********* Start testing of tst_BenchlibCounting ********* Config: Using QtTest library @INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@, Qt @INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@ PASS : tst_BenchlibCounting::initTestCase() PASS : tst_BenchlibCounting::passingBenchmark() RESULT : tst_BenchlibCounting::passingBenchmark(): 0 events per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1) SKIP : tst_BenchlibCounting::skippingBenchmark() This is a skipping benchmark Loc: [tst_benchlibcounting.cpp(64)] FAIL! : tst_BenchlibCounting::failingBenchmark() This is a failing benchmark Loc: [tst_benchlibcounting.cpp(71)] PASS : tst_BenchlibCounting::cleanupTestCase() Totals: 3 passed, 1 failed, 1 skipped ********* Finished testing of tst_BenchlibCounting *********