# Integrating docker-based test servers into Qt Test framework # # This file adds support for docker-based test servers built by testcase # projects that need them. To enable this feature, any automated test can # include testserver.pri in its project file. This instructs qmake to insert # additional targets into the generated Makefile. The 'check' target then brings # up test servers before running the testcase, and shuts them down afterwards. # # TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE # - Contains the path of docker-compose file # This configuration file defines the services used for autotests. It tells the # docker engine how to build up the docker images and containers. In qtbase, a # shared docker-compose file is located in the tests folder. # Example: TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE = \ # $$dirname(_QMAKE_CONF_)/tests/testserver/docker-compose.yml # # The user must run the provisioning scripts in advance before attempting to # build the test servers. The docker_testserver.sh script is used to build up # the docker images into the docker-cache. It handles the immutable parts of the # server installation that rarely need adjustment, such as downloading packages. # Example: qt5/coin/provisioning/.../testserver/docker_testserver.sh # # QT_TEST_SERVER_LIST # - A list of test servers to bring up for this testcase # These test servers should be defined in $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE. Each # testcase can define the test servers it depends on. # Example: QT_TEST_SERVER_LIST = apache2 squid vsftpd ftp-proxy danted # # Pre-processor defines needed for the application: # QT_TEST_SERVER # - A preprocessor macro used for testcase to change testing parameters at # compile time # This macro is predefined for docker-based test servers and is passed as a # compiler option (-DQT_TEST_SERVER). The testcase can then check whether # docker-based servers are in use and change the testing parameters, such as # host name or port number, at compile time. An example can be found in # network-settings.h. # # Example: # #if defined(QT_TEST_SERVER) # Change the testing parameters at compile time # #endif # # QT_TEST_SERVER_DOMAIN # - A preprocessor macro that holds the server domain name # Provided for the helper functions in network-settings.h. Use function # serverDomainName() in your application instead. # # Additional make targets: # 1. check_network - A renamed target from the check target of testcase feature. # 2. testserver_clean - Clean up server containers/images and tidy away related # files. TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE = $$dirname(_QMAKE_CONF_)/tests/testserver/docker-compose.yml TESTSERVER_VERSION = $$system(docker-compose --version) TESTSERVER_IMAGES = $$system(docker images -aq "qt-test-server-*") equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows)|isEmpty(TESTSERVER_VERSION)|!linux-g++ { # Make check with server "qt-test-server.qt-test-net" as a fallback message("testserver: qt-test-server.qt-test-net") } else { # Make check with test servers message("testserver:" $$TESTSERVER_VERSION) # Ensure that the docker-compose file is provided. It is a configuration # file which is mandatory for all docker-compose commands. You can get more # detail from the description of TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE above. There is # also an example showing how to configure it manually. isEmpty(TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE): error("Project variable 'TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE' is not set") # Before starting the test servers, it requires the user to run the setup # script (coin/provisioning/.../testserver/docker_testserver.sh) in advance. isEmpty(TESTSERVER_IMAGES): error("Docker image qt-test-server-* not found") # The domain name is relevant to https keycert (qnetworkreply/crts/qt-test-net-cacert.pem). DNSDOMAIN = test-net.qt.local TEST_ENV += TESTSERVER_DOMAIN=$$DNSDOMAIN DEFINES += QT_TEST_SERVER QT_TEST_SERVER_DOMAIN=$$shell_quote(\"$${DNSDOMAIN}\") # There is no docker bridge on macOS. It is impossible to ping a container. # Docker docs recommends using port mapping to connect to a container. equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin): TEST_ENV += TESTSERVER_BIND_LOCAL=1 # Rename the check target of testcase feature check.target = check_network testserver_test.target = check # Bring up test servers and make sure the services are ready. testserver_test.commands = $$TEST_ENV docker-compose -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE up -d \ --force-recreate --timeout 1 $${QT_TEST_SERVER_LIST} && # Check test cases with docker-based test servers. testserver_test.commands += $(MAKE) check_network; # Stop and remove test servers after testing. testserver_test.commands += $$TEST_ENV docker-compose -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE down \ --timeout 1 # Destroy test servers and tidy away related files. testserver_clean.commands = $$TEST_ENV docker-compose -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE down \ --rmi all QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += testserver_test testserver_clean }