// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include /* Test QTest functions not covered by other parts of the selftest. Tests that * involve crashing or exiting should be added as separate tests in their own * right. Tests that form a coherent group on a related theme should also go in * their own directory. Tests that fail in order to exercise QTest internals * are fine. */ class tst_TestLib : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: tst_TestLib(); private slots: void basics() const; void delays() const; void reals_data() const; void reals() const; }; tst_TestLib::tst_TestLib() { // Set object name, so that it's printed out when some comparison fails. // Othewise object address will be printed, which will not allow // tst_sefltest to compare the output with expected. setObjectName("TestObject"); } void tst_TestLib::basics() const { QVERIFY(QByteArray(QTest::currentAppName()).contains("testlib")); QCOMPARE(QTest::testObject(), nullptr); // last, because it should fail } QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace QTest { // Defined; not declared in the public header, but used by qtdeclarative. int defaultKeyDelay(); int defaultMouseDelay(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE void tst_TestLib::delays() const { QVERIFY(QTest::defaultMouseDelay() >= 0); QVERIFY(QTest::defaultKeyDelay() >= 0); } void tst_TestLib::reals_data() const { QTest::addColumn("actual"); QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("zero") << 0.0 << 0.0; #define ADDROW(func) QTest::addRow("self-%s", #func) << func() << func() ADDROW(qQNaN); ADDROW(qInf); #undef ADDROW // Just used so as to exercise addRow() QTest::newRow("infineg") << -qInf() << -qInf(); QTest::newRow("Sin(turn/4)") << qSin(9 * M_PI_2) << 1.0; QTest::newRow("Cos(turn/2)") << qCos(15 * M_PI) << -1.0; } void tst_TestLib::reals() const { QFETCH(double, actual); QFETCH(double, expected); QCOMPARE(actual, expected); } QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN(tst_TestLib) #include "tst_testlib.moc"