Running the QtTestLib selftests with Catch2 =========================================== Catch2 [1] is a header only test framework that we use to allow testing QtTestLib without relying on any part of testlib itself. To run the test suite, execute 'make check' or './tst_selftests' as normal. This should print: =================================================================== All tests passed (2453 assertions in 5 test cases) To run specific tests, first lists the available tests: ❯ ./tst_selftests -l All available test cases: Loggers support both old and new style arguments Loggers can output to both file and stdout Logging to file and stdout at the same time All loggers can be enabled at the same time Scenario: Test output of the loggers is as expected 5 test cases Then pass the name of the test in quotes as the first argument: ❯ ./tst_selftests "Loggers support both old and new style arguments" Filters: Loggers support both old and new style arguments ================================================================== All tests passed (96 assertions in 1 test case) You can find the tests in the sources as individual TEST_CASE entries. Note that each of these tests run the tests once per logger, and in the case of the test log check also all sub tests, so the amount of actual test assertions is much higher than the five tests listed above. To see what the tests is actually doing, pass the -s option. This will result in very verbose output. Each leaf test is prefixed with a heading: --------------------------------------------------------------- Given: The QTestLog::TAP logger When: Passing arguments with new style --------------------------------------------------------------- You can choose a specific subtest by passing the -c option: ❯ ./tst_selftests "Scenario: Test output of the loggers is as expected" \ -c "Given: The QTestLog::Plain logger" \ -c 'And given: The "skip" subtest' It's possible to pass only the first -c options, to e.g. run all tests with the Plain logger, but it's unfortunately not possible to pass only the last -c option, to run the 'skip' subtest with all loggers. If a test fails it will print the expected, actual, and difference. The test results are also left in a temporary directory for closer inspection. Add new tests by modifying selftest.pri and CMakeLists.txt, adding a new subprogram. Generating new test expectations is done using the python script in this directory ( In the future this will be done with the --rebase option to ./tst_selftest, but this is not fleshed out yet. [1]