# Generated from lib2.pro. ##################################################################### ## mylib Generic Library: ##################################################################### qt_internal_add_cmake_library(mylib2 # special case SHARED INSTALL_DIRECTORY "${INSTALL_TESTSDIR}tst_qlibrary" #OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../" # special case SOURCES mylib.c PUBLIC_LIBRARIES Qt::Core ) # special case begin # This test is very "annoying" to get working with CMake as it involves having # two targets with the same name on the parent scope, which is not possible with # CMake. Furthermore, on UNIX, this version of the library should override the # root symlink (libmylib.so) to point to version 2. # Since we can't build two targets with the same name and in the same directory, # we build mylib2 in it's own directory and manually copy and create the # symlinks in the parent directory. # Finally we also need to create a libmylib.so2 file in the parent directory. # set_target_properties(mylib2 PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME mylib ) set_target_properties(mylib2 PROPERTIES VERSION 2.0.0 SOVERSION 2 C_VISIBILITY_PRESET "default" CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "default" ) if(WIN32) # CMake sets for Windows-GNU platforms the suffix "lib" set_property(TARGET mylib2 PROPERTY PREFIX "") endif() if (UNIX) if(NOT ANDROID) add_custom_command(TARGET mylib2 POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../system.qt.test.mylib.so" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libmylib.so.2.0.0" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "libmylib.so.2.0.0" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libmylib.so.2" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libmylib.so" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "libmylib.so.2.0.0" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libmylib.so" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "libmylib.so.2.0.0" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libmylib.so2" VERBATIM) else() # Android does not use symlinks. Also, according to our conventions, # libraries on Android MUST be named in the following pattern: # lib*.so add_custom_command(TARGET mylib2 POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../libsystem.qt.test.mylib.so" VERBATIM) endif() else() #Win32 add_custom_command(TARGET mylib2 POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../system.qt.test.mylib.dll" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different $ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../mylib.dl2" VERBATIM) endif() # special case end #### Keys ignored in scope 1:.:.:lib2.pro:: # INSTALLS = "target" "renamed_target" # QMAKE_POST_LINK = "$$member(QMAKE_POST_LINK, 0, -2)" # TEMPLATE = "lib" # VERSION = "2" # renamed_target.extra = "$$member(renamed_target.extra, 0, -2)" # renamed_target.path = "$$target.path" # target.path = "$$[QT_INSTALL_TESTS]$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}tst_qlibrary" ## Scopes: ##################################################################### qt_internal_extend_target(mylib2 CONDITION MSVC # special case DEFINES WIN32_MSVC ) #### Keys ignored in scope 3:.:.:lib2.pro:WIN32: # DESTDIR = "../$$BUILD_FOLDER/" # files = "$$BUILD_FOLDER$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}mylib.dl2" "$$BUILD_FOLDER$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}system.qt.test.mylib.dll" #### Keys ignored in scope 4:.:.:lib2.pro:(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug): # BUILD_FOLDER = "debug" #### Keys ignored in scope 5:.:.:lib2.pro:else: # BUILD_FOLDER = "release" #### Keys ignored in scope 6:.:.:lib2.pro:TEMPLATE___contains___vc._x_: # src = "$(TargetPath)" #### Keys ignored in scope 7:.:.:lib2.pro:else: # src = "$(DESTDIR_TARGET)" #### Keys ignored in scope 8:.:.:lib2.pro:else: # files = "libmylib.so2" "system.qt.test.mylib.so" # src = "$(DESTDIR)$(TARGET)"