// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; /* XPM test data for QPixmap, QImage tests (use drag cursors as example) */ static const char * const xpmPixmapData1[] = { "11 20 3 1", ". c None", "a c #FFFFFF", "X c #000000", // X11 cursor is traditionally black "aa.........", "aXa........", "aXXa.......", "aXXXa......", "aXXXXa.....", "aXXXXXa....", "aXXXXXXa...", "aXXXXXXXa..", "aXXXXXXXXa.", "aXXXXXXXXXa", "aXXXXXXaaaa", "aXXXaXXa...", "aXXaaXXa...", "aXa..aXXa..", "aa...aXXa..", "a.....aXXa.", "......aXXa.", ".......aXXa", ".......aXXa", "........aa."}; static const char * const xpmPixmapData2[] = { "11 20 4 1", ". c None", "a c #FFFFFF", "b c #0000FF", "X c #000000", "aab........", "aXab.......", "aXXab......", "aXXXab.....", "aXXXXab....", "aXXXXXab...", "aXXXXXXab..", "aXXXXXXXa..", "aXXXXXXXXa.", "aXXXXXXXXXa", "aXXXXXXaaaa", "aXXXaXXa...", "aXXaaXXa...", "aXa..aXXa..", "aa...aXXa..", "a.....aXXa.", "......aXXa.", ".......aXXa", ".......aXXa", "........aa."}; static const char * const xpmPixmapData3[] = { "20 20 2 1", " c #000000", ". c #C32D2D", " ..........", " ........", " .......", " ......", " ....", " ..", " .", " ", " ", ". ", "... ", "..... ", "...... ", "....... ", "......... ", "........... ", "........... ", "............ ", "............ ", "............. "}; class tst_Cmptest: public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum class MyClassEnum { MyClassEnumValue1, MyClassEnumValue2 }; Q_ENUM(MyClassEnum) private slots: void compare_unregistered_enums(); void compare_registered_enums(); void compare_class_enums(); void test_windowflags_data(); void test_windowflags(); void test_unregistered_flags_data(); void test_unregistered_flags(); void compare_boolfuncs(); void compare_to_nullptr(); void compare_pointerfuncs(); void compare_tostring(); void compare_tostring_data(); void compare_unknown(); void compare_textFromDebug(); void compareQObjects(); void compareQStringLists(); void compareQStringLists_data(); void compareQListInt_data(); void compareQListInt(); void compareQListIntToArray_data(); void compareQListIntToArray(); void compareQListIntToInitializerList_data(); void compareQListIntToInitializerList(); void compareQListDouble(); void compareContainerToInitializerList(); #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB void compareQColor_data(); void compareQColor(); void compareQPixmaps(); void compareQPixmaps_data(); void compareQImages(); void compareQImages_data(); void compareQRegion_data(); void compareQRegion(); void compareQVector2D(); void compareQVector3D(); void compareQVector4D(); void compareQPalettes_data(); void compareQPalettes(); #endif void tryCompare(); void verify(); void verify2(); void tryVerify(); void tryVerify2(); void verifyExplicitOperatorBool(); }; enum MyUnregisteredEnum { MyUnregisteredEnumValue1, MyUnregisteredEnumValue2 }; void tst_Cmptest::compare_unregistered_enums() { QCOMPARE(MyUnregisteredEnumValue1, MyUnregisteredEnumValue1); QCOMPARE(MyUnregisteredEnumValue1, MyUnregisteredEnumValue2); } void tst_Cmptest::compare_registered_enums() { // use an enum that doesn't start at 0 QCOMPARE(Qt::Monday, Qt::Monday); QCOMPARE(Qt::Monday, Qt::Sunday); } void tst_Cmptest::compare_class_enums() { QCOMPARE(MyClassEnum::MyClassEnumValue1, MyClassEnum::MyClassEnumValue1); QCOMPARE(MyClassEnum::MyClassEnumValue1, MyClassEnum::MyClassEnumValue2); } void tst_Cmptest::test_windowflags_data() { QTest::addColumn("actualWindowFlags"); QTest::addColumn("expectedWindowFlags"); const Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags = Qt::Window | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnBottomHint; QTest::newRow("pass") << windowFlags << windowFlags; QTest::newRow("fail1") << windowFlags << (windowFlags | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); QTest::newRow("fail2") << Qt::WindowFlags(Qt::Window) << Qt::WindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); } void tst_Cmptest::test_windowflags() { QFETCH(Qt::WindowFlags, actualWindowFlags); QFETCH(Qt::WindowFlags, expectedWindowFlags); QCOMPARE(actualWindowFlags, expectedWindowFlags); } enum UnregisteredEnum { UnregisteredEnumValue1 = 0x1, UnregisteredEnumValue2 = 0x2, UnregisteredEnumValue3 = 0x4 }; typedef QFlags UnregisteredFlags; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(UnregisteredFlags); void tst_Cmptest::test_unregistered_flags_data() { QTest::addColumn("actualFlags"); QTest::addColumn("expectedFlags"); QTest::newRow("pass") << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1) << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1); QTest::newRow("fail1") << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1 | UnregisteredEnumValue2) << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1 | UnregisteredEnumValue3); QTest::newRow("fail2") << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1) << UnregisteredFlags(UnregisteredEnumValue1 | UnregisteredEnumValue3); } void tst_Cmptest::test_unregistered_flags() { QFETCH(UnregisteredFlags, actualFlags); QFETCH(UnregisteredFlags, expectedFlags); QCOMPARE(actualFlags, expectedFlags); } static bool boolfunc() { return true; } static bool boolfunc2() { return true; } void tst_Cmptest::compare_boolfuncs() { QCOMPARE(boolfunc(), boolfunc()); QCOMPARE(boolfunc(), boolfunc2()); QCOMPARE(!boolfunc(), !boolfunc2()); QCOMPARE(boolfunc(), true); QCOMPARE(!boolfunc(), false); } namespace { template T *null() noexcept { return nullptr; } } void tst_Cmptest::compare_to_nullptr() { QCOMPARE(null(), nullptr); QCOMPARE(null(), nullptr); QCOMPARE(null(), nullptr); QCOMPARE(null(), nullptr); QCOMPARE(nullptr, null()); QCOMPARE(nullptr, null()); QCOMPARE(nullptr, null()); QCOMPARE(nullptr, null()); } static int i = 0; static int *intptr() { return &i; } void tst_Cmptest::compare_pointerfuncs() { QCOMPARE(intptr(), intptr()); QCOMPARE(&i, &i); QCOMPARE(intptr(), &i); QCOMPARE(&i, intptr()); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQObjects() { QObject object1; object1.setObjectName(QStringLiteral("object1")); QObject object2; object2.setObjectName(QStringLiteral("object2")); QCOMPARE(&object1, &object1); QCOMPARE(&object1, &object2); QCOMPARE(&object1, nullptr); QCOMPARE(nullptr, &object2); } struct PhonyClass { int i; }; void tst_Cmptest::compare_tostring_data() { QTest::addColumn("actual"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("int, string") << QVariant::fromValue(123) << QVariant::fromValue(QString("hi")) ; QTest::newRow("both invalid") << QVariant() << QVariant() ; QTest::newRow("null hash, invalid") << QVariant(QMetaType(QMetaType::QVariantHash)) << QVariant() ; QTest::newRow("string, null user type") << QVariant::fromValue(QString::fromLatin1("A simple string")) << QVariant(QMetaType::fromType()) ; PhonyClass fake1 = {1}; PhonyClass fake2 = {2}; QTest::newRow("both non-null user type") << QVariant(QMetaType::fromType(), (const void*)&fake1) << QVariant(QMetaType::fromType(), (const void*)&fake2) ; } void tst_Cmptest::compare_tostring() { QFETCH(QVariant, actual); QFETCH(QVariant, expected); QCOMPARE(actual, expected); } struct UnknownType { int value; bool operator==(const UnknownType &rhs) const { return value == rhs.value; } }; void tst_Cmptest::compare_unknown() { UnknownType a{1}; UnknownType b{2}; QCOMPARE(a, b); } struct CustomType { int value; bool operator==(const CustomType &rhs) const { return value == rhs.value; } }; QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const CustomType &val) { dbg << "QDebug stream: " << val.value; return dbg; } void tst_Cmptest::compare_textFromDebug() { CustomType a{0}; CustomType b{1}; QCOMPARE(a, b); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQStringLists_data() { QTest::addColumn("opA"); QTest::addColumn("opB"); { QStringList opA; QStringList opB(opA); QTest::newRow("empty lists") << opA << opB; } { QStringList opA; opA.append(QLatin1String("string1")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string2")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string3")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string4")); QStringList opB(opA); QTest::newRow("equal lists") << opA << opB; } { QStringList opA; opA.append(QLatin1String("string1")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string2")); QStringList opB(opA); opA.append(QLatin1String("string3")); opB.append(QLatin1String("DIFFERS")); QTest::newRow("last item different") << opA << opB; } { QStringList opA; opA.append(QLatin1String("string1")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string2")); QStringList opB(opA); opA.append(QLatin1String("string3")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string4")); opB.append(QLatin1String("DIFFERS")); opB.append(QLatin1String("string4")); QTest::newRow("second-last item different") << opA << opB; } { QStringList opA; opA.append(QLatin1String("string1")); opA.append(QLatin1String("string2")); QStringList opB; opB.append(QLatin1String("string1")); QTest::newRow("prefix") << opA << opB; } { QStringList opA; opA.append(QLatin1String("openInNewWindow")); opA.append(QLatin1String("openInNewTab")); opA.append(QLatin1String("separator")); opA.append(QLatin1String("bookmark_add")); opA.append(QLatin1String("savelinkas")); opA.append(QLatin1String("copylinklocation")); opA.append(QLatin1String("separator")); opA.append(QLatin1String("openWith_submenu")); opA.append(QLatin1String("preview1")); opA.append(QLatin1String("actions_submenu")); opA.append(QLatin1String("separator")); opA.append(QLatin1String("viewDocumentSource")); QStringList opB; opB.append(QLatin1String("viewDocumentSource")); QTest::newRow("short list second") << opA << opB; QTest::newRow("short list first") << opB << opA; } } void tst_Cmptest::compareQStringLists() { QFETCH(QStringList, opA); QFETCH(QStringList, opB); QCOMPARE(opA, opB); } using IntList = QList; void tst_Cmptest::compareQListInt_data() { QTest::addColumn("actual"); QTest::newRow("match") << IntList{1, 2, 3}; QTest::newRow("size mismatch") << IntList{1, 2}; QTest::newRow("value mismatch") << IntList{1, 2, 4}; } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListInt() { QFETCH(IntList, actual); const QList expected{1, 2, 3}; QCOMPARE(actual, expected); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListIntToArray_data() { compareQListInt_data(); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListIntToArray() { QFETCH(IntList, actual); const int expected[] = {1, 2, 3}; QCOMPARE(actual, expected); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListIntToInitializerList_data() { compareQListInt_data(); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListIntToInitializerList() { QFETCH(IntList, actual); // Protect ',' in the list #define ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__ QCOMPARE(actual, ARG({1, 2, 3})); #undef ARG } void tst_Cmptest::compareQListDouble() { QList double1; double1 << 1.5 << 2 << 3; QList double2; double2 << 1 << 2 << 4; QCOMPARE(double1, double2); } void tst_Cmptest::compareContainerToInitializerList() { // Protect ',' in the list #define ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__ QSet set{1, 2, 3}; QCOMPARE(set, ARG({1, 2, 3})); std::vector vec{1, 2, 3}; QCOMPARE(vec, ARG({1, 2, 3})); vec.clear(); QCOMPARE(vec, {}); vec.push_back(42); QCOMPARE(vec, {42}); #undef ARG } #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB void tst_Cmptest::compareQColor_data() { QTest::addColumn("colorA"); QTest::addColumn("colorB"); QTest::newRow("Qt::yellow vs \"yellow\"") << QColor(Qt::yellow) << QColor(QStringLiteral("yellow")); QTest::newRow("Qt::yellow vs Qt::green") << QColor(Qt::yellow) << QColor(Qt::green); QTest::newRow("0x88ff0000 vs 0xffff0000") << QColor::fromRgba(0x88ff0000) << QColor::fromRgba(0xffff0000); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQColor() { QFETCH(QColor, colorA); QFETCH(QColor, colorB); QCOMPARE(colorA, colorB); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQPixmaps_data() { QTest::addColumn("opA"); QTest::addColumn("opB"); const QPixmap pixmap1(xpmPixmapData1); const QPixmap pixmap2(xpmPixmapData2); const QPixmap pixmap3(xpmPixmapData3); QPixmap pixmapWrongDpr = pixmap1.scaled(2, 2); pixmapWrongDpr.setDevicePixelRatio(2); QTest::newRow("both null") << QPixmap() << QPixmap(); QTest::newRow("one null") << QPixmap() << pixmap1; QTest::newRow("other null") << pixmap1 << QPixmap(); QTest::newRow("equal") << pixmap1 << pixmap1; QTest::newRow("different size") << pixmap1 << pixmap3; QTest::newRow("different pixels") << pixmap1 << pixmap2; QTest::newRow("different dpr") << pixmap1 << pixmapWrongDpr; } void tst_Cmptest::compareQPixmaps() { QFETCH(QPixmap, opA); QFETCH(QPixmap, opB); QCOMPARE(opA, opB); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQImages_data() { QTest::addColumn("opA"); QTest::addColumn("opB"); const QImage image1(QPixmap(xpmPixmapData1).toImage()); const QImage image2(QPixmap(xpmPixmapData2).toImage()); const QImage image1Indexed = image1.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8); const QImage image3(QPixmap(xpmPixmapData3).toImage()); QImage imageWrongDpr = image1.scaled(2, 2); imageWrongDpr.setDevicePixelRatio(2); QTest::newRow("both null") << QImage() << QImage(); QTest::newRow("one null") << QImage() << image1; QTest::newRow("other null") << image1 << QImage(); QTest::newRow("equal") << image1 << image1; QTest::newRow("different size") << image1 << image3; QTest::newRow("different format") << image1 << image1Indexed; QTest::newRow("different pixels") << image1 << image2; QTest::newRow("different dpr") << image1 << imageWrongDpr; } void tst_Cmptest::compareQImages() { QFETCH(QImage, opA); QFETCH(QImage, opB); QCOMPARE(opA, opB); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQRegion_data() { QTest::addColumn("rA"); QTest::addColumn("rB"); const QRect rect1(QPoint(10, 10), QSize(200, 50)); const QRegion region1(rect1); QRegion listRegion2; const QList list2 = QList() << QRect(QPoint(100, 200), QSize(50, 200)) << rect1; listRegion2.setRects(list2.constData(), list2.size()); QTest::newRow("equal-empty") << QRegion() << QRegion(); QTest::newRow("1-empty") << region1 << QRegion(); QTest::newRow("equal") << region1 << region1; QTest::newRow("different lists") << region1 << listRegion2; } void tst_Cmptest::compareQRegion() { QFETCH(QRegion, rA); QFETCH(QRegion, rB); QCOMPARE(rA, rB); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQVector2D() { QVector2D v2a{1, 2}; QVector2D v2b = v2a; QCOMPARE(v2a, v2b); v2b.setY(3); QCOMPARE(v2a, v2b); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQVector3D() { QVector3D v3a{1, 2, 3}; QVector3D v3b = v3a; QCOMPARE(v3a, v3b); v3b.setY(3); QCOMPARE(v3a, v3b); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQVector4D() { QVector4D v4a{1, 2, 3, 4}; QVector4D v4b = v4a; QCOMPARE(v4a, v4b); v4b.setY(3); QCOMPARE(v4a, v4b); } void tst_Cmptest::compareQPalettes_data() { QTest::addColumn("actualPalette"); QTest::addColumn("expectedPalette"); // Initialize both to black, as the default palette values change // depending on whether the test is run directly from a shell // vs through generate_expected_output.py. We're not testing // the defaults, we're testing that the full output is printed // (QTBUG-5903 and QTBUG-87039). QPalette actualPalette; for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++i) { const auto role = QPalette::ColorRole(i); actualPalette.setColor(QPalette::All, role, QColorConstants::Black); } QPalette expectedPalette; for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++i) { const auto role = QPalette::ColorRole(i); expectedPalette.setColor(QPalette::All, role, QColorConstants::Black); } for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++i) { const auto role = QPalette::ColorRole(i); const auto color = QColor::fromRgb(i); actualPalette.setColor(role, color); } QTest::newRow("all roles are different") << actualPalette << expectedPalette; for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorRoles - 1; ++i) { const auto role = QPalette::ColorRole(i); const auto color = QColor::fromRgb(i); expectedPalette.setColor(role, color); } QTest::newRow("one role is different") << actualPalette << expectedPalette; const auto lastRole = QPalette::ColorRole(QPalette::NColorRoles - 1); expectedPalette.setColor(lastRole, QColor::fromRgb(lastRole)); QTest::newRow("all roles are the same") << actualPalette << expectedPalette; } void tst_Cmptest::compareQPalettes() { QFETCH(QPalette, actualPalette); QFETCH(QPalette, expectedPalette); QCOMPARE(actualPalette, expectedPalette); } #endif // QT_GUI_LIB static int opaqueFunc() { return 42; } void tst_Cmptest::verify() { QVERIFY(opaqueFunc() > 2); QVERIFY(opaqueFunc() < 2); } void tst_Cmptest::verify2() { QVERIFY2(opaqueFunc() > 2, QByteArray::number(opaqueFunc()).constData()); QVERIFY2(opaqueFunc() < 2, // Message with parenthetical part, to catch mis-parses of the // resulting message: u"%1 >= 2 (as expected, in fact)"_s.arg(opaqueFunc()).toUtf8().constData()); } class DeferredFlag : public QObject // Can't be const. { Q_OBJECT bool m_flag; public: // A boolean that either starts out true or decays to true after 50 ms. // However, that decay will only happen when the event loop is run. explicit DeferredFlag(bool initial = false) : m_flag(initial) { if (!initial) QTimer::singleShot(50, this, &DeferredFlag::onTimeOut); } explicit operator bool() const { return m_flag; } bool operator!() const { return !m_flag; } friend bool operator==(const DeferredFlag &a, const DeferredFlag &b) { return bool(a) == bool(b); } public slots: void onTimeOut() { m_flag = true; } }; char *toString(const DeferredFlag &val) { return qstrdup(bool(val) ? "DeferredFlag(true)" : "DeferredFlag(false)"); } void tst_Cmptest::tryCompare() { /* Note that expected values given as DeferredFlag() shall be re-evaluated each time the comparison is checked, hence supply a fresh false instance, that'll be discarded before it has a chance to decay, hence only compare equal to a false instance. Do not replace them with a local variable initialized to false, as it would (of course) decay. */ DeferredFlag trueAlready(true); { DeferredFlag c; // QTRY should check before looping, so be equal to the fresh false immediately. QTRY_COMPARE(c, DeferredFlag()); // Given time, it'll end up equal to a true one. QTRY_COMPARE(c, trueAlready); } { DeferredFlag c; QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(c, DeferredFlag(), 300); QVERIFY(!c); // Instantly equal, so succeeded without delay. QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(c, trueAlready, 200); qInfo("Should now time out and fail"); QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(c, DeferredFlag(), 200); } } void tst_Cmptest::tryVerify() { { DeferredFlag c; QTRY_VERIFY(!c); QTRY_VERIFY(c); } { DeferredFlag c; QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(!c, 300); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(c, 200); qInfo("Should now time out and fail"); QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(!c, 200); } } void tst_Cmptest::tryVerify2() { { DeferredFlag c; QTRY_VERIFY2(!c, "Failed to check before looping"); QTRY_VERIFY2(c, "Failed to trigger single-shot"); } { DeferredFlag c; QTRY_VERIFY2_WITH_TIMEOUT(!c, "Failed to check before looping", 300); QTRY_VERIFY2_WITH_TIMEOUT(c, "Failed to trigger single-shot", 200); QTRY_VERIFY2_WITH_TIMEOUT(!c, "Should time out and fail", 200); } } void tst_Cmptest::verifyExplicitOperatorBool() { struct ExplicitOperatorBool { int m_i; explicit ExplicitOperatorBool(int i) : m_i(i) {} explicit operator bool() const { return m_i > 0; } bool operator !() const { return !bool(*this); } }; ExplicitOperatorBool val1(42); QVERIFY(val1); ExplicitOperatorBool val2(-273); QVERIFY(!val2); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_Cmptest) #include "tst_cmptest.moc"