// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include class tst_QtConcurrentMedian: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void median_data(); void median(); }; void tst_QtConcurrentMedian::median_data() { QTest::addColumn >("values"); QTest::addColumn("expectedMedian"); QTest::newRow("size=1") << (QList() << 1.0) << 0.0; // six 0.0 in front of the actual value QTest::newRow("size=2") << (QList() << 3.0 << 2.0) << 0.0; // five 0.0 in front of the actual value QTest::newRow("size=3") << (QList() << 3.0 << 1.0 << 2.0) << 0.0; // four 0.0 in front of the actual value QTest::newRow("size=4") << (QList() << 3.0 << 1.0 << 2.0 << 4.0) << 1.0; // three 0.0 in front of the first actual value, pick 1.0 QTest::newRow("size=5") << (QList() << 3.0 << 1.0 << 2.0 << 3.0 << 1.0) << 1.0; // two 0.0 in front of the first actual value, pick 1.0 QTest::newRow("size=6") << (QList() << 3.0 << 1.0 << 2.0 << 3.0 << 1.0 << 2.0) << 2.0; // one 0.0 in front of the first actual value, pick 2.0 QTest::newRow("size=7") << QList { 207089.0, 202585.0, 180067.0, 157549.0, 211592.0, 216096.0, 207089.0 } << 207089.0; } void tst_QtConcurrentMedian::median() { QFETCH(const QList , values); QFETCH(double, expectedMedian); QtConcurrent::Median m; for (double value : values) m.addValue(value); QCOMPARE(m.median(), expectedMedian); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QtConcurrentMedian) #include "tst_qtconcurrentmedian.moc"