# This is an automatic test for the CMake configuration files. # To run it manually, # 1) mkdir build # Create a build directory # 2) cd build # 3) cmake .. # Run cmake on this directory. # 4) ctest # Run ctest # # The expected output is something like: # # Start 1: test_use_modules_function # 1/11 Test #1: test_use_modules_function ........ Passed 3.36 sec # Start 2: test_wrap_cpp_and_resources # 2/11 Test #2: test_wrap_cpp_and_resources ...... Passed 1.41 sec # Start 3: test_dependent_modules # 3/11 Test #3: test_dependent_modules ........... Passed 2.22 sec # Start 4: test_add_resource_options # 4/11 Test #4: test_add_resource_options ........ Passed 0.16 sec # Start 5: test_wrap_cpp_options # 5/11 Test #5: test_wrap_cpp_options ............ Passed 0.36 sec # Start 6: test_needsquoting_dirname # 6/11 Test #6: test_needsquoting_dirname ........ Passed 2.20 sec # Start 7: test_platform_defs_include # 7/11 Test #7: test_platform_defs_include ....... Passed 0.28 sec # Start 8: test_qtmainwin_library # 8/11 Test #8: test_qtmainwin_library ........... Passed 1.27 sec # Start 9: test_dbus_module # 9/11 Test #9: test_dbus_module ................. Passed 3.46 sec # Start 10: test_multiple_find_package # 10/11 Test #10: test_multiple_find_package ....... Passed 0.07 sec # Start 11: test_add_resources_delayed_file # 11/11 Test #11: test_add_resources_delayed_file .. Passed 0.38 sec # # # Note that if Qt is not installed, or if it is installed to a # non-standard prefix, the environment variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # needs to be set to the installation prefix or build prefix of Qt # before running these tests. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(qmake_cmake_files) enable_testing() find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) include("${_Qt5CTestMacros}") expect_pass(test_use_modules_function) expect_pass(test_umbrella_config) expect_pass(test_wrap_cpp_and_resources) if (NOT NO_WIDGETS) expect_pass(test_dependent_modules) expect_pass("test(needsquoting)dirname") endif() expect_fail(test_add_resource_options) expect_fail(test_wrap_cpp_options) expect_pass(test_platform_defs_include) expect_pass(test_qtmainwin_library) if (HAVE_NINJA) make_directory("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_QFINDTESTDATA/build") add_test(test_QFINDTESTDATA ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} --build-and-test "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_QFINDTESTDATA" # Build in a subdir of the source dir. # This causes Ninja to use relative paths. "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_QFINDTESTDATA/build" --build-generator Ninja --build-options "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" ) add_test(NAME run_test_QFINDTESTDATA COMMAND sh -c "cd \"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test_QFINDTESTDATA/build/tests\" && ./test_QFINDTESTDATA -v2") set_property(TEST run_test_QFINDTESTDATA PROPERTY DEPENDS test_QFINDTESTDATA ) endif() if (NOT NO_DBUS) expect_pass(test_dbus_module) endif() expect_pass(test_multiple_find_package) expect_pass(test_add_resources_delayed_file) expect_pass(test_add_binary_resources_delayed_file BINARY test_add_binary_resources_delayed_file) expect_pass(test_private_includes) expect_pass(test_private_targets) expect_pass(test_testlib_definitions) expect_pass(test_json_plugin_includes) expect_fail(test_testlib_no_link_gui) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_testlib_definitions/main.cpp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/failbuild/test_testlib_no_link_gui/test_testlib_no_link_gui/" ) if (NOT NO_WIDGETS) expect_fail(test_testlib_no_link_widgets) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_testlib_definitions/main.cpp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/failbuild/test_testlib_no_link_widgets/test_testlib_no_link_widgets/" ) endif() set(qt_module_includes Core QObject Network QHostInfo Sql QSqlError Test QTestEventList Xml QDomDocument ) if (NOT NO_GUI) list(APPEND qt_module_includes Gui QImage ) endif() if (NOT NO_WIDGETS) list(APPEND qt_module_includes Widgets QWidget OpenGL QGLBuffer PrintSupport QPrinter ) endif() if (NOT NO_DBUS) list(APPEND qt_module_includes DBus QDBusMessage ) endif() test_module_includes( ${qt_module_includes} ) expect_pass(test_concurrent_module) expect_pass(test_openglextensions_module) if (QT_WITH_ANGLE OR (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE AND NOT NO_EGL)) expect_pass(test_egl_lib) endif() expect_pass(test_opengl_lib) if (NOT NO_WIDGETS) expect_pass(test_interface) endif() expect_pass(test_interface_link_libraries) expect_pass(test_moc_macro_target) if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.9) # The modification of TARGET_OBJECTS needs the following change in cmake # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/commit/93c89bc75ceee599ba7c08b8fe1ac5104942054f expect_pass(test_add_big_resource) endif() if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.8) # With earlier CMake versions, this test would simply run moc multiple times and lead to: # /usr/bin/ld: error: CMakeFiles/mywidget.dir/mywidget_automoc.cpp.o: multiple definition of 'MyWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)' # /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/mywidget.dir/moc_mywidget.cpp.o: previous definition here # Reason: SKIP_* properties were added in CMake 3.8 only expect_pass(test_QTBUG-63422) endif() expect_pass(test_import_plugins BINARY ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}) expect_pass(test_versionless_targets)