// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef BACKSLASH_NEWLINES_H #define BACKSLASH_NEWLINES_H #include const int blackslashNewlinesDummy = 0 #define value 0\ 1 ; class BackslashNewlines : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: #if value void works() {} #else void buggy() {} #endif }; #undef value #endif // BACKSLASH_NEWLINES_H QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_CLANG("-Wcomment") QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wcomment") // ends with \\\r should not make moc crash (QTBUG-53441) (no new lines on purpose!!) \ QT_WARNING_POP