&d->fakeParent); d->window->parent()->installEventFilter(this); d->window->setFlag(Qt::SubWindow); setAcceptDrops(true); connect(qGuiApp, &QGuiApplication::focusWindowChanged, this, &QWindowContainer::focusWindowChanged); connect(containedWindow(), &QWindow::minimumHeightChanged, this, &QWindowContainer::updateGeometry); connect(containedWindow(), &QWindow::minimumWidthChanged, this, &QWindowContainer::updateGeometry); } QWindow *QWindowContainer::containedWindow() const { Q_D(const QWindowContainer); return d->window; } /*! \internal */ QWindowContainer::~QWindowContainer() { Q_D(QWindowContainer); // Call destroy() explicitly first. The dtor would do this too, but // QEvent::PlatformSurface delivery relies on virtuals. Getting // SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed can be essential for OpenGL, Vulkan, etc. // QWindow subclasses in particular. Keep these working. if (d->window) d->window->destroy(); delete d->window; disconnect(qGuiApp, &QGuiApplication::focusWindowChanged, this, &QWindowContainer::focusWindowChanged); } /*! \internal */ void QWindowContainer::focusWindowChanged(QWindow *focusWindow) { Q_D(QWindowContainer); d->oldFocusWindow = focusWindow; if (focusWindow == d->window) { QWidget *widget = QApplication::focusWidget(); if (widget) widget->clearFocus(); } } /*! \internal */ bool QWindowContainer::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { Q_D(QWindowContainer); if (!d->window) return false; if (e->type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved) { QChildEvent *ce = static_cast(e); if (ce->child() == d->window) { o->removeEventFilter(this); d->window = nullptr; } } return false; } /*! \internal */ bool QWindowContainer::event(QEvent *e) { Q_D(QWindowContainer); if (!d->window) return QWidget::event(e); QEvent::Type type = e->type(); switch (type) { // The only thing we are interested in is making sure our sizes stay // in sync, so do a catch-all case. case QEvent::Resize: d->updateGeometry(); break; case QEvent::Move: d->updateGeometry(); break; case QEvent::PolishRequest: d->updateGeometry(); break; case QEvent::Show: d->updateUsesNativeWidgets(); if (d->isStillAnOrphan()) { d->window->parent()->removeEventFilter(this); d->window->setParent(d->usesNativeWidgets ? windowHandle() : window()->windowHandle()); d->fakeParent.destroy(); if (d->window->parent()) d->window->parent()->installEventFilter(this); } if (d->window->parent()) { d->markParentChain(); d->window->show(); } break; case QEvent::Hide: if (d->window->parent()) d->window->hide(); break; case QEvent::FocusIn: if (d->window->parent()) { if (d->oldFocusWindow != d->window) { d->window->requestActivate(); } else { QWidget *next = nextInFocusChain(); next->setFocus(); } } break; #if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop) case QEvent::Drop: case QEvent::DragMove: case QEvent::DragLeave: QCoreApplication::sendEvent(d->window, e); return e->isAccepted(); case QEvent::DragEnter: // Don't reject drag events for the entire widget when one // item rejects the drag enter QCoreApplication::sendEvent(d->window, e); e->accept(); return true; #endif case QEvent::Paint: { static bool needsPunch = !QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->hasCapability( QPlatformIntegration::TopStackedNativeChildWindows); if (needsPunch) { QPainter p(this); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(rect(), Qt::transparent); } break; } default: break; } return QWidget::event(e); } QSize QWindowContainer::minimumSizeHint() const { return containedWindow() ? containedWindow()->minimumSize() : QSize(0, 0); } typedef void (*qwindowcontainer_traverse_callback)(QWidget *parent); static void qwindowcontainer_traverse(QWidget *parent, qwindowcontainer_traverse_callback callback) { const QObjectList &children = parent->children(); for (int i=0; i(children.at(i)); if (w) { QWidgetPrivate *wd = static_cast(QWidgetPrivate::get(w)); if (wd->extra && wd->extra->hasWindowContainer) callback(w); } } } void QWindowContainer::toplevelAboutToBeDestroyed(QWidget *parent) { if (QWindowContainerPrivate *d = QWindowContainerPrivate::get(parent)) { if (d->window->parent()) d->window->parent()->removeEventFilter(parent); d->window->setParent(&d->fakeParent); d->window->parent()->installEventFilter(parent); } qwindowcontainer_traverse(parent, toplevelAboutToBeDestroyed); } void QWindowContainer::parentWasChanged(QWidget *parent) { if (QWindowContainerPrivate *d = QWindowContainerPrivate::get(parent)) { if (d->window->parent()) { d->updateUsesNativeWidgets(); d->markParentChain(); QWidget *toplevel = d->usesNativeWidgets ? parent : parent->window(); if (!toplevel->windowHandle()) { QWidgetPrivate *tld = static_cast(QWidgetPrivate::get(toplevel)); tld->createTLExtra(); tld->createTLSysExtra(); Q_ASSERT(toplevel->windowHandle()); } d->window->parent()->removeEventFilter(parent); d->window->setParent(toplevel->windowHandle()); toplevel->windowHandle()->installEventFilter(parent); d->fakeParent.destroy(); d->updateGeometry(); } } qwindowcontainer_traverse(parent, parentWasChanged); } void QWindowContainer::parentWasMoved(QWidget *parent) { if (QWindowContainerPrivate *d = QWindowContainerPrivate::get(parent)) { if (d->window->parent()) d->updateGeometry(); } qwindowcontainer_traverse(parent, parentWasMoved); } void QWindowContainer::parentWasRaised(QWidget *parent) { if (QWindowContainerPrivate *d = QWindowContainerPrivate::get(parent)) { if (d->window->parent()) d->window->raise(); } qwindowcontainer_traverse(parent, parentWasRaised); } void QWindowContainer::parentWasLowered(QWidget *parent) { if (QWindowContainerPrivate *d = QWindowContainerPrivate::get(parent)) { if (d->window->parent()) d->window->lower(); } qwindowcontainer_traverse(parent, parentWasLowered); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qwindowcontainer_p.cpp"