VAR = qt thread defineTest(testReplace) { !isEqual(1, $$2):message("FAILED: $$3: got $$1, expected $${2}.") } #count !count( VAR, 2 ) { message( "FAILED: count function: $$VAR" ) } #contains !contains( VAR, thread ) { message( "FAILED: contains function: $$VAR" ) } #exists !exists( ) { message( "FAILED: exists function" ) } #isEmpty isEmpty( VAR ) { message( "FAILED: isEmpty function: $VAR" ) } #files !equals($$list($$files(one/*.cpp)), "one/1.cpp one/2.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: one/*.cpp" ) } !equals($$list($$files(one/1*.cpp)), "one/1.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: one/1*.cpp" ) } !equals($$list($$files(two/*.cpp)), "two/1.cpp two/2.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: two/*.cpp" ) } !equals($$list($$files(three/wildcard*.cpp)), "three/wildcard21.cpp three/wildcard22.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: three/wildcard*.cpp" ) } !equals($$list($$files(*.cpp)), "1.cpp 2.cpp wildcard21.cpp wildcard22.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: *.cpp" ) } !equals($$list($$files(wildcard*.cpp)), "wildcard21.cpp wildcard22.cpp") { message( "FAILED: files function: wildcard*.cpp" ) } #infile !infile(, DEFINES, QT_DLL ){ message( "FAILED: infile function" ) } #include include(, "", true ) !contains( DEFINES, QT_DLL ) { message( "FAILED: include function: $$DEFINES" ) } #replace VERSION=1.0.0 VERSION_replaced=$$replace(VERSION,\\.,_) !isEqual(VERSION_replaced, 1_0_0) { message( "FAILED: replace function: $$VERSION_replaced" ) } #test functions defineTest(myTestFunction) { RESULT = list=$$1 for(l, list) { RESULT += $$l } export(RESULT) } myTestFunction(oink baa moo) !equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink") { message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT") } myTestFunction("oink baa" moo) !equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink baa") { message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT") } myTestFunction(oink "baa moo") !equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink") { message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT") } myTestFunction("oink baa moo") !equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink baa moo") { message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT") } #recursive defineReplace(myRecursiveReplaceFunction) { RESULT = list = $$1 RESULT += $$member(list, 0) list -= $$RESULT !isEmpty(list):RESULT += $$myRecursiveReplaceFunction($$list) return($$RESULT) } RESULT = $$myRecursiveReplaceFunction(oink baa moo) !isEqual(RESULT, "oink baa moo") { message( "FAILED: myRecursiveReplaceFunction [$$RESULT] != oink baa moo" ) } moo = "this is a test" "for real" fn = $$OUT_PWD/testdir/afile write_file($$fn, moo)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed") exists($$fn)|message("FAILED: write_file() didn't write anything") mooout = $$cat($$fn, line) equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong") moo += "another line" write_file($$fn, moo)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed (take 2)") mooout = $$cat($$fn, line) equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong (take 2)") mooadd = "yet another line" write_file($$fn, mooadd, append)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed (append)") moo += $$mooadd mooout = $$cat($$fn, line) equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong when appending") pn = $$OUT_PWD/testpath/subdir mkpath($$pn)|message("FAILED: mkpath() failed") exists($$pn)|message("FAILED: mkpath() didn't create anything") in = easy "less easy" sca$${LITERAL_HASH}ry crazy$$escape_expand(\\t\\r\\n) $$escape_expand(\\t)shit \'no\"way\\here out = "easy \"less easy\" sca\$\${LITERAL_HASH}ry crazy\$\$escape_expand(\\\\t\\\\r\\\\n) \$\$escape_expand(\\\\t)shit \\\'no\\\"way\\\\here" testReplace($$val_escape(in), $$out, "val_escape") testReplace($$shadowed($$PWD/something), $$OUT_PWD/something, "shadowed") testReplace($$shadowed($$PWD), $$OUT_PWD, "shadowed (take 2)") #format_number spc = " " testReplace($$format_number(13), 13, "simple number format") testReplace($$format_number(-13), -13, "negative number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, ibase=16), 19, "hex input number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, obase=16), d, "hex output number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5), " $$spc 13", "right aligned number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 leftalign), "13 $$spc ", "left aligned number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 zeropad), "00013", "zero-padded number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 alwayssign), "$$spc +13", "always signed number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 alwayssign zeropad), "+0013", "zero-padded always signed number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 padsign), " $$spc 13", "sign-padded number format") testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 padsign zeropad), " 0013", "zero-padded sign-padded number format") testReplace($$clean_path("c:$${DIR_SEPARATOR}crazy//path/../trolls"), "c:/crazy/trolls", "clean_path") testReplace($$shell_path("/crazy/trolls"), "$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}crazy$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}trolls", "shell_path") testReplace($$system_path("/crazy/trolls"), "$${DIR_SEPARATOR}crazy$${DIR_SEPARATOR}trolls", "system_path") testReplace($$absolute_path("crazy/trolls"), "$$PWD/crazy/trolls", "absolute_path") testReplace($$absolute_path("crazy/trolls", "/fake/path"), "/fake/path/crazy/trolls", "absolute_path with base") testReplace($$absolute_path(""), "$$PWD", "absolute_path of empty") testReplace($$relative_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_), $$basename($$_PRO_FILE_), "relative_path") testReplace($$relative_path("/fake/trolls", "/fake/path"), "../trolls", "relative_path with base") testReplace($$relative_path(""), "", "relative_path of empty") #this test is very rudimentary. the backend function is thoroughly tested in qt creator in = "some nasty & ugly\" path & thing\\" out_cmd = "\"some nasty & ugly\\\" path ^& thing\\\\^\"" out_sh = "'some nasty & ugly\" path & thing\\'" equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows): \ out = $$out_cmd else: \ out = $$out_sh testReplace($$system_quote($$in), $$out, "system_quote") !equals(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, /): \ out = $$out_cmd else: \ out = $$out_sh testReplace($$shell_quote($$in), $$out, "shell_quote") testReplace($$reverse($$list(one two three)), three two one, "reverse") testReplace($$cat(textfile), hi '"holla he"' 'hu!') MOD.a.depends = MOD.b.depends = MOD.b.priority = 1 MOD.c.depends = a b testReplace($$resolve_depends($$list(c), "MOD."), c b a) MOD.a.priority = 1 MOD.b.priority = 0 testReplace($$resolve_depends($$list(c), "MOD."), c a b)