********* Start testing of tst_Blacklisted ********* Config: Using QtTest library PASS : tst_Blacklisted::initTestCase() BPASS : tst_Blacklisted::pass() SKIP : tst_Blacklisted::skip() This test should SKIP Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] BFAIL : tst_Blacklisted::fail() 'false' returned FALSE. (This test should BFAIL) Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] XFAIL : tst_Blacklisted::xfail() This test should XFAIL then BPASS Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] BPASS : tst_Blacklisted::xfail() XPASS : tst_Blacklisted::xpass() 'true' returned TRUE unexpectedly. (This test should XPASS, blacklist ignored for XPASS) Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] QWARN : tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is a warning that should not appear in silent test output WARNING: tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is an internal testlib warning that should not appear in silent test output Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] QDEBUG : tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is a debug message that should not appear in silent test output QSYSTEM: tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is a critical message that should not appear in silent test output QINFO : tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is an info message that should not appear in silent test output INFO : tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is an internal testlib info message that should not appear in silent test output Loc: [qtbase/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/blacklisted/tst_blacklisted.cpp(0)] QFATAL : tst_Blacklisted::messages() This is a fatal error message that should still appear in silent test output BFAIL : tst_Blacklisted::messages() Received a fatal error. Loc: [Unknown file(0)] Totals: 1 passed, 1 failed, 1 skipped, 4 blacklisted, 0ms ********* Finished testing of tst_Blacklisted *********