// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; #ifdef QT_BUILD_INTERNAL #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) #include "private/qsslkey_p.h" #define TEST_CRYPTO #endif #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL #include "../shared/qopenssl_symbols.h" #endif #endif #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) #include #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) #include class tst_QSslKey : public QObject { Q_OBJECT struct KeyInfo { QFileInfo fileInfo; QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm; QSsl::KeyType type; int length; QSsl::EncodingFormat format; KeyInfo( const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QSsl::KeyAlgorithm algorithm, QSsl::KeyType type, int length, QSsl::EncodingFormat format) : fileInfo(fileInfo), algorithm(algorithm), type(type), length(length) , format(format) {} }; QList keyInfoList; void createPlainTestRows(bool pemOnly = false); public: tst_QSslKey(); public slots: void initTestCase(); #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) private slots: void emptyConstructor(); void constructor_data(); void constructor(); #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL void constructorHandle_data(); void constructorHandle(); #endif void copyAndAssign_data(); void copyAndAssign(); void equalsOperator(); void length_data(); void length(); void toPemOrDer_data(); void toPemOrDer(); void toEncryptedPemOrDer_data(); void toEncryptedPemOrDer(); void passphraseChecks_data(); void passphraseChecks(); void noPassphraseChecks(); #ifdef TEST_CRYPTO void encrypt_data(); void encrypt(); #endif #endif // ssl private: QString testDataDir; bool fileContainsUnsupportedEllipticCurve(const QString &fileName) const; bool algorithmsSupported(const QString &fileName) const; QVector unsupportedCurves; bool isOpenSsl = false; bool isOpenSslResolved = false; bool isSecureTransport = false; bool isSchannel = false; }; tst_QSslKey::tst_QSslKey() { #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) const QString expectedCurves[] = { // See how we generate them in keys/genkey.sh. QStringLiteral("secp224r1"), QStringLiteral("prime256v1"), QStringLiteral("secp384r1"), QStringLiteral("brainpoolP256r1"), QStringLiteral("brainpoolP384r1"), QStringLiteral("brainpoolP512r1") }; const auto supportedCurves = QSslConfiguration::supportedEllipticCurves(); for (const auto &requestedEc : expectedCurves) { auto pos = std::find_if(supportedCurves.begin(), supportedCurves.end(), [&requestedEc](const auto &supported) { return requestedEc == supported.shortName(); }); if (pos == supportedCurves.end()) { qWarning() << "EC with the name:" << requestedEc << "is not supported by your build of OpenSSL and will not be tested."; unsupportedCurves.push_back(requestedEc); } } // Alas, we don't use network-private (and why?). const auto backendName = QSslSocket::activeBackend(); isOpenSsl = backendName == QStringLiteral("openssl"); if (isOpenSsl) { #if !defined(QT_NO_OPENSSL) && defined(QT_BUILD_INTERNAL) isOpenSslResolved = qt_auto_test_resolve_OpenSSL_symbols(); #else isOpenSslResolved = false; // not 'unused variable' anymore. #endif } else { isSecureTransport = backendName == QStringLiteral("securetransport"); } if (!isOpenSsl && !isSecureTransport) isSchannel = backendName == QStringLiteral("schannel"); #else unsupportedCurves = {}; // not unsued anymore. #endif } bool tst_QSslKey::fileContainsUnsupportedEllipticCurve(const QString &fileName) const { for (const auto &name : unsupportedCurves) { if (fileName.contains(name)) return true; } return false; } bool tst_QSslKey::algorithmsSupported(const QString &fileName) const { #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) if (isSchannel && fileName.contains("RC2-64")) // Schannel treats RC2 as 128 bit return false; if (isSchannel || isSecureTransport) { // No AES support in the generic back-end, PKCS#12 algorithms not supported either. return !(fileName.contains(QRegularExpression("-aes\\d\\d\\d-")) || fileName.contains("pkcs8-pkcs12")); } if (!isOpenSsl || QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >> 28 < 3) return true; // OpenSSL v3 first introduced the notion of 'providers'. Many algorithms // were moved into the 'legacy' provider. While they are still supported in theory, // the 'legacy' provider is NOT loaded by default and we are not loading it either. // Thus, some of the keys we are using in tst_QSslKey would fail the test. We // have to filter them out. const auto name = fileName.toLower(); if (name.contains("-des.")) return false; return !name.contains("-rc2-") && !name.contains("-rc4-"); #else Q_UNUSED(fileName); return false; #endif // QT_CONFIG(ssl) } void tst_QSslKey::initTestCase() { testDataDir = QFileInfo(QFINDTESTDATA("rsa-without-passphrase.pem")).absolutePath(); if (testDataDir.isEmpty()) testDataDir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); if (!testDataDir.endsWith(QLatin1String("/"))) testDataDir += QLatin1String("/"); QDir dir(testDataDir + "keys"); const QFileInfoList fileInfoList = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); QRegularExpression rx(QLatin1String("^(rsa|dsa|dh|ec)-(pub|pri)-(\\d+)-?[\\w-]*\\.(pem|der)$")); for (const QFileInfo &fileInfo : fileInfoList) { if (fileContainsUnsupportedEllipticCurve(fileInfo.fileName())) continue; auto match = rx.match(fileInfo.fileName()); if (match.hasMatch()) { keyInfoList << KeyInfo( fileInfo, match.captured(1) == QLatin1String("rsa") ? QSsl::Rsa : match.captured(1) == QLatin1String("dsa") ? QSsl::Dsa : match.captured(1) == QLatin1String("dh") ? QSsl::Dh : QSsl::Ec, match.captured(2) == QLatin1String("pub") ? QSsl::PublicKey : QSsl::PrivateKey, match.captured(3).toInt(), match.captured(4) == QLatin1String("pem") ? QSsl::Pem : QSsl::Der); } } } #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) static QByteArray readFile(const QString &absFilePath) { QFile file(absFilePath); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning("failed to open file"); return QByteArray(); } return file.readAll(); } void tst_QSslKey::emptyConstructor() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QSslKey key; QVERIFY(key.isNull()); QVERIFY(key.length() < 0); QSslKey key2; QCOMPARE(key, key2); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSsl::KeyType) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSsl::EncodingFormat) void tst_QSslKey::createPlainTestRows(bool pemOnly) { QTest::addColumn("absFilePath"); QTest::addColumn("algorithm"); QTest::addColumn("type"); QTest::addColumn("length"); QTest::addColumn("format"); for (const KeyInfo &keyInfo : std::as_const(keyInfoList)) { if (pemOnly && keyInfo.format != QSsl::EncodingFormat::Pem) continue; if (!algorithmsSupported(keyInfo.fileInfo.fileName())) continue; QTest::newRow(keyInfo.fileInfo.fileName().toLatin1()) << keyInfo.fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() << keyInfo.algorithm << keyInfo.type << keyInfo.length << keyInfo.format; } } void tst_QSslKey::constructor_data() { createPlainTestRows(); } void tst_QSslKey::constructor() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(QSsl::EncodingFormat, format); QByteArray encoded = readFile(absFilePath); QByteArray passphrase; if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).contains("-pkcs8-")) passphrase = QByteArray("1234"); QSslKey key(encoded, algorithm, format, type, passphrase); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); } #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL void tst_QSslKey::constructorHandle_data() { createPlainTestRows(true); } void tst_QSslKey::constructorHandle() { #ifndef QT_BUILD_INTERNAL QSKIP("This test requires -developer-build."); #else if (!isOpenSslResolved) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(int, length); QByteArray pem = readFile(absFilePath); auto func = (type == QSsl::KeyType::PublicKey ? q_PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY : q_PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey); QByteArray passphrase; if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).contains("-pkcs8-")) passphrase = "1234"; BIO* bio = q_BIO_new(q_BIO_s_mem()); q_BIO_write(bio, pem.constData(), pem.size()); EVP_PKEY *origin = func(bio, nullptr, nullptr, static_cast(passphrase.data())); Q_ASSERT(origin); q_EVP_PKEY_up_ref(origin); QSslKey key(origin, type); q_BIO_free(bio); EVP_PKEY *handle = q_EVP_PKEY_new(); switch (algorithm) { case QSsl::Rsa: q_EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(handle, static_cast(key.handle())); break; case QSsl::Dsa: q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(handle, static_cast(key.handle())); break; case QSsl::Dh: q_EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(handle, static_cast(key.handle())); break; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC case QSsl::Ec: q_EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(handle, static_cast(key.handle())); break; #endif default: break; } auto cleanup = qScopeGuard([origin, handle] { q_EVP_PKEY_free(origin); q_EVP_PKEY_free(handle); }); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); QCOMPARE(key.algorithm(), algorithm); QCOMPARE(key.type(), type); QCOMPARE(key.length(), length); QCOMPARE(q_EVP_PKEY_cmp(origin, handle), 1); #endif } #endif // !QT_NO_OPENSSL void tst_QSslKey::copyAndAssign_data() { createPlainTestRows(); } void tst_QSslKey::copyAndAssign() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(QSsl::EncodingFormat, format); QByteArray encoded = readFile(absFilePath); QByteArray passphrase; if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).contains("-pkcs8-")) passphrase = QByteArray("1234"); QSslKey key(encoded, algorithm, format, type, passphrase); QSslKey copied(key); QCOMPARE(key, copied); QCOMPARE(key.algorithm(), copied.algorithm()); QCOMPARE(key.type(), copied.type()); QCOMPARE(key.length(), copied.length()); QCOMPARE(key.toPem(), copied.toPem()); QCOMPARE(key.toDer(), copied.toDer()); QSslKey assigned = key; QCOMPARE(key, assigned); QCOMPARE(key.algorithm(), assigned.algorithm()); QCOMPARE(key.type(), assigned.type()); QCOMPARE(key.length(), assigned.length()); QCOMPARE(key.toPem(), assigned.toPem()); QCOMPARE(key.toDer(), assigned.toDer()); } void tst_QSslKey::equalsOperator() { // ### unimplemented } void tst_QSslKey::length_data() { createPlainTestRows(); } void tst_QSslKey::length() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(int, length); QFETCH(QSsl::EncodingFormat, format); QByteArray encoded = readFile(absFilePath); QByteArray passphrase; if (QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()).contains("-pkcs8-")) passphrase = QByteArray("1234"); QSslKey key(encoded, algorithm, format, type, passphrase); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); QCOMPARE(key.length(), length); } void tst_QSslKey::toPemOrDer_data() { createPlainTestRows(); } void tst_QSslKey::toPemOrDer() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(QSsl::EncodingFormat, format); QByteArray dataTag = QByteArray(QTest::currentDataTag()); if (dataTag.contains("-pkcs8-")) // these are encrypted QSKIP("Encrypted PKCS#8 keys gets decrypted when loaded. So we can't compare it to the encrypted version."); if (dataTag.contains("pkcs8")) { if (isOpenSsl) QSKIP("OpenSSL converts PKCS#8 keys to other formats, invalidating comparisons."); else if (dataTag.contains("rsa")) QSKIP("PKCS#8 RSA keys are changed into a different format in the generic back-end, meaning the comparison fails."); } QByteArray encoded = readFile(absFilePath); QSslKey key(encoded, algorithm, format, type); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); if (format == QSsl::Pem) encoded.replace('\r', ""); QCOMPARE(format == QSsl::Pem ? key.toPem() : key.toDer(), encoded); } void tst_QSslKey::toEncryptedPemOrDer_data() { QTest::addColumn("absFilePath"); QTest::addColumn("algorithm"); QTest::addColumn("type"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::addColumn("password"); const QString passwords[] = { u" "_s, u"foobar"_s, u"foo bar"_s, u"aAzZ`1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+[]{}\\|;:'\",.<>/?"_s, // ### add more (?) }; for (const KeyInfo &keyInfo : std::as_const(keyInfoList)) { if (keyInfo.fileInfo.fileName().contains("pkcs8")) continue; // pkcs8 keys are encrypted in a different way than the other keys for (const QString &password : passwords) { const QByteArray testName = keyInfo.fileInfo.fileName().toLatin1() + '-' + (keyInfo.algorithm == QSsl::Rsa ? "RSA" : (keyInfo.algorithm == QSsl::Dsa ? "DSA" : "EC")) + '-' + (keyInfo.type == QSsl::PrivateKey ? "PrivateKey" : "PublicKey") + '-' + (keyInfo.format == QSsl::Pem ? "PEM" : "DER") + password.toLatin1(); QTest::newRow(testName.constData()) << keyInfo.fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() << keyInfo.algorithm << keyInfo.type << keyInfo.format << password; } } } void tst_QSslKey::toEncryptedPemOrDer() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) return; QFETCH(QString, absFilePath); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyAlgorithm, algorithm); QFETCH(QSsl::KeyType, type); QFETCH(QSsl::EncodingFormat, format); QFETCH(QString, password); QByteArray plain = readFile(absFilePath); QSslKey key(plain, algorithm, format, type); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); QByteArray pwBytes(password.toLatin1()); if (type == QSsl::PrivateKey) { QByteArray encryptedPem = key.toPem(pwBytes); QVERIFY(!encryptedPem.isEmpty()); QSslKey keyPem(encryptedPem, algorithm, QSsl::Pem, type, pwBytes); QVERIFY(!keyPem.isNull()); QCOMPARE(keyPem, key); QCOMPARE(keyPem.toPem(), key.toPem()); } else { // verify that public keys are never encrypted by toPem() QByteArray encryptedPem = key.toPem(pwBytes); QVERIFY(!encryptedPem.isEmpty()); QByteArray plainPem = key.toPem(); QVERIFY(!plainPem.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(encryptedPem, plainPem); } if (type == QSsl::PrivateKey) { // verify that private keys are never "encrypted" by toDer() and // instead an empty string is returned, see QTBUG-41038. QByteArray encryptedDer = key.toDer(pwBytes); QVERIFY(encryptedDer.isEmpty()); } else { // verify that public keys are never encrypted by toDer() QByteArray encryptedDer = key.toDer(pwBytes); QVERIFY(!encryptedDer.isEmpty()); QByteArray plainDer = key.toDer(); QVERIFY(!plainDer.isEmpty()); QCOMPARE(encryptedDer, plainDer); } // ### add a test to verify that public keys are _decrypted_ correctly (by the ctor) } void tst_QSslKey::passphraseChecks_data() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) QSKIP("This test requires a working TLS library"); QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("passphrase"); const QByteArray pass("123"); const QByteArray aesPass("1234"); if (!isOpenSsl || QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionNumber() >> 28 < 3) { // DES and RC2 are not provided by default in OpenSSL v3. // This part is for either non-OpenSSL build, or OpenSSL v < 3.x. QTest::newRow("DES") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-des.pem") << pass; QTest::newRow("RC2") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-rc2.pem") << pass; } QTest::newRow("3DES") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-3des.pem") << pass; #if defined(QT_NO_OPENSSL) || !defined(OPENSSL_NO_AES) QTest::newRow("AES128") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-aes128.pem") << aesPass; QTest::newRow("AES192") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-aes192.pem") << aesPass; QTest::newRow("AES256") << QString(testDataDir + "rsa-with-passphrase-aes256.pem") << aesPass; #endif // Generic backend || OpenSSL built with AES } void tst_QSslKey::passphraseChecks() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QByteArray, passphrase); QFile keyFile(fileName); QVERIFY(keyFile.exists()); { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey); QVERIFY(key.isNull()); // null passphrase => should not be able to decode key } { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, ""); QVERIFY(key.isNull()); // empty passphrase => should not be able to decode key } { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, "WRONG!"); QVERIFY(key.isNull()); // wrong passphrase => should not be able to decode key } { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, passphrase); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // correct passphrase } } void tst_QSslKey::noPassphraseChecks() { if (!QSslSocket::supportsSsl()) QSKIP("This test requires a working TLS library"); // be sure and check a key without passphrase too QString fileName(testDataDir + "rsa-without-passphrase.pem"); QFile keyFile(fileName); { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // null passphrase => should be able to decode key } { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, ""); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // empty passphrase => should be able to decode key } { if (!keyFile.isOpen()) keyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); else keyFile.reset(); QSslKey key(&keyFile,QSsl::Rsa,QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, "xxx"); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // passphrase given but key is not encrypted anyway => should work } } #ifdef TEST_CRYPTO Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QSslKeyPrivate::Cipher) void tst_QSslKey::encrypt_data() { using QTlsPrivate::Cipher; QTest::addColumn("cipher"); QTest::addColumn("key"); QTest::addColumn("plainText"); QTest::addColumn("cipherText"); QTest::addColumn("iv"); QByteArray iv("abcdefgh"); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 // Either non-OpenSSL build, or OpenSSL v < 3 // (with DES and other legacy algorithms available by default) QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("956585228BAF9B1F") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 1") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(1, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("E6880AF202BA3C12") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 2") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(2, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("A82492386EED6026") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 3") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(3, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("90B76D5B79519CBA") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 4") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(4, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("63E3DD6FED87052A") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 5") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(5, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("03ACDB0EACBDFA94") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 6") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(6, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("7D95024E42A3A88A") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 7") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(7, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("5003436B8A8E42E9") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::DesCbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("E4C1F054BF5521C0A4A0FD4A2BC6C1B1") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-EDE3-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::DesEde3Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("3B2B4CD0B0FD495F") << iv; QTest::newRow("DES-EDE3-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::DesEde3Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("F2A5A87763C54A72A3224103D90CDB03") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-40-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("01234") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("6D05D52392FF6E7A") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-40-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("01234") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("75768E64C5749072A5D168F3AFEB0005") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-64-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("ADAE6BF70F420130") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-64-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("01234567") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("C7BF5C80AFBE9FBEFBBB9FD935F6D0DF") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-128-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("012345679abcdefg") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("1E965D483A13C8FB") << iv; QTest::newRow("RC2-128-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Rc2Cbc << QByteArray("012345679abcdefg") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("5AEC1A5B295660B02613454232F7DECE") << iv; #endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_MAJOR #if defined(QT_NO_OPENSSL) || !defined(OPENSSL_NO_AES) // AES needs a longer IV iv = QByteArray("abcdefghijklmnop"); QTest::newRow("AES-128-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Aes128Cbc << QByteArray("012345679abcdefg") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("28DE1A9AA26601C30DD2527407121D1A") << iv; QTest::newRow("AES-128-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Aes128Cbc << QByteArray("012345679abcdefg") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("08E880B1BA916F061C1E801D7F44D0EC") << iv; QTest::newRow("AES-192-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Aes192Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("E169E0E205CDC2BA895B7CF6097673B1") << iv; QTest::newRow("AES-192-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Aes192Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmn") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("3A227D6A3A13237316D30AA17FF9B0A7") << iv; QTest::newRow("AES-256-CBC, length 0") << Cipher::Aes256Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") << QByteArray() << QByteArray::fromHex("4BAACAA0D22199C97DE206C465B7B14A") << iv; QTest::newRow("AES-256-CBC, length 8") << Cipher::Aes256Cbc << QByteArray("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv") << QByteArray(8, 'a') << QByteArray::fromHex("879C8C25EC135CDF0B14490A0A7C2F67") << iv; #endif // Generic backend || OpenSSL built with AES } void tst_QSslKey::encrypt() { QFETCH(QSslKeyPrivate::Cipher, cipher); QFETCH(QByteArray, key); QFETCH(QByteArray, plainText); QFETCH(QByteArray, cipherText); QFETCH(QByteArray, iv); if (isSchannel) { QEXPECT_FAIL("RC2-40-CBC, length 0", "Schannel treats RC2 as 128-bit", Abort); QEXPECT_FAIL("RC2-40-CBC, length 8", "Schannel treats RC2 as 128-bit", Abort); QEXPECT_FAIL("RC2-64-CBC, length 0", "Schannel treats RC2 as 128-bit", Abort); QEXPECT_FAIL("RC2-64-CBC, length 8", "Schannel treats RC2 as 128-bit", Abort); } QByteArray encrypted = QSslKeyPrivate::encrypt(cipher, plainText, key, iv); QCOMPARE(encrypted, cipherText); QByteArray decrypted = QSslKeyPrivate::decrypt(cipher, cipherText, key, iv); QCOMPARE(decrypted, plainText); } #endif // TEST_CRYPTO #endif // ssl QTEST_MAIN(tst_QSslKey) #include "tst_qsslkey.moc"