// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB # include # define tst_QEventDispatcher tst_QGuiEventDispatcher #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include enum { PreciseTimerInterval = 10, CoarseTimerInterval = 200, VeryCoarseTimerInterval = 1000 }; class tst_QEventDispatcher : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QAbstractEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher; int receivedEventType = -1; int timerIdFromEvent = -1; bool doubleTimer = false; protected: bool event(QEvent *e) override; public: inline tst_QEventDispatcher() : QObject(), eventDispatcher(QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread())), isGuiEventDispatcher(QCoreApplication::instance()->inherits("QGuiApplication")) { } private slots: void initTestCase(); void cleanup(); void registerTimer(); /* void registerSocketNotifier(); */ // Not implemented here, see tst_QSocketNotifier instead /* void registerEventNotifiier(); */ // Not implemented here, see tst_QWinEventNotifier instead void sendPostedEvents_data(); void sendPostedEvents(); void processEventsOnlySendsQueuedEvents(); // these two tests need to run before postedEventsPingPong void postEventFromThread(); void postEventFromEventHandler(); // these tests don't leave the event dispatcher in a reliable state void postedEventsPingPong(); void eventLoopExit(); void interruptTrampling(); private: const bool isGuiEventDispatcher; }; bool tst_QEventDispatcher::event(QEvent *e) { switch (receivedEventType = e->type()) { case QEvent::Timer: { // sometimes, two timers fire during a single QTRY_xxx wait loop if (timerIdFromEvent != -1) doubleTimer = true; timerIdFromEvent = static_cast(e)->timerId(); return true; } default: break; } return QObject::event(e); } // drain the system event queue after the test starts to avoid destabilizing the test functions void tst_QEventDispatcher::initTestCase() { QElapsedTimer elapsedTimer; elapsedTimer.start(); while (!elapsedTimer.hasExpired(CoarseTimerInterval) && eventDispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents)) { ; } } // consume pending posted events to avoid impact on the next test function void tst_QEventDispatcher::cleanup() { eventDispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); } class TimerManager { Q_DISABLE_COPY(TimerManager) public: TimerManager(QAbstractEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher, QObject *parent) : m_eventDispatcher(eventDispatcher), m_parent(parent) { } ~TimerManager() { if (!registeredTimers().isEmpty()) m_eventDispatcher->unregisterTimers(m_parent); } TimerManager(TimerManager &&) = delete; TimerManager &operator=(TimerManager &&) = delete; int preciseTimerId() const { return m_preciseTimerId; } int coarseTimerId() const { return m_coarseTimerId; } int veryCoarseTimerId() const { return m_veryCoarseTimerId; } bool foundPrecise() const { return m_preciseTimerId > 0; } bool foundCoarse() const { return m_coarseTimerId > 0; } bool foundVeryCoarse() const { return m_veryCoarseTimerId > 0; } QList registeredTimers() const { return m_eventDispatcher->registeredTimers(m_parent); } void registerAll() { // start 3 timers, each with the different timer types and different intervals m_preciseTimerId = m_eventDispatcher->registerTimer( PreciseTimerInterval, Qt::PreciseTimer, m_parent); m_coarseTimerId = m_eventDispatcher->registerTimer( CoarseTimerInterval, Qt::CoarseTimer, m_parent); m_veryCoarseTimerId = m_eventDispatcher->registerTimer( VeryCoarseTimerInterval, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer, m_parent); QVERIFY(m_preciseTimerId > 0); QVERIFY(m_coarseTimerId > 0); QVERIFY(m_veryCoarseTimerId > 0); findTimers(); } void unregister(int timerId) { m_eventDispatcher->unregisterTimer(timerId); findTimers(); } void unregisterAll() { m_eventDispatcher->unregisterTimers(m_parent); findTimers(); } private: void findTimers() { bool foundPrecise = false; bool foundCoarse = false; bool foundVeryCoarse = false; const QList timers = registeredTimers(); for (int i = 0; i < timers.count(); ++i) { const QAbstractEventDispatcher::TimerInfo &timerInfo = timers.at(i); if (timerInfo.timerId == m_preciseTimerId) { QCOMPARE(timerInfo.interval, int(PreciseTimerInterval)); QCOMPARE(timerInfo.timerType, Qt::PreciseTimer); foundPrecise = true; } else if (timerInfo.timerId == m_coarseTimerId) { QCOMPARE(timerInfo.interval, int(CoarseTimerInterval)); QCOMPARE(timerInfo.timerType, Qt::CoarseTimer); foundCoarse = true; } else if (timerInfo.timerId == m_veryCoarseTimerId) { QCOMPARE(timerInfo.interval, int(VeryCoarseTimerInterval)); QCOMPARE(timerInfo.timerType, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer); foundVeryCoarse = true; } } if (!foundPrecise) m_preciseTimerId = -1; if (!foundCoarse) m_coarseTimerId = -1; if (!foundVeryCoarse) m_veryCoarseTimerId = -1; } QAbstractEventDispatcher *m_eventDispatcher = nullptr; int m_preciseTimerId = -1; int m_coarseTimerId = -1; int m_veryCoarseTimerId = -1; QObject *m_parent = nullptr; }; // test that the eventDispatcher's timer implementation is complete and working void tst_QEventDispatcher::registerTimer() { TimerManager timers(eventDispatcher, this); timers.registerAll(); if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) return; // check that all 3 are present in the eventDispatcher's registeredTimer() list QCOMPARE(timers.registeredTimers().count(), 3); QVERIFY(timers.foundPrecise()); QVERIFY(timers.foundCoarse()); QVERIFY(timers.foundVeryCoarse()); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN /* We frequently experience flaky failures on macOS. Assumption is that this is due to undeterministic VM scheduling, making us process events for significantly longer than expected and resulting in timers firing in undefined order. To detect this condition, we use a QElapsedTimer, and skip the test. */ QElapsedTimer elapsedTimer; elapsedTimer.start(); #endif // process events, waiting for the next event... this should only fire the precise timer receivedEventType = -1; timerIdFromEvent = -1; doubleTimer = false; QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(receivedEventType, int(QEvent::Timer), PreciseTimerInterval * 2); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN if (doubleTimer) QSKIP("Double timer during a single timeout - aborting test as flaky on macOS"); if (timerIdFromEvent != timers.preciseTimerId() && elapsedTimer.elapsed() > PreciseTimerInterval * 3) QSKIP("Ignore flaky test behavior due to VM scheduling on macOS"); #endif QCOMPARE(timerIdFromEvent, timers.preciseTimerId()); // now unregister it and make sure it's gone timers.unregister(timers.preciseTimerId()); if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) return; QCOMPARE(timers.registeredTimers().count(), 2); QVERIFY(!timers.foundPrecise()); QVERIFY(timers.foundCoarse()); QVERIFY(timers.foundVeryCoarse()); // do the same again for the coarse timer receivedEventType = -1; timerIdFromEvent = -1; doubleTimer = false; QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(receivedEventType, int(QEvent::Timer), CoarseTimerInterval * 2); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN if (doubleTimer) QSKIP("Double timer during a single timeout - aborting test as flaky on macOS"); if (timerIdFromEvent != timers.coarseTimerId() && elapsedTimer.elapsed() > CoarseTimerInterval * 3) QSKIP("Ignore flaky test behavior due to VM scheduling on macOS"); #endif QCOMPARE(timerIdFromEvent, timers.coarseTimerId()); // now unregister it and make sure it's gone timers.unregister(timers.coarseTimerId()); if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) return; QCOMPARE(timers.registeredTimers().count(), 1); QVERIFY(!timers.foundPrecise()); QVERIFY(!timers.foundCoarse()); QVERIFY(timers.foundVeryCoarse()); // not going to wait for the VeryCoarseTimer, would take too long, just unregister it timers.unregisterAll(); if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) return; QVERIFY(timers.registeredTimers().isEmpty()); } void tst_QEventDispatcher::sendPostedEvents_data() { QTest::addColumn("processEventsFlagsInt"); QTest::newRow("WaitForMoreEvents") << int(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); QTest::newRow("AllEvents") << int(QEventLoop::AllEvents); } // test that the eventDispatcher sends posted events correctly void tst_QEventDispatcher::sendPostedEvents() { QFETCH(int, processEventsFlagsInt); QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags processEventsFlags = QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags(processEventsFlagsInt); QElapsedTimer elapsedTimer; elapsedTimer.start(); while (!elapsedTimer.hasExpired(200)) { receivedEventType = -1; QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); // event shouldn't be delivered as a result of posting QCOMPARE(receivedEventType, -1); // since there is a pending posted event, this should not actually block, it should send the posted event and return QVERIFY(eventDispatcher->processEvents(processEventsFlags)); // event shouldn't be delivered as a result of posting QCOMPARE(receivedEventType, int(QEvent::User)); } } class ProcessEventsOnlySendsQueuedEvents : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: int eventsReceived; inline ProcessEventsOnlySendsQueuedEvents() : eventsReceived(0) {} bool event(QEvent *event) override { ++eventsReceived; if (event->type() == QEvent::User) QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + 1))); return QObject::event(event); } public slots: void timerFired() { QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + 1))); } }; void tst_QEventDispatcher::processEventsOnlySendsQueuedEvents() { ProcessEventsOnlySendsQueuedEvents object; // Posted events during event processing should be handled on // the next processEvents iteration. QCoreApplication::postEvent(&object, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QCOMPARE(object.eventsReceived, 1); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QCOMPARE(object.eventsReceived, 2); // The same goes for posted events during timer processing QTimer::singleShot(0, &object, SLOT(timerFired())); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QCOMPARE(object.eventsReceived, 3); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QCOMPARE(object.eventsReceived, 4); } void tst_QEventDispatcher::postEventFromThread() { QThreadPool *threadPool = QThreadPool::globalInstance(); QAtomicInt hadToQuit = false; QAtomicInt done = false; threadPool->start([&]{ int loop = 1000 / 10; // give it a second while (!done && --loop) QThread::msleep(10); if (done) return; hadToQuit = true; QCoreApplication::eventDispatcher()->wakeUp(); }); struct EventReceiver : public QObject { bool event(QEvent* event) override { if (event->type() == QEvent::User) return true; return QObject::event(event); } } receiver; int count = 500; while (!hadToQuit && --count) { threadPool->start([&receiver]{ QCoreApplication::postEvent(&receiver, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); }); QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); } done = true; QVERIFY(!hadToQuit); QVERIFY(threadPool->waitForDone()); } void tst_QEventDispatcher::postEventFromEventHandler() { QThreadPool *threadPool = QThreadPool::globalInstance(); QAtomicInt hadToQuit = false; QAtomicInt done = false; threadPool->start([&]{ int loop = 250 / 10; // give it 250ms while (!done && --loop) QThread::msleep(10); if (done) return; hadToQuit = true; QCoreApplication::eventDispatcher()->wakeUp(); }); struct EventReceiver : public QObject { int i = 0; bool event(QEvent* event) override { if (event->type() == QEvent::User) { ++i; if (i < 2) QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); return true; } return QObject::event(event); } } receiver; QCoreApplication::postEvent(&receiver, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); while (receiver.i < 2) QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); done = true; const QByteArrayView eventDispatcherName(QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance()->metaObject()->className()); qDebug() << eventDispatcherName; // QXcbUnixEventDispatcher and QEventDispatcherUNIX do not do this correctly on any platform; // both Windows event dispatchers fail as well. const bool knownToFail = eventDispatcherName.contains("UNIX") || eventDispatcherName.contains("Unix") || eventDispatcherName.contains("Win32") || eventDispatcherName.contains("WindowsGui") || eventDispatcherName.contains("Android"); if (knownToFail) QEXPECT_FAIL("", eventDispatcherName.constData(), Continue); QVERIFY(!hadToQuit); QVERIFY(threadPool->waitForDone()); } void tst_QEventDispatcher::postedEventsPingPong() { QEventLoop mainLoop; // We need to have at least two levels of nested loops // for the posted event to get stuck (QTBUG-85981). QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this, &mainLoop]() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [&mainLoop]() { // QEventLoop::quit() should be invoked on the next // iteration of mainLoop.exec(). QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&mainLoop, &QEventLoop::quit, Qt::QueuedConnection); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); mainLoop.processEvents(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); // We should use Qt::CoarseTimer on Windows, to prevent event // dispatcher from sending a posted event. QTimer::singleShot(500, Qt::CoarseTimer, &mainLoop, [&mainLoop]() { mainLoop.exit(1); }); QCOMPARE(mainLoop.exec(), 0); } void tst_QEventDispatcher::eventLoopExit() { // This test was inspired by QTBUG-79477. A particular // implementation detail in QCocoaEventDispatcher allowed // QEventLoop::exit() to fail to really exit the event loop. // Thus this test is a part of the dispatcher auto-test. // Imitates QApplication::exec(): QEventLoop mainLoop; // The test itself is a lambda: QTimer::singleShot(0, &mainLoop, [&mainLoop]() { // Two more single shots, both will be posted as events // (zero timeout) and supposed to be processes by the // mainLoop: QTimer::singleShot(0, &mainLoop, [&mainLoop]() { // wakeUp triggers QCocoaEventDispatcher into incrementing // its 'serialNumber': mainLoop.wakeUp(); // QCocoaEventDispatcher::processEvents() will process // posted events and execute the second lambda defined below: QCoreApplication::processEvents(); }); QTimer::singleShot(0, &mainLoop, [&mainLoop]() { // With QCocoaEventDispatcher this is executed while in the // processEvents (see above) and would fail to actually // interrupt the loop. mainLoop.exit(); }); }); bool timeoutObserved = false; QTimer::singleShot(500, &mainLoop, [&timeoutObserved, &mainLoop]() { // In case the QEventLoop::exit above failed, we have to bail out // early, not wasting time: mainLoop.exit(); timeoutObserved = true; }); mainLoop.exec(); QVERIFY(!timeoutObserved); } // Based on QTBUG-91539: In the event dispatcher on Windows we overwrite the // interrupt once we start processing events (this pattern is also in the 'unix' dispatcher) // which would lead the dispatcher to accidentally ignore certain interrupts and, // as in the bug report, would not quit, leaving the thread alive and running. void tst_QEventDispatcher::interruptTrampling() { class WorkerThread : public QThread { void run() override { auto dispatcher = eventDispatcher(); QVERIFY(dispatcher); dispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); QTimer::singleShot(0, dispatcher, [dispatcher]() { dispatcher->wakeUp(); }); dispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); dispatcher->interrupt(); dispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents); } }; WorkerThread thread; thread.start(); QVERIFY(thread.wait(1000)); QVERIFY(thread.isFinished()); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QEventDispatcher) #include "tst_qeventdispatcher.moc"