// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only // macro names that *aren't* string-literal-prefixes: #define Ru8 "rue-it" #define RL "real life" #define Ru "are you ?" #define RU "Are You ?" #define LLR "double-hockey-sticks" #define LUR "Tricky" #define LuR "tricky" #define Lu8R "l'uber" #define UUR "Double-Yew" #define ULR "Eweler" #define UuR "You ... you-are" #define Uu8R "You ... you *ate* our ..." #define uuR "water" #define uLR "eweler" #define uUR "double-Your" #define uu8R "totally uber" #define u8u8R "rubber-you" #define u8LR "Uber left-to-right" #define u8UR "Uber Upper-Right" #define u8uR "Uber upper-right" #define Ru8R "bouncy" #define RLR "Marching" #define RuR "Rossum's general-purpose workers" #define RUR "Rossum's Universal Robots" static const char monstrosity[] = Ru8"Ru8(" RL"RL(" Ru"Ru(" RU"RU(" LLR"LLR(" LUR"LUR(" LuR"LuR(" Lu8R"Lu8R(" UUR"UUR(" ULR"ULR(" UuR"UuR(" Uu8R"Uu8R(" uuR"uuR(" uLR"uLR(" uUR"uUR(" uu8R"uu8R(" u8u8R"u8u8R(" u8LR"u8LR(" u8UR"u8UR(" u8uR"u8uR(" Ru8R"Ru8R(" RLR"RLR(" RuR"RuR(" RUR"RUR(" "Finally, some content"; #include static const char closure[] = ")RUR" ")RuR" ")RLR" ")Ru8R" ")u8uR" ")u8UR" ")u8LR" ")u8u8R" ")uu8R" ")uUR" ")uLR" ")uuR" ")Uu8R" ")UuR" ")ULR" ")UUR" ")Lu8R" ")LuR" ")LUR" ")LLR" ")RU" ")Ru" ")RL" ")Ru8"; // If moc got confused, the confusion should now be over // Real raw strings, not actually leaving us inside any comments: static const char raw[] = R"blah(lorem " ipsum /*)blah"\ ; static const wchar_t wider[] = LR"blah(lorem " ipsum /*)blah"\ ; static const char32_t UCS4[] = UR"blah(lorem " ipsum /*)blah"\ ; static const char16_t UCS2[] = uR"blah(lorem " ipsum /*)blah"\ ; static const char utf8[] = u8R"blah(lorem " ipsum /*)blah"\ ; #include /* Avoid unused variable warnings by silly uses of arrays: */ #define final(x) x[sizeof(x) - 1] // 0, of course int main () { return final(raw) * (final(wider) - final(UCS4)) * (final(UCS2) - final(utf8)) * (final(monstrosity) - final(closure)); } #undef final