// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class tst_QProgressDialog : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void cleanup(); void autoShow_data(); void autoShow(); void autoShowCtor(); void getSetCheck(); void task198202(); void QTBUG_31046(); void QTBUG_19983(); void settingCustomWidgets(); void i18n(); void setValueReentrancyGuard(); }; void tst_QProgressDialog::cleanup() { QVERIFY(QApplication::topLevelWindows().empty()); } void tst_QProgressDialog::autoShow_data() { QTest::addColumn("min"); QTest::addColumn("max"); QTest::addColumn("value"); // initial setValue call QTest::addColumn("delay"); // then we wait for this long, and setValue(min+1) QTest::addColumn("minDuration"); QTest::addColumn("expectedAutoShow"); // Check that autoshow works even when not starting at 0 QTest::newRow("50_to_100_slow_shown") << 50 << 100 << 50 << 100 << 100 << true; // 50*100ms = 5s QTest::newRow("50_to_100_fast_not_shown") << 50 << 100 << 50 << 1 << 100 << false; // 1ms is too short to even start estimating QTest::newRow("50_to_60_high_minDuration_not_shown") << 50 << 60 << 50 << 100 << 2000 << false; // 10*100ms = 1s < 2s // Check that setValue(0) still starts the timer as previously documented QTest::newRow("50_to_100_slow_0_compat") << 50 << 100 << 0 << 100 << 100 << true; // 50*100ms = 5s QTest::newRow("50_to_100_fast_0_compat") << 50 << 100 << 0 << 1 << 100 << false; // 1ms is too short to even start estimating QTest::newRow("50_to_60_high_minDuration_0_compat") << 50 << 60 << 0 << 100 << 2000 << false; // 10*100ms = 1s < 2s // Check the typical case of starting at 0 QTest::newRow("0_to_100_slow_shown") << 0 << 100 << 0 << 100 << 100 << true; // 100*100ms = 10s > 100ms QTest::newRow("0_to_10_slow_shown") << 0 << 10 << 0 << 100 << 500 << true; // 10*100ms = 1s > 0.5s QTest::newRow("0_to_10_high_minDuration_not_shown") << 0 << 10 << 0 << 100 << 2000 << false; // 10*100ms = 1s < 2s // Check the special case of going via 0 at some point QTest::newRow("-1_to_1_slow_shown") << -1 << 1 << -1 << 200 << 100 << true; // 1*200ms = 200ms > 100ms QTest::newRow("-1_to_1_fast_not_shown") << -1 << 1 << -1 << 10 << 100 << false; // 10ms is too short to even start estimating QTest::newRow("-1_to_1_high_minDuration_not_shown") << -1 << 1 << -1 << 100 << 2000 << false; // 1*100ms = 100ms < 2s } void tst_QProgressDialog::autoShow() { QFETCH(int, min); QFETCH(int, max); QFETCH(int, value); QFETCH(int, delay); QFETCH(int, minDuration); QFETCH(bool, expectedAutoShow); QProgressDialog dlg("", "", min, max); if (minDuration != dlg.minimumDuration()) dlg.setMinimumDuration(minDuration); dlg.reset(); // cancel the timer started in the constructor, // in order to test for the setValue() behavior instead // See autoShowCtor() for the ctor timer check dlg.setValue(value); QThread::msleep(delay); dlg.setValue(min+1); QCOMPARE(dlg.isVisible(), expectedAutoShow); } void tst_QProgressDialog::autoShowCtor() { QProgressDialog dlg; QVERIFY(!dlg.isVisible()); QThread::msleep(dlg.minimumDuration()); QTRY_VERIFY(dlg.isVisible()); } // Testing get/set functions void tst_QProgressDialog::getSetCheck() { QProgressDialog obj1; // bool QProgressDialog::autoReset() // void QProgressDialog::setAutoReset(bool) obj1.setAutoReset(false); QCOMPARE(false, obj1.autoReset()); obj1.setAutoReset(true); QCOMPARE(true, obj1.autoReset()); // bool QProgressDialog::autoClose() // void QProgressDialog::setAutoClose(bool) obj1.setAutoClose(false); QCOMPARE(false, obj1.autoClose()); obj1.setAutoClose(true); QCOMPARE(true, obj1.autoClose()); // int QProgressDialog::maximum() // void QProgressDialog::setMaximum(int) obj1.setMaximum(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.maximum()); obj1.setMaximum(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.maximum()); obj1.setMaximum(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.maximum()); // int QProgressDialog::minimum() // void QProgressDialog::setMinimum(int) obj1.setMinimum(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.minimum()); obj1.setMinimum(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.minimum()); obj1.setMinimum(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.minimum()); // int QProgressDialog::value() // void QProgressDialog::setValue(int) obj1.setMaximum(INT_MAX); obj1.setMinimum(INT_MIN); obj1.setValue(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.value()); obj1.setValue(INT_MIN+1); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN+1, obj1.value()); obj1.setValue(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.value()); obj1.setValue(INT_MAX-1); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX-1, obj1.value()); obj1.setValue(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.value()); // We set autoReset, the thing is reset obj1.setAutoReset(false); obj1.setValue(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.value()); obj1.setAutoReset(true); // int QProgressDialog::minimumDuration() // void QProgressDialog::setMinimumDuration(int) obj1.setMinimumDuration(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.minimumDuration()); obj1.setMinimumDuration(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.minimumDuration()); obj1.setMinimumDuration(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.minimumDuration()); } void tst_QProgressDialog::task198202() { //should not crash QProgressDialog dlg(QLatin1String("test"),QLatin1String("test"),1,10); dlg.show(); QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&dlg)); int futureHeight = dlg.sizeHint().height() - dlg.findChild()->sizeHint().height(); dlg.setLabel(0); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QProgressDialog::setBar: Cannot set a null progress bar"); dlg.setBar(0); QTRY_COMPARE(dlg.sizeHint().height(), futureHeight); } void tst_QProgressDialog::QTBUG_31046() { QProgressDialog dlg("", "", 50, 60); dlg.setValue(0); QThread::msleep(200); dlg.setValue(50); QCOMPARE(50, dlg.value()); } void tst_QProgressDialog::QTBUG_19983() { QProgressDialog tempDlg; tempDlg.setRange(0, 0); tempDlg.setLabelText("This is a test."); QPushButton *btnOne = new QPushButton("Cancel", &tempDlg); tempDlg.setCancelButton(btnOne); tempDlg.show(); QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&tempDlg)); const auto btnOneGeometry = btnOne->geometry(); QVERIFY(QPoint(0,0) != btnOneGeometry.topLeft()); tempDlg.cancel(); QVERIFY(!tempDlg.isVisible()); QPushButton *btnTwo = new QPushButton("Cancel", &tempDlg); tempDlg.setCancelButton(btnTwo); tempDlg.show(); QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&tempDlg)); QCOMPARE(btnOneGeometry, btnTwo->geometry()); } void tst_QProgressDialog::settingCustomWidgets() { QPointer l = new QLabel; QPointer btn = new QPushButton; QPointer bar = new QProgressBar; QVERIFY(!l->parent()); QVERIFY(!btn->parent()); QVERIFY(!bar->parent()); { QProgressDialog dlg; QVERIFY(!dlg.isAncestorOf(l)); dlg.setLabel(l); QVERIFY(dlg.isAncestorOf(l)); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QProgressDialog::setLabel: Attempt to set the same label again"); dlg.setLabel(l); // setting the same widget again should not crash QVERIFY(l); // and not delete the (old == new) widget QVERIFY(!dlg.isAncestorOf(btn)); dlg.setCancelButton(btn); QVERIFY(dlg.isAncestorOf(btn)); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QProgressDialog::setCancelButton: Attempt to set the same button again"); dlg.setCancelButton(btn); // setting the same widget again should not crash QVERIFY(btn); // and not delete the (old == new) widget QVERIFY(!dlg.isAncestorOf(bar)); dlg.setBar(bar); QVERIFY(dlg.isAncestorOf(bar)); QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QProgressDialog::setBar: Attempt to set the same progress bar again"); dlg.setBar(bar); // setting the same widget again should not crash QVERIFY(bar); // and not delete the (old == new) widget } QVERIFY(!l); QVERIFY(!btn); QVERIFY(!bar); } class QTestTranslator : public QTranslator { const QString m_str; public: explicit QTestTranslator(QString str) : m_str(std::move(str)) {} QString translate(const char *, const char *sourceText, const char *, int) const override { return m_str + sourceText + m_str; } bool isEmpty() const override { return false; } }; template class QTranslatorGuard { Translator t; public: template explicit QTranslatorGuard(Arg a) : t(std::move(a)) { qApp->installTranslator(&t); } ~QTranslatorGuard() { qApp->removeTranslator(&t); } }; void tst_QProgressDialog::i18n() { QProgressDialog dlg; QPushButton *btn = dlg.findChild(); QVERIFY(btn); const QString xxx = QStringLiteral("xxx"); { QTranslatorGuard guard(xxx); { QPushButton *btn = dlg.findChild(); QVERIFY(btn); QTRY_COMPARE(btn->text(), QProgressDialog::tr("Cancel")); QVERIFY(btn->text().startsWith(xxx)); } } QVERIFY(btn); QTRY_COMPARE(btn->text(), QProgressDialog::tr("Cancel")); QVERIFY(!btn->text().startsWith(xxx)); } void tst_QProgressDialog::setValueReentrancyGuard() { // Tests setValue() of window modal QProgressBar with // Qt::QueuedConnection: // This test crashes with a stack overflow if the boolean // guard "processingEvents" that prevents reentranct calls // to QCoreApplication::processEvents() within setValue() // has not been implemented constexpr int steps = 100; // Should be at least 50 to test for crash QProgressDialog dlg("Testing setValue reentrancy guard...", QString(), 0, steps); dlg.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); dlg.setMinimumDuration(0); dlg.setAutoReset(false); // Simulate a quick work loop for (int i = 0; i <= steps; ++i) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&dlg, "setValue", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, i)); QTRY_COMPARE(dlg.value(), steps); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QProgressDialog) #include "tst_qprogressdialog.moc"