The v8 tests are actually implemented in v8test.[h|cpp]. There are also QtTest (tst_v8.cpp) and non-Qt (v8main.cpp) stubs provided to run these tests. This is done to allow the tests to be run both in the Qt CI system, and manually without a build of Qt. The latter is necessary to run them against more exotic build of V8, like the ARM simulator. To build the non-Qt version of the tests, first build a debug or release V8 library under src/3rdparty/v8 using scons, and then use the Makefile.nonqt makefile selecting one of the following targets: release: Build the tests with -O2 and link against libv8 debug: Build the tests with -g and link against libv8_g release-m32: Build the tests with -O2 -m32 and link against libv8 debug-m32: Build the tests with -g -m32 and link against libv8_g