// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2015 Olivier Goffart // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qmainwindowlayout_p.h" #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #include "qdockarealayout_p.h" #include "qdockwidget.h" #include "qdockwidget_p.h" #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) #include "qtoolbar_p.h" #include "qtoolbar.h" #include "qtoolbarlayout_p.h" #endif #include "qmainwindow.h" #include "qwidgetanimator_p.h" #if QT_CONFIG(rubberband) #include "qrubberband.h" #endif #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) #include "qtabbar_p.h" #endif #include #if QT_CONFIG(statusbar) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; extern QMainWindowLayout *qt_mainwindow_layout(const QMainWindow *window); /****************************************************************************** ** debug */ #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM) static void dumpLayout(QTextStream &qout, const QDockAreaLayoutInfo &layout, QString indent); static void dumpLayout(QTextStream &qout, const QDockAreaLayoutItem &item, QString indent) { qout << indent << "QDockAreaLayoutItem: " << "pos: " << item.pos << " size:" << item.size << " gap:" << (item.flags & QDockAreaLayoutItem::GapItem) << " keepSize:" << (item.flags & QDockAreaLayoutItem::KeepSize) << '\n'; indent += " "_L1; if (item.widgetItem != nullptr) { qout << indent << "widget: " << item.widgetItem->widget()->metaObject()->className() << " \"" << item.widgetItem->widget()->windowTitle() << "\"\n"; } else if (item.subinfo != nullptr) { qout << indent << "subinfo:\n"; dumpLayout(qout, *item.subinfo, indent + " "_L1); } else if (item.placeHolderItem != nullptr) { QRect r = item.placeHolderItem->topLevelRect; qout << indent << "placeHolder: " << "pos: " << item.pos << " size:" << item.size << " gap:" << (item.flags & QDockAreaLayoutItem::GapItem) << " keepSize:" << (item.flags & QDockAreaLayoutItem::KeepSize) << " objectName:" << item.placeHolderItem->objectName << " hidden:" << item.placeHolderItem->hidden << " window:" << item.placeHolderItem->window << " rect:" << r.x() << ',' << r.y() << ' ' << r.width() << 'x' << r.height() << '\n'; } } static void dumpLayout(QTextStream &qout, const QDockAreaLayoutInfo &layout, QString indent) { const QSize minSize = layout.minimumSize(); qout << indent << "QDockAreaLayoutInfo: " << layout.rect.left() << ',' << layout.rect.top() << ' ' << layout.rect.width() << 'x' << layout.rect.height() << " min size: " << minSize.width() << ',' << minSize.height() << " orient:" << layout.o #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) << " tabbed:" << layout.tabbed << " tbshape:" << layout.tabBarShape #endif << '\n'; indent += " "_L1; for (int i = 0; i < layout.item_list.size(); ++i) { qout << indent << "Item: " << i << '\n'; dumpLayout(qout, layout.item_list.at(i), indent + " "_L1); } } static void dumpLayout(QTextStream &qout, const QDockAreaLayout &layout) { qout << "QDockAreaLayout: " << layout.rect.left() << ',' << layout.rect.top() << ' ' << layout.rect.width() << 'x' << layout.rect.height() << '\n'; qout << "TopDockArea:\n"; dumpLayout(qout, layout.docks[QInternal::TopDock], " "_L1); qout << "LeftDockArea:\n"; dumpLayout(qout, layout.docks[QInternal::LeftDock], " "_L1); qout << "RightDockArea:\n"; dumpLayout(qout, layout.docks[QInternal::RightDock], " "_L1); qout << "BottomDockArea:\n"; dumpLayout(qout, layout.docks[QInternal::BottomDock], " "_L1); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QDockAreaLayout &layout) { QString s; QTextStream str(&s); dumpLayout(str, layout); debug << s; return debug; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QMainWindowLayout *layout) { debug << layout->layoutState.dockAreaLayout; return debug; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG) /****************************************************************************** ** QDockWidgetGroupWindow */ // QDockWidgetGroupWindow is the floating window containing several QDockWidgets floating together. // (QMainWindow::GroupedDragging feature) // QDockWidgetGroupLayout is the layout of that window and use a QDockAreaLayoutInfo to layout // the QDockWidgets inside it. // If there is only one QDockWidgets, or all QDockWidgets are tabbed together, it is equivalent // of a floating QDockWidget (the title of the QDockWidget is the title of the window). But if there // are nested QDockWidget, an additional title bar is there. #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) class QDockWidgetGroupLayout : public QLayout, public QMainWindowLayoutSeparatorHelper { QWidgetResizeHandler *resizer; public: QDockWidgetGroupLayout(QDockWidgetGroupWindow* parent) : QLayout(parent) { setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize); resizer = new QWidgetResizeHandler(parent); } ~QDockWidgetGroupLayout() { layoutState.deleteAllLayoutItems(); } void addItem(QLayoutItem*) override { Q_UNREACHABLE(); } int count() const override { return 0; } QLayoutItem* itemAt(int index) const override { int x = 0; return layoutState.itemAt(&x, index); } QLayoutItem* takeAt(int index) override { int x = 0; QLayoutItem *ret = layoutState.takeAt(&x, index); if (savedState.rect.isValid() && ret->widget()) { // we need to remove the item also from the saved state to prevent crash QList path = savedState.indexOf(ret->widget()); if (!path.isEmpty()) savedState.remove(path); // Also, the item may be contained several times as a gap item. path = layoutState.indexOf(ret->widget()); if (!path.isEmpty()) layoutState.remove(path); } return ret; } QSize sizeHint() const override { int fw = frameWidth(); return layoutState.sizeHint() + QSize(fw, fw); } QSize minimumSize() const override { int fw = frameWidth(); return layoutState.minimumSize() + QSize(fw, fw); } QSize maximumSize() const override { int fw = frameWidth(); return layoutState.maximumSize() + QSize(fw, fw); } void setGeometry(const QRect&r) override { groupWindow()->destroyOrHideIfEmpty(); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *li = dockAreaLayoutInfo(); if (li->isEmpty()) return; int fw = frameWidth(); #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) li->reparentWidgets(parentWidget()); #endif li->rect = r.adjusted(fw, fw, -fw, -fw); li->fitItems(); li->apply(false); if (savedState.rect.isValid()) savedState.rect = li->rect; resizer->setEnabled(!nativeWindowDeco()); } QDockAreaLayoutInfo *dockAreaLayoutInfo() { return &layoutState; } bool nativeWindowDeco() const { return groupWindow()->hasNativeDecos(); } int frameWidth() const { return nativeWindowDeco() ? 0 : parentWidget()->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth, nullptr, parentWidget()); } QDockWidgetGroupWindow *groupWindow() const { return static_cast(parent()); } QDockAreaLayoutInfo layoutState; QDockAreaLayoutInfo savedState; }; bool QDockWidgetGroupWindow::event(QEvent *e) { auto lay = static_cast(layout()); if (lay && lay->windowEvent(e)) return true; switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::Close: #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) // Forward the close to the QDockWidget just as if its close button was pressed if (QDockWidget *dw = activeTabbedDockWidget()) { dw->close(); adjustFlags(); } #endif return true; case QEvent::Move: #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) // Let QDockWidgetPrivate::moseEvent handle the dragging if (QDockWidget *dw = activeTabbedDockWidget()) static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(dw))->moveEvent(static_cast(e)); #endif return true; case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseMove: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick: #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) // Let the QDockWidgetPrivate of the currently visible dock widget handle the drag and drop if (QDockWidget *dw = activeTabbedDockWidget()) static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(dw))->nonClientAreaMouseEvent(static_cast(e)); #endif return true; case QEvent::ChildAdded: if (qobject_cast(static_cast(e)->child())) adjustFlags(); break; case QEvent::LayoutRequest: // We might need to show the widget again destroyOrHideIfEmpty(); break; case QEvent::Resize: updateCurrentGapRect(); emit resized(); default: break; } return QWidget::event(e); } void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QDockWidgetGroupLayout *lay = static_cast(layout()); bool nativeDeco = lay->nativeWindowDeco(); if (!nativeDeco) { QStyleOptionFrame framOpt; framOpt.initFrom(this); QStylePainter p(this); p.drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameDockWidget, framOpt); } } QDockAreaLayoutInfo *QDockWidgetGroupWindow::layoutInfo() const { return static_cast(layout())->dockAreaLayoutInfo(); } #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) /*! \internal If this is a floating tab bar returns the currently the QDockWidgetGroupWindow that contains tab, otherwise, return nullptr; \note: if there is only one QDockWidget, it's still considered as a floating tab */ const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *QDockWidgetGroupWindow::tabLayoutInfo() const { const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = layoutInfo(); while (info && !info->tabbed) { // There should be only one tabbed subinfo otherwise we are not a floating tab but a real // window const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *next = nullptr; bool isSingle = false; for (const auto &item : info->item_list) { if (item.skip() || (item.flags & QDockAreaLayoutItem::GapItem)) continue; if (next || isSingle) // Two visible things return nullptr; if (item.subinfo) next = item.subinfo; else if (item.widgetItem) isSingle = true; } if (isSingle) return info; info = next; } return info; } /*! \internal If this is a floating tab bar returns the currently active QDockWidget, otherwise nullptr */ QDockWidget *QDockWidgetGroupWindow::activeTabbedDockWidget() const { QDockWidget *dw = nullptr; const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = tabLayoutInfo(); if (!info) return nullptr; if (info->tabBar && info->tabBar->currentIndex() >= 0) { int i = info->tabIndexToListIndex(info->tabBar->currentIndex()); if (i >= 0) { const QDockAreaLayoutItem &item = info->item_list.at(i); if (item.widgetItem) dw = qobject_cast(item.widgetItem->widget()); } } if (!dw) { for (int i = 0; !dw && i < info->item_list.size(); ++i) { const QDockAreaLayoutItem &item = info->item_list.at(i); if (item.skip()) continue; if (!item.widgetItem) continue; dw = qobject_cast(item.widgetItem->widget()); } } return dw; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabbar) /*! \internal Destroy or hide this window if there is no more QDockWidget in it. Otherwise make sure it is shown. */ void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::destroyOrHideIfEmpty() { const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = layoutInfo(); if (!info->isEmpty()) { show(); // It might have been hidden, return; } // There might still be placeholders if (!info->item_list.isEmpty()) { hide(); return; } // Make sure to reparent the possibly floating or hidden QDockWidgets to the parent const auto dockWidgets = findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidget *dw : dockWidgets) { const bool wasFloating = dw->isFloating(); const bool wasHidden = dw->isHidden(); dw->setParent(parentWidget()); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Reparented:" << dw << "to" << parentWidget() << "by" << this; if (wasFloating) { dw->setFloating(true); } else { // maybe it was hidden, we still have to put it back in the main layout. QMainWindowLayout *ml = qt_mainwindow_layout(static_cast(parentWidget())); Qt::DockWidgetArea area = ml->dockWidgetArea(this); if (area == Qt::NoDockWidgetArea) area = Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea; // FIXME: DockWidget doesn't save original docking area static_cast(parentWidget())->addDockWidget(area, dw); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Redocked to Mainwindow:" << area << dw << "by" << this; } if (!wasHidden) dw->show(); } #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) const auto tabBars = findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QTabBar *tb : tabBars) tb->setParent(parentWidget()); #endif deleteLater(); } /*! \internal Sets the flags of this window in accordance to the capabilities of the dock widgets */ void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::adjustFlags() { Qt::WindowFlags oldFlags = windowFlags(); Qt::WindowFlags flags = oldFlags; #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) QDockWidget *top = activeTabbedDockWidget(); #else QDockWidget *top = nullptr; #endif if (!top) { // nested tabs, show window decoration flags = ((oldFlags & ~Qt::FramelessWindowHint) | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint); } else if (static_cast(layout())->nativeWindowDeco()) { flags |= Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint; flags.setFlag(Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint, top->features() & QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); flags &= ~Qt::FramelessWindowHint; } else { flags &= ~(Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint); flags |= Qt::FramelessWindowHint; } if (oldFlags != flags) { if (!windowHandle()) create(); // The desired geometry is forgotten if we call setWindowFlags before having a window setWindowFlags(flags); const bool gainedNativeDecos = (oldFlags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint) && !(flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint); const bool lostNativeDecos = !(oldFlags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint) && (flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint); // Adjust the geometry after gaining/losing decos, so that the client area appears always // at the same place when tabbing if (lostNativeDecos) { QRect newGeometry = geometry(); newGeometry.setTop(frameGeometry().top()); const int bottomFrame = geometry().top() - frameGeometry().top(); m_removedFrameSize = QSize((frameSize() - size()).width(), bottomFrame); setGeometry(newGeometry); } else if (gainedNativeDecos && m_removedFrameSize.isValid()) { QRect r = geometry(); r.adjust(-m_removedFrameSize.width() / 2, 0, -m_removedFrameSize.width() / 2, -m_removedFrameSize.height()); setGeometry(r); m_removedFrameSize = QSize(); } show(); // setWindowFlags hides the window } QWidget *titleBarOf = top ? top : parentWidget(); setWindowTitle(titleBarOf->windowTitle()); setWindowIcon(titleBarOf->windowIcon()); } bool QDockWidgetGroupWindow::hasNativeDecos() const { #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) QDockWidget *dw = activeTabbedDockWidget(); if (!dw) // We have a group of nested QDockWidgets (not just floating tabs) return true; if (!QDockWidgetLayout::wmSupportsNativeWindowDeco()) return false; return dw->titleBarWidget() == nullptr; #else return true; #endif } /* The given widget is hovered over this floating group. This function will save the state and create a gap in the actual state. currentGapRect and currentGapPos will be set. One must call restore() or apply() after this function. Returns true if there was any change in the currentGapPos */ bool QDockWidgetGroupWindow::hover(QLayoutItem *widgetItem, const QPoint &mousePos) { QDockAreaLayoutInfo &savedState = static_cast(layout())->savedState; if (savedState.isEmpty()) savedState = *layoutInfo(); QMainWindow::DockOptions opts = static_cast(parentWidget())->dockOptions(); QDockAreaLayoutInfo newState = savedState; bool nestingEnabled = (opts & QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks) && !(opts & QMainWindow::ForceTabbedDocks); QDockAreaLayoutInfo::TabMode tabMode = #if !QT_CONFIG(tabbar) QDockAreaLayoutInfo::NoTabs; #else nestingEnabled ? QDockAreaLayoutInfo::AllowTabs : QDockAreaLayoutInfo::ForceTabs; if (auto group = qobject_cast(widgetItem->widget())) { if (!group->tabLayoutInfo()) tabMode = QDockAreaLayoutInfo::NoTabs; } if (newState.tabbed) { // insertion into a top-level tab newState.item_list = { QDockAreaLayoutItem(new QDockAreaLayoutInfo(newState)) }; newState.item_list.first().size = pick(savedState.o, savedState.rect.size()); newState.tabbed = false; newState.tabBar = nullptr; } #endif auto newGapPos = newState.gapIndex(mousePos, nestingEnabled, tabMode); Q_ASSERT(!newGapPos.isEmpty()); if (newGapPos == currentGapPos) return false; // gap is already there currentGapPos = newGapPos; newState.insertGap(currentGapPos, widgetItem); newState.fitItems(); *layoutInfo() = std::move(newState); updateCurrentGapRect(); layoutInfo()->apply(opts & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); return true; } void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::updateCurrentGapRect() { if (!currentGapPos.isEmpty()) currentGapRect = layoutInfo()->info(currentGapPos)->itemRect(currentGapPos.last(), true); } /* Remove the gap that was created by hover() */ void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::restore() { QDockAreaLayoutInfo &savedState = static_cast(layout())->savedState; if (!savedState.isEmpty()) { *layoutInfo() = savedState; savedState = QDockAreaLayoutInfo(); } currentGapRect = QRect(); currentGapPos.clear(); adjustFlags(); layoutInfo()->fitItems(); layoutInfo()->apply(static_cast(parentWidget())->dockOptions() & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); } /* Apply the state that was created by hover */ void QDockWidgetGroupWindow::apply() { static_cast(layout())->savedState.clear(); currentGapRect = QRect(); layoutInfo()->plug(currentGapPos); currentGapPos.clear(); adjustFlags(); layoutInfo()->apply(false); } #endif /****************************************************************************** ** QMainWindowLayoutState */ // we deal with all the #ifndefferry here so QMainWindowLayout code is clean QMainWindowLayoutState::QMainWindowLayoutState(QMainWindow *win) : #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout(win), #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout(win) #else centralWidgetItem(0) #endif { mainWindow = win; } QSize QMainWindowLayoutState::sizeHint() const { QSize result(0, 0); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) result = dockAreaLayout.sizeHint(); #else if (centralWidgetItem) result = centralWidgetItem->sizeHint(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) result = toolBarAreaLayout.sizeHint(result); #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) return result; } QSize QMainWindowLayoutState::minimumSize() const { QSize result(0, 0); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) result = dockAreaLayout.minimumSize(); #else if (centralWidgetItem) result = centralWidgetItem->minimumSize(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) result = toolBarAreaLayout.minimumSize(result); #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) return result; } /*! \internal Returns whether the layout fits into the main window. */ bool QMainWindowLayoutState::fits() const { Q_ASSERT(mainWindow); QSize size; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) size = dockAreaLayout.minimumStableSize(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) size.rwidth() += toolBarAreaLayout.docks[QInternal::LeftDock].rect.width(); size.rwidth() += toolBarAreaLayout.docks[QInternal::RightDock].rect.width(); size.rheight() += toolBarAreaLayout.docks[QInternal::TopDock].rect.height(); size.rheight() += toolBarAreaLayout.docks[QInternal::BottomDock].rect.height(); #endif return size.width() <= mainWindow->width() && size.height() <= mainWindow->height(); } void QMainWindowLayoutState::apply(bool animated) { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout.apply(animated); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) // dumpLayout(dockAreaLayout, QString()); dockAreaLayout.apply(animated); #else if (centralWidgetItem) { QMainWindowLayout *layout = qt_mainwindow_layout(mainWindow); Q_ASSERT(layout); layout->widgetAnimator.animate(centralWidgetItem->widget(), centralWidgetRect, animated); } #endif } void QMainWindowLayoutState::fitLayout() { QRect r; #if !QT_CONFIG(toolbar) r = rect; #else toolBarAreaLayout.rect = rect; r = toolBarAreaLayout.fitLayout(); #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout.rect = r; dockAreaLayout.fitLayout(); #else centralWidgetRect = r; #endif } void QMainWindowLayoutState::deleteAllLayoutItems() { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout.deleteAllLayoutItems(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout.deleteAllLayoutItems(); #endif } void QMainWindowLayoutState::deleteCentralWidgetItem() { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) delete dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem; dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem = nullptr; #else delete centralWidgetItem; centralWidgetItem = 0; #endif } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayoutState::itemAt(int index, int *x) const { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QLayoutItem *ret = toolBarAreaLayout.itemAt(x, index)) return ret; #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (QLayoutItem *ret = dockAreaLayout.itemAt(x, index)) return ret; #else if (centralWidgetItem && (*x)++ == index) return centralWidgetItem; #endif return nullptr; } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayoutState::takeAt(int index, int *x) { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QLayoutItem *ret = toolBarAreaLayout.takeAt(x, index)) return ret; #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (QLayoutItem *ret = dockAreaLayout.takeAt(x, index)) return ret; #else if (centralWidgetItem && (*x)++ == index) { QLayoutItem *ret = centralWidgetItem; centralWidgetItem = nullptr; return ret; } #endif return nullptr; } QList QMainWindowLayoutState::indexOf(QWidget *widget) const { QList result; #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) // is it a toolbar? if (QToolBar *toolBar = qobject_cast(widget)) { result = toolBarAreaLayout.indexOf(toolBar); if (!result.isEmpty()) result.prepend(0); return result; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) // is it a dock widget? if (qobject_cast(widget) || qobject_cast(widget)) { result = dockAreaLayout.indexOf(widget); if (!result.isEmpty()) result.prepend(1); return result; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return result; } bool QMainWindowLayoutState::contains(QWidget *widget) const { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem != nullptr && dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem->widget() == widget) return true; if (!dockAreaLayout.indexOf(widget).isEmpty()) return true; #else if (centralWidgetItem && centralWidgetItem->widget() == widget) return true; #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (!toolBarAreaLayout.indexOf(widget).isEmpty()) return true; #endif return false; } void QMainWindowLayoutState::setCentralWidget(QWidget *widget) { QLayoutItem *item = nullptr; //make sure we remove the widget deleteCentralWidgetItem(); if (widget != nullptr) item = new QWidgetItemV2(widget); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem = item; #else centralWidgetItem = item; #endif } QWidget *QMainWindowLayoutState::centralWidget() const { QLayoutItem *item = nullptr; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) item = dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem; #else item = centralWidgetItem; #endif if (item != nullptr) return item->widget(); return nullptr; } QList QMainWindowLayoutState::gapIndex(QWidget *widget, const QPoint &pos) const { QList result; #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) // is it a toolbar? if (qobject_cast(widget) != nullptr) { result = toolBarAreaLayout.gapIndex(pos); if (!result.isEmpty()) result.prepend(0); return result; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) // is it a dock widget? if (qobject_cast(widget) != nullptr || qobject_cast(widget)) { bool disallowTabs = false; #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) if (auto *group = qobject_cast(widget)) { if (!group->tabLayoutInfo()) // Disallow to drop nested docks as a tab disallowTabs = true; } #endif result = dockAreaLayout.gapIndex(pos, disallowTabs); if (!result.isEmpty()) result.prepend(1); return result; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return result; } bool QMainWindowLayoutState::insertGap(const QList &path, QLayoutItem *item) { if (path.isEmpty()) return false; int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) { Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast(item->widget()) != nullptr); return toolBarAreaLayout.insertGap(path.mid(1), item); } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) { Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast(item->widget()) || qobject_cast(item->widget())); return dockAreaLayout.insertGap(path.mid(1), item); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return false; } void QMainWindowLayoutState::remove(const QList &path) { int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) toolBarAreaLayout.remove(path.mid(1)); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) dockAreaLayout.remove(path.mid(1)); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) } void QMainWindowLayoutState::remove(QLayoutItem *item) { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout.remove(item); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) // is it a dock widget? if (QDockWidget *dockWidget = qobject_cast(item->widget())) { QList path = dockAreaLayout.indexOf(dockWidget); if (!path.isEmpty()) dockAreaLayout.remove(path); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) } void QMainWindowLayoutState::clear() { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout.clear(); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout.clear(); #else centralWidgetRect = QRect(); #endif rect = QRect(); } bool QMainWindowLayoutState::isValid() const { return rect.isValid(); } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayoutState::item(const QList &path) { int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) { const QToolBarAreaLayoutItem *tbItem = toolBarAreaLayout.item(path.mid(1)); Q_ASSERT(tbItem); return tbItem->widgetItem; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) return dockAreaLayout.item(path.mid(1)).widgetItem; #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return nullptr; } QRect QMainWindowLayoutState::itemRect(const QList &path) const { int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) return toolBarAreaLayout.itemRect(path.mid(1)); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) return dockAreaLayout.itemRect(path.mid(1)); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return QRect(); } QRect QMainWindowLayoutState::gapRect(const QList &path) const { int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) return toolBarAreaLayout.itemRect(path.mid(1)); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) return dockAreaLayout.gapRect(path.mid(1)); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return QRect(); } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayoutState::plug(const QList &path) { int i = path.first(); #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (i == 0) return toolBarAreaLayout.plug(path.mid(1)); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) return dockAreaLayout.plug(path.mid(1)); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return nullptr; } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayoutState::unplug(const QList &path, QMainWindowLayoutState *other) { int i = path.first(); #if !QT_CONFIG(toolbar) Q_UNUSED(other); #else if (i == 0) return toolBarAreaLayout.unplug(path.mid(1), other ? &other->toolBarAreaLayout : nullptr); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (i == 1) return dockAreaLayout.unplug(path.mid(1)); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return nullptr; } void QMainWindowLayoutState::saveState(QDataStream &stream) const { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) dockAreaLayout.saveState(stream); #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) const QList floatingTabs = mainWindow->findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *floating : floatingTabs) { if (floating->layoutInfo()->isEmpty()) continue; stream << uchar(QDockAreaLayout::FloatingDockWidgetTabMarker) << floating->geometry(); floating->layoutInfo()->saveState(stream); } #endif #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) toolBarAreaLayout.saveState(stream); #endif } template static QList findChildrenHelper(const QObject *o) { const QObjectList &list = o->children(); QList result; for (int i=0; i < list.size(); ++i) { if (T t = qobject_cast(list[i])) { result.append(t); } } return result; } #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) static QList allMyDockWidgets(const QWidget *mainWindow) { QList result; for (QObject *c : mainWindow->children()) { if (auto *dw = qobject_cast(c)) { result.append(dw); } else if (auto *gw = qobject_cast(c)) { for (QObject *c : gw->children()) { if (auto *dw = qobject_cast(c)) result.append(dw); } } } return result; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) //pre4.3 tests the format that was used before 4.3 bool QMainWindowLayoutState::checkFormat(QDataStream &stream) { while (!stream.atEnd()) { uchar marker; stream >> marker; switch(marker) { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) case QToolBarAreaLayout::ToolBarStateMarker: case QToolBarAreaLayout::ToolBarStateMarkerEx: { QList toolBars = findChildrenHelper(mainWindow); if (!toolBarAreaLayout.restoreState(stream, toolBars, marker, true /*testing*/)) { return false; } } break; #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) case QDockAreaLayout::DockWidgetStateMarker: { const auto dockWidgets = allMyDockWidgets(mainWindow); if (!dockAreaLayout.restoreState(stream, dockWidgets, true /*testing*/)) { return false; } } break; #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) case QDockAreaLayout::FloatingDockWidgetTabMarker: { QRect geom; stream >> geom; QDockAreaLayoutInfo info; auto dockWidgets = allMyDockWidgets(mainWindow); if (!info.restoreState(stream, dockWidgets, true /* testing*/)) return false; } break; #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabbar) #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) default: //there was an error during the parsing return false; }// switch } //while //everything went fine: it must be a pre-4.3 saved state return true; } bool QMainWindowLayoutState::restoreState(QDataStream &_stream, const QMainWindowLayoutState &oldState) { //make a copy of the data so that we can read it more than once QByteArray copy; while(!_stream.atEnd()) { int length = 1024; QByteArray ba(length, '\0'); length = _stream.readRawData(ba.data(), ba.size()); ba.resize(length); copy += ba; } QDataStream ds(copy); ds.setVersion(_stream.version()); if (!checkFormat(ds)) return false; QDataStream stream(copy); stream.setVersion(_stream.version()); while (!stream.atEnd()) { uchar marker; stream >> marker; switch(marker) { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) case QDockAreaLayout::DockWidgetStateMarker: { const auto dockWidgets = allMyDockWidgets(mainWindow); if (!dockAreaLayout.restoreState(stream, dockWidgets)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < dockWidgets.size(); ++i) { QDockWidget *w = dockWidgets.at(i); QList path = dockAreaLayout.indexOf(w); if (path.isEmpty()) { QList oldPath = oldState.dockAreaLayout.indexOf(w); if (oldPath.isEmpty()) { continue; } QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockAreaLayout.info(oldPath); if (info == nullptr) { continue; } info->item_list.append(QDockAreaLayoutItem(new QDockWidgetItem(w))); } } } break; #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) case QDockAreaLayout::FloatingDockWidgetTabMarker: { auto dockWidgets = allMyDockWidgets(mainWindow); QDockWidgetGroupWindow* floatingTab = qt_mainwindow_layout(mainWindow)->createTabbedDockWindow(); *floatingTab->layoutInfo() = QDockAreaLayoutInfo( &dockAreaLayout.sep, QInternal::LeftDock, // FIXME: DockWidget doesn't save original docking area Qt::Horizontal, QTabBar::RoundedSouth, mainWindow); QRect geometry; stream >> geometry; QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = floatingTab->layoutInfo(); if (!info->restoreState(stream, dockWidgets, false)) return false; geometry = QDockAreaLayout::constrainedRect(geometry, floatingTab); floatingTab->move(geometry.topLeft()); floatingTab->resize(geometry.size()); // Don't show an empty QDockWidgetGroupWindow if no dock widget is available yet. // reparentWidgets() would be triggered by show(), so do it explicitly here. if (info->onlyHasPlaceholders()) info->reparentWidgets(floatingTab); else floatingTab->show(); } break; #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) case QToolBarAreaLayout::ToolBarStateMarker: case QToolBarAreaLayout::ToolBarStateMarkerEx: { QList toolBars = findChildrenHelper(mainWindow); if (!toolBarAreaLayout.restoreState(stream, toolBars, marker)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < toolBars.size(); ++i) { QToolBar *w = toolBars.at(i); QList path = toolBarAreaLayout.indexOf(w); if (path.isEmpty()) { QList oldPath = oldState.toolBarAreaLayout.indexOf(w); if (oldPath.isEmpty()) { continue; } toolBarAreaLayout.docks[oldPath.at(0)].insertToolBar(nullptr, w); } } } break; #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) default: return false; }// switch } //while return true; } /****************************************************************************** ** QMainWindowLayoutState - toolbars */ #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) static inline void validateToolBarArea(Qt::ToolBarArea &area) { switch (area) { case Qt::LeftToolBarArea: case Qt::RightToolBarArea: case Qt::TopToolBarArea: case Qt::BottomToolBarArea: break; default: area = Qt::TopToolBarArea; } } static QInternal::DockPosition toDockPos(Qt::ToolBarArea area) { switch (area) { case Qt::LeftToolBarArea: return QInternal::LeftDock; case Qt::RightToolBarArea: return QInternal::RightDock; case Qt::TopToolBarArea: return QInternal::TopDock; case Qt::BottomToolBarArea: return QInternal::BottomDock; default: break; } return QInternal::DockCount; } static Qt::ToolBarArea toToolBarArea(QInternal::DockPosition pos) { switch (pos) { case QInternal::LeftDock: return Qt::LeftToolBarArea; case QInternal::RightDock: return Qt::RightToolBarArea; case QInternal::TopDock: return Qt::TopToolBarArea; case QInternal::BottomDock: return Qt::BottomToolBarArea; default: break; } return Qt::NoToolBarArea; } static inline Qt::ToolBarArea toToolBarArea(int pos) { return toToolBarArea(static_cast(pos)); } void QMainWindowLayout::addToolBarBreak(Qt::ToolBarArea area) { validateToolBarArea(area); layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.addToolBarBreak(toDockPos(area)); if (savedState.isValid()) savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.addToolBarBreak(toDockPos(area)); invalidate(); } void QMainWindowLayout::insertToolBarBreak(QToolBar *before) { layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.insertToolBarBreak(before); if (savedState.isValid()) savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.insertToolBarBreak(before); invalidate(); } void QMainWindowLayout::removeToolBarBreak(QToolBar *before) { layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.removeToolBarBreak(before); if (savedState.isValid()) savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.removeToolBarBreak(before); invalidate(); } void QMainWindowLayout::moveToolBar(QToolBar *toolbar, int pos) { layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.moveToolBar(toolbar, pos); if (savedState.isValid()) savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.moveToolBar(toolbar, pos); invalidate(); } /* Removes the toolbar from the mainwindow so that it can be added again. Does not explicitly hide the toolbar. */ void QMainWindowLayout::removeToolBar(QToolBar *toolbar) { if (toolbar) { QObject::disconnect(parentWidget(), SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(QSize)), toolbar, SLOT(_q_updateIconSize(QSize))); QObject::disconnect(parentWidget(), SIGNAL(toolButtonStyleChanged(Qt::ToolButtonStyle)), toolbar, SLOT(_q_updateToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonStyle))); removeWidget(toolbar); } } /*! Adds \a toolbar to \a area, continuing the current line. */ void QMainWindowLayout::addToolBar(Qt::ToolBarArea area, QToolBar *toolbar, bool) { validateToolBarArea(area); // let's add the toolbar to the layout addChildWidget(toolbar); QLayoutItem *item = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.addToolBar(toDockPos(area), toolbar); if (savedState.isValid() && item) { // copy the toolbar also in the saved state savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.insertItem(toDockPos(area), item); } invalidate(); // this ensures that the toolbar has the right window flags (not floating any more) toolbar->d_func()->updateWindowFlags(false /*floating*/); } /*! Adds \a toolbar before \a before */ void QMainWindowLayout::insertToolBar(QToolBar *before, QToolBar *toolbar) { addChildWidget(toolbar); QLayoutItem *item = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.insertToolBar(before, toolbar); if (savedState.isValid() && item) { // copy the toolbar also in the saved state savedState.toolBarAreaLayout.insertItem(before, item); } if (!currentGapPos.isEmpty() && currentGapPos.constFirst() == 0) { currentGapPos = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.currentGapIndex(); if (!currentGapPos.isEmpty()) { currentGapPos.prepend(0); currentGapRect = layoutState.itemRect(currentGapPos); } } invalidate(); } Qt::ToolBarArea QMainWindowLayout::toolBarArea(const QToolBar *toolbar) const { QInternal::DockPosition pos = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.findToolBar(toolbar); switch (pos) { case QInternal::LeftDock: return Qt::LeftToolBarArea; case QInternal::RightDock: return Qt::RightToolBarArea; case QInternal::TopDock: return Qt::TopToolBarArea; case QInternal::BottomDock: return Qt::BottomToolBarArea; default: break; } return Qt::NoToolBarArea; } bool QMainWindowLayout::toolBarBreak(QToolBar *toolBar) const { return layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.toolBarBreak(toolBar); } void QMainWindowLayout::getStyleOptionInfo(QStyleOptionToolBar *option, QToolBar *toolBar) const { option->toolBarArea = toolBarArea(toolBar); layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.getStyleOptionInfo(option, toolBar); } void QMainWindowLayout::toggleToolBarsVisible() { layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.visible = !layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.visible; if (!layoutState.mainWindow->isMaximized()) { QPoint topLeft = parentWidget()->geometry().topLeft(); QRect r = parentWidget()->geometry(); r = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.rectHint(r); r.moveTo(topLeft); parentWidget()->setGeometry(r); } else { update(); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(toolbar) /****************************************************************************** ** QMainWindowLayoutState - dock areas */ #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) static QInternal::DockPosition toDockPos(Qt::DockWidgetArea area) { switch (area) { case Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea: return QInternal::LeftDock; case Qt::RightDockWidgetArea: return QInternal::RightDock; case Qt::TopDockWidgetArea: return QInternal::TopDock; case Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea: return QInternal::BottomDock; default: break; } return QInternal::DockCount; } inline static Qt::DockWidgetArea toDockWidgetArea(int pos) { return QDockWidgetPrivate::toDockWidgetArea(static_cast(pos)); } // Checks if QDockWidgetGroupWindow or QDockWidget can be plugged the area indicated by path. // Returns false if called with invalid widget type or if compiled without dockwidget support. #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) static bool isAreaAllowed(QWidget *widget, const QList &path) { Q_ASSERT_X((path.size() > 1), "isAreaAllowed", "invalid path size"); const Qt::DockWidgetArea area = toDockWidgetArea(path[1]); // Read permissions directly from a single dock widget if (QDockWidget *dw = qobject_cast(widget)) { const bool allowed = dw->isAreaAllowed(area); if (!allowed) qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "No permission for single DockWidget" << widget << "to dock on" << area; return allowed; } // Read permissions from a DockWidgetGroupWindow depending on its DockWidget children if (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw = qobject_cast(widget)) { const QList children = dwgw->findChildren(QString(), Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); if (children.size() == 1) { // Group window has a single child => read its permissions const bool allowed = children.at(0)->isAreaAllowed(area); if (!allowed) qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "No permission for DockWidgetGroupWindow" << widget << "to dock on" << area; return allowed; } else { // Group window has more than one or no children => dock it anywhere qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "DockWidgetGroupWindow" << widget << "has" << children.size() << "children:"; qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << children; qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "DockWidgetGroupWindow" << widget << "can dock at" << area << "and anywhere else."; return true; } } qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Docking requested for invalid widget type (coding error)." << widget << area; return false; } #endif void QMainWindowLayout::setCorner(Qt::Corner corner, Qt::DockWidgetArea area) { if (layoutState.dockAreaLayout.corners[corner] == area) return; layoutState.dockAreaLayout.corners[corner] = area; if (savedState.isValid()) savedState.dockAreaLayout.corners[corner] = area; invalidate(); } Qt::DockWidgetArea QMainWindowLayout::corner(Qt::Corner corner) const { return layoutState.dockAreaLayout.corners[corner]; } // Returns the rectangle of a dockWidgetArea // if max is true, the maximum possible rectangle for dropping is returned // the current visible rectangle otherwise #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) QRect QMainWindowLayout::dockWidgetAreaRect(const Qt::DockWidgetArea area, DockWidgetAreaSize size) const { const QInternal::DockPosition dockPosition = toDockPos(area); // Called with invalid dock widget area if (dockPosition == QInternal::DockCount) { qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "QMainWindowLayout::dockWidgetAreaRect called with" << area; return QRect(); } const QDockAreaLayout dl = layoutState.dockAreaLayout; // Return maximum or visible rectangle return (size == Maximum) ? dl.gapRect(dockPosition) : dl.docks[dockPosition].rect; } #endif void QMainWindowLayout::addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockwidget, Qt::Orientation orientation) { addChildWidget(dockwidget); // If we are currently moving a separator, then we need to abort the move, since each // time we move the mouse layoutState is replaced by savedState modified by the move. if (!movingSeparator.isEmpty()) endSeparatorMove(movingSeparatorPos); layoutState.dockAreaLayout.addDockWidget(toDockPos(area), dockwidget, orientation); emit dockwidget->dockLocationChanged(area); invalidate(); } bool QMainWindowLayout::restoreDockWidget(QDockWidget *dockwidget) { addChildWidget(dockwidget); if (!layoutState.dockAreaLayout.restoreDockWidget(dockwidget)) return false; emit dockwidget->dockLocationChanged(dockWidgetArea(dockwidget)); invalidate(); return true; } #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) void QMainWindowLayout::tabifyDockWidget(QDockWidget *first, QDockWidget *second) { addChildWidget(second); layoutState.dockAreaLayout.tabifyDockWidget(first, second); emit second->dockLocationChanged(dockWidgetArea(first)); invalidate(); } bool QMainWindowLayout::documentMode() const { return _documentMode; } void QMainWindowLayout::setDocumentMode(bool enabled) { if (_documentMode == enabled) return; _documentMode = enabled; // Update the document mode for all tab bars for (QTabBar *bar : std::as_const(usedTabBars)) bar->setDocumentMode(_documentMode); for (QTabBar *bar : std::as_const(unusedTabBars)) bar->setDocumentMode(_documentMode); } void QMainWindowLayout::setVerticalTabsEnabled(bool enabled) { if (verticalTabsEnabled == enabled) return; verticalTabsEnabled = enabled; updateTabBarShapes(); } #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) QTabWidget::TabShape QMainWindowLayout::tabShape() const { return _tabShape; } void QMainWindowLayout::setTabShape(QTabWidget::TabShape tabShape) { if (_tabShape == tabShape) return; _tabShape = tabShape; updateTabBarShapes(); } QTabWidget::TabPosition QMainWindowLayout::tabPosition(Qt::DockWidgetArea area) const { const QInternal::DockPosition dockPos = toDockPos(area); if (dockPos < QInternal::DockCount) return tabPositions[dockPos]; qWarning("QMainWindowLayout::tabPosition called with out-of-bounds value '%d'", int(area)); return QTabWidget::North; } void QMainWindowLayout::setTabPosition(Qt::DockWidgetAreas areas, QTabWidget::TabPosition tabPosition) { const Qt::DockWidgetArea dockWidgetAreas[] = { Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea }; const QInternal::DockPosition dockPositions[] = { QInternal::TopDock, QInternal::LeftDock, QInternal::BottomDock, QInternal::RightDock }; for (int i = 0; i < QInternal::DockCount; ++i) if (areas & dockWidgetAreas[i]) tabPositions[dockPositions[i]] = tabPosition; updateTabBarShapes(); } static inline QTabBar::Shape tabBarShapeFrom(QTabWidget::TabShape shape, QTabWidget::TabPosition position) { const bool rounded = (shape == QTabWidget::Rounded); if (position == QTabWidget::North) return rounded ? QTabBar::RoundedNorth : QTabBar::TriangularNorth; if (position == QTabWidget::South) return rounded ? QTabBar::RoundedSouth : QTabBar::TriangularSouth; if (position == QTabWidget::East) return rounded ? QTabBar::RoundedEast : QTabBar::TriangularEast; if (position == QTabWidget::West) return rounded ? QTabBar::RoundedWest : QTabBar::TriangularWest; return QTabBar::RoundedNorth; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) void QMainWindowLayout::updateTabBarShapes() { #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) const QTabWidget::TabPosition vertical[] = { QTabWidget::West, QTabWidget::East, QTabWidget::North, QTabWidget::South }; #else const QTabBar::Shape vertical[] = { QTabBar::RoundedWest, QTabBar::RoundedEast, QTabBar::RoundedNorth, QTabBar::RoundedSouth }; #endif QDockAreaLayout &layout = layoutState.dockAreaLayout; for (int i = 0; i < QInternal::DockCount; ++i) { #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) QTabWidget::TabPosition pos = verticalTabsEnabled ? vertical[i] : tabPositions[i]; QTabBar::Shape shape = tabBarShapeFrom(_tabShape, pos); #else QTabBar::Shape shape = verticalTabsEnabled ? vertical[i] : QTabBar::RoundedSouth; #endif layout.docks[i].setTabBarShape(shape); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabbar) void QMainWindowLayout::splitDockWidget(QDockWidget *after, QDockWidget *dockwidget, Qt::Orientation orientation) { addChildWidget(dockwidget); layoutState.dockAreaLayout.splitDockWidget(after, dockwidget, orientation); emit dockwidget->dockLocationChanged(dockWidgetArea(after)); invalidate(); } Qt::DockWidgetArea QMainWindowLayout::dockWidgetArea(QWidget *widget) const { const QList pathToWidget = layoutState.dockAreaLayout.indexOf(widget); if (pathToWidget.isEmpty()) return Qt::NoDockWidgetArea; return toDockWidgetArea(pathToWidget.first()); } void QMainWindowLayout::keepSize(QDockWidget *w) { layoutState.dockAreaLayout.keepSize(w); } #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) // Handle custom tooltip, and allow to drag tabs away. class QMainWindowTabBar : public QTabBar { QMainWindow *mainWindow; QPointer draggingDock; // Currently dragging (detached) dock widget public: QMainWindowTabBar(QMainWindow *parent); protected: bool event(QEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) override; }; QMainWindowTabBar::QMainWindowTabBar(QMainWindow *parent) : QTabBar(parent), mainWindow(parent) { setExpanding(false); } void QMainWindowTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { // The QTabBar handles the moving (reordering) of tabs. // When QTabBarPrivate::dragInProgress is true, and that the mouse is outside of a region // around the QTabBar, we will consider the user wants to drag that QDockWidget away from this // tab area. QTabBarPrivate *d = static_cast(d_ptr.data()); if (!draggingDock && (mainWindow->dockOptions() & QMainWindow::GroupedDragging)) { int offset = QApplication::startDragDistance() + 1; offset *= 3; QRect r = rect().adjusted(-offset, -offset, offset, offset); if (d->dragInProgress && !r.contains(e->position().toPoint()) && d->validIndex(d->pressedIndex)) { QMainWindowLayout* mlayout = qt_mainwindow_layout(mainWindow); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = mlayout->dockInfo(this); Q_ASSERT(info); int idx = info->tabIndexToListIndex(d->pressedIndex); const QDockAreaLayoutItem &item = info->item_list.at(idx); if (item.widgetItem && (draggingDock = qobject_cast(item.widgetItem->widget()))) { // We should drag this QDockWidget away by unpluging it. // First cancel the QTabBar's internal move d->moveTabFinished(d->pressedIndex); d->pressedIndex = -1; if (d->movingTab) d->movingTab->setVisible(false); d->dragStartPosition = QPoint(); // Then starts the drag using QDockWidgetPrivate's API QDockWidgetPrivate *dockPriv = static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(draggingDock)); QDockWidgetLayout *dwlayout = static_cast(draggingDock->layout()); dockPriv->initDrag(dwlayout->titleArea().center(), true); dockPriv->startDrag(false); if (dockPriv->state) dockPriv->state->ctrlDrag = e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier; } } } if (draggingDock) { QDockWidgetPrivate *dockPriv = static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(draggingDock)); if (dockPriv->state && dockPriv->state->dragging) { QPoint pos = e->globalPosition().toPoint() - dockPriv->state->pressPos; draggingDock->move(pos); // move will call QMainWindowLayout::hover } } QTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(e); } void QMainWindowTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (draggingDock && e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QDockWidgetPrivate *dockPriv = static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(draggingDock)); if (dockPriv->state && dockPriv->state->dragging) { dockPriv->endDrag(); } draggingDock = nullptr; } QTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent(e); } bool QMainWindowTabBar::event(QEvent *e) { // show the tooltip if tab is too small to fit label if (e->type() != QEvent::ToolTip) return QTabBar::event(e); QSize size = this->size(); QSize hint = sizeHint(); if (shape() == QTabBar::RoundedWest || shape() == QTabBar::RoundedEast) { size = size.transposed(); hint = hint.transposed(); } if (size.width() < hint.width()) return QTabBar::event(e); e->accept(); return true; } QTabBar *QMainWindowLayout::getTabBar() { if (!usedTabBars.isEmpty()) { /* If dock widgets have been removed and added while the main window was hidden, then the layout hasn't been activated yet, and tab bars from empty docking areas haven't been put in the cache yet. */ activate(); } QTabBar *result = nullptr; if (!unusedTabBars.isEmpty()) { result = unusedTabBars.takeLast(); } else { result = new QMainWindowTabBar(static_cast(parentWidget())); result->setDrawBase(true); result->setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); result->setDocumentMode(_documentMode); result->setMovable(true); connect(result, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged())); connect(result, &QTabBar::tabMoved, this, &QMainWindowLayout::tabMoved); } usedTabBars.insert(result); return result; } // Allocates a new separator widget if needed QWidget *QMainWindowLayout::getSeparatorWidget() { QWidget *result = nullptr; if (!unusedSeparatorWidgets.isEmpty()) { result = unusedSeparatorWidgets.takeLast(); } else { result = new QWidget(parentWidget()); result->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MouseNoMask, true); result->setAutoFillBackground(false); result->setObjectName("qt_qmainwindow_extended_splitter"_L1); } usedSeparatorWidgets.insert(result); return result; } /*! \internal Returns a pointer QDockAreaLayoutInfo which contains this \a widget directly (in its internal list) */ QDockAreaLayoutInfo *QMainWindowLayout::dockInfo(QWidget *widget) { QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = layoutState.dockAreaLayout.info(widget); if (info) return info; const auto groups = parent()->findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw : groups) { info = dwgw->layoutInfo()->info(widget); if (info) return info; } return nullptr; } void QMainWindowLayout::tabChanged() { QTabBar *tb = qobject_cast(sender()); if (tb == nullptr) return; QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockInfo(tb); if (info == nullptr) return; QDockWidget *activated = info->apply(false); if (activated) emit static_cast(parentWidget())->tabifiedDockWidgetActivated(activated); if (auto dwgw = qobject_cast(tb->parentWidget())) dwgw->adjustFlags(); if (QWidget *w = centralWidget()) w->raise(); } void QMainWindowLayout::tabMoved(int from, int to) { QTabBar *tb = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(tb); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockInfo(tb); Q_ASSERT(info); info->moveTab(from, to); } void QMainWindowLayout::raise(QDockWidget *widget) { QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockInfo(widget); if (info == nullptr) return; if (!info->tabbed) return; info->setCurrentTab(widget); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabbar) #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) /****************************************************************************** ** QMainWindowLayoutState - layout interface */ int QMainWindowLayout::count() const { int result = 0; while (itemAt(result)) ++result; return result; } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayout::itemAt(int index) const { int x = 0; if (QLayoutItem *ret = layoutState.itemAt(index, &x)) return ret; if (statusbar && x++ == index) return statusbar; return nullptr; } QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayout::takeAt(int index) { int x = 0; if (QLayoutItem *ret = layoutState.takeAt(index, &x)) { // the widget might in fact have been destroyed by now if (QWidget *w = ret->widget()) { widgetAnimator.abort(w); if (w == pluggingWidget) pluggingWidget = nullptr; } if (savedState.isValid() ) { //we need to remove the item also from the saved state to prevent crash savedState.remove(ret); //Also, the item may be contained several times as a gap item. layoutState.remove(ret); } #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (!currentGapPos.isEmpty() && currentGapPos.constFirst() == 0) { currentGapPos = layoutState.toolBarAreaLayout.currentGapIndex(); if (!currentGapPos.isEmpty()) { currentGapPos.prepend(0); currentGapRect = layoutState.itemRect(currentGapPos); } } #endif return ret; } if (statusbar && x++ == index) { QLayoutItem *ret = statusbar; statusbar = nullptr; return ret; } return nullptr; } void QMainWindowLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &_r) { if (savedState.isValid()) return; QRect r = _r; QLayout::setGeometry(r); if (statusbar) { QRect sbr(QPoint(r.left(), 0), QSize(r.width(), statusbar->heightForWidth(r.width())) .expandedTo(statusbar->minimumSize())); sbr.moveBottom(r.bottom()); QRect vr = QStyle::visualRect(parentWidget()->layoutDirection(), _r, sbr); statusbar->setGeometry(vr); r.setBottom(sbr.top() - 1); } if (restoredState) { /* The main window was hidden and was going to be maximized or full-screened when the state was restored. The state might have been for a larger window size than the current size (in _r), and the window might still be in the process of being shown and transitioning to the final size (there's no reliable way of knowing this across different platforms). Try again with the restored state. */ layoutState = *restoredState; if (restoredState->fits()) { restoredState.reset(); discardRestoredStateTimer.stop(); } else { /* Try again in the next setGeometry call, but discard the restored state after 150ms without any further tries. That's a reasonably short amount of time during which we can expect the windowing system to either have completed showing the window, or resized the window once more (which then restarts the timer in timerEvent). If the windowing system is done, then the user won't have had a chance to change the layout interactively AND trigger another resize. */ discardRestoredStateTimer.start(150, this); } } layoutState.rect = r; layoutState.fitLayout(); applyState(layoutState, false); } void QMainWindowLayout::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { if (e->timerId() == discardRestoredStateTimer.timerId()) { discardRestoredStateTimer.stop(); restoredState.reset(); } QLayout::timerEvent(e); } void QMainWindowLayout::addItem(QLayoutItem *) { qWarning("QMainWindowLayout::addItem: Please use the public QMainWindow API instead"); } QSize QMainWindowLayout::sizeHint() const { if (!szHint.isValid()) { szHint = layoutState.sizeHint(); const QSize sbHint = statusbar ? statusbar->sizeHint() : QSize(0, 0); szHint = QSize(qMax(sbHint.width(), szHint.width()), sbHint.height() + szHint.height()); } return szHint; } QSize QMainWindowLayout::minimumSize() const { if (!minSize.isValid()) { minSize = layoutState.minimumSize(); const QSize sbMin = statusbar ? statusbar->minimumSize() : QSize(0, 0); minSize = QSize(qMax(sbMin.width(), minSize.width()), sbMin.height() + minSize.height()); } return minSize; } void QMainWindowLayout::invalidate() { QLayout::invalidate(); minSize = szHint = QSize(); } #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) void QMainWindowLayout::setCurrentHoveredFloat(QDockWidgetGroupWindow *w) { if (currentHoveredFloat != w) { if (currentHoveredFloat) { disconnect(currentHoveredFloat.data(), &QObject::destroyed, this, &QMainWindowLayout::updateGapIndicator); disconnect(currentHoveredFloat.data(), &QDockWidgetGroupWindow::resized, this, &QMainWindowLayout::updateGapIndicator); if (currentHoveredFloat) currentHoveredFloat->restore(); } else if (w) { restore(true); } currentHoveredFloat = w; if (w) { connect(w, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QMainWindowLayout::updateGapIndicator, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(w, &QDockWidgetGroupWindow::resized, this, &QMainWindowLayout::updateGapIndicator, Qt::UniqueConnection); } updateGapIndicator(); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) /****************************************************************************** ** QMainWindowLayout - remaining stuff */ static void fixToolBarOrientation(QLayoutItem *item, int dockPos) { #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) QToolBar *toolBar = qobject_cast(item->widget()); if (toolBar == nullptr) return; QRect oldGeo = toolBar->geometry(); QInternal::DockPosition pos = static_cast(dockPos); Qt::Orientation o = pos == QInternal::TopDock || pos == QInternal::BottomDock ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical; if (o != toolBar->orientation()) toolBar->setOrientation(o); QSize hint = toolBar->sizeHint().boundedTo(toolBar->maximumSize()) .expandedTo(toolBar->minimumSize()); if (toolBar->size() != hint) { QRect newGeo(oldGeo.topLeft(), hint); if (toolBar->layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) newGeo.moveRight(oldGeo.right()); toolBar->setGeometry(newGeo); } #else Q_UNUSED(item); Q_UNUSED(dockPos); #endif } void QMainWindowLayout::revert(QLayoutItem *widgetItem) { if (!savedState.isValid()) return; QWidget *widget = widgetItem->widget(); layoutState = savedState; currentGapPos = layoutState.indexOf(widget); if (currentGapPos.isEmpty()) return; fixToolBarOrientation(widgetItem, currentGapPos.at(1)); layoutState.unplug(currentGapPos); layoutState.fitLayout(); currentGapRect = layoutState.itemRect(currentGapPos); plug(widgetItem); } bool QMainWindowLayout::plug(QLayoutItem *widgetItem) { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabbar) if (currentHoveredFloat) { QWidget *widget = widgetItem->widget(); QList previousPath = layoutState.indexOf(widget); if (!previousPath.isEmpty()) layoutState.remove(previousPath); previousPath = currentHoveredFloat->layoutInfo()->indexOf(widget); // Let's remove the widget from any possible group window const auto groups = parent()->findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw : groups) { if (dwgw == currentHoveredFloat) continue; QList path = dwgw->layoutInfo()->indexOf(widget); if (!path.isEmpty()) dwgw->layoutInfo()->remove(path); } currentGapRect = QRect(); currentHoveredFloat->apply(); if (!previousPath.isEmpty()) currentHoveredFloat->layoutInfo()->remove(previousPath); QRect globalRect = currentHoveredFloat->currentGapRect; globalRect.moveTopLeft(currentHoveredFloat->mapToGlobal(globalRect.topLeft())); pluggingWidget = widget; widgetAnimator.animate(widget, globalRect, dockOptions & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); return true; } #endif if (!parentWidget()->isVisible() || parentWidget()->isMinimized() || currentGapPos.isEmpty()) return false; fixToolBarOrientation(widgetItem, currentGapPos.at(1)); QWidget *widget = widgetItem->widget(); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) // Let's remove the widget from any possible group window const auto groups = parent()->findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw : groups) { QList path = dwgw->layoutInfo()->indexOf(widget); if (!path.isEmpty()) dwgw->layoutInfo()->remove(path); } #endif QList previousPath = layoutState.indexOf(widget); const QLayoutItem *it = layoutState.plug(currentGapPos); if (!it) return false; Q_ASSERT(it == widgetItem); if (!previousPath.isEmpty()) layoutState.remove(previousPath); pluggingWidget = widget; QRect globalRect = currentGapRect; globalRect.moveTopLeft(parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(globalRect.topLeft())); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (qobject_cast(widget) != nullptr) { QDockWidgetLayout *layout = qobject_cast(widget->layout()); if (layout->nativeWindowDeco()) { globalRect.adjust(0, layout->titleHeight(), 0, 0); } else { int fw = widget->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth, nullptr, widget); globalRect.adjust(-fw, -fw, fw, fw); } } #endif widgetAnimator.animate(widget, globalRect, dockOptions & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); return true; } void QMainWindowLayout::animationFinished(QWidget *widget) { //this function is called from within the Widget Animator whenever an animation is finished //on a certain widget #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QToolBar *tb = qobject_cast(widget)) { QToolBarLayout *tbl = qobject_cast(tb->layout()); if (tbl->animating) { tbl->animating = false; if (tbl->expanded) tbl->layoutActions(tb->size()); tb->update(); } } #endif if (widget == pluggingWidget) { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) if (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw = qobject_cast(widget)) { // When the animated widget was a QDockWidgetGroupWindow, it means each of the // embedded QDockWidget needs to be plugged back into the QMainWindow layout. savedState.clear(); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *srcInfo = dwgw->layoutInfo(); const QDockAreaLayoutInfo *srcTabInfo = dwgw->tabLayoutInfo(); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *dstParentInfo; QList dstPath; if (currentHoveredFloat) { dstPath = currentHoveredFloat->layoutInfo()->indexOf(widget); Q_ASSERT(dstPath.size() >= 1); dstParentInfo = currentHoveredFloat->layoutInfo()->info(dstPath); } else { dstPath = layoutState.dockAreaLayout.indexOf(widget); Q_ASSERT(dstPath.size() >= 2); dstParentInfo = layoutState.dockAreaLayout.info(dstPath); } Q_ASSERT(dstParentInfo); int idx = dstPath.constLast(); Q_ASSERT(dstParentInfo->item_list[idx].widgetItem->widget() == dwgw); if (dstParentInfo->tabbed && srcTabInfo) { // merge the two tab widgets delete dstParentInfo->item_list[idx].widgetItem; dstParentInfo->item_list.removeAt(idx); std::copy(srcTabInfo->item_list.cbegin(), srcTabInfo->item_list.cend(), std::inserter(dstParentInfo->item_list, dstParentInfo->item_list.begin() + idx)); quintptr currentId = srcTabInfo->currentTabId(); *srcInfo = QDockAreaLayoutInfo(); dstParentInfo->reparentWidgets(currentHoveredFloat ? currentHoveredFloat.data() : parentWidget()); dstParentInfo->updateTabBar(); dstParentInfo->setCurrentTabId(currentId); } else { QDockAreaLayoutItem &item = dstParentInfo->item_list[idx]; Q_ASSERT(item.widgetItem->widget() == dwgw); delete item.widgetItem; item.widgetItem = nullptr; item.subinfo = new QDockAreaLayoutInfo(std::move(*srcInfo)); *srcInfo = QDockAreaLayoutInfo(); item.subinfo->reparentWidgets(currentHoveredFloat ? currentHoveredFloat.data() : parentWidget()); item.subinfo->setTabBarShape(dstParentInfo->tabBarShape); } dwgw->destroyOrHideIfEmpty(); } #endif if (QDockWidget *dw = qobject_cast(widget)) { dw->setParent(currentHoveredFloat ? currentHoveredFloat.data() : parentWidget()); dw->show(); dw->d_func()->plug(currentGapRect); } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QToolBar *tb = qobject_cast(widget)) tb->d_func()->plug(currentGapRect); #endif savedState.clear(); currentGapPos.clear(); pluggingWidget = nullptr; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) setCurrentHoveredFloat(nullptr); #endif //applying the state will make sure that the currentGap is updated correctly //and all the geometries (especially the one from the central widget) is correct layoutState.apply(false); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) if (qobject_cast(widget) != nullptr) { // info() might return null if the widget is destroyed while // animating but before the animationFinished signal is received. if (QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockInfo(widget)) info->setCurrentTab(widget); } #endif #endif } if (!widgetAnimator.animating()) { //all animations are finished #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) parentWidget()->update(layoutState.dockAreaLayout.separatorRegion()); #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) const auto usedTabBarsCopy = usedTabBars; // list potentially modified by animations for (QTabBar *tab_bar : usedTabBarsCopy) tab_bar->show(); #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabbar) #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) } updateGapIndicator(); } void QMainWindowLayout::restore(bool keepSavedState) { if (!savedState.isValid()) return; layoutState = savedState; applyState(layoutState); if (!keepSavedState) savedState.clear(); currentGapPos.clear(); pluggingWidget = nullptr; updateGapIndicator(); } QMainWindowLayout::QMainWindowLayout(QMainWindow *mainwindow, QLayout *parentLayout) : QLayout(parentLayout ? static_cast(nullptr) : mainwindow) , layoutState(mainwindow) , savedState(mainwindow) , dockOptions(QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks | QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks) , statusbar(nullptr) #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) , _documentMode(false) , verticalTabsEnabled(false) #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) , _tabShape(QTabWidget::Rounded) #endif #endif #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) , widgetAnimator(this) , pluggingWidget(nullptr) { if (parentLayout) setParent(parentLayout); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) sep = mainwindow->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DockWidgetSeparatorExtent, nullptr, mainwindow); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) for (int i = 0; i < QInternal::DockCount; ++i) tabPositions[i] = QTabWidget::South; #endif #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) pluggingWidget = nullptr; setObjectName(mainwindow->objectName() + "_layout"_L1); } QMainWindowLayout::~QMainWindowLayout() { layoutState.deleteAllLayoutItems(); layoutState.deleteCentralWidgetItem(); delete statusbar; } void QMainWindowLayout::setDockOptions(QMainWindow::DockOptions opts) { if (opts == dockOptions) return; dockOptions = opts; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabbar) setVerticalTabsEnabled(opts & QMainWindow::VerticalTabs); #endif invalidate(); } #if QT_CONFIG(statusbar) QStatusBar *QMainWindowLayout::statusBar() const { return statusbar ? qobject_cast(statusbar->widget()) : 0; } void QMainWindowLayout::setStatusBar(QStatusBar *sb) { if (sb) addChildWidget(sb); delete statusbar; statusbar = sb ? new QWidgetItemV2(sb) : nullptr; invalidate(); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(statusbar) QWidget *QMainWindowLayout::centralWidget() const { return layoutState.centralWidget(); } void QMainWindowLayout::setCentralWidget(QWidget *widget) { if (widget != nullptr) addChildWidget(widget); layoutState.setCentralWidget(widget); if (savedState.isValid()) { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) savedState.dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem = layoutState.dockAreaLayout.centralWidgetItem; savedState.dockAreaLayout.fallbackToSizeHints = true; #else savedState.centralWidgetItem = layoutState.centralWidgetItem; #endif } invalidate(); } #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) /*! \internal This helper function is called by QMainWindowLayout::unplug if QMainWindow::GroupedDragging is set and we are dragging the title bar of a non-floating QDockWidget. If one should unplug the whole group, do so and return true, otherwise return false. \a item is pointing to the QLayoutItem that holds the QDockWidget, but will be updated to the QLayoutItem that holds the new QDockWidgetGroupWindow if the group is unplugged. */ static bool unplugGroup(QMainWindowLayout *layout, QLayoutItem **item, QDockAreaLayoutItem &parentItem) { if (!parentItem.subinfo || !parentItem.subinfo->tabbed) return false; // The QDockWidget is part of a group of tab and we need to unplug them all. QDockWidgetGroupWindow *floatingTabs = layout->createTabbedDockWindow(); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = floatingTabs->layoutInfo(); *info = std::move(*parentItem.subinfo); delete parentItem.subinfo; parentItem.subinfo = nullptr; floatingTabs->setGeometry(info->rect.translated(layout->parentWidget()->pos())); floatingTabs->show(); floatingTabs->raise(); *item = new QDockWidgetGroupWindowItem(floatingTabs); parentItem.widgetItem = *item; return true; } #endif #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) static QTabBar::Shape tabwidgetPositionToTabBarShape(QWidget *w) { QTabBar::Shape result = QTabBar::RoundedSouth; if (qobject_cast(w)) { switch (static_cast(qt_widget_private(w))->tabPosition) { case QTabWidget::North: result = QTabBar::RoundedNorth; break; case QTabWidget::South: result = QTabBar::RoundedSouth; break; case QTabWidget::West: result = QTabBar::RoundedWest; break; case QTabWidget::East: result = QTabBar::RoundedEast; break; } } return result; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) /*! \internal Unplug \a widget (QDockWidget or QToolBar) from it's parent container. If \a group is true we might actually unplug the group of tabs this widget is part if QMainWindow::GroupedDragging is set. When \a group is false, the widget itself is always unplugged alone Returns the QLayoutItem of the dragged element. The layout item is kept in the layout but set as a gap item. */ QLayoutItem *QMainWindowLayout::unplug(QWidget *widget, bool group) { #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) auto *groupWindow = qobject_cast(widget->parentWidget()); if (!widget->isWindow() && groupWindow) { if (group && groupWindow->tabLayoutInfo()) { // We are just dragging a floating window as it, not need to do anything, we just have to // look up the corresponding QWidgetItem* if it exists if (QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = dockInfo(widget->parentWidget())) { QList groupWindowPath = info->indexOf(widget->parentWidget()); return groupWindowPath.isEmpty() ? nullptr : info->item(groupWindowPath).widgetItem; } qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Drag only:" << widget << "Group:" << group; return nullptr; } QList path = groupWindow->layoutInfo()->indexOf(widget); QDockAreaLayoutItem parentItem = groupWindow->layoutInfo()->item(path); QLayoutItem *item = parentItem.widgetItem; if (group && path.size() > 1 && unplugGroup(this, &item, parentItem)) { qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Unplugging:" << widget << "from" << item; return item; } else { // We are unplugging a single dock widget from a floating window. QDockWidget *dockWidget = qobject_cast(widget); Q_ASSERT(dockWidget); // cannot be a QDockWidgetGroupWindow because it's not floating. // unplug the widget first dockWidget->d_func()->unplug(widget->geometry()); // Create a floating tab, copy properties and generate layout info QDockWidgetGroupWindow *floatingTabs = createTabbedDockWindow(); const QInternal::DockPosition dockPos = groupWindow->layoutInfo()->dockPos; QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = floatingTabs->layoutInfo(); const QTabBar::Shape shape = tabwidgetPositionToTabBarShape(dockWidget); // Populate newly created DockAreaLayoutInfo of floating tabs *info = QDockAreaLayoutInfo(&layoutState.dockAreaLayout.sep, dockPos, Qt::Horizontal, shape, layoutState.mainWindow); // Create tab and hide it as group window contains only one widget info->tabbed = true; info->tabBar = getTabBar(); info->tabBar->hide(); updateGapIndicator(); // Reparent it to a QDockWidgetGroupLayout floatingTabs->setGeometry(dockWidget->geometry()); // Append reference to floatingTabs to the dock's item_list parentItem.widgetItem = new QDockWidgetGroupWindowItem(floatingTabs); layoutState.dockAreaLayout.docks[dockPos].item_list.append(parentItem); // use populated parentItem to set reference to dockWidget as the first item in own list parentItem.widgetItem = new QDockWidgetItem(dockWidget); info->item_list = {parentItem}; // Add non-gap items of the dock to the tab bar for (const auto &listItem : layoutState.dockAreaLayout.docks[dockPos].item_list) { if (listItem.GapItem || !listItem.widgetItem) continue; info->tabBar->addTab(listItem.widgetItem->widget()->objectName()); } // Re-parent and fit floatingTabs->setParent(layoutState.mainWindow); floatingTabs->layoutInfo()->fitItems(); floatingTabs->layoutInfo()->apply(dockOptions & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); groupWindow->layoutInfo()->fitItems(); groupWindow->layoutInfo()->apply(dockOptions & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks); dockWidget->d_func()->tabPosition = layoutState.mainWindow->tabPosition(toDockWidgetArea(dockPos)); info->reparentWidgets(floatingTabs); dockWidget->setParent(floatingTabs); info->updateTabBar(); // Show the new item const QList path = layoutState.indexOf(floatingTabs); QRect r = layoutState.itemRect(path); savedState = layoutState; savedState.fitLayout(); // Update gap, fix orientation, raise and show currentGapPos = path; currentGapRect = r; updateGapIndicator(); fixToolBarOrientation(parentItem.widgetItem, currentGapPos.at(1)); floatingTabs->show(); floatingTabs->raise(); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Unplugged from floating dock:" << widget << "from" << parentItem.widgetItem; return parentItem.widgetItem; } } #endif QList path = layoutState.indexOf(widget); if (path.isEmpty()) return nullptr; QLayoutItem *item = layoutState.item(path); if (widget->isWindow()) return item; QRect r = layoutState.itemRect(path); savedState = layoutState; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (QDockWidget *dw = qobject_cast(widget)) { Q_ASSERT(path.constFirst() == 1); #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) if (group && (dockOptions & QMainWindow::GroupedDragging) && path.size() > 3 && unplugGroup(this, &item, layoutState.dockAreaLayout.item(path.mid(1, path.size() - 2)))) { path.removeLast(); savedState = layoutState; } else #endif // QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) { // Dock widget is unplugged from a main window dock // => height or width need to be decreased by separator size switch (dockWidgetArea(dw)) { case Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea: case Qt::RightDockWidgetArea: r.setHeight(r.height() - sep); break; case Qt::TopDockWidgetArea: case Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea: r.setWidth(r.width() - sep); break; case Qt::NoDockWidgetArea: case Qt::DockWidgetArea_Mask: break; } // Depending on the title bar layout (vertical / horizontal), // width and height have to provide minimum space for window handles // and mouse dragging. // Assuming horizontal title bar, if the dock widget does not have a layout. const auto *layout = qobject_cast(dw->layout()); const bool verticalTitleBar = layout ? layout->verticalTitleBar : false; const int tbHeight = QApplication::style() ? QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PixelMetric::PM_TitleBarHeight) : 20; const int minHeight = verticalTitleBar ? 2 * tbHeight : tbHeight; const int minWidth = verticalTitleBar ? tbHeight : 2 * tbHeight; r.setSize(r.size().expandedTo(QSize(minWidth, minHeight))); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << dw << "will be unplugged with size" << r.size(); dw->d_func()->unplug(r); } } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QToolBar *tb = qobject_cast(widget)) { tb->d_func()->unplug(r); } #endif #if !QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) || !QT_CONFIG(tabbar) Q_UNUSED(group); #endif layoutState.unplug(path ,&savedState); savedState.fitLayout(); currentGapPos = path; currentGapRect = r; updateGapIndicator(); fixToolBarOrientation(item, currentGapPos.at(1)); return item; } void QMainWindowLayout::updateGapIndicator() { #if QT_CONFIG(rubberband) if (!widgetAnimator.animating() && (!currentGapPos.isEmpty() #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) || currentHoveredFloat #endif )) { QWidget *expectedParent = #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) currentHoveredFloat ? currentHoveredFloat.data() : #endif parentWidget(); if (!gapIndicator) { gapIndicator = new QRubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle, expectedParent); // For accessibility to identify this special widget. gapIndicator->setObjectName("qt_rubberband"_L1); } else if (gapIndicator->parent() != expectedParent) { gapIndicator->setParent(expectedParent); } // Prevent re-entry in case of size change const bool sigBlockState = gapIndicator->signalsBlocked(); auto resetSignals = qScopeGuard([this, sigBlockState](){ gapIndicator->blockSignals(sigBlockState); }); gapIndicator->blockSignals(true); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (currentHoveredFloat) gapIndicator->setGeometry(currentHoveredFloat->currentGapRect); else #endif gapIndicator->setGeometry(currentGapRect); gapIndicator->show(); gapIndicator->raise(); // Reset signal state } else if (gapIndicator) { gapIndicator->hide(); } #endif // QT_CONFIG(rubberband) } void QMainWindowLayout::hover(QLayoutItem *hoverTarget, const QPoint &mousePos) { if (!parentWidget()->isVisible() || parentWidget()->isMinimized() || pluggingWidget != nullptr || hoverTarget == nullptr) return; QWidget *widget = hoverTarget->widget(); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if ((dockOptions & QMainWindow::GroupedDragging) && (qobject_cast(widget) || qobject_cast(widget))) { // Check if we are over another floating dock widget QVarLengthArray candidates; const auto siblings = parentWidget()->children(); for (QObject *c : siblings) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast(c); if (!w) continue; // Handle only dock widgets and group windows if (!qobject_cast(w) && !qobject_cast(w)) continue; // Check permission to dock on another dock widget or floating dock // FIXME in 6.4 if (w != widget && w->isWindow() && w->isVisible() && !w->isMinimized()) candidates << w; if (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *group = qobject_cast(w)) { // floating QDockWidgets have a QDockWidgetGroupWindow as a parent, // if they have been hovered over const auto groupChildren = group->children(); for (QObject *c : groupChildren) { if (QDockWidget *dw = qobject_cast(c)) { if (dw != widget && dw->isFloating() && dw->isVisible() && !dw->isMinimized()) candidates << dw; } } } } for (QWidget *w : candidates) { const QScreen *screen1 = qt_widget_private(widget)->associatedScreen(); const QScreen *screen2 = qt_widget_private(w)->associatedScreen(); if (screen1 && screen2 && screen1 != screen2) continue; if (!w->geometry().contains(mousePos)) continue; #if QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) if (auto dropTo = qobject_cast(w)) { // w is the drop target's widget w = dropTo->widget(); // Create a floating tab, unless already existing if (!qobject_cast(w)) { QDockWidgetGroupWindow *floatingTabs = createTabbedDockWindow(); floatingTabs->setGeometry(dropTo->geometry()); QDockAreaLayoutInfo *info = floatingTabs->layoutInfo(); const QTabBar::Shape shape = tabwidgetPositionToTabBarShape(dropTo); const QInternal::DockPosition dockPosition = toDockPos(dockWidgetArea(dropTo)); *info = QDockAreaLayoutInfo(&layoutState.dockAreaLayout.sep, dockPosition, Qt::Horizontal, shape, static_cast(parentWidget())); info->tabBar = getTabBar(); info->tabbed = true; QLayout *parentLayout = dropTo->parentWidget()->layout(); info->item_list.append( QDockAreaLayoutItem(parentLayout->takeAt(parentLayout->indexOf(dropTo)))); dropTo->setParent(floatingTabs); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Wrapping" << widget << "into floating tabs" << floatingTabs; w = floatingTabs; } // Show the drop target and raise widget to foreground dropTo->show(); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Showing" << dropTo; widget->raise(); qCDebug(lcQpaDockWidgets) << "Raising" << widget; } #endif auto group = qobject_cast(w); Q_ASSERT(group); if (group->hover(hoverTarget, group->mapFromGlobal(mousePos))) { setCurrentHoveredFloat(group); applyState(layoutState); // update the tabbars } return; } } setCurrentHoveredFloat(nullptr); layoutState.dockAreaLayout.fallbackToSizeHints = false; #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) QPoint pos = parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(mousePos); if (!savedState.isValid()) savedState = layoutState; QList path = savedState.gapIndex(widget, pos); if (!path.isEmpty()) { bool allowed = false; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) allowed = isAreaAllowed(widget, path); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(toolbar) if (QToolBar *tb = qobject_cast(widget)) allowed = tb->isAreaAllowed(toToolBarArea(path.at(1))); #endif if (!allowed) path.clear(); } if (path == currentGapPos) return; // the gap is already there currentGapPos = path; if (path.isEmpty()) { fixToolBarOrientation(hoverTarget, 2); // 2 = top dock, ie. horizontal restore(true); return; } fixToolBarOrientation(hoverTarget, currentGapPos.at(1)); QMainWindowLayoutState newState = savedState; if (!newState.insertGap(path, hoverTarget)) { restore(true); // not enough space return; } QSize min = newState.minimumSize(); QSize size = newState.rect.size(); if (min.width() > size.width() || min.height() > size.height()) { restore(true); return; } newState.fitLayout(); currentGapRect = newState.gapRect(currentGapPos); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) parentWidget()->update(layoutState.dockAreaLayout.separatorRegion()); #endif layoutState = std::move(newState); applyState(layoutState); updateGapIndicator(); } #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) QDockWidgetGroupWindow *QMainWindowLayout::createTabbedDockWindow() { QDockWidgetGroupWindow* f = new QDockWidgetGroupWindow(parentWidget(), Qt::Tool); new QDockWidgetGroupLayout(f); return f; } #endif void QMainWindowLayout::applyState(QMainWindowLayoutState &newState, bool animate) { // applying the state can lead to showing separator widgets, which would lead to a re-layout // (even though the separator widgets are not really part of the layout) // break the loop if (isInApplyState) return; isInApplyState = true; #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) QSet used = newState.dockAreaLayout.usedTabBars(); const auto groups = parent()->findChildren(Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly); for (QDockWidgetGroupWindow *dwgw : groups) used += dwgw->layoutInfo()->usedTabBars(); const QSet retired = usedTabBars - used; usedTabBars = used; for (QTabBar *tab_bar : retired) { tab_bar->hide(); while (tab_bar->count() > 0) tab_bar->removeTab(0); unusedTabBars.append(tab_bar); } if (sep == 1) { const QSet usedSeps = newState.dockAreaLayout.usedSeparatorWidgets(); const QSet retiredSeps = usedSeparatorWidgets - usedSeps; usedSeparatorWidgets = usedSeps; for (QWidget *sepWidget : retiredSeps) { unusedSeparatorWidgets.append(sepWidget); sepWidget->hide(); } } for (int i = 0; i < QInternal::DockCount; ++i) newState.dockAreaLayout.docks[i].reparentWidgets(parentWidget()); #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) && QT_CONFIG(tabwidget) newState.apply(dockOptions & QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks && animate); isInApplyState = false; } void QMainWindowLayout::saveState(QDataStream &stream) const { layoutState.saveState(stream); } bool QMainWindowLayout::restoreState(QDataStream &stream) { savedState = layoutState; layoutState.clear(); layoutState.rect = savedState.rect; if (!layoutState.restoreState(stream, savedState)) { layoutState.deleteAllLayoutItems(); layoutState = savedState; if (parentWidget()->isVisible()) applyState(layoutState, false); // hides tabBars allocated by newState return false; } if (parentWidget()->isVisible()) { layoutState.fitLayout(); applyState(layoutState, false); } else { /* The state might not fit into the size of the widget as it gets shown, but if the window is expected to be maximized or full screened, then we might get several resizes as part of that transition, at the end of which the state might fit. So keep the restored state around for now and try again later in setGeometry. */ if ((parentWidget()->windowState() & (Qt::WindowFullScreen | Qt::WindowMaximized)) && !layoutState.fits()) { restoredState.reset(new QMainWindowLayoutState(layoutState)); } } savedState.deleteAllLayoutItems(); savedState.clear(); #if QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) if (parentWidget()->isVisible()) { #if QT_CONFIG(tabbar) for (QTabBar *tab_bar : std::as_const(usedTabBars)) tab_bar->show(); #endif } #endif // QT_CONFIG(dockwidget) return true; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qmainwindowlayout_p.cpp"