MainWindow 0 0 392 412 MainWindow 9 6 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised 9 6 Specify your name true -1 Girish Jasmin Simon Zack Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Check this if you are female &Female Gender: &Age: ageSpinBox Check this if you are male &Male &Name: nameCombo &Password: passwordEdit Specify your age Specify your age 12 22 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Please read the LICENSE file before checking I &accept the terms and &conditions Specify your password Specify your password Password QLineEdit::Password Select your profession Specify your name here Specify your name here 0 Developer Student Fisherman Profession: professionList Specify country of origin Specify country of origin 6 Egypt France Germany India Italy Korea Norway Pro&fession professionList 0 0 392 25 &File &Help &Exit About Qt Edit &Style About