// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "http2srv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(H2Type) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QNetworkRequest::Attribute) QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; QHttp2Configuration qt_defaultH2Configuration() { QHttp2Configuration config; config.setStreamReceiveWindowSize(Http2::qtDefaultStreamReceiveWindowSize); config.setSessionReceiveWindowSize(Http2::maxSessionReceiveWindowSize); config.setServerPushEnabled(false); return config; } RawSettings qt_H2ConfigurationToSettings(const QHttp2Configuration &config = qt_defaultH2Configuration()) { RawSettings settings; settings[Http2::Settings::ENABLE_PUSH_ID] = config.serverPushEnabled(); settings[Http2::Settings::INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE_ID] = config.streamReceiveWindowSize(); if (config.maxFrameSize() != Http2::minPayloadLimit) settings[Http2::Settings::MAX_FRAME_SIZE_ID] = config.maxFrameSize(); return settings; } class tst_Http2 : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_Http2(); ~tst_Http2(); public slots: void init(); private slots: // Tests: void defaultQnamHttp2Configuration(); void singleRequest_data(); void singleRequest(); void multipleRequests(); void flowControlClientSide(); void flowControlServerSide(); void pushPromise(); void goaway_data(); void goaway(); void earlyResponse(); void connectToHost_data(); void connectToHost(); void maxFrameSize(); void http2DATAFrames(); void moreActivitySignals_data(); void moreActivitySignals(); void contentEncoding_data(); void contentEncoding(); void authenticationRequired_data(); void authenticationRequired(); void h2cAllowedAttribute_data(); void h2cAllowedAttribute(); void redirect_data(); void redirect(); void trailingHEADERS(); void duplicateRequestsWithAborts(); protected slots: // Slots to listen to our in-process server: void serverStarted(quint16 port); void clientPrefaceOK(); void clientPrefaceError(); void serverSettingsAcked(); void invalidFrame(); void invalidRequest(quint32 streamID); void decompressionFailed(quint32 streamID); void receivedRequest(quint32 streamID); void receivedData(quint32 streamID); void windowUpdated(quint32 streamID); void replyFinished(); void replyFinishedWithError(); private: void clearHTTP2State(); // Run event for 'ms' milliseconds. // The default value '5000' is enough for // small payload. void runEventLoop(int ms = 5000); void stopEventLoop(); Http2Server *newServer(const RawSettings &serverSettings, H2Type connectionType, const RawSettings &clientSettings = qt_H2ConfigurationToSettings()); // Send a get or post request, depending on a payload (empty or not). void sendRequest(int streamNumber, QNetworkRequest::Priority priority = QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority, const QByteArray &payload = QByteArray(), const QHttp2Configuration &clientConfiguration = qt_defaultH2Configuration()); QUrl requestUrl(H2Type connnectionType) const; quint16 serverPort = 0; QThread *workerThread = nullptr; std::unique_ptr manager; QTestEventLoop eventLoop; int nRequests = 0; int nSentRequests = 0; int windowUpdates = 0; bool prefaceOK = false; bool serverGotSettingsACK = false; bool POSTResponseHEADOnly = true; static const RawSettings defaultServerSettings; }; #define STOP_ON_FAILURE \ if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) \ return; const RawSettings tst_Http2::defaultServerSettings{{Http2::Settings::MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_ID, 100}}; namespace { // Our server lives/works on a different thread so we invoke its 'deleteLater' // instead of simple 'delete'. struct ServerDeleter { static void cleanup(Http2Server *srv) { if (srv) { srv->stopSendingDATAFrames(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv, "deleteLater", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } }; bool clearTextHTTP2 = false; using ServerPtr = QScopedPointer; H2Type defaultConnectionType() { return clearTextHTTP2 ? H2Type::h2c : H2Type::h2Alpn; } } // unnamed namespace tst_Http2::tst_Http2() : workerThread(new QThread) { #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) const auto features = QSslSocket::supportedFeatures(); clearTextHTTP2 = !features.contains(QSsl::SupportedFeature::ServerSideAlpn); #else clearTextHTTP2 = true; #endif workerThread->start(); } tst_Http2::~tst_Http2() { workerThread->quit(); workerThread->wait(5000); if (workerThread->isFinished()) { delete workerThread; } else { connect(workerThread, &QThread::finished, workerThread, &QThread::deleteLater); } } void tst_Http2::init() { manager.reset(new QNetworkAccessManager); } void tst_Http2::defaultQnamHttp2Configuration() { // The configuration we also implicitly use in QNAM. QCOMPARE(qt_defaultH2Configuration(), QNetworkRequest().http2Configuration()); } void tst_Http2::singleRequest_data() { QTest::addColumn("h2Attribute"); QTest::addColumn("connectionType"); // 'Clear text' that should always work, either via the protocol upgrade // or as direct. QTest::addRow("h2c-upgrade") << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2c; QTest::addRow("h2c-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2cDirect; if (!clearTextHTTP2) { // Qt with TLS where TLS-backend supports ALPN. QTest::addRow("h2-ALPN") << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2Alpn; } #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) QTest::addRow("h2-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2Direct; #endif } void tst_Http2::singleRequest() { clearHTTP2State(); #if QT_CONFIG(securetransport) // Normally on macOS we use plain text only for SecureTransport // does not support ALPN on the server side. With 'direct encrytped' // we have to use TLS sockets (== private key) and thus suppress a // keychain UI asking for permission to use a private key. // Our CI has this, but somebody testing locally - will have a problem. qputenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN", "1"); auto envRollback = qScopeGuard([](){ qunsetenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN"); }); #endif serverPort = 0; nRequests = 1; QFETCH(const H2Type, connectionType); ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, connectionType)); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); auto url = requestUrl(connectionType); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); QFETCH(const QNetworkRequest::Attribute, h2Attribute); request.setAttribute(h2Attribute, QVariant(true)); auto reply = manager->get(request); #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) QSignalSpy encSpy(reply, &QNetworkReply::encrypted); #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) if (connectionType == H2Type::h2Alpn || connectionType == H2Type::h2Direct) QCOMPARE(encSpy.size(), 1); #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) } void tst_Http2::multipleRequests() { clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 10; ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); // Just to make the order a bit more interesting // we'll index this randomly: const QNetworkRequest::Priority priorities[] = { QNetworkRequest::HighPriority, QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority, QNetworkRequest::LowPriority }; for (int i = 0; i < nRequests; ++i) sendRequest(i, priorities[QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(3)]); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::flowControlClientSide() { // Create a server but impose limits: // 1. Small client receive windows so server's responses cause client // streams to suspend and protocol handler has to send WINDOW_UPDATE // frames. // 2. Few concurrent streams supported by the server, to test protocol // handler in the client can suspend and then resume streams. using namespace Http2; clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 10; windowUpdates = 0; QHttp2Configuration params; // A small window size for a session, and even a smaller one per stream - // this will result in WINDOW_UPDATE frames both on connection stream and // per stream. params.setSessionReceiveWindowSize(Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize * 5); params.setStreamReceiveWindowSize(Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize); const RawSettings serverSettings = {{Settings::MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_ID, quint32(3)}}; ServerPtr srv(newServer(serverSettings, defaultConnectionType(), qt_H2ConfigurationToSettings(params))); const QByteArray respond(int(Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize * 10), 'x'); srv->setResponseBody(respond); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); for (int i = 0; i < nRequests; ++i) sendRequest(i, QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority, {}, params); runEventLoop(120000); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QVERIFY(windowUpdates > 0); } void tst_Http2::flowControlServerSide() { // Quite aggressive test: // low MAX_FRAME_SIZE forces a lot of small DATA frames, // payload size exceedes stream/session RECV window sizes // so that our implementation should deal with WINDOW_UPDATE // on a session/stream level correctly + resume/suspend streams // to let all replies finish without any error. using namespace Http2; if (QTestPrivate::isRunningArmOnX86()) QSKIP("Test is too slow to run on emulator"); clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 10; const RawSettings serverSettings = {{Settings::MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_ID, 7}}; ServerPtr srv(newServer(serverSettings, defaultConnectionType())); const QByteArray payload(int(Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize * 500), 'x'); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); for (int i = 0; i < nRequests; ++i) sendRequest(i, QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority, payload); runEventLoop(120000); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::pushPromise() { // We will first send some request, the server should reply and also emulate // PUSH_PROMISE sending us another response as promised. using namespace Http2; clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 1; QHttp2Configuration params; // Defaults are good, except ENABLE_PUSH: params.setServerPushEnabled(true); ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType(), qt_H2ConfigurationToSettings(params))); srv->enablePushPromise(true, QByteArray("/script.js")); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute, QVariant(true)); request.setHttp2Configuration(params); auto reply = manager->get(request); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); // Now, the most interesting part! nSentRequests = 0; nRequests = 1; // Create an additional request (let's say, we parsed reply and realized we // need another resource): url.setPath("/script.js"); QNetworkRequest promisedRequest(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); promisedRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute, QVariant(true)); reply = manager->get(promisedRequest); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); // Let's check that NO request was actually made: QCOMPARE(nSentRequests, 0); // Decreased by replyFinished(): QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); } void tst_Http2::goaway_data() { // For now we test only basic things in two very simple scenarios: // - server sends GOAWAY immediately or // - server waits for some time (enough for ur to init several streams on a // client side); then suddenly it replies with GOAWAY, never processing any // request. if (clearTextHTTP2) QSKIP("This test requires TLS with ALPN to work"); QTest::addColumn("responseTimeoutMS"); QTest::newRow("ImmediateGOAWAY") << 0; QTest::newRow("DelayedGOAWAY") << 1000; } void tst_Http2::goaway() { using namespace Http2; QFETCH(const int, responseTimeoutMS); clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 3; ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); srv->emulateGOAWAY(responseTimeoutMS); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); // We have to store these replies, so that we can check errors later. std::vector replies(nRequests); for (int i = 0; i < nRequests; ++i) { url.setPath(QString("/%1").arg(i)); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute, QVariant(true)); replies[i] = manager->get(request); QCOMPARE(replies[i]->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); connect(replies[i], &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinishedWithError); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, ignore SSL errors: replies[i]->ignoreSslErrors(); } runEventLoop(5000 + responseTimeoutMS); STOP_ON_FAILURE // No request processed, no 'replyFinished' slot calls: QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); // Our server did not bother to send anything except a single GOAWAY frame: QVERIFY(!prefaceOK); QVERIFY(!serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::earlyResponse() { // In this test we'd like to verify client side can handle HEADERS frame while // its stream is in 'open' state. To achieve this, we send a POST request // with some payload, so that the client is first sending HEADERS and then // DATA frames without END_STREAM flag set yet (thus the stream is in Stream::open // state). Upon receiving the client's HEADERS frame our server ('redirector') // immediately (without trying to read any DATA frames) responds with status // code 308. The client should properly handle this. clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 1; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); const quint16 targetPort = serverPort; serverPort = 0; ServerPtr redirector(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); redirector->redirectOpenStream(targetPort); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(redirector.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort); sendRequest(1, QNetworkRequest::NormalPriority, {1000000, Qt::Uninitialized}); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::connectToHost_data() { // The attribute to set on a new request: QTest::addColumn("requestAttribute"); // The corresponding (to the attribute above) connection type the // server will use: QTest::addColumn("connectionType"); #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) QTest::addRow("encrypted-h2-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2Direct; if (!clearTextHTTP2) QTest::addRow("encrypted-h2-ALPN") << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2Alpn; #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) // This works for all configurations, tests 'preconnect-http' scheme: // h2 with protocol upgrade is not working for now (the logic is a bit // complicated there ...). QTest::addRow("h2-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2cDirect; } void tst_Http2::connectToHost() { // QNetworkAccessManager::connectToHostEncrypted() and connectToHost() // creates a special request with 'preconnect-https' or 'preconnect-http' // schemes. At the level of the protocol handler we are supposed to report // these requests as finished and wait for the real requests. This test will // connect to a server with the first reply 'finished' signal meaning we // indeed connected. At this point we check that a client preface was not // sent yet, and no response received. Then we send the second (the real) // request and do our usual checks. Since our server closes its listening // socket on the first incoming connection (would not accept a new one), // the successful completion of the second requests also means we were able // to find a cached connection and re-use it. QFETCH(const QNetworkRequest::Attribute, requestAttribute); QFETCH(const H2Type, connectionType); clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 2; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, connectionType)); #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) Q_ASSERT(!clearTextHTTP2 || connectionType != H2Type::h2Alpn); #if QT_CONFIG(securetransport) // Normally on macOS we use plain text only for SecureTransport // does not support ALPN on the server side. With 'direct encrytped' // we have to use TLS sockets (== private key) and thus suppress a // keychain UI asking for permission to use a private key. // Our CI has this, but somebody testing locally - will have a problem. qputenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN", "1"); auto envRollback = qScopeGuard([](){ qunsetenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN"); }); #endif // QT_CONFIG(securetransport) #else Q_ASSERT(connectionType == H2Type::h2c || connectionType == H2Type::h2cDirect); Q_ASSERT(targetServer->isClearText()); #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); auto url = requestUrl(connectionType); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkReply *reply = nullptr; // Here some mess with how we create this first reply: #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) if (!targetServer->isClearText()) { // Let's emulate what QNetworkAccessManager::connectToHostEncrypted() does. // Alas, we cannot use it directly, since it does not return the reply and // also does not know the difference between H2 with ALPN or direct. auto copyUrl = url; copyUrl.setScheme(QLatin1String("preconnect-https")); QNetworkRequest request(copyUrl); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(requestAttribute, true); reply = manager->get(request); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } else #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) { // Emulating what QNetworkAccessManager::connectToHost() does with // additional information that it cannot provide (the attribute). auto copyUrl = url; copyUrl.setScheme(QLatin1String("preconnect-http")); QNetworkRequest request(copyUrl); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(requestAttribute, true); reply = manager->get(request); } connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, reply]() { --nRequests; eventLoop.exitLoop(); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); // Nothing received back: QVERIFY(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).isNull()); QCOMPARE(reply->readAll().size(), 0); }); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 1); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(requestAttribute, QVariant(true)); reply = manager->get(request); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); // Note, unlike the first request, when the connection is ecnrytped, we // do not ignore TLS errors on this reply - we should re-use existing // connection, there TLS errors were already ignored. runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); } void tst_Http2::maxFrameSize() { #if !QT_CONFIG(ssl) QSKIP("TLS support is needed for this test"); #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) // Here we test we send 'MAX_FRAME_SIZE' setting in our // 'SETTINGS'. If done properly, our server will not chunk // the payload into several DATA frames. #if QT_CONFIG(securetransport) // Normally on macOS we use plain text only for SecureTransport // does not support ALPN on the server side. With 'direct encrytped' // we have to use TLS sockets (== private key) and thus suppress a // keychain UI asking for permission to use a private key. // Our CI has this, but somebody testing locally - will have a problem. qputenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN", "1"); auto envRollback = qScopeGuard([](){ qunsetenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN"); }); #endif // QT_CONFIG(securetransport) auto connectionType = H2Type::h2Alpn; auto attribute = QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute; if (clearTextHTTP2) { connectionType = H2Type::h2Direct; attribute = QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute; } auto h2Config = qt_defaultH2Configuration(); h2Config.setMaxFrameSize(Http2::minPayloadLimit * 3); serverPort = 0; nRequests = 1; ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, connectionType, qt_H2ConfigurationToSettings(h2Config))); srv->setResponseBody(QByteArray(Http2::minPayloadLimit * 2, 'q')); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); const QSignalSpy frameCounter(srv.data(), &Http2Server::sendingData); auto url = requestUrl(connectionType); url.setPath(QString("/stream1.html")); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(attribute, QVariant(true)); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("text/plain")); request.setHttp2Configuration(h2Config); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(request); reply->ignoreSslErrors(); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE // Normally, with a 16kb limit, our server would split such // a response into 3 'DATA' frames (16kb + 16kb + 0|END_STREAM). QCOMPARE(frameCounter.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::http2DATAFrames() { using namespace Http2; { // 0. DATA frame with payload, no padding. FrameWriter writer(FrameType::DATA, FrameFlag::EMPTY, 1); writer.append('a'); writer.append('b'); writer.append('c'); const Frame frame = writer.outboundFrame(); const auto &buffer = frame.buffer; // Frame's header is 9 bytes + 3 bytes of payload // (+ 0 bytes of padding and no padding length): QCOMPARE(int(buffer.size()), 12); QVERIFY(!frame.padding()); QCOMPARE(int(frame.payloadSize()), 3); QCOMPARE(int(frame.dataSize()), 3); QCOMPARE(frame.dataBegin() - buffer.data(), 9); QCOMPARE(char(*frame.dataBegin()), 'a'); } { // 1. DATA with padding. const int padLength = 10; FrameWriter writer(FrameType::DATA, FrameFlag::END_STREAM | FrameFlag::PADDED, 1); writer.append(uchar(padLength)); // The length of padding is 1 byte long. writer.append('a'); for (int i = 0; i < padLength; ++i) writer.append('b'); const Frame frame = writer.outboundFrame(); const auto &buffer = frame.buffer; // Frame's header is 9 bytes + 1 byte for padding length // + 1 byte of data + 10 bytes of padding: QCOMPARE(int(buffer.size()), 21); QCOMPARE(frame.padding(), padLength); QCOMPARE(int(frame.payloadSize()), 12); // Includes padding, its length + data. QCOMPARE(int(frame.dataSize()), 1); // Skipping 9 bytes long header and padding length: QCOMPARE(frame.dataBegin() - buffer.data(), 10); QCOMPARE(char(frame.dataBegin()[0]), 'a'); QCOMPARE(char(frame.dataBegin()[1]), 'b'); QVERIFY(frame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM)); QVERIFY(frame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::PADDED)); } { // 2. DATA with PADDED flag, but 0 as padding length. FrameWriter writer(FrameType::DATA, FrameFlag::END_STREAM | FrameFlag::PADDED, 1); writer.append(uchar(0)); // Number of padding bytes is 1 byte long. writer.append('a'); const Frame frame = writer.outboundFrame(); const auto &buffer = frame.buffer; // Frame's header is 9 bytes + 1 byte for padding length + 1 byte of data // + 0 bytes of padding: QCOMPARE(int(buffer.size()), 11); QCOMPARE(frame.padding(), 0); QCOMPARE(int(frame.payloadSize()), 2); // Includes padding (0 bytes), its length + data. QCOMPARE(int(frame.dataSize()), 1); // Skipping 9 bytes long header and padding length: QCOMPARE(frame.dataBegin() - buffer.data(), 10); QCOMPARE(char(*frame.dataBegin()), 'a'); QVERIFY(frame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::END_STREAM)); QVERIFY(frame.flags().testFlag(FrameFlag::PADDED)); } } void tst_Http2::moreActivitySignals_data() { QTest::addColumn("h2Attribute"); QTest::addColumn("connectionType"); QTest::addRow("h2c-upgrade") << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2c; QTest::addRow("h2c-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2cDirect; if (!clearTextHTTP2) QTest::addRow("h2-ALPN") << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2Alpn; #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) QTest::addRow("h2-direct") << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2Direct; #endif } void tst_Http2::moreActivitySignals() { clearHTTP2State(); #if QT_CONFIG(securetransport) // Normally on macOS we use plain text only for SecureTransport // does not support ALPN on the server side. With 'direct encrytped' // we have to use TLS sockets (== private key) and thus suppress a // keychain UI asking for permission to use a private key. // Our CI has this, but somebody testing locally - will have a problem. qputenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN", "1"); auto envRollback = qScopeGuard([]() { qunsetenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN"); }); #endif serverPort = 0; QFETCH(H2Type, connectionType); ServerPtr srv(newServer(defaultServerSettings, connectionType)); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(100); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); auto url = requestUrl(connectionType); url.setPath(QString("/stream1.html")); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); QFETCH(const QNetworkRequest::Attribute, h2Attribute); request.setAttribute(h2Attribute, QVariant(true)); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("text/plain")); QSharedPointer reply(manager->get(request)); nRequests = 1; connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); QSignalSpy spy1(reply.data(), SIGNAL(socketStartedConnecting())); QSignalSpy spy2(reply.data(), SIGNAL(requestSent())); QSignalSpy spy3(reply.data(), SIGNAL(metaDataChanged())); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); spy1.wait(); spy2.wait(); spy3.wait(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QVERIFY(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); } void tst_Http2::contentEncoding_data() { QTest::addColumn("encoding"); QTest::addColumn("body"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::addColumn("h2Attribute"); QTest::addColumn("connectionType"); struct ContentEncodingData { ContentEncodingData(QByteArray &&ce, QByteArray &&body, QByteArray &&ex) : contentEncoding(ce), body(body), expected(ex) { } QByteArray contentEncoding; QByteArray body; QByteArray expected; }; QList contentEncodingData; contentEncodingData.emplace_back( "gzip", QByteArray::fromBase64("H4sIAAAAAAAAA8tIzcnJVyjPL8pJAQCFEUoNCwAAAA=="), "hello world"); contentEncodingData.emplace_back( "deflate", QByteArray::fromBase64("eJzLSM3JyVcozy/KSQEAGgsEXQ=="), "hello world"); #if QT_CONFIG(brotli) contentEncodingData.emplace_back("br", QByteArray::fromBase64("DwWAaGVsbG8gd29ybGQD"), "hello world"); #endif #if QT_CONFIG(zstd) contentEncodingData.emplace_back( "zstd", QByteArray::fromBase64("KLUv/QRYWQAAaGVsbG8gd29ybGRoaR6y"), "hello world"); #endif // Loop through and add the data... for (const auto &data : contentEncodingData) { const char *name = data.contentEncoding.data(); QTest::addRow("%s-h2c-upgrade", name) << data.contentEncoding << data.body << data.expected << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2c; QTest::addRow("%s-h2c-direct", name) << data.contentEncoding << data.body << data.expected << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2cDirect; if (!clearTextHTTP2) QTest::addRow("%s-h2-ALPN", name) << data.contentEncoding << data.body << data.expected << QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute << H2Type::h2Alpn; #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) QTest::addRow("%s-h2-direct", name) << data.contentEncoding << data.body << data.expected << QNetworkRequest::Http2DirectAttribute << H2Type::h2Direct; #endif } } void tst_Http2::contentEncoding() { clearHTTP2State(); #if QT_CONFIG(securetransport) // Normally on macOS we use plain text only for SecureTransport // does not support ALPN on the server side. With 'direct encrytped' // we have to use TLS sockets (== private key) and thus suppress a // keychain UI asking for permission to use a private key. // Our CI has this, but somebody testing locally - will have a problem. qputenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN", "1"); auto envRollback = qScopeGuard([]() { qunsetenv("QT_SSL_USE_TEMPORARY_KEYCHAIN"); }); #endif QFETCH(H2Type, connectionType); ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, connectionType)); QFETCH(QByteArray, body); targetServer->setResponseBody(body); QFETCH(QByteArray, encoding); targetServer->setContentEncoding(encoding); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); nRequests = 1; auto url = requestUrl(connectionType); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); QFETCH(const QNetworkRequest::Attribute, h2Attribute); request.setAttribute(h2Attribute, QVariant(true)); auto reply = manager->get(request); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QVERIFY(prefaceOK); QVERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QVERIFY(reply->isFinished()); QTEST(reply->readAll(), "expected"); } void tst_Http2::authenticationRequired_data() { QTest::addColumn("success"); QTest::addColumn("responseHEADOnly"); QTest::addColumn("withChallenge"); QTest::addRow("failed-auth") << false << true << true; QTest::addRow("successful-auth") << true << true << true; // Include a DATA frame in the response from the remote server. An example would be receiving a // JSON response on a request along with the 401 error. QTest::addRow("failed-auth-with-response") << false << false << true; QTest::addRow("successful-auth-with-response") << true << false << true; // Don't provide a challenge header. This is valid if you are actually just // denied access for whatever reason. QTest::addRow("no-challenge") << false << false << false; } void tst_Http2::authenticationRequired() { clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; QFETCH(const bool, responseHEADOnly); POSTResponseHEADOnly = responseHEADOnly; QFETCH(const bool, success); QFETCH(const bool, withChallenge); ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); QByteArray responseBody = "Hello"_ba; targetServer->setResponseBody(responseBody); if (withChallenge) targetServer->setAuthenticationHeader("Basic realm=\"Shadow\""); else targetServer->setAuthenticationRequired(true); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); nRequests = 1; auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); QByteArray expectedBody = "Hello, World!"; request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); QScopedPointer reply; reply.reset(manager->post(request, expectedBody)); bool authenticationRequested = false; connect(manager.get(), &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, reply.get(), [&](QNetworkReply *, QAuthenticator *auth) { authenticationRequested = true; if (success) { auth->setUser("admin"); auth->setPassword("admin"); } }); QByteArray receivedBody; connect(targetServer.get(), &Http2Server::receivedDATAFrame, reply.get(), [&receivedBody](quint32 streamID, const QByteArray &body) { if (streamID == 3) // The expected body is on the retry, so streamID == 3 receivedBody += body; }); if (success) { connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); } else { // Use queued connection so that the finished signal can be emitted and the isFinished // property can be set. connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinishedWithError, Qt::QueuedConnection); } // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QVERIFY2(reply->isFinished(), "The reply should error out if authentication fails, or finish if it succeeds"); if (!success) QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError); // else: no error (is checked in tst_Http2::replyFinished) QVERIFY(authenticationRequested || !withChallenge); const auto isAuthenticated = [](const QByteArray &bv) { return bv == "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="; // admin:admin }; // Get the "authorization" header out from the server and make sure it's as expected: auto reqAuthHeader = targetServer->requestAuthorizationHeader(); QCOMPARE(isAuthenticated(reqAuthHeader), success); if (success) QCOMPARE(receivedBody, expectedBody); if (responseHEADOnly) { const QVariant contentLenHeader = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader); QVERIFY2(!contentLenHeader.isValid(), "We expect no DATA frames to be received"); QCOMPARE(reply->readAll(), QByteArray()); } else { const qint32 contentLen = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader).toInt(); QCOMPARE(contentLen, responseBody.length()); QCOMPARE(reply->bytesAvailable(), responseBody.length()); QCOMPARE(reply->readAll(), QByteArray("Hello")); } // In the `!success` case we need to wait for the server to emit this or it might cause issues // in the next test running after this. In the `success` case we anyway expect it to have been // received. QTRY_VERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::h2cAllowedAttribute_data() { QTest::addColumn("h2cAllowed"); QTest::addColumn("useAttribute"); // true: use attribute, false: use environment variable QTest::addColumn("success"); QTest::addRow("h2c-not-allowed") << false << false << false; // Use the attribute to enable/disable the H2C: QTest::addRow("attribute") << true << true << true; // Use the QT_NETWORK_H2C_ALLOWED environment variable to enable/disable the H2C: QTest::addRow("environment-variable") << true << false << true; } void tst_Http2::h2cAllowedAttribute() { QFETCH(const bool, h2cAllowed); QFETCH(const bool, useAttribute); QFETCH(const bool, success); clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, H2Type::h2c)); targetServer->setResponseBody("Hello"); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); nRequests = 1; auto url = requestUrl(H2Type::h2c); url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); if (h2cAllowed) { if (useAttribute) request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); else qputenv("QT_NETWORK_H2C_ALLOWED", "1"); } auto envCleanup = qScopeGuard([]() { qunsetenv("QT_NETWORK_H2C_ALLOWED"); }); QScopedPointer reply; reply.reset(manager->get(request)); if (success) connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); else connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinishedWithError); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE if (!success) { QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError); } else { QCOMPARE(reply->readAll(), QByteArray("Hello")); QTRY_VERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } } void tst_Http2::redirect_data() { QTest::addColumn("maxRedirects"); QTest::addColumn("redirectCount"); QTest::addColumn("success"); QTest::addRow("1-redirects-none-allowed-failure") << 0 << 1 << false; QTest::addRow("1-redirects-success") << 1 << 1 << true; QTest::addRow("2-redirects-1-allowed-failure") << 1 << 2 << false; } void tst_Http2::redirect() { QFETCH(const int, maxRedirects); QFETCH(const int, redirectCount); QFETCH(const bool, success); const QByteArray redirectUrl = "/b.html"_ba; clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); targetServer->setRedirect(redirectUrl, redirectCount); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); nRequests = 1; auto originalUrl = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); auto url = originalUrl; url.setPath("/index.html"); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setMaximumRedirectsAllowed(maxRedirects); // H2C might be used on macOS where SecureTransport doesn't support server-side ALPN qputenv("QT_NETWORK_H2C_ALLOWED", "1"); auto envCleanup = qScopeGuard([]() { qunsetenv("QT_NETWORK_H2C_ALLOWED"); }); QScopedPointer reply; reply.reset(manager->get(request)); if (success) { connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); } else { connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinishedWithError); } // Since we're using self-signed certificates, // ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); if (success) { QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QCOMPARE(reply->url().toString(), originalUrl.resolved(QString::fromLatin1(redirectUrl)).toString()); } else if (maxRedirects < redirectCount) { QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::TooManyRedirectsError); } QTRY_VERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::trailingHEADERS() { clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); targetServer->setSendTrailingHEADERS(true); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); nRequests = 1; const auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); QNetworkRequest request(url); // H2C might be used on macOS where SecureTransport doesn't support server-side ALPN request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); std::unique_ptr reply{ manager->get(request) }; connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); QTRY_VERIFY(serverGotSettingsACK); } void tst_Http2::duplicateRequestsWithAborts() { clearHTTP2State(); serverPort = 0; ServerPtr targetServer(newServer(defaultServerSettings, defaultConnectionType())); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(targetServer.data(), "startServer", Qt::QueuedConnection); runEventLoop(); QVERIFY(serverPort != 0); constexpr int ExpectedSuccessfulRequests = 1; nRequests = ExpectedSuccessfulRequests; const auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); QNetworkRequest request(url); // H2C might be used on macOS where SecureTransport doesn't support server-side ALPN request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); qint32 finishedCount = 0; auto connectToSlots = [this, &finishedCount](QNetworkReply *reply){ const auto onFinished = [&finishedCount, reply, this]() { ++finishedCount; if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) replyFinished(); }; connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, reply, onFinished); }; std::vector replies; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { auto &reply = replies.emplace_back(manager->get(request)); connectToSlots(reply); if (i < 2) // Delete and abort all-but-one: reply->deleteLater(); // Since we're using self-signed certificates, ignore SSL errors: reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } runEventLoop(); STOP_ON_FAILURE QCOMPARE(nRequests, 0); QCOMPARE(finishedCount, ExpectedSuccessfulRequests); } void tst_Http2::serverStarted(quint16 port) { serverPort = port; stopEventLoop(); } void tst_Http2::clearHTTP2State() { windowUpdates = 0; prefaceOK = false; serverGotSettingsACK = false; POSTResponseHEADOnly = true; } void tst_Http2::runEventLoop(int ms) { eventLoop.enterLoopMSecs(ms); } void tst_Http2::stopEventLoop() { eventLoop.exitLoop(); } Http2Server *tst_Http2::newServer(const RawSettings &serverSettings, H2Type connectionType, const RawSettings &clientSettings) { using namespace Http2; auto srv = new Http2Server(connectionType, serverSettings, clientSettings); using Srv = Http2Server; using Cl = tst_Http2; connect(srv, &Srv::serverStarted, this, &Cl::serverStarted); connect(srv, &Srv::clientPrefaceOK, this, &Cl::clientPrefaceOK); connect(srv, &Srv::clientPrefaceError, this, &Cl::clientPrefaceError); connect(srv, &Srv::serverSettingsAcked, this, &Cl::serverSettingsAcked); connect(srv, &Srv::invalidFrame, this, &Cl::invalidFrame); connect(srv, &Srv::invalidRequest, this, &Cl::invalidRequest); connect(srv, &Srv::receivedRequest, this, &Cl::receivedRequest); connect(srv, &Srv::receivedData, this, &Cl::receivedData); connect(srv, &Srv::windowUpdate, this, &Cl::windowUpdated); srv->moveToThread(workerThread); return srv; } void tst_Http2::sendRequest(int streamNumber, QNetworkRequest::Priority priority, const QByteArray &payload, const QHttp2Configuration &h2Config) { auto url = requestUrl(defaultConnectionType()); url.setPath(QString("/stream%1.html").arg(streamNumber)); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2CleartextAllowedAttribute, true); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2AllowedAttribute, QVariant(true)); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QVariant("text/plain")); request.setPriority(priority); request.setHttp2Configuration(h2Config); QNetworkReply *reply = nullptr; if (payload.size()) reply = manager->post(request, payload); else reply = manager->get(request); reply->ignoreSslErrors(); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &tst_Http2::replyFinished); } QUrl tst_Http2::requestUrl(H2Type connectionType) const { #if !QT_CONFIG(ssl) Q_ASSERT(connectionType != H2Type::h2Alpn && connectionType != H2Type::h2Direct); #endif static auto url = QUrl(QLatin1String(clearTextHTTP2 ? "" : "")); url.setPort(serverPort); // Clear text may mean no-TLS-at-all or crappy-TLS-without-ALPN. switch (connectionType) { case H2Type::h2Alpn: case H2Type::h2Direct: url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("https")); break; case H2Type::h2c: case H2Type::h2cDirect: url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("http")); break; } return url; } void tst_Http2::clientPrefaceOK() { prefaceOK = true; } void tst_Http2::clientPrefaceError() { prefaceOK = false; } void tst_Http2::serverSettingsAcked() { serverGotSettingsACK = true; if (!nRequests) stopEventLoop(); } void tst_Http2::invalidFrame() { } void tst_Http2::invalidRequest(quint32 streamID) { Q_UNUSED(streamID); } void tst_Http2::decompressionFailed(quint32 streamID) { Q_UNUSED(streamID); } void tst_Http2::receivedRequest(quint32 streamID) { ++nSentRequests; qDebug() << " server got a request on stream" << streamID; Http2Server *srv = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(srv); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv, "sendResponse", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(quint32, streamID), Q_ARG(bool, false /*non-empty body*/)); } void tst_Http2::receivedData(quint32 streamID) { qDebug() << " server got a 'POST' request on stream" << streamID; Http2Server *srv = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(srv); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(srv, "sendResponse", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(quint32, streamID), Q_ARG(bool, POSTResponseHEADOnly /*true = HEADERS only*/)); } void tst_Http2::windowUpdated(quint32 streamID) { Q_UNUSED(streamID); ++windowUpdates; } void tst_Http2::replyFinished() { QVERIFY(nRequests); if (const auto reply = qobject_cast(sender())) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) stopEventLoop(); QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError); const QVariant http2Used(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::Http2WasUsedAttribute)); if (!http2Used.isValid() || !http2Used.toBool()) stopEventLoop(); QVERIFY(http2Used.isValid()); QVERIFY(http2Used.toBool()); const QVariant code(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute)); if (!code.isValid() || !code.canConvert() || code.value() != 200) stopEventLoop(); QVERIFY(code.isValid()); QVERIFY(code.canConvert()); QCOMPARE(code.value(), 200); } --nRequests; if (!nRequests && serverGotSettingsACK) stopEventLoop(); } void tst_Http2::replyFinishedWithError() { QVERIFY(nRequests); if (const auto reply = qobject_cast(sender())) { // For now this is a 'generic' code, it just verifies some error was // reported without testing its type. if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) stopEventLoop(); QVERIFY(reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError); } --nRequests; if (!nRequests) stopEventLoop(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE QTEST_MAIN(tst_Http2) #include "tst_http2.moc"